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Please note: I've put the topic down under "Computer Science - Design & Analysis of Algorithms". However, the topic really is "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning". Not necessarily computer...

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Please note: I've put the topic down under "Computer Science - Design & Analysis of Algorithms". However, the topic really is "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning". Not necessarily computer science.
Background- this assignment forms part of a course on Artificial Intelligence. This is the week 2 course work assignment. The week 2 course outline is as follows:
Topics Covered - What is Machine Learning?- How is Machine Learning used and applied? - What is Deep Learning and how is it different?- How does it work and how is it applied?Learning outcomes Upon the completion of the week, students will be able to: - Understand what Machine learning is, where it’s used and how it’s applied- Understand what deep learning is, how it’s different- Understand how deep learning works and how its applied

THE ASSIGNMENTRefer to the provided post about a machine learning model.
Provide 2 to 3 paragraphs of critical analysis, challenging the purpose of the model. Focus on these questions:
- Is this model useful?- Does it need further investigation and work?
Note: It’s OK if you do not understand the technical component of the post.
Project file format - Word
Note: The assignment needs to be well written, cover off the questions, show a good understanding of Machine Learning, show evidence of reading and careful analysis of the provided post.
Delivery: within 24 hours

Some further reading background (if required) -®Dataset=reg-plane&learningRate=0.03®ularizationRate=0&noise=0&networkShape=4,2&seed=0.38504&showTestData=false&discretize=false&percTrainData=50&x=true&y=true&xTimesY=false&xSquared=false&ySquared=false&cosX=false&sinX=false&cosY=false&sinY=false&collectStats=false&problem=classification&initZero=false&hideText=false
Answered Same Day Apr 20, 2020


Amit answered on Apr 20 2020
150 Votes
Title of the assignment:
Student’s name:
Professor’s name:
Course title:
Critical analysis and challenging the purposed machine learning model
The model in which the desired outcome is obtained by processing the provided set of data is known as machine learning. The Instagram model for data analysis provides the functions of data processing without using any external application. The use of NLP and CNN will add additional features to this model for Machine Learning [Witten et al, 2016].
The aggregation and relevant sufficient data for tracking the outcome of model is main challenge here. The availability of desired data for analysis purpose is also a big challenge...

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