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One ParagraphIDEA Pick a local manufacturer company(must in NewYork) and research their Management Information System then research how the company uses this to gain an advantage. MUST BE A LOCAL...

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One ParagraphIDEA

Pick a local manufacturer company(must in NewYork) and research their Management Information System then research how the company uses this to gain an advantage.

MUST BE A LOCAL COMPANY that uses a Management Information System.Pick a local manufacturer(there are more than 3500 here on Long Island).

YOU MUST GET APPROVAL in the One Paragraph and One Page Proposal you submit or you will get a ZERO on the Final Project.SEE DEADLINES FOR EACH ON SCHEDULE. Your One paragraphwill get you thinking about your research and reserve the company for you. The One PageProposal will go into a little more detail to focus your efforts.

Research the company and the information system they use. Propose that in your one paragraph and one page proposal.

Continue your research and Include something from every chapter of our textbook that relates to how your chosen company uses the information system you have identified to be more efficient andeffective. Elaborate in your paper then pull highlights for your Power Point Presentation.

Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2020


Akansha answered on Jun 05 2020
136 Votes
Management Information Systems or MIS are used to generate holistic reports and insights regarding the business that can help the organization to optimize the efficiency of their business and in turn, increase the productivity (both financially and operationally). These insights are generated on the basis of analysis conducted on the previously available data or information like customer trends, expectation and review surveys, previous market transactions etc. Apparel Production incorporated is a New York-based Clothing manufacturer that uses all these information elements with precision...

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