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NURS 3046 Nursing Project Assignment 1 (2,000 words 45%) STUDENT NAME: STUDENT ID: Please do not change the template Please note: 2,000 words includes the in-text references but excludes the citation...

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NURS 3046 Nursing Project Assignment 1 (2,000 words 45%)



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Please note: 2,000 words includes the in-text references but excludes the citation and Reference List.


Providing end-of-life care for patients who are dying and their families is recognized as being one of the most stressful but potentially rewarding experiences for nurses (Efstathiou & Walker XXXXXXXXXXThe death of a patient is an outcome that nurses can expect to encounter in their clinical practice. Death can occur in any setting such as neonatal units, emergency departments, intensive care units, and the community (Kain 2013; Hinderer XXXXXXXXXXNurses are called on to provide end-of-life care to deteriorating patients of all ages and effective support to their families, within a therapeutic relationship (NMBA 2016; van der Riet, Pitt & Blyton XXXXXXXXXXThere is extensive research on the experiences of patients approaching death and bereaved families (Hinderer 2012), but less is known about how nurses who care for such patients effectively manage their loss and grief experiences and sustain their resilience (van der Riet, Pitt & Blyton XXXXXXXXXXProviding end-of-life care for patients who are dying can be demanding for nurses, but hospice and palliative care nurses usually receive organizational and emotional support to cope with death and grief. However, there is lack of support for nurses in intensive care units (ICU) that can negatively affect their grief experiences (Espinosa et al XXXXXXXXXXIf poorly managed, grief can cause stress, burnout and negatively affect work performance, optimal patient care and retention (Coetzee & Klopper 2010; Yoder XXXXXXXXXXClinicians who experience burnout are more likely to depersonalize their patients, such as referring to them as their disease (Bauer-Wu & Fontaine 2015).

Research Question: What are nurses’ experiences, beliefs and coping strategies when providing end-of-life care for patients and their families in the intensive care setting?

The research question is highly significant in clinical practice because nurses’ experiences and coping strategies related to patient death can provide insight to how they manage their emotions as they provide person-centred care for patients and their families (NMBA XXXXXXXXXXFindings could inform strategies that target audiences such as nurse leaders and managers could implement to strengthen supportive ICU work environments in which nurses provide care. Findings could also be used by nurse educators to integrate end-of-life care and self-care strategies into the nursing curriculum to raise undergraduate nursing students’ awareness about the importance of developing coping strategies to effectively manage their emotions and grief (van der Riet, Pitt & Blyton XXXXXXXXXXThe research question is therefore highly relevant to clinical practice and has wider implications for the health and wellbeing of nurses, the nursing profession, healthcare organisations, and quality care for patients and their families.

SummarY ANALYSIS of Four (4) Primary Research Articles (1200 words)

Select four (4) primary research articles (from the 8 articles provided) that provides relevant evidence to answer the research question. Write a 300 words summary of each primary research article using the three step format learned in Topic 2.

Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 3

Paper 4

Discussion (600 words)

Compare and contrast the findings of the four (4) primary research articles using the approach learned in Topic 3. Ensure the analysis explains how the findings answer the research question. Identify any existing gaps in knowledge or practice. Discussion may be supported by additional relevant literature.

Conclusion XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Summarise the major points in a non-repetitive manner, discuss future directions for research.

Answered Same Day Jul 09, 2020 NURS 3046 University Of South Australia


Anju Lata answered on Jul 17 2020
151 Votes
NURS 3046 Nursing Project 9
NURS 3046
Student Name:…….
Student ID:……..
    University of South Australia
Analytical Summary of Four Primary Research Articles
Article 1
Citation: Ranse,K.,Yates,P., and Coyer,F.(2012). End of Life Care in the Intensive Care Setting: A descriptive exploratory qualitative study of Nurses’ Beliefs and Practices. Australian Critical Care (2012) 25, 4—12
A descriptive qualitative exploratory research was performed on a sample population of 5 Intensive Care Nurses of a hospital. The data was collected through semi-structured interview. The responses collected from interviews were assessed using inductive coding technique. The objective of the paper is to find out the practices and beliefs followed by the nurses offering terminal care in ICU.
The analysis of interviews
ought forward three categories of intensive care: already established beliefs about the terminal care, its relevance in the context of intensive care, and practices used by nurses to treat patients in terminal care. The variations in personal beliefs of nurses regarding the complexity and value of terminal care also impacts the care delivered to the patient and his family members. The terminal care in ICU involved Organisational support, emotional intensity, uncertainty and ambiguity. The practices used for terminal care include delivering best possible care, improving the patient’s su
oundings and caring for the patient’s family members. Many nurses believed that the ICU settings extend great opportunities for the nurses to deliver positive experiences in last stage of patient’s illness. The clinicians also valued their contribution in offering care. The main focus of the nurses was to provide care to the family; support the patient and his family members during this hard time. The nurses treating the traumatic and injured patients in ICU regularly exposes the nurses to sufferings and grief not experienced by nurses in other departments. The participants expressed that there are no policies and protocols for guiding the terminal treatment. The directions offered by the senior clinicians to subordinates, in most cases prove inadequate to deal with the complex nature of terminal care. In cases where the treatment is withdrawn, the nurses feel a lack of support by the medical team. The ambiguity and uncertainty in the ICU work environment may result into tension between comfort only care and curative care.
Article 2
Citation: Hinderer, K.A.,(2012). Reactions to Patient Death. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 2012;31(4):252/259. DOI: 10.1097/DCC.0b013e318256e0f1
The design of the paper is qualitative, and phenomenology based pilot study which interviewed six experienced intensive care nurses who encountered deaths of patients. The data was collected through semi-structured interview. The approach focused on how the intensive care nurses faced the patients’ deaths and in what ways these experiences affected their inner well being. The nurses having multiple experiences with deaths were selected for the interviews. The colaizzi’s technique was used to evaluate the collected responses.
The nurses reported mainly four themes in the paper: Emotional detachment, Personal Distress, Coping, and unavoidable death. With increasing experience at work in Intensive care, the nurses got habitual of watching the patients dying. They developed better emotional management skills to face the patient’s death. As the work experience increased, the nurses became less emotionally attached with the patient. However, the death of the patient also caused personal distress to the clinicians. The sources of distress among the nurses are: the unawareness of patient to see reality, patient’s sufferings, and death. They felt that they could not relieve the patient from the sufferings of terminal illness. The treatments were mainly provided to prolong the death. The study reflects the strategies used by the nurses when they encountered the death of patients. Few nurses also explained vivid experiences and memories of certain patient’s deaths. Accepting the death of...

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