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Speech Analysis Paper !1 HUC-106 Public Speaking Speech Analysis Paper Objectives: 1. To evaluate an out-of-class public speaker 2. To reinforce formal outline procedures and public speech techniques...

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Speech Analysis Paper
HUC-106 Public Speaking
Speech Analysis Paper
1. To evaluate an out-of-class public speaker
2. To reinforce formal outline procedures and public speech techniques
3. To transfer knowledge of public speaking writing to essay writing using: (1) thesis and
conclusion supported by evidence; (2) the appropriate genre for the intended audience;
and (3) clear and logical organization; and (4) rules and mechanics of effective writing
Assignment: You are to listen to a speech outside of the classroom. The speech will allow you
to make connections across academic disciplines outside of Communication Studies.
Requirements: The paper should be no less than two (2) and no more than three (3) pages in
length (Note: One page ~ 22 lines). Paper should be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font
with 1-inch margins, and double spacing. Paper should follow conventions of academic writing.
Paper Structure: Your paper should address most of the following questions. Do not answer
the questions by number; write the paper as an essay. The following are suggested topics to in-
clude in each section:
I. Introduction (1 paragraph):
A. State the name of the speaker.
B. State the date and location of the speech. Include any context su
ounding the
speech that may inform the purpose and content. (Example: Ferguson, MO shoot-
ing, etc. )
C. Present the speaker’s credentials.
D. Explain how this speech connects to your own personal or academic learning ex-
perience (e.g., is it relevant to any of your other coursework here at LaGuardia?).
E. State your thesis which should offer an evaluation of the content and quality of
the speech.
II. Content (several paragraphs): For each of the following, first refer specifically to tech-
niques taught or examples shown in class or read in the textbook, and then explain if and
how they are employed (or not employed) by the speaker.
A. How did the speaker gain the attention of the audience in the introduction?
B. Did the speaker establish credibility? How?
C. Did the speaker state a specific purpose? How?
D. What was the thesis statement? Was it clear?
E. Did the speaker include a preview of the main points? If so, what main points did
the speaker list?
F. What types of supporting materials (examples, statistics, metaphors, analogies,
ative, definition, comparison, contrast, testimony, vivid images) did the
speaker use?
G. Did the speaker provide clear oral citations?
H. List some transitions the speaker used.
I. Discuss the effectiveness of the conclusion.
J. Discuss the speaker’s use of language. Was it clear, concise, creative, grammati-
cally co
ect, and vivid? Did the speaker utilize poetic techniques such as allitera-
tion, repetition, parallelism, figures of speech, metaphors, or similes?
III. Delivery (about one paragraph): For each of the following, first refer specifically to
techniques taught or examples shown in class or read in the textbook, and then explain if
and how they are employed (or not employed) by the speaker.
A. Vocal Elements
B. Physical Elements
IV. Response (about one paragraph):
A. Include several elements of the speech that you would like to incorporate (or to
avoid) in your next speech to improve your public speaking abilities.
B. Explain what you learned from the content of the speech and its relevance to you.
C. Discuss any other reactions you had to the speech.
V. Conclusion (one paragraph) :
A. Write a statement or two that sums up your analysis and evaluation of the event.
B. When applicable, discuss the audience’s reaction to the speech.
Answered Same Day Aug 06, 2021


Soumi answered on Aug 06 2021
152 Votes
Last Name 5
Title: HUC-106 Public Speaking— Speech Analysis Pape
I. Introduction    3
II. Content    3
III. Delivery    4
IV. Response    4
V. Conclusion    4
Work Cited    5
I. Introduction
The name of the speaker is Mr. Barack Obama. The date and location of the speech is July 27, 2004, in Boston, Massachusetts. The speaker credentials are— Illinois Senate Mr. Barack Obama gave the speech at the Democratic National Convention. My learning from this speech is to be visionary, work hard, set educational goals to be achieved, hard work and perseverance is the only key to success (CNN). To persuade the audience and the future the country’s government is going to offer. The hard work will be rewarded, health coverage will be affordable, more employment opportunities, freedom of liberty and faith.
II. Content
The speaker gained the attention by addressing the ground harsh realities faced by the family and the way, in which, from a small village to dreaming big and working hard, paid off. Besides, the...

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