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Charles Sturt University Subject Outline EEB XXXXXXXXXXA D-28 January 2018-Version 1 Page of 1 21 EEB309 - Wellness and Wellbeing Session 1 2018 Faculty of Arts and Education School of Education...

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Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
EEB XXXXXXXXXXA D-28 January 2018-Version 1 Page of 1 21
EEB309 - Wellness and Wellbeing
Session 1 2018
Faculty of Arts and Education
School of Education
Distance Mode
Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the University’s
(http: of Country
Subject Coordinator Julie May
Campus Albury
Building/Room number 763/101
Consultation procedures
The above phone and room details are inco
ect. I am available via email ( XXXXXXXXXX) and
through forum consultation during set times throughout the week. There will also be other tutors
working in this subject who will also be available for consultation. You will be informed of the details
of such consultation via the EEB309 Interact2 site.
If you cannot contact your Subject Coordinator, please contact your teaching team using the contact
details and consultation procedures provided on your Interact2 subject site.
What is your subject about? A
ief overview
This subject explores the concept of wellness and wellbeing for staff and children in early childhood
settings. A health model of wellness and wellbeing is used to provide a framework for exploring the
social, mental, physical, environmental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life for adults and children.
Initially in each of the areas, a
oad social view is taken, then consideration is given to adult
perspectives, and then the relevance for children is explored.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, you should:
understand the concepts of wellness and wellbeing from a health model and how this pertains
to the early childhood context;
ecognise the impact that wellness and wellbeing has on the continuing development of the
individual (adult and child);
analyse the social and media aspects related to health issues;
eflect on the social value placed on wellness and wellbeing and how this influences
educators' perspectives on teaching practice in early childhood settings;
consider theoretical and practical means for fostering the wellness and wellbeing of children,
staff and families in early childhood settings;
evaluate how well early childhood services provide for the wellness and wellbeing of
children, staff and families;
explain the value of providing for the wellness and wellbeing of those involved in early
childhood settings;
ecognise and understand the role of leaders and advocates in the early childhood profession
in ensuring conditions in early childhood settings support the wellness and wellbeing of
children, families and staff;
devise useable ideas and experiences that are able to be implemented in early childhood
settings to provide for the wellness and wellbeing of the people there; and
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
EEB XXXXXXXXXXA D-28 January 2018-Version 1 Page of 2 21
Modules Readings
26th Fe
Session 3

Module 1:
and Welcome
Beginning at
Introduction to
1.3 Study
esources and
There are no readings this week. Please spend time this week
familiarising yourself with our Interact site and watching the ALLaN
ecognise the relationship that overall wellbeing has to social competence and the role that
early childhood professionals have in fostering this.
Pass Requirements
In order to pass this subject, students must complete and submit all assessment items and achieve an
overall mark equivalent to 50% of the total marks for the subject.
Key Subjects
Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your course.
You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first time you fail a
key subject you will be 'at risk' of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be excluded from the
The (https:
ent.php?id=00250) sets out theAcademic Progress Policy
equirements and procedures for satisfactory academic progress, for the exclusion of students who fail
to progress satisfactorily and for the termination of enrolment for students who fail to complete in the
maximum allowed time.
Assumed knowledge
Academic integrity means acting with honesty, fairness and responsibility, and involves observing and
maintaining ethical standards in all aspects of academic work. This subject assumes that you
understand what constitutes plagiarism, cheating and collusion. If you are a new student we expect you
to complete the modules called Academic Integrity at CSU
Prescribed Text
There is no prescribed text for this unit.
The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student Portal
(http: page.Textbooks
Subject and Assessment Schedule
Subject Outline: Please print this document so you have this information readily available. Everything
you will need to know about the subject will be contained in this document.
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
EEB XXXXXXXXXXA D-28 January 2018-Version 1 Page of 3 21
Modules Readings
1.4 View CSU
ALLaN Videos
1.5 Referencing

5th March

Module 2:
wellness and
2.1 Overview
2.2 Defining
wellness and
2.3 So what is
2.4 Dimensions
of wellness

ay, A. and Clendon, J XXXXXXXXXXCommunity Health and
Wellness: Primary Health Care in Practice (4th Edition) Healthy
Children. Chatswood, Elsevier Health Sciences. pp XXXXXXXXXXLocated in
Interact > Learning Content > The Useful Folder).
ins, G., Powers, D., & Burgess, S XXXXXXXXXXUnderstanding
wellness. A wellness way of life. New York, McGraw-Hill: pp.7-14.
(Located in e-reserve).

12th March

Module 3.
Wellness and
Determinants of
wellness and
3.2 Equity &
justice in
wellness &
3.3 The health
Liamputtong, P., Fanany, R., & Ve
inder, G XXXXXXXXXXHealth, illness,
and well-being: an introduction. Health, illness and well-being. P.
Liamputtong, R. Fanany and G. Ve
inder. South Melbourne, Oxford
University Press: pp. 11-17.
Henderson-Wilson, C XXXXXXXXXXHealth as social construct. Health,
illness and well-being: Perspectives and social determinents. P.
Liamputtong, R. Fanany and G. Ve
inder. South Melbourne, Oxford
University Press: XXXXXXXXXX.
Portsmouth, L XXXXXXXXXXHealth and the media. Health, illness and
well-being: Perspectives and social determinants. P. Liamputtong, R.
Fanany and G. Ve
inder. South Melbourne, Oxford University Press:
(All located in e-reserve).
Graham, H XXXXXXXXXXConcluding comment. Unequal Lives. New York,
McGraw-Hill: pp XXXXXXXXXXLocated in Interact > Learning Content
The Useful Folder).
19th March
Census date:
23rd March
one due date:
Module 4:
Wellness fo
our children
healthy children
4.2. Physical
ay, A. and Clendon, J XXXXXXXXXXCommunity Health and
Wellness: Primary Health Care in Practice (4th Edition) Healthy
Children. Chatswood, Elsevier Health Sciences. Section 2 Chapter 6
(Link to e-book located in Module 4).
Sellers, K., Russo, T. J., Baker, I., & Dennison, B. A XXXXXXXXXXThe role
of childcare providers in the prevention of childhood overweight.
Journal of Early Childhood Research 3, XXXXXXXXXXDOI:
10.1177/1476718x XXXXXXXXXXLink located in Module 4).
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
EEB XXXXXXXXXXA D-28 January 2018-Version 1 Page of 4 21
Modules Readings
25th March

dimension of
Kearns, K. (2010a). Children's health, safety and wellbeing. The big
picture. French's Forest, NSW, Pearson Australia: pp XXXXXXXXXX.
(Located in e-reserve).
26th March

Module 4:
Wellness fo
our children
dimension of
Davis, E., Priest, N., Davies, B., Smyth, L., Waters, E., He
man, H.,
(...) & Williamson, L XXXXXXXXXXFamily day care educators: an
exploration of their understanding and experiences promoting
children's social and emotional wellbeing. Early Child Development
Davis, E., Priest, N., Davies, B., Sims, M., Ha
ison, L., He
man, L.
(...) & Cook, L XXXXXXXXXXPromoting children's social and emotional
wellbeing in childcare centres within low socioeconomic areas:
Strategies, facilitators and challenges. Australasian Journal of Early
Childhood 35, pp. 77-86
(Links located in Module 4).
2nd April

Module 4:
Wellness fo
our children
4.5. Intellectual
dimension of
Dowling, M XXXXXXXXXXPlaying with thoughts and ideas: Young
children's thinking 3-5 years. Young Children's Thinking. London,
SAGE Publications. (Link located in Module 4 PowerPoint).

9th April
two due date:
15th April
Module 4:
Wellness of ou
4.6 Spiritual
dimension of
dimension of
Eaude, T XXXXXXXXXXHappiness, emotional wellbeing, and mental health
- what has children's spirituality to offer? International Journal of
Children's Spirituality, 14:3, XXXXXXXXXXThe excerpt you are required
to read [pp XXXXXXXXXXHow does spirituality relate to happiness,
emotional well-being and mental health?] is located in Interact
Learning Content > The Useful Folder).
Born Selly, P XXXXXXXXXXCreating a greener earth. Early childhood
activities for a greener earth. St. Paul, Redleaf press. org: pp. 1-13.
(Link located in Module 4).
Carter, M XXXXXXXXXXMaking the environment the third teacher.
Exchange July/August, pp XXXXXXXXXXLink located in Module 4).
16th April

Mid session

23rd April

Mid session
Module 5:
Caring for the
ins, G., Powers, D., & Burgess, S XXXXXXXXXXUnderstanding
Charles Sturt University Subject Outline
EEB XXXXXXXXXXA D-28 January 2018-Version 1 Page of 5 21
Modules Readings
10 30th April

5.1. Why the
emphasis on the
5.2. Physical
5.3. Intellectual
wellness. A wellness way of life. New York, McGraw-Hill: pp. 19-26
and pp XXXXXXXXXXLocated in e-reserve).
Johnson, J. A XXXXXXXXXXFinding your smile again: a child care
professional's guide to reducing stress and avoiding burnout. St. Paul,
Redleaf Press: pp XXXXXXXXXXLink located in Module 5).
7th May

Module 5:
Caring for the
5.4. Social and
Answered Same Day Apr 07, 2020


Nikita answered on Apr 14 2020
153 Votes
Wellness and Wellbeing
Wellness and Wellbeing    
Wellness and Well-being
A high-priority is given to the health and the well-being and provision of care which are social. The promotion of health and well-being is increasing due to the trend of mo
idity dramatically and the mortality of the health problem, diseases and illness which are chronic. A significant role is played by the physiotherapists in the health promotion arena that is multidisciplinary. As health is promoted by the physiotherapists in ways that are dynamic and the community received the contribution. The promotions of the health help the individuals to suffer them from health issue or have the conditions of chronic to improve their potential for living healthy. Health is considered as a state of physical, mental and well-being which is complete and t social and not merely the disease absence or infirmity. The lifelong process is wellness that means making decisions that are appropriate for fulfilling the life and become a healthier human being. Wellness is multidimensional that consists of the element such as physical, social, emotional, occupational, spiritual and intellectual. Many important factors are there which need to be considered for classifying the health and well-being. The health is affected by non-modifiable factors that are genetics, gender, race, age. The lifestyle is affected by other factors like personality, attitudes and thoughts. Health of individual is closely linked with the community health. A group of society relation is defined to their behavior, orientation and the community contribution, which involves their interest or other people needs, as health which is general can help in influencing the relationship of friends and family. The change in emotion, the sustainability ability in control of them, resolving problems, and stress copying. It is dependent on the environment which is natural. Weather, when it is extreme heat and conditions of icy and cold, this shows the activities participation that are outdoor. An important affecting factor is socioeconomic issue, where people who have achieved higher education and incomes that are higher tend to be less prone to stress. Live of the individual is at a quality of the life that is greater (Reynolds, 2017). Life of the quality can be refe
ed as the perception of individual and life position in the culture and value system context in which they live and goals in their expectations, standards, relations and concerns. The status of the socioeconomic is inversely related to the leisure participation-physical activity time, in which people may be related to the incomes that are low having time of discretion which is less and access to the facilities which are less of exercise and green spaces. In countries that are developed, lifestyle of the people is sedentary which can results in to obesity higher level, therefore lower overall well-being. Health is promoted and well-being is due to the trend that is increasing and dramatically of mo
idity and mortality from the health problems, illness and disease that are chronic. As professional workers of the health, physiotherapists owe the manners which are moral so that the patients become more active and in daily life the physical activity is increased. Lifestyle of the People as sedentary is refe
ed as a couch potato, such as sitting down, television watching, limited activities doing on the computer. The world population that consists of 60% fails the amount to complete as recommended for the activity that are physical which are required to induce the benefits of the health. It will result in the problem of health. In the year 2009 WHO the study shows inactivity that are physical is estimated as the principle cause for approximately 21 to 25% of
east and colon cancer burden, 27% of diabetes and approximately 30% of the heart burden disease. The people who are unfit tend to have a percentage which is higher for getting illness and these risk factors often underlie the disease that are chronic and which is leading today. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for the diabetes of type 2 development, with people who are active have a lower risk of 33 to 50% compared with the people who are inactive. Furthermore health behavior which is poor is also a big influence in the well-being and the health, including habits that are abusive such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco. From the problems of the health that are addressed above it suggest promotion of the health is necessary. For maintaining the health, prevent health behavior which are damaging for preventing ill health and improve quality of life. There is an evidence of the body which is growing to demonstrate the health results promotion in improvement health outcomes of the public and has a role which is important in tackling the health wider determinants. These findings reflect is distu
ing, there is a trend which is influential which show people are suffering...

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