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HIS 100 Module Four Activity Na
atives Template
HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Historical Na
Locate an additional secondary source relevant to your historical event. Use all four of your sources (two primary and two secondary) to answer the questions below. Replace the
acketed text with your responses.
Identify the topic you chose to explore:
· [Insert text.]
Attempt to write the APA style citations for your four sources. Include links to each source. You will not be penalized for inco
ect citation format.
[Insert citation.]
[Insert citation.]
[Insert citation.]
[Insert citation.]
Compare the na
atives presented in your primary and secondary sources relevant to your historical event.
[Insert text.]
Describe one na
ative that has significantly influenced the contemporary understanding of your historical event.
[Insert text.]
Explain how the chosen na
ative helps you better understand your historical research question. Please provide your revised research question and then explain how the chosen na
ative helps you better understand your historical event.
[Insert text.]
Please include your research question here (you will not be graded on this).

Each historical event was experienced, perceived, and remembered differently depending on the person, which means there are many competing na
atives of a single event. In this activity, you will compare the na
atives represented in each of your sources.
Use the provided Module Four Activity Template: Historical Na
atives Word Document to complete this activity. First, you will locate an additional secondary source related to your historical event. You will then compare the na
atives about your historical event in each of your sources (two primary and two secondary). Finally, you will choose a na
ative you believe has been the most influential in terms of what is known about your historical event.
Specifically, you must address the following ru
ic criteria:
· Compare the na
atives presented in your primary and secondary sources relevant to your historical event.
· Apply the source analysis skills from the previous activity to help you compare the na
atives about your historical event. Describe the stories told in each source about your historical event. Provide evidence from your sources to support your descriptions of the na
atives. Consider the following questions:
· How are the na
atives in each source similar and/or different?
· How has the story of your historical event and key figure or group (identified in the previous module) been told in the past and the present?
· From which perspectives are the na
atives told?
· What was occu
ing in society at the time of the event, such as politics, the economy, and entertainment?
· Describe one na
ative that has significantly influenced the contemporary understanding of your historical event.
· Select one na
ative from the four you analyzed. Choose the na
ative that you think has been the most influential in terms of what is known and unknown about your historical event. Explain why you chose this na
ative and how it has impacted our cu
ent understanding of the event.
· Explain how the chosen na
ative helps you better understand your historical research question.
· How does the na
ative you chose expand, support, or challenge your research question?
Guidelines for Submission
Submit the Module Four Activity Template: Historical Na
atives. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Li
ary APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Answered 12 days After May 24, 2023


Mayuri answered on May 24 2023
31 Votes
HIS 100 Module Four Activity Na
atives Template
HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Historical Na
Locate an additional secondary source relevant to your historical event. Use all four of your sources (two primary and two secondary) to answer the questions below. Replace the
acketed text with your responses.
Identify the topic you chose to explore:
· The Iranian Revolution
Attempt to write the APA style citations for your four sources. Include links to each source. You will not be penalized for inco
ect citation format.
Primary Source 1:
Title: The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Author: Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran
Year: 1979
Primary Source 2:
Title: Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Author: Marjane Satrapi
Year: 2000
Secondary Source 1:
Title: The Iranian Revolution: A History from Beginning to End
Author: Hourly History
Year: 2018
Secondary Source 2:
Title: Iran: A Modern History
Author: A
as Amanat
Year: 2017
Compare the na
atives presented in your primary and secondary sources relevant to your historical event.
The primary sources, The...

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