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NSD104 – Scenario Two Please don’t tell anyone, I will be in trouble Sarah is a health professional student who was on placement in a busy surgical ward in a large metropolitan hospital. On each shift...

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NSD104 – Scenario Two
Please don’t tell anyone, I will be in trouble
Sarah is a health professional student who was on placement in a busy surgical ward in a large metropolitan hospital. On each shift Sarah was mentored by a ‘buddy’ RN and, as she was a final year student, she usually took a patient load of two or three patients under the RN’s supervision.
One morning Sarah was giving medications to her assigned patients with her buddy RN watching her closely. Her clinical supervisor came into the ward to check on Sarah’s progress and noticed that she did not look very comfortable. The clinical supervisor allowed her to finish dispensing medications to the patient she was with, then asked Sarah to come and speak with her.
As soon as they entered the meeting room, Sarah burst into tears. After she had settled, Sarah said:
‘My buddy RN gave one of our patients the wrong medication. I started to give the pills, but my buddy said I was a bit too slow, so she took over. I asked if I could just finish my patient as I had already dispensed two of the medications, but my buddy was insistent. She told me to go and get the patient some water so she could take her tablets, and I left the room to do so. When I returned, the patient had taken her pills with her cup of tea. The RN was looking at the chart and signing for the medication she had given.
As I came over to sign for the two medications I had given, she said to me, ‘Oh no, I have given the Risperidone. It isn’t due until 2000.’
I asked what we should do next. The RN said, ‘Please don’t tell anyone, I will get into trouble. Let’s just monitor the patient and see what happens.’ Sarah went on to say that her buddy had encouraged her to ‘just start the meds for the next patient’ and to ‘go and do some observations to make sure this one is OK’.
Sarah reported that the first set of observations were within normal parameters, but she felt very uncomfortable about not reporting the medication e
or. Although she was very relieved when the Clinical Supervisor came into the room, she knew that she couldn’t simply stand by and do nothing about what had happened. This was reinforced by the discussion she had with her Supervisor which helped her think about the situation from the patient’s point of view and her role as a health professional.
She realised that, although it wasn’t going to be easy, she should do the right thing and report the incident to the nurse in charge. But, at the same time, she didn’t want to upset her RN mentor or do something that would cause trouble. Finally, she decided to speak to her RN mentor first to see if she couldn’t persuade her to report the incident. In doing this she was surprised to find that, whilst the RN was a little angry at first, she admitted that Sarah’s concern was co
ect. They agreed to jointly report the incident to the Charge Nurse.

NSB104: Leading and Learning Assessment Task 2 Ru
Assessment Task 2
    Assessment name:
    Written assignment: Responding to leadership challenges
    Learning outcomes measured:
    1. Explain leadership theory and critically examine ideas of leadership in relation to the role of the health care professional, including the provision of safe and quality person-centred care.
2. Identify personal learning and leadership styles and reflect on how these can influence health care settings and enable self-development.
3. Analyse contemporary health care environments to explain key leadership challenges for the future of health care —including global health challenges and the impact of digital health, health technology and health informatics on health care.
    · Part one 300 words maximum
· Part two 1000 words maximum
Excluding references.
    Estimated time to complete task:
    You should allocate regular weekly planning, researching and writing time over the 13 week semester.
    60% (Unit weighting: Part one 10%; Part two 50%).
    How will I be assessed:
    7 point grading scale using a ru
    Due dates:
    · Part one: Tuesday 3th April (Week 6) submitted via Turnitin in your NSD104 Blackboard site by 1159pm
· Part two: Monday 4th June (After Week 13) submitted via Turnitin in your NSD104 Blackboard site by 1159pm
Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1. More information about QUT’s Late Assessment Policy is available here.
    Presentation requirements:
    This assessment task must:
· Be written in essay style. It is appropriate to use first person in the reflective components of your essay.
· Use QUT APA referencing for citing academic literature. As a guide, you should have cited at least 10 journal articles for part two.
· Be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin. More information about Turnitin is available here.
    Task description:
    This assessment requires you to apply leadership and learning skills, by reflecting on and thoughtfully responding to clinical scenarios. There are two parts, designed to allow feedback on your individual progress.
    What you need to do:
    Part one requires you to read through three scenarios (available on the assessment page under ‘Assessment Two’ link
Then read these three short stories in Gordon’s XXXXXXXXXXWhen chicken soup isn’t enough (available online as QUT li
ary eBook), and identify a single scenario that you find significant and challenges your thinking as a beginning health care professional.
4. P 6-8 “Saving Patients from Dr Death” by Toni Hoffman
5. P 24-27 “A comfortable cover up” by Jenny Kendall
6. P 59-60 “As if the patient can hear you” by Clarke Doty
XXXXXXXXXXChoose ONE of the six scenarios, then:
Write a short personal reflection (300 words maximum) that explores:
· Why you identify with that story as significant – personal values, assumptions and beliefs
· The issues raised for you and your professional development as a student health care professional, and
· How your prefe
ed leading and learning style might influence your response if faced with a similar situation in clinical practice
No references are required for Part One.
Part two builds on your short reflection (1000 words maximum):
Develop an action plan, supported with evidence-based literature, to address the issues raised for your personal development as a leader and learner.
Your essay should (with approximate word limits):
· Provide a
ief introduction outlining the structure of the essay (50 words).
· Develop and discuss clear strategies for each of the leadership challenges identified, supported with evidence-based literature (800 words)
· Draw some key conclusions about what you have learned from the unit assessment, including what you learned from the short personal reflection submitted as Part XXXXXXXXXXwords)
Answered Same Day May 29, 2020


Soumi answered on May 31 2020
136 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Strategies addressing Leadership Challenges    3
Conclusion    5
References    6
    The essay is a reflection of the leadership skills gained and the challenges faced as a nurse, during attending a patient, that require remedial strategies for mitigating the challenges. Hence, there have been strategies presented henceforth, on the ways to address these challenges so that nursing practices could be improved.
Strategies addressing Leadership Challenges
    The clinical case study of Sarah has shown that she was being mentored by such a registered nurse (RN), who was not quite concerned about the ethical practices of nursing nor was willing to amend them. She was supervising Sarah on the administration of medicines; however, misguided her on the way of the same. She asked to hu
y up as she indicated Sarah to be slow in performing her nursing tasks. This was the first mistake noticed as according to Reidy et al. (2017), no nursing professional should hu
y in executing the allocated tasks and consume only the optimal time that should be used for the particular tasks. I gained the knowledge that every task should be performed properly and diligently, for which in future, I will try to use effective time management tools, such as logbook, to-do-lists, alarms and reminders, for my nursing practices.
As supported by Denker, Sherman, Hutton-Woodland, Brunell and Medina (2015), emergencies might be dealt with in a faster pace; whatsoever, other circumstances must be met with their allocated time only. Hence, I could infer that the leadership challenge being addressed in this case is ineffective or lack of time management. As suggested by Hopia, Punna, Laitinen and Latvala (2015), nursing students should be allocated with their required time to perform their nursing task, within which if they cannot do so, they should be supported with a better guidance or more time if permissible.
The second leadership challenge noticed in case of the RN to Sarah, is the lack of evidence-based practice. The RN did not consider consulting any evidence, source, guideline or document for administering the accurate medicine to the patient. She instead gave a wrong medicine and administered it into the patient with a cup of tea. However, as argued by Ryan et al. (2015), nursing practices are subject to refe
ing to the available literature for the ethical practices and abidance to the accurate method of caring for a patient. The nurses should also be updated with the latest information on the ways of looking after the patients, giving them medicines and supporting their care management. In addition, as criticised by...

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