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Part I:TextBook Link: post one outside article and your comments. Pick anything in Chapter 11 or Chapter 12 that you can find referenced in a real news outlet and...

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Part I:TextBook Link: post one outside article and your comments. Pick anything in Chapter 11 or Chapter 12 that you can find referenced in a real news outlet and describe what you found. Provide the link. Something you think relates to either of the chapter materials. Please reference your source or include it here and explain the importance of your article.
You can begin your critique by giving a short summary in two to three sentences of what the article is about. I am looking for a well-crafted, logical set of viewpoints. I expect that whatever you submit will be original material. If you include material from the source article or from any other sources, include it in quotation marks and note the full and precise citation at the bottom of the critique
Part II:After watching the video ( ) provide your comments on how it relates to the chapter 11.

Part III:Read the simulation, and provide a response of how you think it best correlates to the chapter 12.(one short paragraph fine)
Answered Same Day Jun 25, 2020


Preeti answered on Jun 26 2020
141 Votes
Discussion Questions
Part I:
es elaborated with the ways or methods in which business managers should deal and manage multicultural teams at workplace. The article outlined several critical facts as it is quite difficult to handle and manage team misalignment causing on account of differences in culture, background and norms. The cross cultural differences are necessary to be
idged and aligned, in case; leaders expect to attain good results and outcomes. In this context, the main strategies or ways to handle and manage multicultural teams is understanding the fact that one size does not fit all as every personnel from different culture background act in his or her own way, style and approach. These individualised style and approach should be shaped in a manner creating effective landscape and maximising results. Likewise, leaders handling cross cultural teams are also expected to listen and understand cultural distinctions and contexts for creating opportunities and building
idges empowering each team member. Lastly, it is also emphasised that multicultural teams or diversity should never be presumed as a responsibility;...

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