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Please answer those discussions and provide each reference at the end of per discussions. It does not have to be a long answer. ACC308-9 The four stages of the system development life cycle...

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Please answer those discussions and provide each reference at the end of per discussions. It does not have to be a long answer.


  • The four stages of the system development life cycle are:

    • Development.

    • Testing.

    • Deployment.

    • Monitoring.

  • When implementing an accounting information system (AIS), any of these four stages can pose a challenge. Provide an example of a failed AIS implementation, detail the stages where the company failed during this implementation, and explain what could have been done differently.


  • What was your favorite topic to learn about in QuickBooks?

  • What topic did you find most challenging?

  • How will you be able to apply what you learned about using QuickBooks in your current or future jobs?


  • Segment information is reported based on the internal financial reporting system of the company rather than the authoritative accounting requirements based on GAAP. Analyze the disclosure reporting requirements related to each separately reportable operating segment. Give your opinion as to whether disclosures provide financial statement users beneficial information for investment or credit decisions. Provide examples to support your response.

Answered 1 days After May 17, 2024


Khushboo answered on May 19 2024
7 Votes
For meeting customers’ expectations, cost evaluation, and reaching goods within timelines, it is necessary that an entity should have a high-quality system and it can be fulfilled through an effective System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It is a process that is followed for a software project and within a software organization. It mainly involves a detailed plan regarding the development, maintenance, replacement, or enhancement of a specific software. The lifecycle helps to define the methodology for improvement in the quality of software and the overall development process. The stages of SDLC can be understood from the below chart:
For the development or modification of a system generally, there are 5 steps followed:
· Under the planning step, approval is obtained for the project and includes initiation of the process, evaluation of feasibility, plan, and detailed schedule of planning.
· Under the analysis step, the business needs and processing needs are evaluated by experts.
· Under the design step, the solution system is introduced or defined based on requirements and evaluation done for processes (Sage Software, 2023).
· Under the implementation step, various processes include as construction of the system, testing, use of trained users, and installation of the new system in an organization.
· Under the maintenance step, regular testing and maintenance are done to keep the system improved and healthy for use.
The example of a failed AIS implementation can be understood from the below case:
The SAP system was installed successfully at the Australian subsidiary of LeasePlan company. In the year 2016, the leasing company commissioned HCL Technologies to develop a new SAP-based core leasing system. In early 2018, the auditor of the company warned about exceptions concerning user access and change management in CLS and recommended adopting and improving governance and IT controls in the year 2019, the company faced the severe risk of outsourcing. The company...

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