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Please note that your paper should NOT simply summarize the video. Rather, your paper should focus primarily on your personal reaction to / reflection upon the video. In your paper it is not enough to...

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Please note that your paper should NOT simply summarize the video. Rather, your paper should focus primarily on your personal reaction to / reflection upon the video. In your paper it is not enough to say simply “I liked the video” or “I didn’t like the video.” You need to think critically about your reaction to the video/issues posed, and explain why you reacted to the video the way that you did.
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jun 02 2021
120 Votes
Last Name    5
Title: Critical Reflection of Provided Video
Introduction    3
Critical Reflection of Provided Video    3
Conclusion    4
Works Cited    5
Transgender has become an um
ella term for a wide variety of issues with gender. It can refer to someone with gender dysphasia, a social protest against rigid gender roles, a tomboy, among other things. When children feel that very not well understood. It is likely the feelings have two or more distinct causes. Some children were sure about their gender, some are not and among many, all- Trans teenage wants to stop their puberty cycle so that they can have more time to live and just be themselves (Olson et al.).
Critical Reflection of Provided Video
Transgender adults were once transgender children. There are those people that transition later in life or who claim they did not know until later (Frontline). I felt like there are much more kids would show signs of wanting to be a transgendered person, but they just do not understand (Durwood et al.). It is because schools are being unconstitutional and never teaches kids about LGBT feelings or relationships, even in sex education classes, which they most definitely should be educating because same sex relationships will always exist and kids should be told of precautions that come with it and that these feelings are...

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