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PART 1 GROUP FACILITATION (20%) In groups of 2-3, students will create a group facilitation activity and simulate this in class. You will select a type of group and a target client group and in class...

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PART 1 GROUP FACILITATION (20%) In groups of 2-3, students will create a group facilitation activity and simulate this in class. You will select a type of group and a target client group and in class work as co-facilitators to engage the group in an activity. The chosen activity would ethically reflect the type of group and target group. The group exercise should be planned to occupy 20 minutes and could be one of the following types of activities: - A warm-up exercise - Facilitating a conversation - Managing a difficult situation in group (responding to strong emotion; resolving a conflict; responding to distraction in group) - A focusing activity to encourage the learning of a personal development tool - A closing exercise or warm down activity. PART 2 WRITTEN RATIONALE (10%) 500 words Each student will provide a written rationale for why they chose to facilitate this activity - in relation to type of group and target group, discuss the ethical considerations and evaluate the outcome of the group experience. COMPLETE THIS SECTION BEFORE FACILITATION EXERCISE: Why did you choose this type of group? Why did you choose this target group? What ethical considerations did you make? COMPLETE THIS SECTION AFTER FACILITATION EXERCISE AND GROUP DE-BRIEFING: What was the outcome of the activity you facilitated? What learning did you gain from this facilitation exercise?
Answered Same Day Jun 08, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 13 2021
142 Votes
Group Facilitation Assessment
Session Plan
Group Facilitation Assessment
In order to enhance the performance of teams that are working in any organizations, we need to introduce policies and procedures that make the work environment conducive for growth. Organization policies, rules and regulations provides a strong framework by virtue of which employees and all other stakeholders associate with norms of Organization. These policies shapes behavior of the employees hence it is utmost important that rules, regulations and policies for workforce so made are aligned with the Vision, Mission and Values of an organization. Majority of the companies and business organizations are leveraging different methodologies as well as programs to improve cohesion of the group. By the virtue of this assignment, we have worked to comprehend how to improve performance of group by analyzing the group facilitation activity in an exhaustive and elaborative way
Individual Reflection
Out of all the activities, we selected to facilitate this activity in order to improve ASI of the team members. Acronym ASI stands for three important element - Attitude, Skill and Interpersonal Skills. We live in one of the most competitive markets where disruption takes place every day. Therefore, in order to perform the work better such that goals are achieved, members of the group working in a team needs to update their skills and abilities. Therefore, by the virtue of ASI activities, one can sharpen their skills, upgrade it with new ones as well as build their abilities. With introduction of these activities, we provide students, important platform by the virtue of which they are bale to attain skills that are essential in their profession as well as nourish their personal lives (Thomas et al 2019). We tried to make a diverse group by selecting students with top markers, average and low marks implying that we aimed in creating group based on pure academics. As a matter of the fact, there certain set of student that requires motivation from others while some student score fewer marks since they fail to create good network with other team members and classmates besides being a poor listener in the class. Therefore, these activities are designed for identifying the hidden skills as well as support the students to strengthen their skills. Moreover, building a diverse group would always wa
ant the fact that there are certain students who are good at implementing creative things and the activities focused on enhancing the interpersonal as well as communicating skills of the students. In order to select the group, we need to consider the passion of all the students present in the class where some students voluntarily exhibited their interest to become part of the group while others were introvert encouraged to become part of certain group (Franco et al 2018)..
While make groups and selecting the members we did not take into consideration the status, race, color rather our objective was to provide an opportunity for the students who were interested to become part of the group and comprehend their strengths and weakness.
    Names: NOSU - “None of us small as all of us”
    Focused topic area: Team Effectiveness, Goal Setting and Communication
    Purpose/ Theory
    Group Stage
    Dance It off – Know each other
    Activities begins with Dance.
Here team members require to know the names other members when they dance.
It is imperative that groups...

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