Dear students
Here are some guidelines for your projects. I hope this will helps you a lot during your project.
Enjoy it
Project Title
Table of Contents
o Why your topic and specifically project is important (convince me!)
o What you will talk about or do?
o Overview of the rest of your paper (section 2 covers...section 3 presents...)
Background and literature (much more in depth than the proposal literature overview)
o problem being addressed
o Any relevant and specific information – literature/statistics, resources, context and
o What other people had to say on this topic(s)
(be sure to cite your references, and quote as appropriate)
o You are expected to discuss the books and papers that you include in your
eferences. You must also cite them. Include a
ief rationale explaining why you
thought it was useful.
o What other people did on this topic (or related topics)
o Problems and shortcomings of their work
o How your work is different and better
o Your approach to the problem
o What you did
o Design and strategies
- what you already had (and where it came from)
- what you added/changed
- may include diagrams, images
o What did/didn't work?
o Include graphs, equations, pictures, etc. as appropriate
o Outcomes or results
o Limitations
o Challenges
o Any changes that had to be made from the original proposal and why and how?
Include relevant observations, measurements, and statistics if appropriate.
What happened – what was the final outcome and how did you know that you
achieved what you did achieved – relate to project proposal
o Try to draw together the intro, background, and project sections.
o How do they all relate together? (They may appear to be disjointed sections to an
unfamiliar reader).
o Restate important results and outcomes
o What was accomplished?
o What was learned?
o How does this project
ing together the learning that you have from the degree as
a whole (this alludes to the fact that this is a ‘Capstone’ subject?
o What you would have done differently?
o Future work?
o You should include a number of books and papers that were useful. Cite the
ooks that you used
o Australian Harvard and references should be no more than 6 years XXXXXXXXXX).
o Anything you found useful
o Include textbooks from other subjects in your degree if you want to
Illustrate your report with images
More information for the project
I have made some changes in my topic, it goes as
“Effectiveness of educating nursing staffs on preventive measures of pressure injury to
educe pressure injury”
This project should be ca
ied out using SMART goal.
The main aim of this project is to educate nursing staff and increase their knowledge and awareness
on prevention of pressure injury and reduce the rate of pressure injury in 6 weeks.
My participants was AINs (assistant in nursing), Medication nurse working in a selected aged care.
Pretest was conducted using questionnaire and based on the outcome educational intervention was
Convenient sampling was done as it is not possible to educate all nursing staffs employed in a
facility. (I am not sure about sampling so please co
ect it)
Power point presentation handout and flyers were distributed and posters were kept in residents
and staff room as reminder.
Proper education was given on implementation of existing pressure injury checklist developed by
facility itself to reduce rate of injury. Checklist include skin care, repositioning, condition of skin,
if any dressing then that need to be changed or not, application of moisturizing.
Before the educational intervention the pressure ulcer injury rate was 14% and after education
intervention and proper use of checklist, repositioning and use of moisturizing lotion, although
there is not dramatically change after 6 week there were just 2% of new cases of pressure injury
and good healing of existing pressure injury. ( Actual data was not collected it’s just an assumption
ut have to make sure that actual intervention was ca
ied out including education session and
data collection).
Note- This is just a roughly figure you can make changes in best possible way to get good
esult. I have attached my project proposal with feedback. I hope this will make you clear
what I want to do in my project.