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Participant Guide Assessment 3 of 3 Portfolio of Evidence – Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information and the WHSIS E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety BSBWHS507 Contribute to managing WHS...

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Participant Guide
Assessment 3 of 3
Portfolio of Evidence – Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information and the WHSIS
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBWHS507 Contribute to managing WHS information systems
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32362/03
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Competency details
BSBWHS507 Contribute to managing WHS information systems
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to managing work health and safety information systems (WHSIS) to support work health and safety (WHS) management. It focuses on systems for gathering, managing and communicating information necessary for WHS management.
It applies to individuals who contribute to the management of a WHSIS. These people will work in a range of WHS roles across all industries and apply a substantial knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts.
Note: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented, Registered Training Organisations are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by refe
ing to the existing State/Te
itory OHS legislative requirements.
Assessment outline
All assessment tasks must be completed successfully to pass the unit.
    Assessment task
    Word limit
    1: Auto-mark quiz
    2: Portfolio of Evidence – WHSIS
    1,450 + Evidence requirement
    3: Portfolio of Evidence – Evaluating and Reviewing the WHSIS
    1,450 + Evidence requirement
There are three assessments for this unit:
1. online quiz questions
2. develop a WHIS
3. provide evidence of evaluating and reviewing the WHSIS
You are required to complete these assessments with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. Write your assessment in a commonly used software program such as Microsoft Word, or you can download a Microsoft Word copy of this assessment from the relevant study period of your course in OpenSpace.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your submission for each assessment must be incorporated into one file.
Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your [student number]_[assessment number].docx
For example, 12345678_21850a_01.docx
Assessment submission
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the ‘Assessment upload’ links in the relevant study period of your course.
Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
Please ensure that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments you submit to Open Colleges.
Assessment 3: Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information and the WHSIS
Assessment instruction
Provide evidence of evaluating and reviewing WHS Information and the WHSIS.
You may choose to complete this task based on your own work environment or using the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study that is available in the ‘Additional resources’ section of OpenSpace.
Your evidence must include each of the parts specified below.
    Part A
    Enter the risks you identified during your hazard identification process to the Risk registe
    Part B
    Choose one of the risks identified and gather reliable sources of information relevant to that risk
    Part C
    Describe the legislative requirements relating to the notification and reporting of incidents
    Part D
    Review the WHSIS and prepare a report
    Part E
    From your report, select one area for improvement where training is required and prepare an email to the HR Manager (or relevant authority) explaining what training is required and how the training should be conducted
Your evidence must include the following as a minimum:
Part A – Risk registe
Review topic 6.3.2 of the module then enter the risks you identified during your hazard identification process in Assessment 2, to the Risk register. You must enter at least five identified risks. The information recorded should include:
· description of risk
· potential impact or consequences
· a risk assessment
· mitigation actions
· timelines
· date recorded.
If you are using the Case Study, refer to the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control procedure to assist you.
Use the template below to prepare your Risk register.
(400 words)
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Risk registe
    Description of risk
(including any identified ‘triggers’)
    Potential impact
(Identify consequences)
    Assessment of
    Assessment of
    Risk rating
    Change in rating since last review
    Date of review/ addition to registe
    Mitigation actions
(preventative or contingency)
    Responsibility for mitigation action(s)
    Timeline/ due date for mitigation action(s)
    Date mitigation implemented
Part B – Gather information
Review topic 6.3.1 and choose one of the risks identified above. Gather reliable sources of information relevant to that risk. Explain the information sources you have chosen and why.
(200 words)
Part C – Incident requirements
Review topic 6.3.3 of your module and describe the legislative requirements relating to the notification and reporting of incidents.
(250 words)
Part D – WHSIS Improvements
Review Topic 4 of your learning material and the WHSIS then prepare a report. In your report, explain:
· the areas of the WHSIS that need improvement
· what improvements could be made
· the frequency and scope of future reviews.
If you are using the Case Study, look at the ‘WHSIS feedback survey results’ in the additional resources section on OpenSpace to conduct your analysis.
(500 words)
Part E – Training
Review topic 6.4.4 of your module. From your report in Part D, select one area for improvement where training is required and prepare an email to the HR Manager (or relevant authority) explaining what training is required and how the training should be conducted. In the email explain:
· what training is required
· how you have identified this training need
· your recommendations for a
anging the training.
(100 words)
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Answered Same Day Apr 20, 2020 BSBWHS507


Amar answered on May 14 2020
138 Votes
Assessment 3: Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information & WHSIS
Running Header: Assessment 3: Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information & WHSIS                                    4
Assessment 3: Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information & WHSIS    8
Assessment 3: Evaluating and Reviewing WHS Information & WHSIS
Part A – Risk Registe
    Description of risk (including any identified ‘triggers’)
    Potential impact (Identify consequences)
    Assessment of Likelihood
    Assessment of Likelihood
    Risk Rating
    Change in rating since last review
    Date of review/ addition to registe
    Responsibility for mitigation action(s)
    Timeline/ due date for mitigation action(s)
    Date mitigation implemented
    Using the various mobile as well as fixed shelving within the hotel environs
    Manual form of handling can cause injuries in the manner of inappropriate storage of items like that of items that are frequently used as well as difficult in being accessed, heavier items that are stored over the head height or else above, slipping or else falling from the steps or improper using of wrong tools for reaching out to things at height which shall be utilized for accessing the items, and the accumulation concerning the various documentation / items that essentially take up increased storage space which shall lead to the impinging of the non-storage areas like for example unnecessary items / furniture across the walkways / co
idors causing tripping or other harm.
No Change
    WHS Committee
    30 days
    Moving as well as a
anging the hospital furniture as well as various tools / equipment
    Injuries from manual handling that result from puling, pushing, as well as lifting
    No Change
    WHS Committee 
    30 days 
    General environment at the hotel
    Poor form of housekeeping as well as a
angements of storage leading to the accumulation of unnecessary ru
ish, tripping from items that are inappropriately placed like for example power cords, electrical wires, damaged materials, emergency exits that are blocked, shelves that are overloaded, as well as, walking / bumping towards the cupboards / drawers that are opened
    No Change
    WHS Committee 
    60 days
    Utilization of the kitchen facilities
    Poor form of housekeeping, injuries / burns from anything boiling / hot water and oil, Cuts by way of using the kitchen cutlery, spilling of the liquid, electrocution / electric shocks by way of electrical appliances, fire incidents at the kitchen, as well as, contamination of the cleaning chemicals
    No Change
    WHS Committee 
    45 days 
    data entry, word processing and other desk jo
    Injuries / disorders concerning musculoskeletal, inclusive of the overuse injuries, resulting from inappropriate layout of the work station as well as design, improper computer form of equipment and / or the office furniture, as well as, longer periods concerning data entry / desk sitting with no
    No Change
    WHS Committee 
    30 days 
Part B – Gather Information
The risk identified for further investigations concerns the using the various mobile as well as fixed shelving within the hotel environs with implications spanning manual form of handling causing injuries...

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