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PART B UNIT DESRIPTION [MN610] [Virtual Private Networks] Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines School School of IT and Engineering (SITE) Course Name Master of Networking (MNET) Unit Code...

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[MN610] [Virtual Private Networks]

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines


School of IT and Engineering (SITE)

Course Name

Master of Networking (MNET)

Unit Code


Unit Title

Virtual Private Networks

Assessment Author

Dr James Kang

Assessment Type


Assessment Title

Assignment 2 - High level design for an SME network and VPN services

Unit Learning Outcomes covered in this assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop requirements and design a network which can be implemented with VPN services for an SME (small and medium sized enterprises). The design of network and service must be specific so that it can be used for a purpose of a quotation and proposal from vendors.

After the assignment, students are expected to learn not only the knowledge and current technical aspects of VPN but also research, data collection, analysis and writing skills, which are very important and help them for study. Students will be able to understand what aspects and contents are required for requirements too.

The following ULOs are covered;

· c. Develop architectural VPN designs for small, medium and large businesses and corporations

· d. Report on the health of the existing VPN architecture, solution, data, application, and technology

· e. Investigate and justify the appropriate design and solution for different organisations

· f. Analyse and report on the current and future state of the management of VPN infrastructure and its technologies

· g. Define a roadmap process to transform the VPN architecture to support long-term organisational goals

· h. Implement a process to support the administration and the management of VPN


15% of Total Assessment

Total Marks


Word limit

See instructions

Release Date

Week 8

Due Date

6:00 PM Wednesday 30th May 2018 (Week 11)

Submission Guidelines

· All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.

· The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.

· Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA or IEEE referencing style for School of Business and School of Information Technology and Engineering respectively.


· If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:

Academic Misconduct

· Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.

Assignment Description


There are two parts to this assignment, i.e. part A and part B.

A. Investigate, design and develop a suitable VPN network for an SME by addressing the following criteria. See detailed instruction in the next section. 90 marks

B. Presentation 10 marks

Part A description:

There are two areas to consider for VPN network design in this assignment.

1. Design a network for an SME

2. Build VPN services for the users

Contents must include:

· Introduction

· Scopes and Limitations

· Requirements (Network parts and VPN service parts)

· Solution Design

a. Logical Design

b. Physical Design

c. Network Topologies

d. IP addressing

e. Security features and Policies

f. Redundancy and Failover plans

g. VPN service implementation

· Refer the sample document included in below for network design, and consider how to implement VPN services onto the network. Do not copy the contents of the sample in your work as it is regarded as plagiarism.

Part B description:

Prepare slides (between 10 – 15 slides) for presentation during the lab class. The solution of VPN services and network design shall be presented with 15 minutes for a group during week 11 Lab class. Presentation slides should be submitted in Moodle prior to the presentation for marking. No other options (e.g. hard copy, memory stick, website, email etc) will be considered but the presentation file submitted in Moodle.

Marking criteria:

Example of marking criteria is shown in following table. Marks are allocated as follows:

Note: The marking criteria varies for each assignment

Section to be included in the report

Detailed Description of the Criteria


Template and format

The document should include all necessary headings and contents to depict a VPN services and network design as per the example provided.



Multiple Figures and Tables need to be included to properly show the requirements development. There must be a section for ‘compliance’ check so that vendors can properly reply to the requirements.



This section should include proper headings and contents to propose a solution for a VPN network.

Wireless LAN solution needs to be included.


VPN service configurations

VPN services implemented and configured shall include screenshots with proper explanation and configurations


In body citation

Strictly follow the order and instruction by IEEE. Check when/where to put the citation. See attached files and search the internet for guidelines


References section

Check whether they follow the instruction. Otherwise, no marks will be provided



Presentation skills and materials quality




Example Marking Rubric for Assignment #: Total Marks 100

Note: The marking criteria varies for each assignment

Marking Rubric Criteria/ Grades

High Distinction (HD) [Excellent]


Distinction (D) [Very Good]



(C) [Good]


Pass (P) [Satisfactory]


Fail (N) [Unsatisfactory]

Criteria 1

Concise and specific to the project

Topics are relevant and soundly analysed.

Generally relevant and analysed.

Some relevance and briefly presented.

This is not relevant to the assignment topic.

Criteria 2

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriately

Demonstrated ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately

Demonstrated ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately

Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately

Criteria 3

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriately

Demonstrated ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately

Demonstrated ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately

Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately

Criteria 4

All elements are present and very well integrated.

Components present with good cohesive

Components present and mostly well integrated

Most components present

Proposal lacks structure.

Criteria 5

Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments

Consistency logical and convincing

Mostly consistent logical and convincing

Adequate cohesion and conviction

Argument is confused and disjointed

Criteria 6

Clear styles with excellent source of references.

Clear referencing style

Generally good referencing style

Sometimes clear referencing style

Lacks consistency with many errors

End of Document

Answered Same Day May 18, 2020 MN610


Shikha answered on May 26 2020
147 Votes
Virtual Private Networking – SME
Submitted By
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a developing effect in the modern era of globalization, especially in the countries that are developing. A SME is said to be a noteworthy social as well as financial supporter of the world economy; it gives large in business as well as employment development more than substantial endeavors do. This enhanced notoriety has set a pressure on SMEs to upgrade the way they run their business so as to be more focused in the cu
ent global environment. IS/IT is basically the way to SME achievement in contending in the worldwide market. Their large network infrastructure is the bedrock of communication in SMEs. This networking infrastructure is responsible of communication between a few locales of a solitary organization. Endeavor systems have developed significantly over the most recent two decades.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) is considered as the network system that utilizes some public network system in order to exchange data by utilizing secure techniques. This innovation associates isolate sites over the Internet and also enables them to work as a single, private system. The data is sent by means of encrypted tunnel over the Internet however being private during data transmission. In this paper, we will discuss about VPN (Virtual Private Network Design) for SMEs. [1]
The main scope of implementing VPN in SME is to enable virtual connection for employees. It will enable the employees to access the data remotely from any location when they are not in office. It will help to establish secured connection to the SME data from any location. Also, it will help to minimize overall expenditure of the organization.
An exceptionally detailed comprehension of the system security issues as well as careful installation will be required for VPN configuration so as to ensure enough security while interfacing through the public network system. Performance as well as dependability of the VPNs that are web based won't be simply controlled by the association. The VPN solution will dependably depend on the ISP and the administration quality provided by ISP. The VPN solutions as well as items that were offered by different providers were not good with a few associations as a result of VPN technology standards. Packet loss can be possible in VPN due to network problem. Dissimilar to VPNs, MPLS-based Secure Private Networks give solutions for these issues, with substantially more redundancy as well as adaptability. [2]
Network access server (NAS) - NAS is device which is used for setting up and keeping up each tunnel in a remote access VPN.
Firewall - A firewall gives a strong boundary between private network system as well as the Internet. IT staff can set firewalls to limit what kind of network traffic can go through from the Internet onto a LAN, and on what TCP and UDP ports. Indeed, even without a VPN, a LAN ought to incorporate a firewall to help secure against malicious network traffic.
AAA Server - Authentication, authorization and accounting is considered as acronym of AAA server which are the responsibilities for the server. For every VPN connection, the AAA server affirms our identity (authentication), recognizes what we're permitted to access over the association (authorization) and tracks what we do while we're signed in (accounting). [3]
Logical Network Design
A typical practice is to utilize a virtual private network design (VPN) when SME has to use the frameworks and assets that are the part of corporate local network from outside systems, for example, the Internet. A VPN network system regularly is a client server application which handles the safe transmission of information between various sites or remote users with the help of encrypted virtual tunnel. The procedure is very transparent to the members and communication between them is as they are privately associated. Rather than utilizing a committed physical network connection, a VPN utilizes virtual connection directed through the Internet from the organization to the remote location. This tunnel is considered as separate logical tunnel amongst endpoints and it is combination of...

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