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59533/Cl_InterNW_AE_Pro_2of3 Week17 9Jun20 Sample Help.docx
Clustered Project Assessment 2 of 3
Name of the cluste
Cl_InterNW (Internetworking)
Unit code, name and release numbe
ICTTEN420 – Design, install and configure an internetwork (1)
ICTNWK404 - Install, operate and troubleshoot a small enterprise
anch network (1)
Qualification/Course code, name and release numbe
ICT40418 - Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking (2)
Student details
Student numbe
Student name
Assessment Declaration
This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised.
Student signature and Date
Document title    Version 1.0    Page 1 of 3
Disclaimer:  Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Please check to ensure this is the latest version.
© 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011
Document title: Cl_InterNW_AE_Pro_2of3    Page 32 of 36
Resource ID: TBS_19_003_ Cl_InterNW_AE_Pro_2of3 STUDENT NAME:
Version:    20200130
Date created:    25/07/2019
Date modified:    01/06/2020
For queries, please contact:
Technology and Business Services SkillsPoint
Building B, Level G, Corner Ha
is Street and Mary Ann Street, Ultimo NSW 2007
© 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is co
ect at time of printing: 1 June 2020. For cu
ent information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.
Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
        Assessment details
        Assessment overview
        The objective of this clustered assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance in the following units:
· ICTNWK404 Install, operate and troubleshoot a small enterprise
anch network
· ICTTEN420 Design, install and configure an internetwork
For ICTNWK404 you would be required to:
· specify the operation of a data network
· implement a small switched network
· implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements
· implement a small routed network
· research different methods for connecting to a WAN
For ICTTEN420 you would be required to:
· define technical requirements, constraints and manageability issues for a given customer network
· design enterprise internetwork
· install and configure designed internetwork
        Assessment Event numbe
        2 of 3
        Instructions for this assessment
        This is a clustered project-based assessment and will be assessing you on your knowledge and performance of all the units listed in this assessment.
This assessment is in four parts:
1. Product – produce network documentation
2. Practical – implement a basic switched network
3. Practical – implement IP addressing schemes and services
4. Presentation – DataTrust network review
The assessment also contains:
1. Assessment Checklist
2. Observation Checklist
        Submission instructions
        On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it or hand it to your assessor for marking.
You are required to submit the following files:
· Firstname_Lastname_ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report
· Firstname_Lastname_DataTrust_NetSim_Part2.pkt
· Firstname_Lastname_DataTrust_NetSim_Part3.pkt
· where Firstname_Lastname is your full name
Ensure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of this assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
        What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?
        To successfully complete this assessment the student will be available at the a
anged time to complete all the assessment criteria as outlined in the assessment instructions.
All parts of the observable task must be performed to a satisfactory level as indicated in the criteria section of the Observation Checklist.
All oral questions must be answered co
ectly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task; however, Assessors may ask questions to clarify understanding.
        What do I need to provide?
        Portable hard drive or USB with enough space, to save work to.
        What do assessor needs to provide?
        Access to the Learning Management System (Moodle)
Access to scenario documents as listed in the assessment
Access to the following scenario documents in the Cl_InterNW_AE_Pro_2f3_SD folder as listed in the assessment.
· ROI_Scenario.pdf
· ROI_Project_
· ROI_HeadOffice_NetworkArchitecture.png
· DataTrust_Scenario&Specifications.pdf
· ROI_IT_Proc_Inst_policy_V3.pdf
· ROI_NetDesign_Report_template.docx
· DataTrust_DeviceConfig_Log.docx
· DataTrust_NetSim_Part2.pkt
· DataTrust_NetSim_Part3.pkt
Access to a computer having all necessary software pre-installed
· Office Applications (e.g. Microsoft Word or similar)
· Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2 (or later) Application
        Due date/time allowed/venue/location
        Due date: Refer to the Unit Assessment Guide for the due dates
Venue: In-class
Time allowed: The estimated times for a student to complete each part of this assessment is approximately as follows:
Part 1 – four hours
Part 2 – three hours
Part 3 – two hours
Part 4 – fifteen minutes
Note: Part 4 of this assessment is a supervised assessment tasks.
        It is expected that Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this assessment will be completed as ‘take-home’ tasks. If you are unable to complete this assessment as a ‘take-home’ task then contact your assessor immediately so that they can make other a
Your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you.
The student may access their referenced text, learning notes and other resources.
        Assessment feedback, review or appeals
        In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teacher for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.
        Reasonable adjustment 
        If a student has a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent them from successfully completing the assessment event(s) in the way described, the student can approach you to request ‘reasonable adjustment’ for the assessment. If this happens, you may take the following actions: 
For out of class activities, you may grant an extension to the submission date or offer to combine this activity with ve
al questioning, depending on the condition of the student.  
For in-class activities, adjustments can be made in line with the reasonable adjustment required and may include extra time and adjustment of the simulated work environment to meet physical requirements. 
Any reasonable adjustments offered and undertaken, must be recorded in the feedback section of the assessment instrument.  
Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities below will be used by the assessor to determine whether the tasks and activities have been satisfactorily completed. Use these instructions and criteria to ensure you demonstrate the required skills and knowledge in all the units listed in this assessment.
If this assessment requires you to record information, your assessor will provide you with an appropriate document/template.
You also need to refer to the following documents in the Cl_InterNW_AE_Pro_2of3_SD, zipped folder provided to you.
· ROI_Scenario.pdf
· ROI_Project_
· ROI_HeadOffice_NetworkArchitecture.png
· DataTrust_Scenario&Specifications.pdf
· ROI_IT_Proc_Inst_policy_V3.pdf
· ROI_NetDesign_Report_template.docx
· DataTrust_DeviceConfig_Log.docx
· DataTrust_NetSim_Part2.pkt
· DataTrust_NetSim_Part3.pkt
Part 1: Product – produce network documentation
In this task, you need to produce the required network documentation for an enterprise internetwork of your client Red Opal Innovations (ROI).
Use the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template to document your findings and analysis for the following tasks.
Task 1: Define internetwork requirements and constraints
a) Read the following to understand the background of your client’s organisation, their existing network and requirements for the new
anch office network.
· ROI_Scenario
· ROI_Project_
· ROI_HeadOffice_NetworkArchitecture.png
) Define the following requirements that relate to the
anch office internetwork project.
i. technical requirements
ii. physical constraints/limitations
iii. financial constraints/limitations (e.g. budget)
iv. expansion projections
v. manageability issues
Use Section 1 of the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template to document your answers.
· Specified technical requirements
· Specified physical and financial constraints
· Specified expansion projections
· Specified manageability issues
· Understands key principles and concepts underpinning design and operation of networks
· Used clear, specific and industry-accepted terminology to produce the network documentation
· Requirements written as suitable for management review
Task 2: Produce internetwork topology
a) Produce an enterprise internetwork topology design after consideration of the requirements in Task 1.
) Demonstrate the use of advanced routing and addressing techniques in your internetwork design. To do this,
i. Make notes within the design where relevant to indicate routing protocols that are to be implemented in the internetwork Indicated the routing protocols (RIPv2) to be used in the design topology
ii. Create an IP addressing scheme that is appropriate for the internetwork topology design. Verify your addressing scheme using calculations and include these calculations as additional notes in your report.
iii. Clearly indicate in your design the following IP addressing techniques to be implemented in the internetwork.    
· subnetting,
· network address translation (NAT),
· use of DHCP
c) You must use an industry accepted network designing tool to design the internetwork topology as it is a policy in your organisation to present this information in a professional manner to your client.
Guidelines on tools to be used:
You may use any network designing tool that is cu
ently used in the industry in order to do this task. Examples of some of these tools are:
· – this is a freely available online drawing tool
· Microsoft Visio – this is a Microsoft licensed product
d) Include a clear screenshot of the internetwork topology you’ve designed under Section 2 of the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template. Note: Ensure that you include the following in your topology diagram:
· a meaningful heading
· full name and date below the design

Task 3: Determine network devices and resources
a) Read the ROI’s Procurement and Installation policy (ROI_IT_Proc_Inst_policy_V3.pdf) document to understand company procedures relevant to obtaining new hardware resources.
) Research online for suitable network devices (routers and switches) and network resources (printer, server software) that may be appropriate for ROI’s network implementation.
c) Document your research using the ROI Quotation request forms given under Appendix A of the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template. Ensure that you complete the following quotations:
i. Quotation 1 – research of two basic routers and their vendor details.
ii. Quotation 2 – research of two network switches and their vendor details.
iii. Quotation 3 – research of two network printers and their vendor details.
iv. Quotation 4 – research of two network operating systems and their vendor details.
d) Determine the most suitable network devices and network resources. To do this,
i. Complete the Approval to Purchase form with recommendations and reasons of why you are choosing one vendor over the other for all four quotations you’ve completed previously.
ii. Assume that you are the first approver and the IT Support Manager is the second approver when filling the approval sections of the form.
Task 4: Include network security in the internetwork design
a) Review the ROI_Project_
ief to understand the security considerations and enterprise procedures for implementing network security.
) Document the router and switch configurations that would help produce a secure
anch office internetwork design according to ROI’s network security specifications. Your answer should include both router and switch configurations for at least three network security specifications.
Use Section 3 of the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template to document your answers.
Task 5: Prepare network design report
The report is to be a word-processed document and you must use the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template. You should have already completed Section 1 –3 and Appendix A of the report template along with tasks 1 – 4 above.
Use clear, specific and industry-related terminology to produce and complete the following sections of the internetwork design report.
a) Introduction: write a small paragraph that explains the purpose of this report to ROI management.
) Section 1 – Internetwork requirements and constraints – This section should be completed as part of Task 1.
c) Section 2 – Internetwork topology design – This section should be completed as part of Task 2.
d) Section 3 – Application of network security in internetwork design - This section should be completed as part of Task 4.
e) Conclusion - write a small paragraph that explains the outcomes and a summary of the contents of the report as appropriate for ROI management review.
f) Bibliography – include any relevant sources of reference in this section in APA referencing format.
g) Appendix A – ROI Quotation Request and Approval Forms - This section should be completed as part of Task 3.
Submission Instructions
· Rename the file name of the ROI_InternetworkDesign_Report_template as follows:
a. Firstname_Lastname_ROI_InterNWDesign_Report.docx
· Include your full name, student number and date of submission on the title page and heade
footer of the report.
· The report should include the following:
a. Title page
. Table of contents
c. Version numbering
d. Page numbers
· Submit your report in either .docx or .pdf formats.
Document title    Version 1.0    Page 1 of 3
Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Please check to ensure this is the latest version.
© 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011
Part 1: Assessment Checklist
The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the assessment criteria of your submitted/presented project. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge you need to demonstrate in your submission/presentation. All the criteria described in the Assessment Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions while the submission/presentation is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been submitted/completed.
        TASK/STEP #
        Assessor Comments
        Unit n
and criteria
        Considered technical requirements, physical and financial constraints and expansion projections for network topology design
        Date of Observation:
Assessors are to record their observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the students’ performance against the criteria.
        ICTTEN420 (2.1, FS2, FS3, FS10)
        Produced enterprise internetwork topology after considering requirements
        ICTTEN420 (2.1, PE1, KE9, AC3, AC6)
        Indicated routing protocols that are to be implemented in the internetwork
        ICTTEN420 (PE2)
        Created an IP addressing scheme appropriate for the network
        ICTNWK404 (3.2, FS7)
ICTTEN420 (3.2, FS6)
        Demonstrated the use of IP addressing techniques in the topology design
        ICTTEN420 (PE2)
        Researched on router products
        ICTNWK404 (4.2, FS1, FS8)
        Selected a route
        ICTNWK404 (4.2, FS2, FS8)
        Determine network devices and network resources according to enterprise procedures
        ICTTEN420 (2.2, FS1, FS7-8)
        Included network security design for router and switch configurations
        ICTTEN420 (2.3, FS1, FS2, FS3, FS7-8, FS10-13
        Used clear, specific and industry related terminology to produce network documentation
        ICTTEN420 (FS3, FS40
Part 2: Practical – implement a basic switched network
The demonstration tasks in this section would involve building a network for a fictitious organisation called DataTrust and performing the initial network device configurations.
In order to understand the organisation’s network, you must refer to the DataTrust scenario and specifications (DataTrust_Scenario&Specificaitons.pdf) document which outlines the necessary background information, project related documentation and specifications for basic device configurations.
Do the following as preparation before you begin the demonstration tasks.
1. Open DataTrust_NetSim_Part2.pkt using Cisco Packet Tracer
2. Save your file as Firstname_Lastname_DataTrust_NetSim_Part2.pkt
Note: Make sure that you regularly save your file so that you do not lose any of your work.
Demonstration 1: Configure Router initial settings and basic security
Demonstrate the task of configuring the initial settings and basic security for the routers (R1, R2, R3) in the network according to DataTrust organisation’s specifications.
Ensure that you configure the co
ect IP addresses on the router interfaces according to the specifications provided by the organisation.
a) Configure the router R1 according to the specifications provided.
) Configure the router R2 according to the specifications provided.
c) Configure the router R3 according to the specifications provided.
d) Save the above router configurations in each device.
e) Provide a screenshot of each router’s (R1, R2, R3) cu
ent configuration in the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log under section 1. Router initial settings and basic security
show run (on All routers)
Demonstration 2: Configure Switch initial settings and basic security
Demonstrate the task of configuring the initial settings and basic security for the switches (S1, S3) in the network according to DataTrust organisation’s specifications.
a) Configure the switch S1 according to the specifications provided.
) Configure the switch S3 according to the specifications provided.
c) Save the above switch configurations in each device.
d) Provide a screenshot of both S1 and S3’s cu
ent configuration in the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log under section 2. Switch initial settings and basic security
show run (on All switches)
Demonstration 3: Verify network status and network device operation
Demonstrate the task of verifying the network device operation and the overall network status.
a) Use the ping command to test connectivity between network devices.
) Use the table provided under section 3 of the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log to methodically verify and document network status and device operation status.
c) Take co
ective action to establish connectivity if a test fails.
Sample Guidelines:
        IP Address
        Ping Results
        R2, S0/0/0
        Should be successful.
        R3, S0/0/1
        Should be successful.
Demonstration 4: Perform switch configuration for setting up VLANs
Review the Specifications for setting up VLANs in the DataTrust scenario and specifications (DataTrust_Scenario&Specificaitons.pdf) document.
Implement the VLAN configuration along with the co
ect IP addresses according to the specifications provided by the organisation.
a) Configure the switch S1 according to the specifications provided
) Configure the switch S3 according to the specifications provided
c) Save the above switch configurations in each device.
d) Provide a screenshot of both S1 and S3’s cu
ent configuration in the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log under section 4. Switch VLAN configurations.
show vlan
ief (on All switches)
Demonstration 5: Perform router configuration for inter-VLAN connectivity
Review the Specifications for setting up VLANs in the DataTrust scenario and specifications (DataTrust_Scenario&Specificaitons.pdf) document.
Implement the appropriate settings to configure routers for inter-VLAN connectivity according to specifications provided by the organisation.
a) Configure the router R1 according to the security specifications provided
) Save the above router configuration on the device.
c) Provide a screenshot of R1’s cu
ent configuration in the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log under section 5. Router configurations for inter-VLAN connectivity.
Show all settings R1…
Demonstration 6: Verify switched network connectivity
Demonstrate the task of verifying the switched network connectivity.
a) Use the ping command to test connectivity between network devices and VLANs.
) Use the table provided under section 6 of the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log to methodically verify and document switched network connectivity status.
c) Take co
ective action to establish connectivity if a test fails.
Sample Guidelines:
        IP Address
        Ping Results
        R1, VLAN 99 address
        Should be successful.
        R1, VLAN 99 address
        Should be successful.
        R1, VLAN 21 address
        Should be successful.
        R1, VLAN 23 address
        Should be successful.
Demonstration 7: Configure RIPv2 on routers
Review the Specifications for setting up a classless routing protocol (RIPv2) in the DataTrust scenario and specifications (DataTrust_Scenario&Specificaitons.pdf) document.
Implement the appropriate settings to configure routers for RIPv2 operation. Ensure that you assign the co
ect IP addresses according to the specifications.
a) Configure the router R1 according to the RIPv2 specifications provided
) Configure the router R2 according to the RIPv2 specifications provided
c) Configure the router R3 according to the RIPv2 specifications provided
d) Save the above router configurations in each device.
e) Provide a screenshot of each router’s (R1, R2, R3) cu
ent routing protocol configuration in the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log under section 7. Routing protocol configuration
show run for all rip, network LAN interfaces info (on All rounters)
Demonstration 8: Verify routing protocol operation
Verify that RIP is functioning as expected. To do this enter the appropriate CLI command to determine the following information.
· Display RIP Process ID, Router ID, Routing Networks, and passive interfaces
· Display only RIP routes
· Display the RIP section of the running-configuration
Use the table provided under section 8 of the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log to document the routing protocol operation along with screenshots of using the co
ect CLI commands.
Show ip protocols
show ip route rip
show run | section router RIP
Demonstration 9: Configure DHCP for IPv4
Review the Specifications for DHCP configuration in the DataTrust scenario and specifications (DataTrust_Scenario&Specificaitons.pdf) document.
a) Configure router R1 as a DHCP server according to the specifications provided.
a) Save the above R1 router configurations on the device.
) Provide a screenshot of the R1 router’s cu
ent DHCP configuration settings in the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log under section 9. Router DHCP configuration
Show dhcp info
Demonstration 10: Verify DHCP configuration
In this task you are required to verify that DHCP is assigning IP addresses to hosts automatically and is functioning as expected.
a) Use the appropriate CLI command to determine the following information.
· Verify that PC-A acquired IP information from the DHCP serve
· Verify that PC-C acquired IP information from the DHCP serve
· Verify that PC-A can ping PC-C.
Note: It may be necessary to disable the PC firewall for pings to be successful.
) Use the table provided under section 10 of the DataTrust_DeviceConfiguration_Log to document the DHCP operation along with screenshots of using the co
ect CLI commands.
Sample Guidelines:
        Verify that PC-A acquired IP information from the DHCP serve
        C:\> ipconfig /all
(Look at settings to determine if dhcp provided the co
ect network information.)
        Verify that PC-C acquired IP information from the DHCP serve
        C:\> ipconfig /all
(Look at settings to determine if dhcp provided the co
ect network information.)
        Verify that PC-A can ping PC-C.
Note: It may be necessary to disable the PC firewall
        C:\> ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Part 3: Practical – Implement IP addressing schemes and services
The demonstration tasks in this section would involve configuring hosts, router, server, PCs and laptops in DataTrust Perth
anch to connect to the Customer Service Web Server through the internet.
In order to understand the organisation’s network, you must refer to the DataTrust scenario and specifications (DataTrust_Scenario&Specificaitons.pdf) document which outlines the necessary background information, project related documentation and specifications for basic device configurations.
Do the following as preparation before you begin the demonstration tasks.
1. Open DataTrust_NetSim_Part3 using Cisco Packet Tracer
2. Save your file as Firstname_Lastname_DataTrust_NetSim_Part3.pkt
3. Open DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template using Microsoft WORD
4. Save your file as Firstname_Lastname_DataTrust_NetDesign_Report
Note: Make sure that you regularly save your file so that you do not lose any of your work.
Demonstration 1: Establish connections
a) Connect the DataTrust Perth server to switch S2 GigabitEthernet0/2 by selecting the appropriate media, cable, port and connectors.

) Test that the DataTrust Perth server is ready to communicate with other hosts.
Demonstration 2: Specify the need for IP addressing schemes and services
In this task, you’ll be demonstrating your understanding of IP addresses and related services along with their purpose and use.
a) Write a paragraph specifying the need and role of IP addresses in a typical network. Make sure that your written answer communicates information clearly to DataTrust management.
Include your answer under Section 1 of the DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template.
) Write a paragraph specifying the operational requirements of private and public IP addressing. Make sure that your written answer communicates information clearly to DataTrust management.
Include your answer under Section 2 of the DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template.
Demonstration 3: Determine and apply IP addresses
a) Review the following IP addressing requirements provided to you by DataTrust management.
· DataTrust Perth Server     the first address of /24
· L1            the second address of /24
· PC1            the first address of /24
· PC2            the second address of /24
· R1 G0/0            the last valid address of /24
· R1 G0/1            the last valid address of /24
) Determine the IP addressing details for each of the above devices according to the specifications provided and fill in the table given under Section 3 of the DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template.
Demonstration 4: Assign and verify IP addresses to devices
a) Assign IP addresses for all computers in DataTrust network according to the table you’ve completed in the previous task.
) Assign the IP addresses to Gig0/0 and Gig0/1 interfaces on router R1.
c) Assign and verify if a valid IP address had been assigned to the DataTrust Perth server.
d) Verify if the Customer Service Web server has an IP address of
Demonstration 5: Configure and enable NAT
a) Configure a pool of addresses called tafe on router R2 for NAT.
) Confirm access-list 1 on R1 by using the co
ect command.
c) Associate access-list 1 with the NAT pool tafe by using the co
ect command.
d) Configure the NAT interfaces on R2 S0/0/0 and R2 S0/0/1 by using a series of commands.
e) Confirm access to the Customer Service web server ( from device L1, PC1 or PC2 through the web
f) Verify the NAT operation by entering the co
ect command to view the NAT Translations on router R2.
g) Document all above configuration steps under Section 4 of the DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template.
Demonstration 6: Verify network installation meets design specifications
Use the table provided under section 5 of the DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template to document the process of verifying if the cu
ent network installation meets design specifications.
Provide necessary details and screenshots of performing connectivity tests and performance tests and indicate if each verification criteria meets design specifications.
Submission Instructions
· Rename the file name of the DataTrust_NetDesign_Report_template as follows:
a. Firstname_Lastname_ DataTrust_NetDesign_Report
· Include your full name, student number and date of submission on the title page and heade
footer of the report.
· The report should include the following:
a. Title page
. Table of contents
c. Version numbering
d. Page numbers
· Submit your report in either .docx or .pdf formats.
Part 4: Presentation – DataTrust network review
To complete this part of the assessment, you will be required to present the information you have researched and documented while performing the practical tasks in Part 3 to the group, answering any questions they might have and displaying positive communication and non-ve
al skills.
ief: DataTrust Network Review
The following elements must be addressed in your presentation. Assume that you are presenting this information to DataTrust management and your colleagues in the IT department.
1 Identify the various network elements in DataTrust network.
2 Use the OSI and TCP/IP models to explain how data flows in DataTrust network.
3 Define the purpose, and basic operation of the protocols in the OSI and TCP/IP models.
4 Provide examples from the DataTrust network of identifying common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3 and 7 using a layered model approach.
5 Specify the need and role of addressing in a network and how it applies to DataTrust network. Refer to your answer from Part 3: Task 2a of this assessment and present a summary of this information.
6 Identify the network segmentation, basic traffic management and switching requirements implemented in DataTrust network.
7 Specify the operational requirements of private and public IP addressing and how it is applied in DataTrust network. Refer to your answer from Part 3: Task 2b of this assessment and present a summary of this information.
8 Research and select a basic router. Refer to the routers you’ve already researched on as part of Part1: Task 3 (ci) in this assessment. Outline the product features, vendor details and price along with reasons for selecting it among other products.
9 Research and explain at least two different methods available for connecting to a WAN.
Instructions for presenting and submitting
This presentation will be observed by your assessor.
Your presentation should include:
1. A PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides
2. Present yourself in a professional manne
3. You will have no more than 15 minutes for your presentation to provide the information and answer any questions
4. Name your PowerPoint presentation as Firstname_Lastname_AE2_Pro_Part4 before submission.
5. Your PowerPoint must include the following on the Title slide:
· Title of the presentation
· Full name and student numbe
· Date of presentation
Your responses will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit.
You should refer to the list of criteria in the Observation Checklist to understand what you need to demonstrate in this section of the assessment. This Checklist outlines the assessment criteria used to assess your performance.
Once you have done the presentation you will need to submit your PowerPoint presentation to your assessor for marking.
Part 4: Task/Activity and Observation Checklist
The Task/Activity and Observation Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in any of the previous three event types. Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate in the presentation and what you are required to complete as part of the evidence for these units. The Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this assessment event. All the criteria must be met for all the units listed in this clustered assessment. Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.
If you are required to demonstrate the task and be observed by your assessor, the checklist below will have a tick near the criteria in the Observation column. If you are required to gather and submit evidence to complete the task, the checklist below will have a tick near the criteria in the Evidence column.
        Task #
        Task/Activity Performed
        S – DATE
        U/S - Date
        S - Date
        U/S - Date
        Assessor Comments
(Describe the student’s ability in demonstrating the required skills and knowledge)
        Unit n
and criteria
        Identified the various network elements
        Date of Observation:
Assessors are to record their observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria required.
        ICTNWK404 (1.1, FS1, FS2)
        Used the OSI and (TCP/IP) models to explain how data flows in a network
        ICTNWK404 (1.2)
        Defined the purpose, and basic operation, of the protocols in the OSI and TCP/IP models
        ICTNWK404 (1.3, FS1-2)
        Identified common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3 and 7, using a layered model approach
        ICTNWK404 (1.4, FS1, FS2, FS7-9)
        Specify the need and role of addressing in a network
        ICTNWK404 (3.1, FS3, FS4)
        Identified the network segmentation, basic traffic management and switching requirements
        ICTNWK404 (2.2, FS1-2)
        Specified the operational requirements of private and public IP addressing
        ICTNWK404 (3.4)
        Researched and selected a basic route
        ICTNWK404 (4.2, FS1-2)
        Researched different methods for connecting to a WAN
        ICTNWK404 (5.1, FS1-2)
        Used questioning techniques to confirm understanding of audience
        ICTNWK404 (FS6)
        Used listening skills to respond appropriately.
        ICTNWK404 (FS6)
        Articulated clearly using suitable and relevant language suitable to the audience
        ICTNWK404 (FS5)
        Additional Questions
        Assessors may ask additional questions to clarify student understanding. List here any additional questions that were asked during this assessment event.
Record all additional questions that were asked of the student during the assessment event.
        Student Reponses to Additional Questions
        List here the student responses to any additional questions that were asked during this assessment event.
Record the student responses to any additional questions that were asked during this assessment event.
Table 3 Additional Questions
Assessment Feedback
Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory
☐ Unsatisfactory
Assessor Feedback
☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed?
☐ If no, was the resubmission
e-assessment successfully completed?
☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
☐ Has the Assessment Declaration on page 1 of the assessment been signed and dated by the student?
☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date:
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?
Student name, signature and date
NOTE: Make sure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before attaching the cover sheet and submitting to your assessor for marking.
Student Name:             Student Number:             
DataTrust device configuration Log
1. Router initial settings and basic security
2. Switch initial settings and basic security
Verification ofnetwork status and basic device operation
Table 1 - Verifying network status
        Source device
        Destination device
        IP Address
        Ping Results
        R2, S0/0/0
        R3, S0/0/1
Table 2 - Device operation status
        Device operation status
        Operational and connected.
        Operational and connected.
        Operational and connected.
        Operational and connected.
        Operational and connected.
4. Switch VLAN configurations
5. Router configurations for inter-VLANconnectivity
6. Verification ofswitched network connectivity
Table 3 - Switched network connectivity
        IP Address
        Ping Results
        R1, VLAN 99 address
        R1, VLAN 99 address
        R1, VLAN 21 address
        R1, VLAN 23 address
7. Routing protocol configuration
RIP configuration:
8. Verification of routing protocol operation
        CLI Command and screenshot evidence
        DisplayRIP Process ID, Router ID, Routing Networks, and passive interfaces
        R2(config)#router rip
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
        Display only RIP routes
        router rip
version 2
default-information originate route-map condition
route-map condition permit 10
match ip address 10
set interface s1/0
access-list 10 permit
        Display the RIP section of the running-configuration
        R1#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 20 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Redistributing: rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive any version
Interface Send Recv Key-chain
Ethernet0 1 1 2
Loopback0 1 1 2
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:06
Distance: (default is 120)
9. Router DHCP configuration
R1(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
R1(config)#ip dhcp pool R1DHCP
10. Verification of DHCP configuration
        Verify that PC-A acquired IP information from the DHCP serve
        Verify that PC-C acquired IP information from the DHCP serve
        Verify that PC-A can ping PC-C.
Note: It may be necessary to disable the PC firewall
DataTrust_DeviceConfig_Log    Last Updateddd-mm-yyyy    Page 12 of 12
Network Address Design
Report prepared by: [Student name]
Date: [Date of Completion]
Version 1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
1.    Role of IP addressing in a network    3
2.    Operational requirements of private and public IP addressing    3
3.    IP addressing Scheme for ROI network    4
4.    Configuring and enabling NAT    4
[update Table of Contents when finished]
The IP implementation defines the complete connections of any network. The unique identification of all connected devices on the network is only possible with IP implementation. The complete communication among devices is based on the assigned IP addresses to them. The required UP scheme for ROI company is mainly proposed in this developed report. The allocation of IP to all set departments is also possible with this proposed report.
1. Role of IP addressing in a network
The IP addresses plays important role in development of required network for ROI company. The important roles played by IP are:
· The unique identification of network devices is possible with IP implementation.
· The communication among two network devices can be developed with IP.
· The sharing of data and other important information is done on bases of IP addresses.
· The connection assurance is provided by IP.
· The implemented protocols are also defined by IP.
2. Operational requirements of private and public IP addressing
Each implemented IP address maintains its different operational requirements. The main operational requirements of private IP are:
· This IP must be local.
· Users inside the network are able to communicate with this type of IP.
· It can only work with LAN implementation.
· NOS can easily operate with it.
. The main operational requirements of public IP are:
· This IP must be global.
· Outsider users can use this IP to make communication.
· Internet based services are mainly executed with this type of IP.
· ISP makes control on this type of IP.
3. IP addressing Scheme for ROI network
        Host Name
        IP Address
        Subnet Mask
        Default Gateway
        Sales and marketing
        Multimedia Productions
        Human resource
        IT support
4. Configuring and enabling NAT
outer#configure terminal
outer(config)#ip nat inside source static
outer(config-if)#ip nat inside
outer(config-if)#ip nat outside
5. Verification if network installation meets design specifications
        Verification criteria
        Tests performed
        Meets design specifications?
(Yes/No) - comments
        Hosts should be able to access Customer Service Web Server without significant delays
        Connectivity tests:
        Yes. The PING command verified it.
        Yes ☐ No ☐
Comment: Yes.
Connectivity test shows it.
        The website displaying “Welcome to Sever 1” should display on the host device
owser when accessing Customer Service Web Server without delay.
        Performance tests:
        Yes, DNS server verified it.
        Yes ☐ No ☐
Comment: Yes.
owser shows execution of this website.
        PC1 should be able to communicate with PC2 without any significant delays
        Connectivity tests:
Performance tests:
        PING command shows this connection.
Any delay is not occu
ed in reply.
        Yes ☐ No ☐
Comment: Yes.
Any delay is not shown by PING.
        L1 should be able to accessDataTrust Perth Server without any significant delays
        Connectivity tests:
Performance tests:
        PING command shows this connection.
Any delay is not occu
ed in reply.
        Yes ☐ No ☐
Comment: Yes.
Any delay is not shown by PING.
Red Opal Innovations    Page 1
Red Opal Innovations    Page 2
59533/network topology.png
59533/network topology.xml

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