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ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design Case Study Report NOTE: This Document is used in conjunction with Assessment [Research Report and Presentation] Case Study...

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ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design
Systems Analysis & Design
Case Study Report

NOTE: This Document is used in conjunction with Assessment [Research Report and Presentation]
Case Study document [ITSU2004-CaseStudy.doc]

ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment
is designed to improve student collaborative skills in a team environment and to give students
experience in constructing a range of documents as deliverables form different stages of the Systems
Analysis & Design using a simulated industry case study.
Case Study Assignment - 30% (week 12) Group Assignment
In this assignment students will work in small groups (maximum 4 members in a group) to develop
components of the Software Specification and Design Documents discussed in lectures. Student
groups should be formed by Session four.
Carefully read the associated CASE STUDY for this assignment contained in the document ITSU2004-
From this Case Study you are to prepare the following:
1. Given the ITSU2004-CaseStudy.doc, what SDLC Model would you use to develop the
associated software. You will need to justify your answer. Outline the advantages and
disadvantages your SDLC model would have over other SDLC models that could be utilized in
developing the software.
2. Discuss the techniques from the case study that you would use to gather the requirements
3. Specification Document
a. System Description
. Requirements Specification
i. Functional
ii. Non-Functional
c. Use Cases (from functional requirements) (at least 4 per group)
i. Use Case Diagrams
ii. Use Case Descriptions
4. Design Document
a. Executive Summary
. Detailed Class Diagram
c. Interface Design (at least 4 per group)
i. Activity Diagrams
d. Sequence Diagrams (at least 4 per group)
The above list of documents is not necessarily in any order. The chronological order we cover these
topics in lectures is not meant to dictate the order in which you collate these into one coherent
document for your assignment.
Your report must include a Title Page with the title of the Assignment and the name and ID numbers

ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design
of all group members. A contents page showing page numbers and titles of all major sections of the
eport. All Figures included must have captions and Figure numbers and be referenced within the
document. Captions for figures placed below the figure, captions for tables placed above the table.
Include a footer with the page number. Your report should use 1.5 spacing with a 12-point Times New
Roman font. Include references where appropriate. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in
the Harvard style.
Only one submission is to be made per group. The group should select a member to submit the
assignment by the due date and time. All members of the group will receive the same grade unless
special a
angement is made due to group conflicts. Any conflict should be resolved by the group, but
failing that, please contact your lecture who will then resolve any issues which may involve specific
assignment of work tasks, or removal of group members.
What to Submit
All submissions are to be submitted through turn-it-in. Drop-boxes linked to turn-it-in will be set up in
the Unit of Study Moodle account. Assignments not submitted through these drop-boxes will not be
Submissions must be made by the due date and time (which will be in the session detailed above) and
determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made after the due date and time will be penalized
at the rate of 10% per day (including weekend days).
The turn-it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism. Turn-it-in will
check conference web-sites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class member submissions for
plagiarism. You can see your turn-it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to the
appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re-
submit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the
due date and time have elapsed you cannot make re-submissions and you will have to live with the
similarity score as there will be no chance for changing. Thus, plan early and submit early to take
advantage of this feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we only see the
last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission
Please Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at the rate
of 10% per day including weekends.
Assessment criteria
Marks for Assessment will be allocated as follows:
1. Presentation (5%)

ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design
2. Research Report (25%)
The detailed description is as below:
Topic Marks
I. There is group presentation regarding this report, and it is mandatory for each
member of the group to present (or viva)
II. Marks based upon report 25
2. Requirements Technique
3. Specification Document
a. System Description
. Requirements Specification
i. Functional
ii. Non-Functional
c. Use Cases (from functional requirements) (at least 4 per group)
i. Use Case Diagrams
ii. Use Case Descriptions
4. Design Document
a. Executive Summary
. Detailed Class Diagram
c. Interface Design (at least 4 per group)
i. Activity Diagrams
d. Sequence Diagrams (at least 4 per group)






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Systems Analysis & Design
ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design
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Note: The case study below may not provide all of the information necessary to complete
the assignment. Students will have to use their personal experiences to complete some
aspects of the assignment. Students may also seek clarification from their tutor during
tutorials or office hours.
City Glaziers
City Glaziers is a medium business operating in and around the Melbourne metropolitan area.
The company supplies glass for windows and doors, and other structures within the Melbourne
area. Glass can be ordered in bulk as part of a construction project, or in smaller quantities as
eplacement for
oken windows, doors containing glass, bus shelters, and larger areas such as
internal feature walls etc. The company began by operating in the Melbourne CBD originally,
ut has since expanded its operations to include most of the su
ounding metropolitan area.
The company has built a reputation for providing high quality glass, as well as excellent service
to it customers.
The owner of the company, Robert Johnston, began the company in 2001, operating a single
glaziers truck from a warehouse in North Melbourne. Robert operated successfully in the
Melbourne CBD, providing a high quality service to his clients. The business has steadily
increased over the last 14 years, and Robert now operates a fleet of 11 glazier trucks and has
expanded the operating te
itory to cover the entire Melbourne Metropolitan area.
The Business expansion has included a move to a large warehouse and glass preparation area,
with the head office located next door in a modern office block. The business seems to be
expanding and Robert is now beginning to consider opening franchises in outer Melbourne areas,
to be serviced from the central warehouse operation. Robert also has a
anged to deal exclusively
with a large glass manufacturing plant, Melbourne Glass Plant, located in an outer Melbourne
. By becoming a large customer of Melbourne Glass Plant, Robert gets lucrative discounts
which he can pass on to customers, helping him compete in this competitive environment.
The size of the business has now reached a stage where Robert can see major issues arising. As
the business has grown, the operations have become more complex, and this will only become
more so if franchises are added to the cu
ent operations.
Robert has decided to employ your team to investigate the business needs and to conduct an
initial feasibility study into the possible options for computerizing part or all of the operations.
ITSU2004 Systems Analysis & Design
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Description of the Cu
ent System
The cu
ent system is a manual based system which has served the company well, but is now
ecoming outdated and causing bottlenecks due to the increased workload demand. Cu
ently the
usiness has two main areas, the Large Projects Section, and the Repair Section.
Large Projects
Anna Fields works for Robert in heading up this section of the business. In the Large Projects
section Anna and her staff put together quotes for whole jobs by responding to a construction
companies RFQs (Request For Quotes). The quotes are for complete supply of glass needs for
major construction projects such as new building projects or reconstruction projects on large
The team begin by identifying construction projects and responding to the company RFQ. The
team will contact the company to request precise specifications and put together a quote for
materials, delivery and installation. If the quote is successful, City Glaziers will then develop a
timeline document for approval by the company, and begin the ordering process. A timely order
will be placed with Melbourne Glass Plant for the raw material, and these will be delivered to the
warehouse. A Work Order is generated which includes a copy of the original quote and
specifications and sent to Glass Preparation, where the work will begin in preparing the glass
panes according to the specifications and delivery schedule.
Once the glass is prepared and cut to size, an Installation Order is prepared and a glazier truck
ooked for the delivery and installation date.
Ben Hanscom is the head of the repair section, and also manages the Glazier Truck fleet.
Customers will ring in to the Repair section with requests for repair, or for replacement, and the
schedules will be checked to find the closest Glazier Truck. The repair request will be slotted
into the schedule of the closest truck, and usually result in a same day service. When the Glazier
ives at a customers
Answered Same Day May 28, 2021 ITSU2004


Ritu answered on May 30 2021
147 Votes
System Design and Analysis
System Design and Analysis
Institute Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Executive Summary    4
SDLC Model    5
Scrum    5
Product owners    5
Scrum team    5
Product Backlog    5
Techniques for gathering the Requirements    6
Brainstorming    6
Document Analysis    6
Focus Group    6
Interface Analysis    6
Interviews    7
Observation    7
Prototyping    7
Requirements Workshop    7
Research    8
Specification Document    8
Description of the System    8
Project Scope    8
Feasibility Analysis    8
Requirement Specification    8
Functional Requirements    8
Non-functional Requirements    9
Assumptions    9
Use Cases    9
Use Case Diagrams    10
Use Case Descriptions    14
Design Document    16
Executive Summary    16
Detailed Class Diagram    16
Interface Design    16
Interface Diagram 1    17
Interface Diagram 2    17
Interface Diagram 3    18
Interface Diagram 4    18
Activity Diagrams    19
Sequence Diagrams    19
Sequence Diagram 1 – RFQ    20
Sequence Diagram 2 – Repair Order    20
Sequence Diagram 3 – Payments    20
Sequence Diagram 4 – Inventory Level    21
References    22
Executive Summary
City Glaziers is a medium-sized business organization that has run the metropolitan area of Melbourne since 2001. The company owns a variety of trucks as well as provides facilities to transport glass windows, doors, as well as building structures around the city. Because of the complexity as well as workload, companies are now expanding their business. It takes time to provide an information system that can help we manage your cu
ent workload, as well as improve employee efficiency. This chapter describes the system, its scope, functional requirements, non-functional requirements, prerequisites, as well as use case diagrams.
SDLC Model
Agile software development uses an unstructured approach with no sequential tasks, such as SDLC. Most activities occur at the same time. The development team is organized as well as deployed rather than geographically dispersed in a team like a waterfall scheme. The agile team involves one or more users of the business who are dedicated to the project. The development period is called a two to six-week time box. In 2001, developers using the agile method introduced a manifest that clarifies key features. These methods focus on team-based methods, including end-users, as well as are not relevant to process definition, documentation, as well as contracts. There are a variety of agile methods, including scram as well as extreme programming.
Agile technique is a training that advances consistent iterative just as testing of improvement all through the task's product improvement lifecycle. Not at all like the cascade model, has both advancement just as testing exercises happened at the same time.
SCRUM is a nimble improvement technique that centers explicitly on how to oversee assignments inside a group based advancement condition. Essentially, scrums get from exercises that happen during rugby matches. The Scram accepts that not exclusively will they enable the improvement group, however they likewise have advocates who deal with little groups (for instance, seven to nine members).It comprises of three jobs, just as the duties are clarified as follows:
Product owners
Product owners are liable for making item overabundance, organizing the excess, just as giving usefulness on each cycle.
Scrum team
The team deals with their work, yet in addition composes the work to finish the run or cycle
Product Backlog
This is where necessities are followed alongside subtleties of the quantity of prerequisites (client stories) that must be finished for each discharge. Product owners must maintain, prioritize, as well as distribute to the scram team. The team can also...

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