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Igniting Change: A Strategy for Universal Adoption of Clean Cookstoves and Fuels table of contents acknowledgments .............................................................................

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A Strategy for Universal Adoption
of Clean Cookstoves and Fuels
table of contents
acknowledgments .......................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX3
executive summary ........................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX4
introduction ................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX9
Background and need ................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX10
health impacts ........................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX10
gender and Livelihood impacts ................................................. XXXXXXXXXX12
environmental impacts ............................................................. XXXXXXXXXX13
awareness and Financing gap ................................................. XXXXXXXXXX14
iers to Widespread adoption................................................... XXXXXXXXXX17
a Rapidly evolving sector ............................................................. XXXXXXXXXX21
the global alliance for clean cookstoves ...................................... XXXXXXXXXX24
strategies for achieving global scale ............................................. XXXXXXXXXX27
enhance Demand .................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX28
understand and Motivate the user as customer ...................... XXXXXXXXXX28
Reach the Last Mile ............................................................. XXXXXXXXXX30
Finance the Purchase of clean cookstoves and Fuels ............... XXXXXXXXXX31
Develop Better cookstove technologies and a Broader Menu of options XXXXXXXXXX
strengthen supply ................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX35
Finance clean cookstoves and Fuels at scale ......................... XXXXXXXXXX35
access ca
on Finance ....................................................... XXXXXXXXXX36
Build an inclusive value chain for clean cookstoves and Fuels . XXXXXXXXXX37
gather Better Market intelligence .......................................... XXXXXXXXXX37
ensure access for vulnerable Populations .............................. XXXXXXXXXX38
Foster an enabling environment ................................................. XXXXXXXXXX41
Promote international standards and Rigorous testing Protocols XXXXXXXXXX41
champion the sector to Build awareness ............................... XXXXXXXXXX42
Further Document the evidence Base ..................................... XXXXXXXXXX43
health Research and Public health ........................................
Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2021 Murdoch University


Dilpreet answered on Jul 30 2021
125 Votes
Running Head: Case Study Analysis        1
Case Study Analysis         
Table of Contents
Distil the Central Information    3
Response 1    3
Response 2    3
Response 3    4
Response 4    5
Gender Related Questions    5
Response 5    5
Response 6    6
Response 7    7
Application of a Conceptual Framework    8
Response 8    8
Response 9    8
Response 10    9
Response 11    10
Evaluative Questions    11
Response 12    11
Response 13    11
References    13
Distil the Central Information
Response 1
The Igniting Change report revolves around the central theme that despite of the technological advancements more than three billion people meet their daily energy needs by burning wood, dung, biomass and coal in open, which is dangerous for the environment as well as for the health of these people (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2011). The report revolves around the issue that smoke that comes out of these traditional stoves has been a silent killer in the developing countries for a long time now. Women and girls are at the center of the issue. The fuels being used are unhealthy and unsafe and inhaling the acrid smoke with the fine particulates in the atmosphere leads to deaths of nearly 2 million people every year, most of them are women and children (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2011). Moreover, lack of global awareness about the health and environmental threats is also a major challenge. People in a number of developing countries are not aware of the consequences they might have to face if they continue using traditional methods to fulfill their energy needs (Wolf, Mäusezahl, Verastegui & Hartinger, 2017). Lack of support from the privileged members of the society and government has also been a major reason of concern.
Response 2
    This issue is important for developing countries as smoke and other small particles from these cook stoves have been a silent killer for people living in developing countries from a long time now (Alam et al., 2016). This is a major issue for developing countries as more than 3 million people are still dependent on these traditional methods to fulfill their energy needs. Lack of clean cook stoves in regions like Sub Saharan Africa and Asia as mass population of these regions is poor and live in rural areas (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2011). However, in developed countries people are making use of clean fuels such as LPG cylinders or supply of gas through pipelines. It is a major issue for the developing countries as daily exposure of the people to such harmful and toxic smoke penetrating deep into their lungs of these people and the mortality rate because of such inhalations is extremely high. Moreover, children are involved in gathering fuel wood, coal and cow dung and therefore, are deprived of going to schools. This is one of the reasons that the illiteracy rate of developing countries is higher than that of developed countries. Exposure to toxic smoke is the reason for nearly 2 million premature deaths every year in developing countries.
Response 3
    Promoting clean fuels and making the people use these fuels can assist in poverty eradication. Access to modern fuels will help to meet MDG for poverty reduction (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2011). The poor people living in the developing countries pay heavily for their lack of access to clean fuel and if they get to use these modern fuels, they will be in a state to reduce poverty. The health issues that these poor people are suffering from due to exposure to toxic smoke requires them to spend a lot of money on healthcare and thus, preventing them to grind the poverty they have been living in (Kumar, Dhand, Tabak, Brownson & Yadama, 2017). Moreover, women and children of the families, who make use of these traditional methods to support their energy needs waste a lot of time gathering wood, dung, coal or other biomass and therefore, are left with no time for education or for generating other employment opportunities (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2011). Because of this, they are unable to come out of their poverty cycle. If these fuels are replaced by modern fuels they will not only prevent health problems but will also allow these women and children to spend their time and energy on education and creation of employment opportunities so that they are able to reduce the poverty they have been living in.
Response 4
    The traditional cook stoves have a negative impact on the environment in a number of ways and have been a major reason behind the climatic changes that have can be witnessed all around the globe. The smoke emitting form these traditional and inefficient cook stoves have been polluting the environment. The gases released from these cook stoves contain a large amount of CO2 and CFCs, which are a major reason for global warming and increasing temperature of the planet Earth (Wathore, Mortimer & Grieshop, 2017). In countries like Sub-Saharan Africa, large forest covers have been destroyed to support the production of charcoal. The charcoal production in the Sub-Saharan region is a $10 billion industry and therefore, leads to destruction of huge covers of forest that play an essential role in regulating the temperature of the Earth. The combustion of fuel wood that has been harvested unsustainably is emits significant amount of gases such ca
on monoxide and methane into the atmosphere leading to climatic changes (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2011). Pressure on ecosystems further adds to the troubles. The combustion of biomass in an unsustainable manner has been contributing to the poor quality of air in a significant manner. Non-sustainable harvesting of biomass has also been contributing to the climatic changes.
Gender Related Questions
Response 5
    The gender roles that have been described in the Igniting Change Report revolve around the stereotypical images of women and children living in the developing countries. The women and children in most of the developing countries are typically responsible for collecting and securing fuel to cook meal for their...

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