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New Hit Miniseries: You are a scriptwriter and are creating a new character around which a new TV miniseries will be created. As you develop your character you think, “Hmmm… their presence in the...

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New Hit Miniseries:  You are a scriptwriter and are creating a new character around which a new TV miniseries will be created.  As you develop your character you think,
“Hmmm… their presence in the program should be rather “extreme” (i.e., their actions, behaviors, cognitions) in order to capture and hold the audience’s interest. In fact, the character should appear to qualify for diagnoses of a personality disorder – but hey, most folks don’t know what to look for so, this will give the character depth and intrigue.” 
As you think this you receive a phone call.  The director wants a 150 word or less character summary in one hour….
Share with us what you will present to the director:  Include in your caricature:
1.  Name of your character, gender, age, occupation, other relevant demographic or physical qualities. 
2.  A description of your character’s personality.  Weave into the description specific affective, behavioral, and cognitive examples that point to the personality disorder you have selected for expression. 
3.  Offer relevant background information (family, history, favorite activities, habits).
4.  Instant message your instructor the personality disorder you have selected.  Your classmates are going to respond with what they think the character would be diagnosed with.
Answered Same Day Jun 24, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 29 2021
142 Votes
By the virtue of this assignment, I am going to teleport all the audience into the world, which is far from fiction. Yeah! We all know how rosy it seems when boy meets girl and they both set off to their happily ever after.
Well, guess what, there is no happily ever after in real life, at least not for Donna. This is a story of Donna Gilbert and James Fa
ell, two engineering student who fell in love and got ma
ied to each other. Donna, a high achiever, determinant and ambitious girl who once thought to...

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