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C++ Programming Java Assessment Guide This project is the main assessment of this subject. It is worth 50% of your total assessment. You are required to create ATM system that you will implement...

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C++ Programming
Assessment Guide
This project is the main assessment of this subject. It is worth 50% of your total assessment. You are required to create ATM system that you will implement Abstract Data Type and Graphic User Interface over the whole semester. All work is to be completed individually. If parts or all of the source code you submit is not your own work, you will receive ZERO.
Part 1. ADT Implementation
This first part is worth 20% of you total assessment. First, you need to implement Abstract Data Type.
Following discussions at the recent annual directors meeting of the AITBank financial organization, it has been decided to em
ace the benefits of Information Technology in streamlining their customer services.
To this end AITBank has decided to implement a new Transaction processing system that will allow customer to withdraw money from their accounts as well as make deposits to their accounts. It is envisaged that there will be multiple customer interfaces to this system such as Web based access and automatic teller machines (ATMs).
AITBank has 4 account types, which need to be used with the system.
· Saving accounts
· Cheque accounts
· Net-saver accounts
· Fixed accounts
The accounts work as followed:
Savings Account
Savings account offer interest which is calculated daily. Savings account have daily withdrawal limits. Users can set their own withdrawal limit.
Net Savings Account
Net Savings offer interest higher then savings but its calculated monthly. They have a daily withdrawal limit but the user cannot set/change this limit.
Cheque Account
Cheque account offers no interest and it also has no daily withdrawal limit.
Fixed Account
Fixed offers the biggest interest rate, however it is only calculated after a fixed contract period. If user witdraws before this contract period, they receive no interest (assume any withdrawal is too early, so keep track of early withdrawal in a boolean attribute for the class). Fixed account has no daily withdraw limit.
NOTE: Don’t wo
y about time and dates. Assume someone is writing that side of the project. So for calculating interest just provide a function to add interest to the account and assume it will be called at the right times. The special case for this in the Fixed Account, which may yield no interest if withdrawn from early.
In addition, ATMs can give only 20, 50 and 100 notes.
Task A
Design a simple ADT or class diagram to demonstrate your class hierarchies. Implement your ADT designs using Java.
Note: Remember that your classes should only model the data, transactions and business logic of the bank and NOT the interface.
Task B
Create a set of concrete classes to demonstrate the abstract data types are working properly. Note: State clearly any assumptions you make. Testing all of your methods work co
ectly is also marked.
Note: Comments will be marked on this assignment as well.
When is due
    Week 7, late penalty would be applied refer to AIT late submission policy.
    Compress and submit your java code project and Abstract Data Design Document in canvas using the following STRICT filename convention and in ZIP format.
    Example: 1234_John_Doe_Assessment1.pdf
Part 2. GUI Implementation
This second part is worth 30% of you total assessment. You need to implement Graphic User Interface for ATM system.
Develop ATM system Graphic User Interface, for the AITBank System developed in Assignment 1. Your system should be designed base on real ATM machine, sample design above, however you should demonstrate your design creativity on layout and messages are displayed. Other functions are list below:
2. Your system design, ATM interface, should allow users to make multiple transactions on the same account without having to re-enter their password number.
3. You have to also document any assumptions that you make about the functionality of the interface.
4. Make sure that your code is well-formatted, good notation and has comments to make it easily readable and reusable, recommend JavaDoc style comment.
When is due
    Week 12, late penalty would be applied refer to AIT late submission policy.
    Compress and submit your project in canvas using the following STRICT filename convention and in ZIP format.
Java – Assessment Guide3|Page
Answered Same Day Aug 16, 2021


Aditya answered on Aug 26 2021
138 Votes

Builds, tests, and runs the project ATIBank.

package atibank;
abstract synchronized class Account {
private final int accountNumber;
private final int pinCode;
double balance;
private String accountType;
public void Account();
public void Account(int, int, double, String);
public int getAccountNumber();
public int getPinCode();
public double getBalance();
public void deposit(double);
public void withdrawal(double);
public String getAccountType();
public abstract boolean checkWithdrawalLimit(double);
public abstract double CalculateInterest();
package atibank;
public synchronized class ATIBank {
public void ATIBank();
public static void main(String[]);
public static void accountMenu();
public static boolean checkCu
package atibank;
public synchronized class ChequeAccount extends Account {
private double interestRate;
public void ChequeAccount(int, int, double);
public boolean checkWithdrawalLimit(double);
public double CalculateInterest();
package atibank;
public synchronized class FixedAccount extends Account {
private double interestRate;
private int timePeriod;
public void FixedAccount(int, int, double);
boolean isEarlyWidhdrawl();
public boolean checkWithdrawalLimit(double);
public double CalculateInterest();
package atibank;
public synchronized class NetSaverAccount extends Account {
private double interestRate;
private double withdrawalLimits;
public void NetSaverAccount(int, int, double);
public double getWithdrawalLimits();
public void setWithdrawalLimits(double);
public boolean checkWithdrawalLimit(double);
public double CalculateInterest();
package atibank;
public synchronized class SavingsAccount extends Account {
private final double interstRate;
private double withdrawLimit;
public void SavingsAccount(int, int, double);
public double getInterstRate();
public double getWithdrawLimit();
public void setWithdrawLimit(double);
public boolean checkWithdrawalLimit(double);
public double CalculateInterest();
Manifest-Version: 1.0
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build

Must set src.di
Must set test.src.di
Must set build.di
Must set dist.di
Must set build.classes.di
Must set dist.javadoc.di
Must set build.test.classes.di
Must set build.test.results.di
Must set build.classes.excludes
Must set dist.ja

Must set javac.includes

No tests executed.


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