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Please lit review the Tim Ingold chapter: Drawing, writing and calligraphy ONLY. No other sources please. Please list the propositions and how significant are the questions and propositions to the...

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Please lit review the Tim Ingold chapter: Drawing, writing and calligraphy ONLY. No other sources please. Please list the propositions and how significant are the questions and propositions to the argument. IMPORTANT Please do not just summarise but explain what the author is arguing and most importantly what is the significance of the arguments.
Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2020


Sanchita answered on Jul 27 2020
155 Votes
Assignment        1
Drawing, writing and Calligraphy
In the chapter titled “Drawing, writing and calligraphy” Ingold tries to demystify the co
elation as well as differences between drawing and writing. This subject matter is quite complex to understand as it is difficult to gauge where the drawing ends and writing starts. As Ingold suggests the inception of writing seems to stem from the drawing itself. Our ancestors have long used the drawings to convey messages, stories and their thought-processes. Even today, the...

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