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Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the master's level nursing competency/ies listed in the syllabus. Then describe how this...

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Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the master's level nursing competency/ies listed in the syllabus. Then describe how this course has helped you achieve these outcomes.Syllabus

Course Goals/Outcomes

By the conclusion of this course, student will be able to:

  • Evaluate conceptual models and theories of ethno cultural diversity.
  • Compare and contrast the primary and secondary characteristics of culture and how they influence a person’s identification within the cultural background.
  • Analyze historical, socioeconomic, political, educational, and topographical contexts of health-care delivery and health-care policy.
  • Demonstrate culturally appropriate interventions for hereditary, genetic, and endemic diseases and high-risk health behaviors.
  • Analyze the influence of value systems on ethnicity for assessing normative life transitions (birth and death) to support culturally congruent childbearing and bereavement practices.
  • Assess individual sources of strength, meaning of spirituality, and magicoreligious beliefs associated with health and health care.
  • Collaborate in interdisciplinary efforts to provide culturally congruent health-care practices in the contexts of responsibility; acute versus preventive care; barriers to health care; the meaning of pain and the sick role; and traditional folk medicine practices.
  • Provide leadership in defining cultural issues related to learning styles, autonomy, and educational preparation of people in the health-care workforce.
Answered Same Day Mar 12, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Mar 14 2020
143 Votes
Course Assessment 2
Trans-cultural Healthcare: A Culturally Competent Approach
(Course Assessment)
Toyin Talabi
Aspen University
We require developing highly qualified nursing professionals to better handle the demands of ever expanding and upgrading healthcare system. Master level Nursing programs are designed to improve the quality of healthcare services available to a large population of patients, to upgrade the tools and techniques of Nursing and to make the services accessible to everyone. The healthcare system emphasizes on managed care, cost efficiency, and prevention. It requires nursing professionals with leadership skills, to implement advanced level evidence-based practice in addition to nonclinical roles (NYU Langone Health, n.d.).
Master level Nursing programs are extremely customized courses with a specialty in advanced clinical research for direct patient care and nonclinical (administrative) roles. Direct patient care professionals include Nurse Practitioners (NP), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) and Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS). The nonclinical roles include Teachers, Nurse Administrator, and Informatics (Alleyne & Jumma,2007).
The cu
iculum of the entire course is outlined with a purpose to reflect the evolutionary and transformative changes occu
ing in the healthcare sector. It prepares the trainee nurses to understand the cultural competencies of different patients and equips them to effectively implement necessary health-related decisive actions within the best interests of person, family and community interests(Purnell, 2013).
Keywords: Cu
iculum, diligence, evolutionary changes.
    Healthcare professionals need to be well informed about evolutionary practices and transformative thinking dependent on varied cultural competencies of different sections of society. The cu
iculum facilitates training in culturally diverse situations to emphasize real-time...

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