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Part 1: Reflection and Comparison of Self to “Ideal” Caregiver  You will prepare a formal written assignment where you will describe the qualities and characteristics of an “ideal” caregiver as it...

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Part 1: Reflection and Comparison of Self to “Ideal” Caregiver  You will prepare a formal written assignment where you will describe the qualities and characteristics of an “ideal” caregiver as it pertains to their professional role and responsibilities as a caregiver.  You must also identify how this “ideal” caregiver works both independently and collaboratively with other healthcare interdisciplinary team members.  Through self-reflection you will then compare yourself to this “ideal” caregiver and identify any self-development needs you might have.
Part 2: Creation of Personal Mission Statement
Based on the self-reflection in part 1, you will develop a personal mission statement related to your future work as a HCA. Think about your personal values, beliefs, goals and interests and how this could shape your future professional role as a HCA. Think about the challenges and rewards of working in a community, residential or acute care setting.
o What makes these settings different from one another? How might you fit into these settings? Feel free to do an internet search of examples of mission statements from various healthcare settings in order to help you develop your own. o Provide a reflection on how you decided on your personal mission statement. What values and beliefs did you acknowledge in creating your mission statement? How will this help you as a care giver? o Please reference all of the websites that you visit as you develop your own mission statement.
Basic Criteria (See Rubric Attached)
o Title page o Reference page o Typed, double-spaced o Full 3 to 4-page length o Connect reflection to content from class readings and lectures o Genuine and authentic reflection o Well-articulated personal mission statement
Part 1: Reflection and Comparison of Self to “Ideal” Caregiver  You will prepare a formal written assignment where you will describe the qualities and characteristics of an “ideal” caregiver as it pertains to their professional role and responsibilities as a caregiver.  You must also identify how this “ideal” caregiver works both independently and collaboratively with other healthcare interdisciplinary team members.  Through self-reflection you will then compare yourself to this “ideal” caregiver and identify any self-development needs you might have.
Part 2: Creation of Personal Mission Statement
Based on the self-reflection in part 1, you will develop a personal mission statement related to your future work as a HCA. Think about your personal values, beliefs, goals and interests and how this could shape your future professional role as a HCA. Think about the challenges and rewards of working in a community, residential or acute care setting.
o What makes these settings different from one another? How might you fit into these settings? Feel free to do an internet search of examples of mission statements from various healthcare settings in order to help you develop your own. o Provide a reflection on how you decided on your personal mission statement. What values and beliefs did you acknowledge in creating your mission statement? How will this help you as a care giver? o Please reference all of the websites that you visit as you develop your own mission statement.
Basic Criteria (See Rubric Attached)
o Title page o Reference page o Typed, double-spaced o Full 3 to 4-page length o Connect reflection to content from class readings and lectures o Genuine and authentic reflection o Well-articulated personal mission statement
Part 1: Reflection and Comparison of Self to “Ideal” Caregiver  You will prepare a formal written assignment where you will describe the qualities and characteristics of an “ideal” caregiver as it pertains to their professional role and responsibilities as a caregiver.  You must also identify how this “ideal” caregiver works both independently and collaboratively with other healthcare interdisciplinary team members.  Through self-reflection you will then compare yourself to this “ideal” caregiver and identify any self-development needs you might have.
Part 2: Creation of Personal Mission Statement
Based on the self-reflection in part 1, you will develop a personal mission statement related to your future work as a HCA. Think about your personal values, beliefs, goals and interests and how this could shape your future professional role as a HCA. Think about the challenges and rewards of working in a community, residential or acute care setting.
o What makes these settings different from one another? How might you fit into these settings? Feel free to do an internet search of examples of mission statements from various healthcare settings in order to help you develop your own. o Provide a reflection on how you decided on your personal mission statement. What values and beliefs did you acknowledge in creating your mission statement? How will this help you as a care giver? o Please reference all of the websites that you visit as you develop your own mission statement.
Basic Criteria (See Rubric Attached)
o Title page o Reference page o Typed, double-spaced o Full 3 to 4-page length o Connect reflection to content from class readings and lectures o Genuine and authentic reflection o Well-articulated personal mission statement
Answered 550 days After Jun 27, 2020


Sayani answered on Dec 29 2021
127 Votes
Part 1: Reflection and Comparison of Self with Ideal Caregive
Qualities and Characteristics of Ideal Caregive
An ideal care giver is that person, who provides adequate care to the patients in order to make them feel comfortable so that they can share each detail with the care giver. Hence, the first and the foremost important quality that should be present in an ideal caregiver is excellent communication skill. Through effective communication power an ideal caregiver could able to understand the emotional as well as mental state of the patients and accordingly could serve their best in providing them care.
Through powerful communication, the care giver can ask good questions and make a patient comfortable in sharing how they are feeling. Second important quality that should be there within an ideal caregiver is patience and compassion. The caregiver might meet certain patients who might take longer time to understand simple task, or there might be certain person who lose temper most often and creates an aggressive environment. In such situation it is the role and responsibility of the caregiver to tackle such circumstances with patience and produce empathetic outlook towards the patient (Wiley et al. 2019).
The third most important quality that should be present within an ideal caregiver is to be cooperative and collaborative with each healthcare team members. In order to be ideal and excellent in healthcare field the care giver should be cooperative with not only the patient as well as their family but also should engage themselves in several collaborative work with team members. Apart from these qualities the caregiver also plays an important role in working both independently as well as collaboratively with other healthcare interdisciplinary team members by respecting each job roles, assigning specific responsibilities as well as task, handling conflict and work effectively towards improvement (Victor et al. 2021).
In this regard, in order to compare my personal self with an ideal care giver I can state that though I am capable enough to solve any situation and tackle any problematic circumstances but still, I lack certain basic things which need improvement. I am confident with my communication power but I sometimes fail to understand patient’s psychological...

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