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Our health care system changes frequently. In this assignment you will review our current health care system and how it has evolved in the past eight years. This will give you the necessary background...

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Our health care system changes frequently. In this assignment you will review our current health care system and how it has evolved in the past eight years. This will give you the necessary background knowledge to complete this assignment and other assignments in this course.

Research different events or shifts in our health care system within the past 3 to 5 years.

Select a current event or shift in the health care system from your research. This resource could be from a newspaper, magazine, or journal from the University Library or similar source.

Write a 350- to 700-word reflection that details the changing landscape of our health care system based on your research and selected current event or shift. Your reflection should:

  • Explain the current event or shift you selected.
  • Describe the impact of this current event or shift on the health care system on health care consumers.
  • Remember, you, your friends, and family are health care consumers.
  • As you think about the impact to consumers, consider the impact experienced when there was a shift from acute care to wellness and prevention and a shift in accountability.
  • Explain your personal perception of the current event or shift you have selected.
  • Remember, it is not appropriate to share personal medical information and background.

Cite1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference.

Answered Same Day Jul 11, 2021


Tanaya answered on Jul 13 2021
148 Votes
Table of Contents
Selected Cu
ent Event or Shift    3
Impact of Cu
ent Event or Shift in the Health Care System on Patients    3
Impact of EHR Shift from Acute Care to Wellness, Prevention and Accountability    3
Personal Perception of Cu
ent Event or Shift Selected    4
References    5
Selected Cu
ent Event or Shift
The cu
ent or event, which has led to the shift in the health care system, is the implementation of EHR or the Electronic Health Record. The EHR consists of a multi-step process that helps in effective management of the healthcare information and improved services to the patients. Some of the advantages of utilizing EHR include electronic entry of the patient data that enhances the patient engagement as well as satisfaction (Saxena et al., 2018). The technology allows the physician in entering the data so that the patient feels that they are evaluate and also, they feel comfortable. This is the process, by which the patient data can be transfe
ed helping the medical professionals to have a solid workflow.
Impact of Cu
ent Event or Shift in the Health Care System on Patients
The EHR have allowed the medical professionals to have a better access to the patient profile with complete as well as accurate information. As a result, the patient acquires...

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