Assessment Task 1
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Written Assessment Task-3
Professional Development Plan
The professional development plan is a personal guide for your CPD activities. The learning plan provides a structured way for you to develop learning objectives based on the learning needs you identified following assessment of your practice and to identify and complete learning activities to address the needs you identified.
The first step in the planning process is to have a clear picture of your career goals. This includes self-reflection and career exploration to help you identify the career path that will
ing you the most job satisfaction. Once you’ve identified your career interest, you can identify the related knowledge, skills, and competencies you need to develop in order to reach your career goal.
Once you have identified the knowledge, skills, and competencies required of your career goal, you will need to assess your cu
ent competency in those areas. You may want to review past performance appraisals and feedback you have received from your supervisor or others. Do not focus just on the areas in which you are less skilled, and remember that strengths can also continue to be developed.
The next step is to create the Personal Development Plan. The Completing the Individual Development Plan Resource Guide (see page 2 of this Guide) provides the step-by-step process for creating the Personal Development Plan. Once you’ve created your plan, you need to share it with your supervisor and possibly a mentor. You should lead the conversation about your development goals as you are the ultimate owner of your own development, however the plan should be mutually agreed upon by you and your supervisor and possibly a mentor.
Once your plan is in place, it is time to get busy completing the learning activities by the timeframes you have identified. Individual development often involves changing behaviours in addition to learning new ones. Research suggests that desired change is more likely to be successful when:
· The desired competency is specifically defined
· There is commitment and motivation to the behaviour change
· An action plan is shared with others
· Other people support your behaviour change
· The behavioural outcomes are visible and can be measured
Use your calendar to highlight timeframes and schedule time with yourself each week to ca
y out the learning activities in your plan; a minimum of 30 minutes a week is recommended. Address ba
iers as they arise and make adjustments to the plan as necessary – remember, this is your individual development plan.
Finally, you need to receive feedback on your progress and evaluate your success in meeting your development milestones. Set follow-up meetings with your supervisor and possibly a mentor. The duration and frequency will depend on specific needs but as a general guideline, a 30 minute meeting every three months is recommended.
Please refer to the guidelines above and fill the CPD table below:
*The learning objective and outcome should be relevant to your work outcome as community worker.
Competency standard
Learning objective (i.e. what do you want to learn?)
Why is this learning objective important to your context of practice?
Learning (CPD) activities
Dates Completed
How did the CPD activity you completed contribute to your practice?
Key Tips for creating a learning plan
Following your reflection and assessment create a learning plan that focuses on the priority area you identified.
Develop realistic learning objectives by asking:
What knowledge/skill do you want to gain?
How will you acquire this knowledge/skill?
What performance do you expect to demonstrate as a result of this new learning?
When will this learning be accomplished?
How does this relate to your role and practice?
Australia Institute of Business and Technology
Version 1.2- June 2016
© Succeed Pty Ltd