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CQ Solar Power System Requirements: CQ Solar Power System Installers (CQS) undertake installations of Solar Power systems in their customers’ buildings. Each of these installations has the...

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CQ Solar Power System Requirements:
CQ Solar Power System Installers (CQS) undertake installations of Solar Power systems in their customers’ buildings. Each of these installations has the pre-approved design showing the following details:
· Watt per Hour (WH) of Solar Power unit (the range is from 3500 Wh to 10,000 Wh)
· Installation (On Grid, Off Grid)
· Battery (only off Grid will require battery) (the range is from 50 Ah to 200 Ah)
· Solar Tracker (Single axis, Dual axis, Stationary)
Each of these installations is ca
ied out by a technician and it takes generally more than a day to complete an installation. CQS has approached you to design Object Oriented Application (hereafter called as system) to maintain the records of Solar Power installations.
The system should be able to perform the following:
1. Receive the input data and store them appropriately in a database.
2. Create a new installation job including the building address and the technician
3. Allow the user to search and display the details of an installation jobs based on technician, or installation date.
4. User must be able to edit the details of an installation jo
5. User must be able to search a technician based on the name
6. User must be able to edit the details of a technician
7. User can print an installation job details and hand it to the technician
8. Only an admin user can change the status of an installation job (mark an installation job as completed or pending or cancelled).
The system should have necessary GUI forms to enable data entry of the following details:
· Technician’s details include the technician name and contact phone number. System must be able to add a technician independent from an Installation details.
· Building address along with pre-approved design details (WH, Installation, battery, and Tracker)
· Installation details such as start, and end date and the Technician who performed that installation
Note: It follows from the above description that a Building can be related to/have a Solar Power system installation; and an Installation is done by a technician.
Question 1 (Total: 6 Marks)
Develop four use cases for the CQ Solar Power System requirements.
(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name:

(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name:
(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name:
(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name:
Question 2 (Total: 3 Marks)
Develop a use case diagram for all the use cases in Question 1.
User Case Diagram:
Consider the following requirements:
ATM System Requirements
The software to be designed will control an automated teller machine (ATM) having a customer console (keyboard and display) for interaction with the customer, The ATM will communicate with the bank's computer over an appropriate communication link. (The software in the bank’s computer is not part of the requirements for this problem.)
The ATM will service one customer at a time. A customer will be required to insert an ATM card and enter a personal identification number (PIN) - both of which will be sent to the bank for validation as part of each transaction. The customer will then be able to perform one or more transactions. The card will be retained in the machine until the customer indicates that he/she desires no further transactions, at which point it will be returned. Customer must be able to cancel the transaction at any time during ATM interaction. A transaction ends when the card is returned to the customer. A receipt will be issued to the customer at the end of a transaction.
The ATM must be able to provide the following services to the customer:
1. Withdrawal: A customer must be able to make a cash withdrawal from checking-account or saving-account linked to the card; Cash dispenser will dispense the money. Approval must be obtained from the bank before cash is dispensed.
2. Deposit: A customer must be able to make a deposit to any account linked to the card, consisting of cash and/or checks in an envelope. The customer will enter the amount of the deposit into the ATM. In the event of deposit, approval must be obtained from the bank before physically accepting the envelope.
Question 3 (Total: 5 Marks)
You are asked to develop a Java application for the ATM system. In the boxes below, list all the information about every Java class highlighted (yellow) in the ATM system requirements. (0.5 Marks for each class)
(don’t list the getters and setters as methods)
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Class Name:
Attribute List:
Method List:
Question 4 (Total: 10 Marks)
A. What are the three main types of program complexity and give one example for each? (3 Marks)
B. Create a UML “class diagram” for all the classes listed (highlighted yellow) in question 3. Add text to clearly label the nature of all class relationships. (4 Marks)
C. Briefly justify your design decisions in the class diagram you provided in section B.
(3 Marks)
Answer A:
B- Class diagram:
C- Diagram design justification:
Question 5 (Total: 3 Marks)
Create a sequence diagram for withdrawal in the ATM system requirements.
Sequence Diagram:
Question 6 (Total: 8 Marks)
Consider the ATM system requirements:
Client has mentioned that they have a restrict budget for this project. They are very approachable but only for a limited time. They need the system completed within a restrict time period. They have a very good and clear idea of what they want, and they are willing to give you all the precise information about ATM system requirements in form of documents, interviews, and other means of communications.
You as the chief software engineer (and project manager) are given the task of selecting an appropriate Software Development Methodology for this project.
Considering the provided information and indicate which methodology (Agile or Waterfall) will you be using? and list 4 points to justify your selection by matching a fact of this case study with an important aspect of your chosen methodology for each point. (2 Mark for each point)
For example, I think methodology XXX is best for this project because:
1. 2. …….
Which methodology will you be using?
4 points to justify your selection:
Question 7 (Total: 5 Marks)
A- In one paragraph (maximum 100 words), From Software Engineering prospective, explain what is “Dependable System”? (2 Marks)
B- Referencing to the ATM system list and explain 3 features/functions of the ATM system that would require a dependability attribute. (3 Marks)
(for example: feature of ATM system needs to be , and explain why?
Answer A:
Answer B:
Answered Same Day Jun 19, 2021


Aditya answered on Jun 20 2021
156 Votes
CQ Solar Power System Requirements:
CQ Solar Power System Installers (CQS) undertake installations of Solar Power systems in their customers’ buildings. Each of these installations has the pre-approved design showing the following details:
· Watt per Hour (WH) of Solar Power unit (the range is from 3500 Wh to 10,000 Wh)
· Installation (On Grid, Off Grid)
· Battery (only off Grid will require battery) (the range is from 50 Ah to 200 Ah)
· Solar Tracker (Single axis, Dual axis, Stationary)
Each of these installations is ca
ied out by a technician and it takes generally more than a day to complete an installation. CQS has approached you to design Object Oriented Application (hereafter called as system) to maintain the records of Solar Power installations.
The system should be able to perform the following:
1. Receive the input data and store them appropriately in a database.
2. Create a new installation job including the building address and the technician
3. Allow the user to search and display the details of an installation jobs based on technician, or installation date.
4. User must be able to edit the details of an installation jo
5. User must be able to search a technician based on the name
6. User must be able to edit the details of a technician
7. User can print an installation job details and hand it to the technician
8. Only an admin user can change the status of an installation job (mark an installation job as completed or pending or cancelled).
The system should have necessary GUI forms to enable data entry of the following details:
· Technician’s details include the technician name and contact phone number. System must be able to add a technician independent from an Installation details.
· Building address along with pre-approved design details (WH, Installation, battery, and Tracker)
· Installation details such as start, and end date and the Technician who performed that installation
Note: It follows from the above description that a Building can be related to/have a Solar Power system installation; and an Installation is done by a technician.
Question 1 (Total: 6 Marks)
Develop four use cases for the CQ Solar Power System requirements.
(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name
User Interaction
Input Data ( Solar Power System Required , Name , Address, Contact Number)
ew installation job including the building address and the technician
is created by software
When the user (Customer) enter the details about his solar power system he needed and his personal details like address and his contact details. The software will generate a new installation job which include the building address and technician details where the solar power system is needed to installed
If all the input entered by user is co
ect technician will be assigned to the custome
(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name
Job Status
Completion of job done by technician
Status of job is changed in the database
Whenever a new solar system is required by the customer it will needing to be installed by a particular technician At the starting the status of job is pending in the database after the job is done by the technician the status is changed to completed by the Admin or if the customer cancel the product the status is changed to cancelled
Change of
status of an installation jo
(1.5 Marks)
User Case Name
Adding Technician
(technician name ,
contact phone numbe
, address, area expertise, year of experience)
Technician is added to the system and can be allotted to a particular Customer according to the customer need
Company will be needing new technicians if the demand of solar system rises so that is will be able to help its customer in less amount of time
System must be a
le to add a technician in...

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