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Network Design Assignment ITECH2301-Network Architecture and Design CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech2301_ass2.doc- Network Design Assignment, Semester 1, 2020 Page 1 of 4 Due Date Week 11 on Friday at...

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Network Design Assignment ITECH2301-Network Architecture and Design CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech2301_ass2.doc- Network Design Assignment, Semester 1, 2020 Page 1 of 4 Due Date Week 11 on Friday at 23:55 Worth 20% (Marked out of 100 marks) Type Type A Assessment Objective  The report helps you grasp the fundamental concept of network design and acquire the knowledge on the techniques required for developing both logical and physical network designs.  The presentation enables presentation, oral communication and team skills to be exercised as well as providing an opportunity to research a specific topic.  Learning Outcomes Assessed:  K4. Describe the technologies and architecture of LANs, Wireless LANs and WANs.  K5. Identify the principles of LAN design.  A1. Analyse and design LAN architecture for organisational requirements.  S1- Analyse data communication and networking technologies in today's Internet. Network Design Case Assume Ballarat Technology Park, Mt Helen Campus, Federation University, Australia owns 300 employees with a 150-computer network. The park has two adjacent buildings: (i) a fivestory office building comprising 120 rooms and (ii) a single-story administration building with 20 rooms. The office building houses 120 computers, with additional 30 computers in the administration building. The current network is old and needs to be replaced. The new network will house a data centre, the e-commerce edge, and 12 printers. 10 printers will be installed in the different rooms of the office building, while the other two are to be installed in the administration building. An employee is allowed to have printing service with any printer through the new network. Employees will bring their own mobile devices (e.g., laptops, smartphones, tablets) to work. Employees will use them to access required information such as their work email, required documents, and Internet through wireless communication facilities (Wi-Fi access points). Note, there are no other campuses, so you can omit WAN access. You will need to make some assumptions, so be sure to document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way. Network Design Assignment ITECH2301-Network Architecture and Design CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech2301_ass2.doc- Network Design Assignment, Semester 1, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Requirements There are two parts of the requirements for this assignment – a) Report and b) Presentation. Hand drawn layouts for both logical and physical designs are fine. However, if you like, you would use ConceptDraw ( or SmartDraw ( or any other network design software to draw the layout of logical and physical network designs. a) Report [70 marks] The report should be no more than 10 pages and needs to consider the following design tasks: Design Tasks: T1. Using the building-block network design process, develop a logical design of the new network for this enterprise campus that considers the seven network architecture components. Remember to consider the expected growth of the company. For the logical design, you need to consider the following items: [25 marks] 1. Network architecture components 2. Application systems 3. Network users 4. Categorizing network needs 5. Deliverables T2. Design the physical design of the network based on the logical design completed in Task T1. Note, you do not need to develop an alternative design. For the physical design, you need to consider the following items: [25 marks] 1. Designing client and servers 2. Designing circuits 3. Network design tools 4. Deliverables T3. Briefly describe how you will minimise the interference from Wi-Fi access points (APs) on different floors. [10 marks] T4. You will make some assumptions; therefore, document your assumptions and explain why you have designed the network in this way. [10 marks] Network Design Assignment ITECH2301-Network Architecture and Design CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech2301_ass2.doc- Network Design Assignment, Semester 1, 2020 Page 3 of 4 b) Presentation [3O marks] You need to produce a presentation consisting of eight PowerPoint slides based on your report and the relevant assessment criteria. The presentation time is 10 minutes. The presentation will be given in Week 12's timetabled tutorial. Online students can provide the presentations through either an appropriate online video conferencing technique (e.g., Skype) or adding voice-over to their PowerPoint presentation slides. Assessment Feedback Student Assess criteria for the report: Elements Maximum Marks Marks Obtained T1. Logical design (need analysis) – Network architecture components 3 – Application systems 4 – Network users 4 – Categorizing network needs 4 – Deliverables 10 T2. Physical Design (technology design) – Designing client and servers 5 – Designing circuits 5 – Network design tools 5 – Deliverables 10 T3. Minimising the interference from Wi-Fi access points 10 T4. Assumptions and their explanation 10 Total marks for the report 70 Comments Network Design Assignment ITECH2301-Network Architecture and Design CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech2301_ass2.doc- Network Design Assignment, Semester 1, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Assess criteria for the presentation: Elements Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Content – summary in relation to topic 5 – interesting, informative, & useful information 5 – reflective thinking about the design 5 Communication – use of language 2 – main points emphasised 2 – spoke to whole audience, good eye contact 2 – voice volume, pitch, variety 3 Presentation – personal presentation 3 – quality of slides 3 Total marks for the presentation 30 Total Marks for Assignment 2 100 Total Worth [20%] 20 Comments Supporting Materials Please look at Weeks 6-8 study materials including, lecture notes, tutorial problems, and their solutions, online materials, and relevant sections of the prescribed text. You also need to use Internet resources. Please see the assessment criteria carefully. Submission You need to submit two files – (i) your assignment report in either Microsoft Word or PDF format and (ii) presentation slides. Please create a zip file, namely using these two files, and submit it via Moodle. Please refer to the “Course Description” for information regarding late assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism. A reminder of all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website. URL:
Answered Same Day Jun 12, 2021 ITECH 2301


Amit answered on Jun 14 2021
150 Votes
Title of the assignment: Network design assignment
Student’s name:
Student ID:
Professor’s name:
Course title: ITECH 2301 – Network Architecture and Design
Date: 6/14/2020
Table of Contents
A.    Introduction    3
B.    Analyzed requirements for possible network development    3
C.    Task 1: Design of logical implementation    4
D.    Task 3: Design of physical implementation    6
E.    Task 3: Solution for minimizing the possible interference to developed Wi-Fi    7
F.    Task 4: Assumed things for this network implementation    8
G.    Conclusion    8
H.    References:    10
A. Introduction
The Wi-Fi implementation is most common requirement of modern organization like this technology park. Organizations require proper connections with minimum physical infrastructure to their network users and Wi-Fi implementation is best way to maintain such required connectivity. This technology Park of Federation University is maintaining a LAN and this LAN implementation is very out and outdated. The outdated network implementation to this Technology Park can cause huge security and connectivity issues to their users. The employees working on different floor of this technology park are also facing the slow connection issues and a new network solution is required for them. The cu
ent infrastructure is developed with basic networking skills as separate devices are purchased and implemented for each distinct floor. Any of the implemented resource is not being shared among users and it is creating huge cost of implementation and maintenance to this technology Park of this Federation University. Thus, the new network with shared printers and other important resources will be developed for this technology Park. All employees (150) which may be working on any floor can use these developed resources with supplying their set authentication details. The Wi-Fi connections to employee’s devices will effectively be developed and maintained through new proposed network to this technology park.
B. Analyzed requirements for possible network development
Each network designer performs a proper analysis of required network before making any logical or physical development. The important functionalities required in new design can easily be identified by performing the required analysis of new network requirements. The deep study of provided case description leads to identification of following important requirements in the new networking solution:
· Proper integrity in the operations executed through the implemented devices is required.
· The new network must maintain required performance in speed and network connectivity for the end user connections.
· Consistency is essential requirement for the new network. The new network must maintain backup plan for consistently execution the required network services.
· The Wi-Fi implementation must hot have any range issues. If any such range issue is occu
ing, then, proper solution to increase range is required in new design. The possible inte
uptions in the Wi-Fi must also be identified and removed.
· The WAP2 based security is required in developed Wi-Fi solution to this technology Park.
· The implemented printers on the distinct floors of the technology park must be...

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