AOD – Issues Assignment 2 Part 2 May 2020
1200 words maximum
All writing must be original ideas and in your own words. Any ideas, wording or concepts from websites, blogs or literature contained within will receive a straight zero with no resubmission.
Each question requires at least 4-5 lines response. One-sentence responses are insufficient.
Student Number:__________________
Declaration: (paste in here):
1. Construct an argument for preventative success of methamphetamine use using:
(type answers here after each below - you must answer all three)
a) The information model
) The affective model
c) The social influence model
2. Explain which model you think is better suited and why.
XXXXXXXXXXtype answer here)
3. Do we consider social influences on drug use enough when considering harm minimisation? Why/why not? Give an example
(type answer here)
4. How can we use the six stages of readiness/change (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) to implement harm minimization strategies?
(type answer here)