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Organizational Analysis & Design Plan: Project Description and Scoring Guide HSE 320 Nonprofit Collaboration Activity Template You have already selected a nonprofit agency for your final project,...

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Organizational Analysis & Design Plan: Project Description and Scoring Guide
HSE 320 Nonprofit Collaboration Activity Template
You have already selected a nonprofit agency for your final project, based on a sample strategic plan. Provide the name and a
ief description of your selected nonprofit agency below. Then, with that nonprofit agency in mind, think of at least three organizations with which you would like to collaborate, and complete the three-column chart below. Think about the services those other organizations provide and how those other organizations will help fill gaps in your own agency as a result of those services. Offer enough detail in the third column so your instructor can clearly see the relationship between your selected agency and the organizations with which you are planning to collaborate. Enter each organization’s information in a separate row.
Nonprofit Agency and Description:
    Nonprofit Agency
What is the name of the nonprofit agency with which you would like to collaborate? Provide the name and a 1–2-sentence description.
    Nonprofit Agency Services
What services does the agency provide?
    Nonprofit Agency Gap
How does this agency fill gaps in your selected agency?

Organizational Analysis & Design Plan: Project Description and Scoring Guide
HSE 320 Nonprofit Collaboration Activity Guidelines and Ru

In past modules, you learned that while the nonprofit sector provides needed services to help their local clientele, one agency cannot do it all. Every nonprofit
agency has a different structure and limitations based on mandates from funding sources and the board of directors. Thus, collaborating with other nonprofits
can be the difference between success and failure of any single human services agency.

In this activity, you will analyze your chosen agency’s gaps in service delivery and consider which agencies can help strengthen the
idge between what the
chosen agency wants to do and what it can do. You should review the Final Project Document and the sample strategic plan you chose in order to assess those
areas where partnerships can provide the most benefit. As you develop your Collaboration Chart, it is important to identify how these partnerships support the
agency’s ability to provide legal and ethical services within the funding guidelines of that agency in order to meet the mission of the agency.

Prompt: You have already selected a nonprofit agency for your final project, based on a sample strategic plan. Using the Nonprofit Collaboration Activity
Template, include the name and a
ief description of your selected nonprofit agency at the top of the document. Then, with that nonprofit agency in mind, think
of at least three organizations with which you would like to collaborate, and complete the three-column chart. Think about the services those other organizations
provide and how those other organizations will help fill gaps in your own agency as a result of those services. Offer enough detail in the third column so your
instructor can clearly see the relationship between your selected agency and the organizations with which you are planning to collaborate. Enter each
organization’s information in a separate row.
Guidelines for Submission: Your collaboration chart must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,
one-inch margins, and any sources cited in APA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Selected Nonprofit
Agency Description
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description is detailed with
elevant examples to adequately
describe the selected agency
Includes a
ief description of
the selected agency
Includes a description of the
agency, but description is
inaccurate or lacks details
Does not include a
description of the selected
Collaborative Agency
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
descriptions are detailed with
elevant examples to adequately
describe each collaborative
Includes a
ief description of
the collaborative agencies
Includes a description of the
collaborative agencies, but the
descriptions are inaccurate or
lack details
Does not include a description
of each of the collaborative
Collaborative Agency
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific and relevant
examples of the services
Identifies specific services that
each collaborative agency
Identifies services that each
collaborative agency provides,
ut services lack examples or
are unrelated to the agency
Does not identify specific
services that each collaborative
agency provides
Collaborative Agency
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific and relevant
examples of how the gaps are
filled through the collaborative
Explains how each collaborative
agency fills gaps through its
provided services
Explains how the collaborative
agencies fill gaps through their
provided services, but the
explanation lacks details or is
Does not explain how the
collaborative agencies fill gaps
through their provided services
Articulation of
Submission is free of e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
eadability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%
Answered Same Day May 31, 2021


Taruna answered on Jun 01 2021
141 Votes
Organizational Analysis & Design Plan: Project Description and Scoring Guide
HSE 320 Nonprofit Collaboration Activity Template
You have already selected a nonprofit agency for your final project, based on a sample strategic plan. Provide the name and a
ief description of your selected nonprofit agency below. Then, with that nonprofit agency in mind, think of at least three organizations with which you would like to collaborate, and complete the three-column chart below. Think about the services those other organizations provide and how those other organizations will help fill gaps in your own agency as a result of those services. Offer enough detail in the third column so your instructor can clearly see the relationship between your selected agency and the organizations with which you are planning to collaborate. Enter each organization’s information in a separate row.
Nonprofit Agency and Description:
    Nonprofit Agency
What is the name of the nonprofit agency with which you...

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