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IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1) Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud and Fog Domain Beulah Moses XXXXXXXXXX Masters in IT – Networking XXXXXXXXXX ABSTRACT – XXXXXXXXXXwords- What ?(50 words). We are...

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IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1)
Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud and Fog Domain
Masters in IT – Networking
ABSTRACT – XXXXXXXXXXwords- What ?(50 words). We are discussing the issues in both the cloud and the fog domain. The issues in the cloud domain include ……The issues in the fog domain include…..The research assignment focusses on a, b , c and d. Why(Importance)
Keywords— cloud, fog, ….(10 marks)
1. INTRODUCTION (15 marks)
Two to three paragraphs.(1 page)
Section 1. Background . …Section 2. …Section 3
2. Background/Literature Review(4-5 pages) (40 marks)
2.1 Cloud Domain
2.1.1 Hidden Channel Attack
1 paragraph with diagrams where possible
2.1.2 Data Plane Attack
2.1.3 Control Plane Attack
2.2 Fog Domain
2.2.1 Authentication and Trust Issues
3. ISSUES/ SOLUTIONS(2- 4 pages)(10 marks)
3.1 Abc
3.2 Def
3.3 Xyz
4. Future Research (5 marks)
5. Advantages/ Disadvantages (5 marks)
6. Conclusion (5 marks)
A. Page Layout
Short paper is. Your paper must use a page size co
esponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27") wide and 297mm (11.69") long. The margins must be set as follows:
· Top = 19mm (0.75")
· Bottom = 43mm (1.69")
· Left = Right = 14.32mm (0.56")
Your paper must be in two column format with a space of 4.22mm (0.17") between columns.
All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified.
B. Text Font of Entire Document
The entire document should be in Times New Roman or Times font. Type 3 fonts must not be used. Other font types may be used if needed for special purposes.
Recommended font sizes are shown in Table 1.
C. Title and Author Details
Title must be in 24 pt Regular font. Author name must be in 11 pt Regular font. Author affiliation must be in 10 pt Italic. Email address must be in 9 pt Courier Regular font.
Font Sizes for Papers
    Font Size
    Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
    table caption (in Small Caps),
figure caption,
eference item
    reference item (partial)
    author email address (in Courier),
cell in a table
    abstract body
    abstract heading (also in Bold)
    level-1 heading (in Small Caps),
    level-2 heading,
level-3 heading,
author affiliation
    author name
All title and author details must be in single-column format and must be centered.
Every word in a title must be capitalized except for short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “and”, “as”, “at”, “by”, “for”, “from”, “if”, “in”, “into”, “on”, “or”, “of”, “the”, “to”, “with”.
Author details must not show any professional title (e.g. Managing Director), any academic title (e.g. Dr.) or any membership of any professional organization (e.g. Senior Member IEEE).
To avoid confusion, the family name must be written as the last part of each author name (e.g. John A.K. Smith).
D. Content
The abstract should give a clear indication of the objectives, scope, results and conclusion of your work. It is recommended to have at least five references.
E. Figures and Tables
One figure and one table can be included in your short paper. Figures and tables must be centered in the column. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Any table or figure that takes up more than 1 column width must be positioned either at the top or at the bottom of the page.
Graphics may be full color. All colors will be retained on the PDF. Graphics must not use stipple fill patterns because they may not be reproduced properly. Please use only SOLID FILL colors which contrast well both on screen and on a black-and-white hardcopy, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 A sample line graph using colors which contrast well both on screen and on a black-and-white hardcopy
Original version of this template was provided by courtesy of Causal Productions (”. Most of the formatting instructions in this document have been compiled by Causal Productions from the IEEE LaTeX style files.
List and number all bibliographical references in 9-point Times, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square
ackets, for example [1]. Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books. The template will number citations consecutively within
ackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the
acket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] was the first . . .”
Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.
Unless there are six authors or more give all authors’ names; do not use “et al.”. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as “unpublished” [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as “in press” [5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.
For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6].
[1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April XXXXXXXXXXreferences)
[2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
[3] I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.
[4] K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.
[5] R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. Name Stand. A
ev., in press.
[6] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].

Length: 6000 words Maximum
Choose one of the topics given below and submit a research project, which should not exceed 6000 words.
Topics to select from but not limited to:
• IoT Security and Privacy Regime/challenges in all domains of IoT
• IoT Smart City
• IoT Mining Industry
• IoT Health Care
• IoT Independent Living of Older Generation
• IoT for Reducing Food Wastage in Australia
• IoT in Finance Industry and Security Challenges
•  Business Intelligence in IoT
• Future of Fog Domain  
• IoT and Data Analytics
• Big Data challenges in IoT and Cloud
• Machine Learning for Intelligent Decision Making in IoT
• Blockchains/ Common Cu
ency for IoT (eg IoTA) Challenges
If you want to choose other IoT related topics please talk to your lecturer before deciding.
 Please use the template from the Student resource folder.
1. Analyse the Task -Milestone 1
Analyse what is expected of you. This includes careful reading of the assignment task as specified in the Subject Outline. The executive summary of the research project to be written as an Abstract. 
For Analysis:
  i. What is the purpose of this report?
  ii. What is the topic you have chosen for your report? (The topic can be one specified as above, but you can come up with new ideas and topics of your choice in IoT)
  iii. What is the expected format of the report? (Refer to the format on Interact2)
  iv. Come up with a Problem Statement based on your topic, note it down and discuss it with your lecturer.
  v. Write a small executive summary as an abstract
2. Introduce the Problem or Challenges- Milestone2
  i. Write the Introduction to the problem and domain.
   ii. Structure of the report including which section covers what?
3. Do the Research- Literature Review –Milestone 3
This is the main part of the research project and could take more time. (Referencing should be in APA6 format)
 i. Review of Literature based on past and cu
ent work in your topic (Download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to access more articles and journals - Minimum 10 journals or articles)
 ii. Structure in chronological order and start summarising.
 iii. Based on the literature, list the requirements for your Project, then choose one or more requirements to work with.
 iv. Now you can modify your Problem Statement based on the requirements chosen for your project.
 v. Write the cu
ent and past methodologies used to solve your problem, the requirements and Literature Review
4. Write your Report - Final Report - Milestone 4
Start writing your draft, as you do your research project. (Put it all together)
 i. Write an executive summary of the report (Purpose, Scope, Method, Results, Recommendation and Conclusion)
 ii. Write a Review of Literature based on past and cu
ent work in your topic (no more than 3 pages) 
 iii. Briefly explain each methodology used in the past and present (5 or more methodology)
 iv. Compare the above methodologies from your perspective on the efficiency, simplicity, extension into other applications, time saving when used, cost saving when used, feasibility, connectivity, commercialisation issues, etc.
 v. Explain the methodology which best suits your application/problem based on various factors with proper justifications. This methodology can be one of the above methodologies or a combination of more than one.
 vi. Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.
vii. Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.
viii. Referencing should be in APA6 format.
 1. Abstract -10 marks
2. Introduction- 15 marks
3. Literature Review 40 marks
4. Issues/ Challenges/ Solutions- 10 marks
5. Future Research - 5 marks
6. Advantages and disadvantages- 5 marks
7. Conclusion - 5 marks
8. References and Presentation- 10 marks
Answered Same Day Apr 20, 2020 ITC560 Charles Sturt University


Amit answered on Apr 22 2020
161 Votes
Title of the assignment:
Student’s name:
Professor’s name:
Course title:
Table of Contents
1.    Executive Summary    3
2.    Introduction    3
3.    Literature Review    4
3.1.    Introduction    4
3.2. Technologies of IoT in field of health care    5
3.2.1 Insulin delivery trough OpenAPS and closed-loop:    5
3.2.2. Use of Activity tracker for performing cancer treatment:    5
3.2.3. IoT based inhalers:    6
3.2.4. Use of ingestible sensors:    6
3.2.5. IoT based contact lens:    7
3.2.6. Watch application of Apple Corporation for depression fighting:    7
3.2.7. Coagulation testing:    8
3.2.8 Arthritis research Kit from Apple Corporation:    8
3.2.9. Blue Sky    8
3.4 Possible associated risk for implementing IoT in concerns of health care    11
4.    Issues, challenges and possible solutions of IoT based application in health care    12
5.    Scope of future research    14
6.    Advantages and possible disadvantages of IoT in health care field    16
7.    Conclusion of using IoT in health care field    19
8.    References:    20
1. Executive Summary
In the proposed report of this given assignment, the “IoT in healthcare associations” is selected as the topic. The IoT has so many possible uses in health care field in modern era of internet architecture. This given report is mainly identifying the IoT importance and associated purposes in field of health care. For keeping the desired concerns of treatment plans for different patients, IoT provides medicines facilitates and possible delivery mechanisms of connected sensors to doctors in an easy manner. The IoT also ensures that the motivation and clearness is provides to all patients regarding all taken measures. The doctors in health care field can use IoT for data collection, making analysis on patient data, and for taking the required actions on bases of conducted analysis. The doctors can collect patient data by continuous monitoring of given glucose, implemented pump and some other log data areas. This report provides a deep discussion of various methodologies which can be used by any researcher for making the effective outcomes for any project of research. The appropriate justification of data collection and selection for making effective results are provided in my proposed report. For proper accomplishment of given target, I have also used ten different research works or case studies, so that, the desired results can be obtained.
2. Introduction
The developed network of electronic appliances, remaining data items, used vehicles and some physical devices which are used and formed for making network connections is known as IoT (Internet of things). With the technology growth, we can identify that the used appliances for facility of developed network are being increasing continuously [Gope & Hwang, 2016]. This continuous increment is leading some possible technology advancements in all fields of information technology. The IoT uses in field of health care are also increased with this information technology development. By this proposed report, I am trying to identify the maximum uses and importance of IoT in field of healthcare. By making use of IoT the end users as well as implementing organizations can be directly facilitates to share and gather any information for any desired topic. Many IoT initiatives which are involved in health care field are using IoT for continuous improvement of deployed services at their working areas. The main reasons for this are that the remote operations applications required for tele-monitoring and other applications are showing their uses in health care field. In my proposed report and on bases of collected data and used case studies, I can say that by the year 2019, near by 88% organizations which are working in healthcare field would completely adopt the technologies of IoT for effective performance improvement. In this digital age of transformation in field of health care, the stakeholders are considering this as the main key element of performance improvement [Wu et al, 2017].
This proposed report will also help the readers in identification of IoT importance’s associated in health care field. The possible future recommendations of IoT in health care field can also be identified by this proposed report. The use of ten case studies, different journals are providing easy IoT evaluation in field of health care. These journals and used case studies are helping me to make an effective outcome of my report in an efficient manner. My proposed report has a
ief discussion of used IoT methodologies with proper justification of used tools in completing this study work.
3. Literature Review
3.1. Introduction
The systems of possible inte
elated and interconnected mechanicals, objects, people or animals, computing devices, and digital machines which generates a unique identification and are able to make data transfer is known as IoT or internet of things. The provided connectivity of deployed network which is inbuilt in used devices provides the interconnection of related objects for performing data exchange activities. The IoT has so many different applications which can be used in wide area range of implementing business intelligence, healthcare, smart homes, smart retails, internet industries, agriculture and transport, management of energy and other regular activities of daily life. The main focus of this study is to identify the IoT utilities in health care field [Moosavi et al, 2015]. The provided technology spectrum and related advantages allows me to select this as my research topic of this given assignment.
3.2. Technologies of IoT in field of health care
3.2.1 Insulin delivery trough OpenAPS and closed-loop:
According to Mr. Yuehong, the applications of IoT like OpenAPS (open artificial pancreas system) and closed loop deliver of insulin are providing remarkable services to patients. The patients can take decisions regarding their diabetes by using these applications of IoT. The doctors or patients in health care field can use these IoT applications for data collection, making analysis on patient data, and for taking the required actions on bases of conducted analysis. The doctors can collect patient data by continuous monitoring of given glucose, implemented pump and some other log data areas. The basal metabolic rates can be used by these applications for performing analysis and making adjustments for patient data. The suffering patient is also allowed to use these applications for analysis and taking the required measures on analysis bases.
3.2.2. Use of Activity tracker for performing cancer treatment:
According to Mr. Ahmed, the cancer treatment requires the data of patient life style, so that, the multiple myeloma of received treatment can be completed in a successful manner. The IoT based activity tracker is wear by the cancer patient before starting the actual treatment of cancer. The same device is wear by patient during complete process of treatment. The tiredness and daily activities of patient are recorded as data logs. The craving regarding any specific item like smoke are directly logged in this device. By using this data, the doctors can make effective treatment through diagnosis in different possible conditions. The cancer patient can also use this device for taking right treatment and effective prescription. Thus, this is a life saver application supported by IoT to cancer patient [Manogaran & Priyan, 2017].
3.2.3. IoT based inhalers:
According to Mr. Yuehong, the IoT based inhalers are providing effective technology aspects for making patient diagnosis and generating notifications on regular bases. The health care field is making effective use of these inhalers to monitor their patients. This is not fully covered aspect and desired research is already under progress in this area. The doctors can use these inhalers for ensuring the treatment plans with the help of delivery mechanism of inter connected sensors. The clearness and proper motivation is ensured by the used measures of this application. This application gives time based reminders for taking medicines to suffering patients. The Novartis is responsible for conducting this IoT based research work for patients. The Qualcom Health and Propeller are the main organizations who are giving support to Novartis Company to complete this research work in effective manner. The patients who are suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases can use IoT application for inhaling air required for normal life execution [Tyagi et al, 2016].
3.2.4. Use of ingestible sensors:
According to Mr. Philip, the IoT based digital medicines are providing effective contribution in health care field. These intangible sensors based on IoT are invented by Proteus Digital Health organization. The health conditions of any patients can easily be monitored by using these sensors. This digital pill is completely dissolved in patient stomach and produces a significant small signal showing its turn ON condition. This small signal is picked by these intangible sensors for calculating patient data. The relayed data can be collected on an application which can even be stored on patient smart phone. The organization responsible to collect the data of global health has given opine that most of the patient do not take given medicines according to mentioned directions. More than 50% patient takes the medicines in wrong manner. These sensors can resolve this issue by providing health conditions data.
3.2.5. IoT based contact lens:
This IoT based smart technology of contact lens is developed by Alcon and Google collectively. The use of non-invasive sensors is included with the deployed contact lenses. This is an effective IoT application which can measure the patient glucose level by the patient tears data. It is very effective application which can store the collected data on connected smart phone of patient. To check the co
ectness of this application, different tests are being conducted by Novartis organization. The presbyopia patients can make use of this application for checking their glucose level by their tears data. This application also helps the patients to restore their vision capabilities.
3.2.6. Watch application of Apple Corporation for depression fighting:
The mental disorder is mainly caused by the depressive disorder. For doing the mood measurements a watch application is developed by Apple Corporation for depression fighting. This watch application evident the use of different occu
ed situations. The suffering patients of self-esteem and low interest can enjoy their normal life by using this IoT based Apple product. This application is great solution for MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) patients. The Takeda organization is conducting the required test for success of this watch application. The design of this application allows easy monitoring and easy access of all related cognitive functions. For measuring the patient mood, the comparison among cognition and patient mood is conducted by this application. The patients are allowed to make collection of both active as well as passive data sets of swinging mood for fighting against depression.
3.2.7. Coagulation testing:
In year 2006, a Bluetooth based application for effective diagnose of clots in patient blood is being developed by Roche systems. It is only device at that time which can diagnose clots in patient blood. The self testing nature of this application can provide effective helps to suffering patients. This application can make a...

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