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FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting FNSACC607 Evaluate Business Performance Prerequisite: This Unit has a Prerequisite FNSACC511 Provide financial and business...

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FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting

FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting

Evaluate Business Performance

Prerequisite: This Unit has a Prerequisite
FNSACC511 Provide financial and business performance information

Mode | Classroom + Online Delivery

FNS60217 & FNS50215 | FNSACC607 Evaluate Business Performance
Learner’s Guide | V 1.1 | April 2018
Business Institute of Australia | RTO Code 91019
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FNS60217 | FNSINC601 Apply Economic Principles to Work in the Financial Services Industry
Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | June 2015
Brighton Pacific Pty Ltd t/a Australia Institute of Business and Technology | RTO Code 41138
Approved by: Quality Manager | Next Review: Dec 2016
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FNSACC607 Evaluate Business Performance

Supporting: FNS60215 Advanced Diploma of Accounting and FNS50215 Diploma of Accounting; May also support other qualifications based on
espective packaging rules

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E-Skills Australia Pty Ltd

FNS60217 & FNS50215 | FNSACC607 Evaluate Business Performance
Learner’s Guide | V 1.1 | April 2018
Business Institute of Australia | RTO Code 91019
Page 3 of 24
FNS60217 | FNSINC601 Apply Economic Principles to Work in the Financial Services Industry
Trainer’s Guide | V 1.0 | June 2015
Brighton Pacific Pty Ltd t/a Australia Institute of Business and Technology | RTO Code 41138
Approved by: Quality Manager | Next Review: Dec 2016
Page 3 of 24
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX4
2. Unit Overview ................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX4
3. Competency Standards ................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX5
4. Delivery Plan ................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX7
Delivery A
angement ...................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7
Delivery Conditions ......................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7
Suggested Learner Resources ......................................................... XXXXXXXXXX11
5. Assessment Plan .......................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX12
Assessment Method ........................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX12
Submission of Works .................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX15
Assessment Tasks and Schedule ................................................ XXXXXXXXXX15
The following assessments are planned for this unit; ......................... XXXXXXXXXX15
6. Assessment Tasks ........................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX15
Assessment Task 1: ...................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX16
Assessment Task 2: ...................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX19
Assessment Task 3: ........................................................
Answered Same Day Jun 10, 2021 FNS50215


Tanmoy answered on Jun 20 2021
163 Votes
Assessment Task 1:
Assess Business Performance Trend: Nick Scali Furniture
Part A:
Income Statement:
    Revenue from sale of goods
    Cost of goods sold
    Gross Profit
    Other Income
    Marketing Expenses
    Employment Expenses
    General & Administration Expenses
    Property Expenses
    Distribution Expenses
    Depreciation & Amortization
    Finance Cost
    Profit Before Income Tax
    Income Tax Expenses
    Net Profit after Tax for the yea
    Cash flow hedges gain/ (loss) taken from equity
    Total Comprehensive Income for the yea
Balance Sheet:
ent Assets
    Cash Assets
    Other financial assets
    Other assets
    Total Cu
ent Assets
    Non Cu
ent Assets
ed tax assets
    Property, plant & equipment
    Intangible assets
    Total Non-Cu
ent assets
    Total Assets
ent Liabilities
ent tax liabilities
    Total Cu
ent Liabilities
ent Liabilities
ed tax liabilities
    Total Non Cu
ent Liabilities
    Total Liabilities
    Net Assets
    Contributed equity
    Retained profits
    Total Equity
Cash Flow Statement:
    Cash Flows from Operating Activities
    Receipts from customers
    Payment to Suppliers and employees
    Interest received
    Income tax paid
    Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities
    Cash Flows from Investing Activities
    Purchase of property, plant & equipment
    Net Cash Flows (Used) in Investing Activities
    Cash Flows from Financing Activities
    Payment of dividends on Ordinary shares
    Proceeds from bo
    Interest paid
    Net Cash (Used) in Financing Activities
    Net Increase in Cash Held
    Add: Opening cash
    Closing cash c/f
Trend Analysis: Sales Revenue to Gross profits and Net profits
Evaluation of the Assets and liabilities from the balance sheet
The total cu
ent assets of Nick Scali furniture have increased from 2012 till 2014. While the cash has increased considerably the receivables have decreased. This is a positive sign for the company as receivable reduction illustrates the company’s ability to collect the debts from its credit sales. Inventories have increased which means includes both work in progress and raw material along with finished goods. Company was able to reduce the defe
ed tax assets gradually in 2014. They have invested proportionately in property, plant & equipment and hence the value of the same have enhanced gradually. The value of the intangible assets has remained the same for all the years. The cu
ent liabilities have increased gradually due to increase in the production process. The bo
owings of the company have also increased in 2013 from 2012 and have remained the same for the next years. There has been increase in net assets observed and the growth percentage in 2014 compared to 2013 is 10.45%. This states that Nick Scali has a positive Net working capital in all the years till 2014. While the contribution to the equity share capital of the company has remained the same, there has been a growth in the total equity mainly due to increase in retained earnings in 2013 and 2014.
Cash flow analysis
The net cash flows from operations of Nick Scali furniture is positive and is increasing for all the three years from 2012 till 2014. The cash flow from operations is the cash the company generates and produces internally. The net income or profit is adjusted with non cash charges and the increase and decrease in the net working capital items to a
ive at this figure. This is a positive sign for the company.
The cash flows from investing activities is the amount used for investing in capital expenditures like plant, properties, equipments and acquisition of long term assets for business. It is generally negative as there are cash investments made by the company for acquiring the assets. For Nick Scali the figures are negative for all the years but the rate of negativity has been observed to have declined in the year 2014. This illustrates the ability of the company to earn returns on the investments made. This is also a positive indicator for Nick Scali furniture.
The cash flows from financing activities indicate the ability of the company to bo
ow funds in the form of debt and equity. Also, on repayment of interest on debt and dividends on equity to the shareholders the amount of financing decreases. The same has happened for Nick Scali. It is observed that due to repayment of dividend to the shareholders and proceeds from bo
owings in the year 2013 the cash flow from financing activities is in declining pattern for all the year.
Cost and Sales analysis
There has been increase in sales observed for Nick Scali Ltd for the year 2013 and 2014. The growth in sales was more in 2013 at 16% compared to the growth in 2014 at 11%. Similarly, the growth in cost was 16% in 2013 and 12% in 2014. Hence, it is observed that the costs are slightly higher than rate of growth in sales and needs to be taken into account for Nick Scali Ltd.
Analysis of debtor and credito
There has been decreased in the receivables for gradually from 2012 till 2014 onwards. This states that Nick Scali Ltd. ability to collect cash from the debtors on the credit sales within specified time limit. The creditors of the company have increased from 2012 till 2014. This is an indication of more time allotted by the suppliers of goods to Nick Scali Ltd for credit purchases. It will definitely help the company to get additional time for making payment to the creditors. Hence, there will be a balance between the debt collection from the debtors and payment to the suppliers.
Analysis of the Director’s Report
Business critical factors: The furniture market in Australia remained downcast and highly competitive for the year 2014. The consumer demand was also volatile and the result of Nick Scali was positive in 2014. After analysing the potential demand of the customers Nick Scali Ltd. is strategizing various plans of action to open more furniture stores in various regions in Australia to crater their business. Also, the company is responsible for delivering a fair business policy through hike in the remuneration of the executives and employees, promoting ethical, honest and conscientious decision making policies, abiding and maintaining the diversity policy, conducting audits for safeguarding the interests of the shareholders, promoting a work health and safety policy and recognition and management of the risks during the business operation process.
Growth prospects: In 2014 as observed, the net profits of Nick Scali was slightly lower than 2013 by -11%. There has been growth observed in the dividend of the company in the same year by 26%. Company wants to emphasize on...

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