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1 MAA262 Management Accounting INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – PART I Instructions Due date: Online submission via CloudDeakin until Week 5 on Microsoft Word or Portable Document Format only. Penalties for...

1 answer below »
Due date: Online submission via CloudDeakin until Week 5 on Microsoft Word or Portable Document
Format only.
Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task
after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day
up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. 'Day'
means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may
efuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the
due date.
ief description of the assessment task: To complete this part of your assignment you will need to have
an understanding of topics 1-4. This assignment task will consolidate your understanding of some of the
key concepts covered in this unit. Please submit your answers to the questions in the order they are
presented, clearly identifying on the document which question is being addressed.
Submission instructions: This assignment is to be submitted online only. The completed assignment must
e submitted into the allocated area on CloudDeakin under the Dropbox folder on or before the due date.
Once submitted, you cannot retract your assignment but you can submit another version. Note that only
the most recent version submitted will be marked. You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you
submit until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your
assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy. When you are required to submit an
assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address
confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the
Submissions view of the Assignment Dropbox folder after uploading it, and check for, and keep, the email
eceipt for the submission.
Plagiarism: You should answer the questions using your own words. If you use material or ideas from a
third party source you must cite the reference in text and include the full details of the source in a reference
list. Your assignment submission will be assessed through Turnitin. Assignments submitted with 50% or
more on similarity index (orange or red colour) will not be marked. Note that Turnitin works in the
assignment folder, and there is where you should submit your assignment. Do not submit your assignment
somewhere else, because if you submit your assignment in another folder from another unit the document
will be stored in Turnitin memory, and I will receive a notice of 100% plagiarism. Hence, to avoid such hassle
please submit your assignment in the assignment folder. Check Academic Integrity for more information
egarding plagiarism and collusion: http:
Detail of student output: Your response should respond to all questions. The word limit is 1,500 words
(maximum) in total, and words limit includes headings, tables, references and appendices. Note that a
contents page and cover page are not required. In regards to the formatting of the assignment, there is no
specific requirement in regards to font, font size and line spacing. There is no minimum amount of words.
Any word above the limit of 1,500 will be penalised by 1 mark for each additional word, thus 1,510 words
have a 10 marks penalty, 1,520 words has a 20 marks penalty, and henceforth.
Weight (% total mark for the unit): This assignment is marked out of 100 and is worth 15% of your final
grade. The final examination is the only hurdle requirement for this unit. If you choose not to submit this
assignment, you will score zero for this assignment.
What will early feedback student get, how and when? Feedback will be provided via CloudDeakin in week
Referencing style: Use the Harvard style of referencing. More information regarding referencing styles at
Researching for your assignment: There is no such a thing as a minimum or maximum amount of
eferences to be used in this assignment, and references should be used only when required. If a question
equires research for answering, check the guidelines available on the academic skills study support page:
Unit Learning Outcomes assessed:
• ULO3: Prepare and explain alternate product costing.
• ULO6: Demonstrate a student-oriented approach to learning.
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes assessed:
• GLO2: Communication.
• GLO5: Problem-solving.
Queries: Please peruse the discussion forum as you may find the information you are looking for. If you are
unable to find the information regarding the individual assignment you are looking for, please contact the
teaching team preferably using the discussion forum on CloudDeakin or via email.
Criteria N N P C D HD
Not able to list the
ethical standards or
justify why these
standards are being
Not co
ectly list the
ethical standards or
justify why these
standards are being
List some of the
ethical standards or
justify why these
standards are being
List the ethical
standards and
partially justify why
these standards are
eing jeopardized.
List the ethical
standards and justify
why these standards
are being jeopardized.
Clearly and succinctly
list the ethical
standards and justify
why these standards
are being jeopardized.
Q2.1 Not able to classify the activities.
Not able classify
ectly most of the
activities among the
four types of quality
Classify co
most of the activities
among the four types
of quality costs.
Classify co
ectly a
substantial part of
activities among the
four types of quality
Classify co
ectly the
majority of activities
among the four types
of quality costs.
Classify co
ectly all 8
activities among the
four types of quality
Not able to explain
the behaviour
etween the four
types of quality costs
and what has
changed throughout
the years.
Not able to properly
explain the behaviour
etween the four
types of quality costs
and what has
changed throughout
the years.
Partially explain the
ehaviour between
the four types of
quality costs and
what has changed
throughout the
Explain most of the
ehaviour between
the four types of
quality costs and what
has changed
throughout the years.
Explain the behaviour
etween the four
types of quality costs
and what has changed
throughout the years.
Clearly and succinctly
explain the behaviour
etween the four
types of quality costs
and what has changed
throughout the years.
Not able to explain
the differing points of
view of quality costs.
Not able to properly
explain the differing
points of view of
quality costs.
Partially explain the
differing points of
view of quality costs.
Explain most of the
differing points of
view of quality costs.
Explain the differing
points of view of
quality costs.
Clearly and succinctly
explain the differing
points of view of
quality costs.
Criteria N N P C D HD
Not able to explain
what is expected in
the next year
considering two
different scenarios.
Not able to properly
explain what is
expected in the next
year considering two
different scenarios.
Partially explain what
is expected in the
next year considering
two different
Explain most of what
is expected in the next
year considering two
different scenarios.
Explain what is
expected in the next
year considering two
different scenarios.
Clearly and succinctly
explain what is
expected in the next
year considering two
different scenarios.
Not able to estimate
the variable and the
fixed portions of the
delivery expense.
Not able to properly
estimate the variable
and the fixed portions
of the delivery
Partially estimate the
variable and the fixed
portions of the
delivery expense.
Estimate most of
some part of the
delivery expense.
Estimate co
most of the variable
and the fixed portions
of the delivery
Estimate the variable
and the fixed portions
of the delivery
Not able to explain
why the estimated
expenses do not
exactly match all
actual expenses.
Not able to properly
explain why the
estimated expenses
do not exactly match
all actual expenses.
Partially explain why
the estimated
expenses do not
exactly match all
actual expenses.
Explain most of why
the estimated
expenses do not
exactly match all
actual expenses.
Explain why the
estimated expenses
do not exactly match
all actual expenses.
Clearly and succinctly
explain why the
estimated expenses
do not exactly match
all actual expenses.
Not able to calculate
the predetermined
overhead rates used
for welding and
assembly, the total
overhead cost
applied to Job 262,
the total
manufacturing cost
ecorded for Job 262,
and unit product cost.
Not able to properly
calculate the
overhead rates used
for welding and
assembly, the total
overhead cost
applied to Job 262,
the total
manufacturing cost
ecorded for Job 262,
and unit product cost.
Partially calculate the
overhead rates used
for welding and
assembly, the total
Answered Same Day Aug 13, 2020 MAA262 Deakin University


Aarti J answered on Aug 14 2020
147 Votes
Fridges – R – fun
Course Name
Course Date
Student’s Name
Fridges – R – Fun        7
Part 1
As stated, the company is facing high cash outflows on unnecessary costs, so the company has planned to hire someone who can look for the management accounting and can fulfil the management accounting tasks. For this, George is being hired who is a plumber.
As per IMA, there are certain things that needs to be considered. The first and the foremost being the appropriate level of competence and the subject knowledge. In this case, George is a qualified and licenced plumber and does not hold any knowledge of accounting. Thus, it is unethical to appoint him as the management accountant in the company. Paul, does not applying accepted rules of confidentially as George is relative of Paul and is looking for a full time job, and despite of being a licenced plumber, he is being appointed as the management accountant.
Thus, the ethical standards which are foregone in this case is:
· Competence
· Confidentiality
· Integrity
· Credibility
Part 2
Q2.1: Quality costs:
    Year 1
    Year 2
    Year 3
    System development
    Prevention cost
    Technical support to suppliers of compressors
    Prevention cost
    Technical support to suppliers of pipes
    Prevention cost
    Field testing at customers site
    Appraisal costs
    Inspection on assembly line
    Appraisal costs
    Rework on assembly line
    Internal failure costs
anty repairs of fridge
    External failure costs
anty replacements of fridges
    External failure costs
    Total quality costs
Answer 2.2:
Analysing the behaviour of the costs, we can see that there are four kinds of quality costs which includes Appraisal costs, Internal failure costs, prevention costs and external failure costs.
Appraisal costs are the costs which are basically inspection costs which is incu
ed to identify the defective products before they are sold.
Internal failure costs are the costs that are incu
ed before the products are shipped to the customers. The rework cost is appraisal cost.
External failure costs are the costs that are detected after the products is delivered to the customers. This is the cost which states that defective product was manufactured and shipped. The company has high failure costs which relates to the repairs and replacements of the...

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