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Please see attached instructions and provide answers in RED on the excel worksheet. Only the Unit 2 tabs and Unit 3 trial balance tab need to be completed at this time. Instructionsstate formatting...

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Please see attached instructions and provide answers in RED on the excel worksheet. Only the Unit 2 tabs and Unit 3 trial balance tab need to be completed at this time. Instructionsstate formatting may be required as well as additional G/L names.
Answered Same Day Mar 20, 2020 UNIT 3


Ashish answered on Mar 22 2020
137 Votes
    Management Tools Assignment Part 1 and Part 2        Additional Notes:
            1) All Journal Entries MUST include the "Explanation" line.
    Due Dates        2) All Debit account entry lines MUST be fully left-justified.
    Assignment Part 1 - Due at the end of Unit 2 (40 Points)        3) All Credit account entry lines MUST be indented 4 or 5 spaces, UNIFORMLY.
    Assignment Part 2 - Due at the end of Unit 3 (40 Points)        4) You will be required to create at least ONE additional general Ledger Account to accommodate a few Journal Entires.
            5) You may creat one "Miscellaneous Expense" account in the General Ledger to accommodate all of the otherwise unspecified entries, OR you may create 2 or 3 new G/L accounts. For example "Utilities."
            6) Be sure that you use proper formatting when you create the Financial Statements. For example, all underlining and "$" signs must be properly formatted.
            7) These templates are NOT fully "pre-formatted". You must re-format them for proper presentation in many places.
    There are 9 Sheets in the Workbook including this one.
    All of the Information you need for the Project is located in this Workbook.
    Requirements    Sheet in Workbook
    Assignment Part 1 Due in Unit 02
    Requirement 1 - Prepare the Journal Entries in the General Journal    Jounral Entries    <-- VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: You must revise the General Ledger in Unit 3 to include the Adjusting & Closing Entries.
    Requirement 2 - Post Journal Entries to the General Ledger    General Ledge
    Requirement 3 - Prepare a Trial Balance    Trial Balance
    Assignment Part 2 - Due in Unit 3
    Requirement 4 - Prepare the Adjusting Entries    Adjusting Entries
    Requirement 5 - Post Adjusting Entries to the General Ledger    General Ledge
    Requirement 6 - Prepare an Adjusted Trial Balance    Adjusted TB
    Requirement 7 - Prepare the Financial Statements    Financial Statements
    Requirement 8 - Prepare the Closing Entries    Closing Entries
    Requirement 9 - Post Closing Entries to the General Ledger    General Ledge
    Requirement 10 - Prepare the Post Closing Trial Balance    Post Closing TB
Journal Entries-Due in Unit 2
    Prepare journal entries to record the June transactions in the General Journal below.
                General Journal
    Date    Description(Account Name)            Debit    Credit
    1-Jun    Cash            $10,000
        Accounts Receivable            $1,500
        Supplies            $1,250
        Office Equipment            $7,500
        Dustin Larkin, Capital                $20,250
        To record Dustin Larkin's capital
    1-Jun    Rent Expense            $4,500
        Cash                $4,500
        To record rent payment
    2-Jun    Insurance Expense            $1,800
        Cash                $1,800
        To record ins. Payment
    4-Jun    Cash            $3,000
        Unearned Revenue                $3,000
        To record receipt of unearned revenue
    5-Jun    Office Equipment            $1,800
        Accounts Payable                $1,800
        To record purchase of office equipment
    6-Jun    Cash            $800
        Accounts Receivable                $800
        To record payment received
    10-Jun    Misc. Expense            $120
        Cash                $120
        To record advertisment expense
    12-Jun    Accounts Payable            $800
        Cash                $800
        To record payment to accounts pyble
    12-Jun    Accounts Receivable            $2,250
        Fees Earned                $2,250
        To rec services provided & accr. Rev.
    14-Jun    Salary Expense            $400
        Cash                $400
        To rec payment to receptionist
    17-Jun    Cash            $3,175
        Fees Earned                $3,175
        To rec cash from clients for fees earned
    18-Jun    Supplies            $750
        Cash                $750
    20-Jun    Fees Earned
        Accounts Receivable            $1,100
        To rec services provided on acct                $1,100
    24-Jun    Cash            $1,850
        Fees Earned                $1,850
        To rec cash rec from clients for fees
    26-Jun    Cash            $1,600
        Accounts Receivable                $1,600
        To rec cash recevied from client
    27-Jun    Salary Exp.            $400
        Cash                $400
        To rec payment of receptionist
    29-Jun    Misc. Expense            $130
        Cash                $130
        To rec payment of telephone bill
    30-Jun    Misc. Expense            $200
        Cash                $200
        To rec payment of electric bill
    30-Jun    Cash            $2,050
        Fees Earned                $2,050
        To rec cash received from fees earned
    30-Jun    Fees Earned            $1,000
        Accounts Receivable                $1,000
        To rec services provided on account
    30-Jun    Dustin Larkin, Drawing            $4,500
        Cash                $4,500
        To record Dustin's withdrawal
General Ledger - Due in Unit 2
    This Sheet will be used for Requirements 2, 5 and 9
            GENERAL LEDGER
    ACCOUNT:        CASH                ACCOUNT    NO. 11
    2013            POST.            BALANCE
    June    1    Dustin Larkin, Capital        $ 10,000.00        $ 10,000.00
    June    1    Rent Expense            $ 4,500.00    $ 5,500.00
    June    2    Insurance Expense            $ 1,800.00    $ 3,700.00
    June    4    Unearned Revenue        $ 3,000.00        $ 6,700.00
    June    6    Accounts Receivable        $ 800.00        $ 7,500.00
    June    10    Miscellaneous Expense            $ 120.00    $ 7,380.00
    June    12    Accounts Payable            $ 800.00    $ 6,580.00
    June    14    Salary Expense            $ 400.00    $ 6,180.00
    June    17    Fees Earned        $ 3,175.00        $ 9,355.00
    June    18    Supplies            $ 750.00    $ 8,605.00
    June    24    Fees Earned        $ 1,850.00        $ 10,455.00
    June    26    Accounts Receivable        $ 1,600.00        $ 12,055.00
    June    27    Salary Expense            $ 400.00    $ 11,655.00
    June    29    Miscellaneous Expense            $ 130.00    $ 11,525.00
    June    29    Miscellaneous Expense            $ 200.00    $ 11,325.00
    June    30    Fees Earned        $ 2,050.00        $ 13,375.00
    June    30    Dustin Larkin, Drawing            $ 4,500.00    $ 8,875.00
                            $ - 0
                            $ - 0
                            $ - 0
                            $ - 0
    ACCOUNT:        ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                ACCOUNT    NO....

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