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MULTIFORM PROJECT Please review the materials, videos, and examples I have posted under this module. The project has two parts. We will be developing part one that includes the login form, web...

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MULTIFORM PROJECTPlease review the materials, videos, and examples I have posted under this module. The project has two parts. We will be developing part one that includes the login form, web browser, video display, and email. The other form, the ice cream shop, that some of you did in CIS 133, is optional
  • Log in form
  • Web Browser
  • Video Form
  • Email Form
  • Ice Cream Shop (optional)

The login form should look like the following:


As stated in the video, the user name, a password must match the requirements. The Phone number must have all 10 digits. So, blanks or incomplete phone numbers will display an error message. If all conditions met, either you insert your project from CIS 133N or just a message stating the user is logged in.

Please use the following user name and password so I do not have to look for it inside your codes:

User name: Mike

Password: iceCream


This lab will require the following features:

  • Images

  • GroupBox

  • MessageBox

  • Buttons

  • Try-Catch

  • Tooltip
  • Web Browser Control

  • Media Player Control

  • Other common controls as required

Please remember that you need to provide adequate comments within your program. Use a proper naming convention. You need a program design form. The program should function as seen in the video. If you are not sure, ask questions.

2Web Browser control

Creating a web browser form is very simple. Do research on the web and you will find many samples for that. For example, to go to the previous page, you can use:


to go forward, you can use:


We can discuss your issues on the discussion boards.

Here is the browser page:

Note: The initial Ice Cream Homepage must be a local page with an image. Either create your own or plug in the one I have posted. It cannot be a link to an external page.

Use the following in the Form Method of your browser form so the combobox will remember the previous URLs

this.comboBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
this.comboBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.AllUrl;

(I did not change the control names)

Download the following zip file, extract it, and place it inside Bin/Debug


3 Media Display

You will be displaying a video in this form with related controls. Controls should be a start, pause, forward, rewind, and stop. I am showing Start and stop. The Browse button allows the user to find the video file. Either create an MP4 video file or download it from the web. YouTube has changed its embedded script and cannot be used in this project (try it if you can)


4 Email

Email is the most challenging part of this project. The materials I have provided should explain how to send an email. It is a little tricky to lower email security. I suggest you create a new Gmail account so you do not worry about it. If you did your best and it is not working, document the issues you encountered in the body of the submission. Checking for the correct email format is optional. You will see how that is done later on.


Using the attachment is optional

5 The Shop

No explanation needed here


and the receipt


6 Grading

I will be using the grading criteria that I have published before


Your program must have:

  • Comments for every sub procedure
  • You must follow the correct naming convention
  • Now that we know how to catch exceptions, your programs shouldnever- under any circumstances crash
Answered 2 days After Jan 23, 2021


Shweta answered on Jan 25 2021
133 Votes
Order74854Update/IceCreamShop/.vs/CIS233N LAB(3)/v16/.suo
Order74854Update/IceCreamShop/CIS233N LAB(3).sln
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The Audio class is primarily designed for very simple playback scenarios, or for use with the Video class.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Occurs when the playback is ending.

Occurs when the playback is pausing.

Occurs when the playback is starting.

Occurs when the playback is stopping.

Initializes a new instance of the object and opens an audio file for playback, but does not start playback.
Specifies the name of the file.

Initializes a new instance of the object and opens an audio file for playback, and optionally starts playback.
Specifies the name of the file.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by an object.

Called during ga
age collection. If implemented, allows an object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Creates an object from a file.
The path to the audio file.
Returns the object from .

Creates an object from a file.
The path to the audio file.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.
Returns the object from .

Creates an object from a object.
A that points to an audio file to create the object.
Returns the object from .

Creates an object from a object.
A that points to an audio file to create the object.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.
Returns the object from .

Loads a new file into the object.
The to open a file from.

Loads a new file into the object.
The to open a file from.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.

Loads a new file into the object.
The path to the audio file.

Loads a new file into the object.
The path to the audio file.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.

Pauses playback.

Starts playback.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Seeks to a specific playback position.
Position to seek.
The position seek type to use.
Returns the position after the seek.

Sets a new stop position in playback.
Position that is the new stop time for playback.
The position seek type to use to set the new stop position.
Returns the new stop position.

Stops playback.

Stops playback when the object is ready.

Retrieves and sets the playback position in the stereo field.

Retrieves and sets the cu
ent position of playback.

Retrieves a value that is true if the object is disposed; otherwise the value is false.

Retrieves the length, in seconds, of the audio file.

Retrieves the cu
ent playback state, whether playback is cu
ently paused.

Retrieves the cu
ent playback state, whether playback is cu
ently playing.

Retrieves the seeking capabilities of playback.

Retrieves the cu
ent state of playback.

Retrieves the cu
ent playback state, whether playback is cu
ently stopped.

Retrieves the position where playback stopped.

Retrieves and sets the amount to attenuate the volume of audio playback.

Contains properties for retrieving arguments from a called event.

Retrieves a from the object when the event is triggered.

Contains the properties and methods to play video files, including those that contain audio.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Occurs when the playback is ending.

Occurs when the playback is pausing.

Occurs when the playback is starting.

Occurs when the playback is stopping.

Occurs when target texture is ready to render video playback.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Path to the video file this object will play.

Initializes a new instance of the object.
Path to the video file this object will play.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by an object.

Called during ga
age collection. If implemented, allows an object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Creates a object from a file.
The path to the video file.
The object created from the file indicated by the parameter.

Creates a object from a file.
The path to the video file.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.
The object created from the file indicated by the parameter.

Creates a object from a object.
A that points to a video file to create the object.
The object created from the indicated by the parameter.

Creates a object from a object.
A that points to a video file to create the object.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.
The object created from the indicated by the parameter.

Hides the cursor while playing video.

Loads a new file into the object.
The to open a file from.

Loads a new file into the object.
The to open a file from.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.

Loads a new file into the object.
The path to the video file.

Loads a new file into the object.
The path to the video file.
Set to true to automatically start playback. Set to false to open the file but not play it.

Pauses playback.

Starts playback.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Enables the to trigger the event to generate objects for rendering video in Microsoft Direct3D.
The parent that renders the video textures.

Seeks to a specific playback postion.
Position to seek.
The position seek type to use.
Returns the position after the seek.

Sets a new stop postion in playback.
Position that is the new stop time for playback.
The position seek type to use to set the new stop position.
Returns the new stop position.

Shows the cursor while playing video.

Stops playback.

Stops playback when the object is ready.

Retrieves the object the video is using for audio playback.

Retrieves the average time per frame during playback.

Retrieves and sets the caption of the playing the video.

Retrieves and sets the cu
ent position of playback.

Retrieves the default size of the video for playback.

Retrieves a value that is true if the object is disposed; otherwise the value is false.

Retrieves the length, in seconds, of the video file.

Retrieves and sets whether the video plays back in fullscreen mode.

Retrieves whether the cursor is hidden for the video.

Retrieves the maximum ideal size of the video for playback.

Retrieves the minimum ideal size of the video for playback.

Retrieves or sets the where the video will be played.

Retrieves whether playback is cu
ently paused.

Retrieves whether playback is cu
ently playing.

Retrieves the seeking capabilities of playback.

Retrieves and sets the size of the video for playback.

Retrieves the cu
ent state of playback.

Retrieves whether playback is cu
ently stopped.

Retrieves the position where playback stopped.

Represents the method that handles the event.
The that is calling the event.
A object that allows you to pass an argument to the event.

Contains constants for specifiying the type of seek for the or objects.

Do not flush

Seek to the nearest key frame. This might be faster, but less accurate.

The stop position is relative to the cu
ent position.

The specified position is relative to the previous value.

The specified position is absolute.

Contains constants for specifiying the state of the or objects.

The or object is running.

The or object is paused.

The or object is stopped.

Collection of properties that describe the capabilities of a media stream.

Retrieves whether the stream can report its cu
ent position.

Retrieves whether the stream can report its duration.

Retrieves whether the stream can report its stop position.

Retrieves whether the stream can seek to an absolute position.

Retrieves whether the stream can seek backward

Retrieves whether the stream can seek forward.

Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft DirectXapplication programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft DirectXapplication programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft DirectXapplication programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Allows the managed application programming interface (API) to have access to the unmanaged portions of the Microsoft DirectXapplication programming interface (API). This is not intended to be used directly from your code.



Manipulates adapter information.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Retrieves adapter information that includes Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) information.
An structure that contains the adapter information.

Retrieves the adapter ordinal number.

Retrieves the cu
ent display mode.

Retrieves information about the cu
ent adapter.

Returns a collection of supported display modes for the cu
ent adapter.

Manipulates a collection of adapters.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the .
Enumerator that can iterate through the .

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Advances the enumerator to the next light.
Value that is true if the move to the next item was successful, or false if it was not.

Resets the cu
ent enumerator to point to the head of the queue.

Retrieves the number of objects in .

Retrieves the cu
ent object in the queue.

Retrieves the default adapter.

Retrieves a specific object using an index value.
Index value of the adapter to retrieve.

Manipulates texture resources, including and textures.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Generates mipmap sublevels.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DBaseTexture9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Sets the most detailed level of detail (LOD) for a managed texture.
Most detailed LOD value to set for the chain.
An value, clamped to the maximum LOD value (one less than the total number of levels). Subsequent calls to this method return the maximum value, not the previously set LOD value.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves or sets the filter type used for automatically generated sublevels.

Retrieves the number of texture levels in a multilevel texture.

Retrieves or sets the most detailed level of detail (LOD) for a managed texture.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Defines the clipping plane for a device.

Retrieves the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device.
Returns a four-element a
ay of values that represent the coefficients of the clipping plane, in the form of the general plane equation. See Remarks.

Sets the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device.
A four-element a
ay of values that represent the clipping plane coefficients to set, in the form of the general plane equation. See Remarks.

Enables or disables a clipping plane.

Retrieves or sets the coefficients of a user-defined clipping plane for the device.

Contains the clipping planes on the device.

Disables all clipping planes on the device.

Enables all clipping planes that have been set.

Retrieves the object referenced by .
Index of the to retrieve.

The cu
ently set render states cannot be used together.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The cu
ent texture filters cannot be used together.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The cu
ent textures cannot be used simultaneously.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Manipulates a cube texture resource.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Adds a dirty region to a cube texture resource.
A value that identifies the face where the dirty region will be added. Omitting the parameter indicates that the dirty region should expand to cover the full face.

Adds a dirty region to a cube texture resource.
A value that identifies the face where the dirty region will be added. Omitting the parameter indicates that the dirty region should expand to cover the full face.
A that specifies the dirty region.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
A object.
A value that describes the memory class into which the cube texture should be placed.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object.
Size of the edges of all top-level faces of the cube texture. The pixel dimensions of subsequent levels of each face are the truncated value of half of the previous level's pixel dimension (independently). Each dimension clamps at a size of 1 pixel. Thus, if the division by 2 results in 0, 1 is taken instead.
Number of levels in each face of the cube texture. If this value is 0, Microsoft Direct3D generates all cube texture sublevels down to 1x1 pixels for each face, for hardware that supports cube textures. To see the number of levels generated, check the property.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more values. It is good practice to match the usage parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the format of all levels in all faces of the cube texture.
A value that describes the memory class into which the cube texture should be placed.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Retrieves a cube texture map surface.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a mipmapped cube texture.
A object that represents the returned cube texture map surface.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Retrieves a description of one face of a specified cube texture level.
Level of a mipmapped cube texture.
A structure that describes one face of the specified cube texture level.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DCubeTexture9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire cube texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
Pitch of the returning data.
A object that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
Pitch of the returning data.
A object that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire cube texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
A object that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
A object that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of a
ay data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire cube texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
Pitch of the returning data.
ay of 1 to 3 values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of a
ay data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
Pitch of the returning data.
ay of 1 to 3 values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of a
ay data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire cube texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
ay of 1 to 3 values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An that represents the locked rectangle.

Locks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of a
ay data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a cube texture.
Zero or more enumerated values that describe the type of lock to perform.
ay of 1 to 3 values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An that represents the locked rectangle.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Unlocks a rectangle on a cube texture resource.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies a cube map face.
Level of a mipmapped cube texture.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Defines various custom fixed-format vertex types. This class is a container of structures. See the individual structures for more information.

Performs primitive-based rendering, creates resources, handles system-level variables, adjusts gamma ramp levels, gets and sets palettes, and creates shaders.

Occurs when a device is about to be lost (for example, immediately prior to a reset).

Occurs after a device is reset, allowing an application to re-create all resources.

Occurs when a device is resizing, allowing the application to cancel the default handling of the resize.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Begins a scene.

Signals Microsoft Direct3D to begin recording a device state block.

Reports the cu
ent cooperative-level status of the Microsoft Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application.
ent cooperative-level status of the device for a windowed or full-screen application. A return value of true indicates that the device is operational and that the calling application can continue; a value of false indicates that the device is lost or needs to be reset.

Reports the cu
ent cooperative-level status of the Microsoft Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application.
[in, out] Cu
ent cooperative-level status of the device for a windowed or full-screen application, reported using a value. A result indicates that the device is operational and that the calling application can continue. A result indicates that the device is lost but cannot be reset at this time; therefore, rendering is not possible. A result indicates that the device is lost but can be reset at this time.
ent cooperative-level status of the device for a windowed or full-screen application. A return value of true indicates that the device is operational and that the calling application can continue; a value of false indicates that the device is lost or needs to be reset.

Clears the viewport or a set of rectangles in the viewport to a specified RGBA color, clears the depth buffer, and erases the stencil buffer.
Flags that indicate which surfaces to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following flags, but at least one flag must be used. : Clears the stencil buffer to the value in the parameter. : Clears the render target to the color in the parameter. : Clears the depth buffer to the value in the Z parameter.
A object that represents the color to which the render target surface is cleared.
New z value that this method stores in the depth buffer. This parameter can be in the range of 0.0 through 1.0 (for z-based or w-based depth buffers). A value of 0.0 represents the nearest distance to the viewer; a value of 1.0 represents the farthest distance.
Integer value to store in each stencil-buffer entry. This parameter can be in the range of 0 through 2n-1, where n is the bit depth of the stencil buffer.

Clears the viewport or a set of rectangles in the viewport to a specified RGBA color, clears the depth buffer, and erases the stencil buffer.
Flags that indicate which surfaces to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following flags, but at least one flag must be used. : Clears the stencil buffer to the value in the parameter. : Clears the render target to the color in the parameter. : Clears the depth buffer to the value in the Z parameter.
A object that represents the color to which the render target surface is cleared.
New z value that this method stores in the depth buffer. This parameter can be in the range of 0.0 through 1.0 (for z-based or w-based depth buffers). A value of 0.0 represents the nearest distance to the viewer; a value of 1.0 represents the farthest distance.
Integer value to store in each stencil-buffer entry. This parameter can be in the range of 0 through 2n-1, where n is the bit depth of the stencil buffer.
ay of structures that describe the rectangles to clear. To clear the entire surface, set a rectangle to the dimensions of the rendering target. Each rectangle uses screen coordinates that co
espond to points on the render target surface. Coordinates are clipped to the bounds of the viewport rectangle.

Clears the viewport or a set of rectangles in the viewport to a specified RGBA color, clears the depth buffer, and erases the stencil buffer.
Flags that indicate which surfaces to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following flags, but at least one flag must be used. : Clears the stencil buffer to the value in the parameter. : Clears the render target to the color in the parameter. : Clears the depth buffer to the value in the Z parameter.
A 32-bit ARGB color value to which the render target surface is cleared.
New z value that this method stores in the depth buffer. This parameter can be in the range of 0.0 through 1.0 (for z-based or w-based depth buffers). A value of 0.0 represents the nearest distance to the viewer; a value of 1.0 represents the farthest distance.
Integer value to store in each stencil-buffer entry. This parameter can be in the range of 0 through 2n-1, where n is the bit depth of the stencil buffer.

Clears the viewport or a set of rectangles in the viewport to a specified RGBA color, clears the depth buffer, and erases the stencil buffer.
Flags that indicate which surfaces to clear. This parameter can be any combination of the following flags, but at least one flag must be used. : Clears the stencil buffer to the value in the parameter. : Clears the render target to the color in the parameter. : Clears the depth buffer to the value in the Z parameter.
A 32-bit ARGB color value to which the render target surface is cleared.
New z value that this method stores in the depth buffer. This parameter can be in the range of 0.0 through 1.0 (for z-based or w-based depth buffers). A value of 0.0 represents the nearest distance to the viewer; a value of 1.0 represents the farthest distance.
Integer value to store in each stencil-buffer entry. This parameter can be in the range of 0 through 2n-1, where n is the bit depth of the stencil buffer.
ay of structures that describe the rectangles to clear. To clear the entire surface, set a rectangle to the dimensions of the rendering target. Each rectangle uses screen coordinates that co
espond to points on the render target surface. Coordinates are clipped to the bounds of the viewport rectangle.

Allows an application to fill a rectangular area of a surface with a specified color.
Surface to be filled.
Source rectangle. To fill the entire surface, specify null.
Color used for filling.

Allows an application to fill a rectangular area of a surface with a specified color.
Surface to be filled.
Source rectangle. To fill the entire surface, specify null.
Color used for filling.

Creates a depth stencil resource.
Width of the depth stencil surface in pixels.
Height of the depth stencil surface in pixels.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the format of the depth stencil surface. This value must be one of the enumerated depth stencil formats for the cu
ent device.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the multisampling buffer type. This value must be one of the supported multisample types. When this surface is passed to the property, its multisample type must be the same as that of the render target set by .
Quality level. The valid range is between 0 and one less than the level returned by the parameter of the method. Passing a larger value results in a with an value. The values of paired render targets, depth stencil surfaces, and the type must all match.
Set to true to enable z-buffer discarding; otherwise false. If this flag is set, the contents of the depth stencil buffer are invalid after is called or when is set with a different depth surface. This flag's behavior is the same as passing the enumerated value to the . method.
A that represents the created depth stencil surface resource.

Creates an off-screen surface.
Width of the surface in pixels.
Height of the surface in pixels.
Format of the surface. For more information, see .
Surface pool type. For more information, see .
The object that is created.

Creates a render target surface.
Width of the render-target surface in pixels.
Height of the render-target surface in pixels.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the format of the render target.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the multisampling buffer type. This parameter specifies the antialiasing type for the render target. When this surface is passed to , its multisample type must be the same as that of the depth stencil property .
Quality level. The valid range is between 0 and one less than the level returned by the parameter of the . Passing a larger value causes an . The values of paired render targets, depth stencil surfaces, and the multisample type must all match.
Set to true if render targets are lockable; otherwise, false. Note that lockable render targets reduce performance on some graphics hardware.
A .

Initializes a new instance of the cu
ent class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the cu
ent class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the cu
ent class.
Ordinal number that identifies which physical device the object represents. Device 0 is the default device. The highest value that can be used in this parameter is one less than the total number of physical devices.
Member of the enumerated type that denotes the desired device type. If the desired device type is not available, the method fails.
Handle to a , , or any other derived class. This parameter indicates the surface to bind to the device. For full-screen mode, the window specified must be a top-level window.For windowed mode, this parameter can be null. If null is specified, a non-null handle must be specified when calling . This can be done either by setting the property, or by using the optional parameter of the method.
Combination of one or more options that control device creation.
[in, out] Pointer to a object that describes the presentation parameters for the device to create. For Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the full-screen device display refresh rate is set in the following order. User-specified nonzero ForcedRefreshRate registry key, if supported by the device.Application-specified nonzero refresh rate value in the presentation parameter.Refresh rate of the latest desktop mode, if supported by the device.75 hertz if supported by the device.60 hertz if supported by the device.Device default. By default, if a refresh rate is unsupported, the closest supported refresh rate below it is used. For example, if the application specifies 63 hertz, 60 hertz is used. No refresh rates below 57 hertz are supported. Calling this method changes the value of several members of . , , and = 0 for windowed or full-screen mode. = for windowed mode only. Full-screen mode must specify a format. If is set, is an a
ay. Regardless of the number of heads that exist, only one depth stencil surface is automatically created.

Initializes a new instance of the cu
ent class.
Ordinal number that identifies which physical device the object represents. Device 0 is the default device. The highest value that can be used in this parameter is one less than the total number of physical devices.
Member of the enumerated type that denotes the desired device type. If the desired device type is not available, the method fails.
Pointer to an unmanaged (or non-Windows form) window handle.
Combination of one or more options that control device creation.
[in, out] Pointer to a object that describes the presentation parameters for the device to create. For Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the full-screen device display refresh rate is set in the following order. User-specified nonzero ForcedRefreshRate registry key, if supported by the device.Application-specified nonzero refresh rate value in the presentation parameter.Refresh rate of the latest desktop mode, if supported by the device.75 hertz if supported by the device.60 hertz if supported by the device.Device default. By default, if a refresh rate is unsupported, the closest supported refresh rate below it is used. For example, if the application specifies 63 hertz, 60 hertz is used. No refresh rates below 57 hertz are supported. Calling this method changes the value of several members of . , , and = 0 for windowed or full-screen mode. = for windowed mode only. Full-screen mode must specify a format. If is set, is an a
ay. Regardless of the number of heads that exist, only one depth stencil surface is automatically created.

Frees a cached high-order patch.
Handle of the cached high-order patch to delete.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Renders the specified geometric primitive, based on indexing into an a
ay of vertices.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the type of primitive to render. The constant is not supported with this method. See Remarks.
Offset from the start of the index buffer to the first vertex index.
Minimum vertex index for vertices used during the call.
Number of vertices used during the call, starting from + .
Location in the index a
ay at which to start reading vertices.
Number of primitives to render. The number of vertices used is a function of the and . To determine the maximum number of primitives allowed, check the member of the structure.

Renders the specified geometric primitive with data specified by a user memory pointer.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the type of primitive to render.
Minimum vertex index, relative to 0 (the start of ), for vertices used during the call.
Number of vertices used during the call, starting from .
Number of primitives to render. The number of indices used is a function of the primitive count and primitive type. To determine the maximum number of primitives allowed, check the member of the structure.
User memory pointer to the index data.
Set to true to indicate 16-bit indices. Set to false if to indicate 32-bit indices.
User memory pointer to the vertex data to use for vertex stream 0.

Renders a sequence of non-indexed geometric primitives of the specified type from the cu
ent set of data input streams.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the type of primitive to render.
Index of the first vertex to load. Beginning at , the co
ect number of vertices is read out of the vertex buffer.
Number of primitives to render. To determine the maximum number of primitives allowed, check . . The is the number of primitives as determined by the primitive type. If it is a line list, each primitive has two vertices. If it is a triangle list, each primitive has three vertices.

Draws a rectangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the rectangular patch to draw.
A structure. The , , and fields identify the number of segments each edge of the rectangle patch should be divided into when tessellated.

Draws a rectangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the rectangular patch to draw.
ay of four floating-point values that identify the number of segments into which each edge of the rectangle patch should be divided when tessellated. For more information, see .

Draws a rectangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the rectangular patch to draw.
A structure. The , , and fields identify the number of segments each edge of the rectangle patch should be divided into when tessellated.
A pointer to a structure that describes the rectangular patch to draw. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Draws a rectangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the rectangular patch to draw.
ay of four floating-point values that identify the number of segments into which each edge of the rectangle patch should be divided when tessellated. For more information, see .
A pointer to a structure that describes the rectangular patch to draw. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Draws a rectangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the rectangular patch to draw.
A structure. The , , and fields identify the number of segments each edge of the rectangle patch should be divided into when tessellated.

Draws a rectangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the rectangular patch to draw.
ay of four floating-point values that identify the number of segments into which each edge of the rectangle patch should be divided when tessellated. For more information, see .

Draws a triangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the triangular patch to draw.
A structure. The , , , and fields identify the number of segments into which each edge of the triangle patch should be divided when tessellated.
A structure that describes the triangular high-order patch to draw.

Draws a triangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the triangular patch to draw.
Pointer to an a
ay of three floating-point values that identify the number of segments each edge of the triangle patch should be divided into when tessellated. For more information, see .
A structure that describes the triangular high-order patch to draw.

Draws a triangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the triangular patch to draw.
A structure. The , , , and fields identify the number of segments into which each edge of the triangle patch should be divided when tessellated.
A pointer to a structure that describes the triangular high-order patch to draw. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Draws a triangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the triangular patch to draw.
Pointer to an a
ay of three floating-point values that identify the number of segments each edge of the triangle patch should be divided into when tessellated. For more information, see .
A pointer to a structure that describes the triangular high-order patch to draw. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Draws a triangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the triangular patch to draw.
A structure. The , , , and fields identify the number of segments into which each edge of the triangle patch should be divided when tessellated.

Draws a triangular patch using the cu
ently set streams.
Handle to the triangular patch to draw.
Pointer to an a
ay of three floating-point values that identify the number of segments each edge of the triangle patch should be divided into when tessellated. For more information, see .

Renders data specified by a user memory pointer as a sequence of geometric primitives of the specified type.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the type of primitive to render.
Number of primitives to render. To determine the maximum number of primitives allowed, check the . member.
User memory vertex data to use for vertex stream 0.

Ends a scene that was started by calling the method.

Signals Microsoft Direct3D to stop recording a device state block and retrieve a pointer to the state block interface.
State block object. For more information, see .

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Evicts all managed resources, including Microsoft Direct3D resources and those that are driver-managed.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Retrieves a back buffer from a device's swap chain.
Unsigned integer that specifies the swap chain.
Index of the back buffer object to return.
Stereo view is not supported in Microsoft DirectX 9.0, so the only valid value for this parameter is .
A that represents the returned back buffer surface.

Retrieves the cube texture assigned to a stage for a device.
Stage identifier of the to retrieve. Stage identifiers are zero-based.
A object that represents the returned .

Generates a copy of a device's front buffer and places it in a system memory buffer provided by the application.
Unsigned integer that specifies the swap chain.
[in, out] A class that receives a copy of the front buffer's contents. The data is returned in successive rows with no intervening space, proceeding from the highest vertical row on the device's output to the lowest. For windowed mode, the size of the destination surface should be the desktop size. For full-screen mode, the size of the destination surface should be the screen size.

Retrieves the gamma co
ection ramp for the swap chain.
Unsigned integer that specifies the swap chain.
[in, out] Application-supplied structure to fill with the gamma co
ection ramp.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DDevice9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Retrieves palette entries.
Ordinal value that identifies the palette to retrieve.
A structure that represents the returned palette entries.

Retrieves a Boolean shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
Number of Boolean values in the a
ay of constants.
ay of constants.

Retrieves an integer shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
Number of four-integer vectors in the a
ay of constants.
ay of constants.

Retrieves a floating-point shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
Number of four-float vectors in the a
ay of constants.
ay of constants.

Returns information that describes the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented.
Unsigned integer that specifies the swap chain.
A structure that contains information about the position or other status of the raster on the monitor driven by this adapter.

Retrieves the Boolean value of a given render state.
A member from the enumeration that represents the render state value to retreive.
The render state value retrieved.

Retrieves the integer value of a given render state.
A member from the enumeration that represents the render state value to retreive.
The render state value retrieved.

Retrieves the floating-point value of a given render state.
A member from the enumeration that represents the render state value to retreive.
The render state value retrieved.

Retrieves a render target surface.
Index of the render target. See Remarks.
A that represents the returned render target surface for the cu
ent device.

Copies the render target data from device memory to system memory.
A object that represents a render target.
[in, out] A object that represents a destination surface.

Retrieves the Boolean value of a given sampler stage state.
Index value of the sampler stage to retrieve.
A member from the enumeration that represents the sampler stage state value to retreive.
The sampler stage state value retrieved.

Retrieves the integer value of a given sampler stage state.
Index value of the sampler stage to retrieve.
A member from the enumeration that represents the sampler stage state value to retreive.
The sampler stage state value retrieved.

Retrieves the floating-point value of a given sampler stage state.
Index value of the sampler stage to retrieve.
A member from the enumeration that represents the sampler stage state value to retreive.
The sampler stage state value retrieved.

Retrieves a vertex buffer bound to the specified data stream.
Number of the data stream, in the range of 0 to the maximum number of streams -1.
Offset from the beginning of the stream to the beginning of the vertex data, in bytes. See Remarks.
Pointer to a returned stride of the component, in bytes. See Remarks.
A class that represents the returned vertex buffer bound to the specified data stream.

Retrieves the stream source frequency divider value.
Stream source number.
Frequency divider value.

Retrieves a reference to a swap chain.
Swap chain ordinal value. For more information, see . .
A class that receives a copy of the swap chain.

Retrieves a texture assigned to a stage for a device.
Stage identifier of the texture to retrieve. Stage identifiers are zero-based.
A object that represents the returned texture.

Retrieves the Boolean value of a given texture stage state.
Index value of the texture stage to retrieve.
A member from the enumeration that represents the texture stage state value to retreive.
The texture stage state value retrieved.

Retrieves the integer value of a given texture stage state.
Index value of the texture stage to retrieve.
A member from the enumeration that represents the texture stage state value to retreive.
The texture stage state value retrieved.

Retrieves the floating-point value of a given texture stage state.
Index value of the texture stage to retrieve.
A member from the enumeration that represents the texture stage state value to retreive.
The texture stage state value retrieved.

Retrieves a matrix that describes a transformation state.
Transform that is being retrieved. This parameter can be any member of the enumerated type.
A structure that describes the returned transformation state.

Retrieves a Boolean vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
Number of Boolean values in the a
ay of constants.
ay of constants.

Retrieves an integer vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
Number of four-integer vectors in the a
ay of constants.
ay of constants.

Retrieves a floating-point vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
Number of four-float vectors in the a
ay of constants.
ay of constants.

Retrieves the volume texture assigned to a stage for a device.
Stage identifier of the to retrieve. Stage identifiers are zero-based.
A object that represents the returned .

Multiplies a device's world, view, or projection matrices by a specified matrix.
Member of the enumerated type that identifies which device matrix to modify. The most common setting, , modifies the world matrix, but the view or projection matrices also can be modified.
A structure that modifies the cu
ent transformation.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
The to present.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for this presentation. If this parameter is not used, . is taken.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for this presentation. If this parameter is not used, . is taken.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
A that contains the source rectangle. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to the source surface. This parameter can be used only if the swap chain was created with .
A that contains the destination rectangle. This parameter can be used only if the swap chain was created with .
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for this presentation. If this parameter is not used, . is taken.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
The to present.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
The to present.
Pointer to a destination window whose client area is taken as the target for this presentation. If this parameter is omitted, . is taken.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
Pointer to a destination window whose client area is taken as the target for this presentation. If this parameter is omitted, . is taken.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.

Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the device.
A that contains the source rectangle. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to the source surface. This parameter can be used only if the swap chain was created with .
A that contains the destination rectangle. This parameter can be used only if the swap chain was created with .
Pointer to a destination window whose client area is taken as the target for this presentation. If this parameter is omitted, . is taken.

Applies the vertex processing defined by the vertex shader to the set of input data streams, generating a single stream of interleaved vertex data to the destination vertex buffer.
Index of first vertex to load.
Index of first vertex in the destination vertex buffer into which the results are placed.
Number of vertices to process.
A class; the destination vertex buffer that represents the stream of interleaved vertex data.
A class that represents the output vertex data declaration. When vertex shader 3.0 or later is set as the cu
ent vertex shader, the output vertex declaration must be present.

Applies the vertex processing defined by the vertex shader to the set of input data streams, generating a single stream of interleaved vertex data to the destination vertex buffer.
Index of first vertex to load.
Index of first vertex in the destination vertex buffer into which the results are placed.
Number of vertices to process.
A class; the destination vertex buffer that represents the stream of interleaved vertex data.
A class that represents the output vertex data declaration. When vertex shader 3.0 or later is set as the cu
ent vertex shader, the output vertex declaration must be present.
Set to true for default processing. Set to false to prevent the system from copying vertex data not affected by the vertex operation into the destination buffer.

Raises a . event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass into the event handler.

Raises a . event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass into the event handler.

Raises a . event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Resets the presentation parameters for the cu
ent device.
[in, out] A structure that describes the new presentation parameters. This value cannot be null.

Sets the cu
ent cursor.
Handle to the cursor.
Set to true to add small grey characters that read "D3D" to the upper-left corner of the cursor image.

Sets the cursor position and update options.
New X-position of the cursor in virtual desktop coordinates. See Remarks.
New Y-position of the cursor in virtual desktop coordinates. See Remarks.
Set to true if the system guarantees that the cursor is updated at a minimum of half of the display refresh rate, but never more frequently than the display refresh rate. Set to false if the method delays cursor updates until the next call. Setting this parameter to false usually results in better performance. However, applications should use true if the rate of calls to is low enough that users would notice a significant delay in cursor motion. This flag has no effect in an application in windowed mode. Some video cards implement hardware color cursors; this flag does not affect these cards.

Sets properties for the cursor.
X-coordinate offset (in pixels) that marks the center of the cursor. The offset is relative to the upper-left corner of the cursor. When the cursor is given a new position, the image is drawn at an offset from the new position. The offset is determined by subtracting the hot spot coordinates from the position.
Y-coordinate offset (in pixels) that marks the center of the cursor. The offset is relative to the upper-left corner of the cursor. When the cursor is given a new position, the image is drawn at an offset from the new position. The offset is determined by subtracting the hot spot coordinates from the position.
A object. This parameter must be an 8888 ARGB surface (format ). The contents of this surface are copied and potentially converted into an internal buffer from which the cursor is displayed. The dimensions of this surface must be less than the dimensions of the display mode, and must be a power of two in each direction, although not necessarily the same power of two. The alpha channel must be either 0.0 or 1.0.

Enables the use of Microsoft Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) dialog boxes in full-screen applications.
Set to true to enable Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) dialog boxes. Set to false to disable Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) dialog boxes.

Sets the gamma co
ection ramp for the implicit swap chain.
Unsigned integer that specifies the swap chain.
Set to true to indicate that co
ection should be applied. Set to false to indicate that no gamma co
ection should be applied. The supplied gamma table is transfe
ed directly to the device.
A structure that represents the gamma co
ection ramp to set for the implicit swap chain.

Sets palette entries.
Ordinal value that identifies the palette on which the operation is performed.
Pointer to a structure that represents the palette entries to set. The number of structures passed into is assumed to be 256. See Remarks.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A pointer to a object that represents the constant data to set. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A pointer to a object that represents the constant data to set. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A object representing the constant data to set.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A object representing the constant data to set.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a pixel shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets Boolean shader constants.
Register number that will contain the first constant value.
A object that contains the shader constants to set.
Number of constants contained within .

Sets integer shader constants.
Register number that will contain the first constant value.
A object that contains the shader constants to set.
Number of constants contained within .

Sets floating-point shader constants.
Register number that will contain the first constant value.
A object that contains the shader constants to set.
Number of constants contained within .

Sets a render state value.
A member from the enumeration that represents the render state value to set.
A floating-point render state value to set.

Sets a render state value.
A member from the enumeration that represents the render state value to set.
A Boolean render state value to set.

Sets a render state value.
A member from the enumeration that represents the render state value to set.
An integer render state value to set.

Sets a new color buffer for a device.
Index of the render target. See Remarks.
New color buffer. If set to null, the color buffer for the co
esponding is disabled. Devices must always be associated with a color buffer. The new render-target surface must have at least specified.

Sets a sampler stage state value.
Index value of the sampler stage to set.
A member from the enumeration that represents the sampler stage state value to set.
A floating-point value to set for the given sampler stage state.

Sets a sampler stage state value.
Index value of the sampler stage to set.
A member from the enumeration that represents the sampler stage state value to set.
A Boolean value to set for the given sampler stage state.

Sets a sampler stage state value.
Index value of the sampler stage to set.
A member from the enumeration that represents the sampler stage state value to set.
An integer value to set for the given sampler stage state.

Binds a vertex buffer to a device data stream.
Data stream in the range of 0 to the maximum number of streams -1.
Pointer to a class that represents the vertex buffer to bind to the specified data stream.
Offset from the beginning of the stream to the beginning of the vertex data, in bytes. To determine whether the device supports stream offsets, see .

Binds a vertex buffer to a device data stream.
Data stream in the range of 0 to the maximum number of streams -1.
Pointer to a class that represents the vertex buffer to bind to the specified data stream.
Offset from the beginning of the stream to the beginning of the vertex data, in bytes. To determine whether the device supports stream offsets, see .
Stride of the component, in bytes. See Remarks.

Sets the stream source frequency divider value.
Stream source number.
Frequency divider value.

Assigns a texture to a device stage.
Index value for the device stage.
A object that represents the texture being set.

Sets a texture stage state value.
Index value of the texture stage to set.
A member from the enumeration that represents the texture stage state value to set.
A floating-point value to set for the given texture stage state.

Sets a texture stage state value.
Index value of the texture stage to set.
A member from the enumeration that represents the texture stage state value to set.
A Boolean value to set for the given texture stage state.

Sets a texture stage state value.
Index value of the texture stage to set.
A member from the enumeration that represents the texture stage state value to set.
An integer value to set for the given texture stage state.

Sets a single device transform.
Type of transform that is being modified; can be any member of the enumerated type.
A structure that modifies the cu
ent transform.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A pointer to a object that represents the constant data to set. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A pointer to a object that represents the constant data to set. Use this if your code block is marked unsafe.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A object representing the constant data to set.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
A object representing the constant data to set.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets a vertex shader constant.
Register number that contains the first constant value.
ay of constants.

Sets Boolean vertex shader constants.
Register number that will contain the first constant value.
A object that contains the shader constants to set.
Number of constants contained within .

Sets integer vertex shader constants.
Register number that will contain the first constant value.
A object that contains the shader constants to set.
Number of constants contained within .

Sets floating-point vertex shader constants.
Register number that will contain the first constant value.
A object that contains the shader constants to set.
Number of constants contained within .

Displays or hides the cursor.
Set to true if the cursor is shown. Set to false if the cursor is hidden.
Value that indicates whether the cursor was previously visible. If set to true, the cursor was visible; if set to false, it was not.

Copies the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle.
A object that represents the source surface.
A object that represents the source rectangle. If set to null, the entire source surface is used.
A object that represents the destination surface.
A object that represents the destination rectangle. If set to null, the entire destination surface is used.
Filter type. Allowable values are , , or . For more information, see .

Reports the cu
ent cooperative-level status of the Microsoft Direct3D device for a windowed or full-screen application.

Copies rectangular subsets of pixels from one surface to another.
A object that represents the source surface; must point to a surface other than .
A object that represents the destination surface.

Copies rectangular subsets of pixels from one surface to another.
A object that represents the source surface; must point to a surface other than .
A object that represents the destination surface.
A object that represents the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. Specifying null for this parameter causes the entire surface to be copied.

Copies rectangular subsets of pixels from one surface to another.
A object that represents the source surface; must point to a surface other than .
A object that represents the rectangle on the source surface. Specifying null for this parameter causes the entire surface to be copied.
A object that represents the destination surface.

Copies rectangular subsets of pixels from one surface to another.
A object that represents the source surface; must point to a surface other than .
A object that represents the rectangle on the source surface. Specifying null for this parameter causes the entire surface to be copied.
A object that represents the destination surface.
A object that represents the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. Specifying null for this parameter causes the entire surface to be copied.

Updates the dirty portions of a texture.
A object that represents the source texture, which must be in system memory ( ).
A object that represents the destination texture, which must be in the default memory pool ( ).

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Reports the device's ability to render the cu
ent texture-blending operations and arguments in a single pass.
A object that provides the number of passes and the result code of the validation check.

Retrieves an estimate of the amount of available texture memory.

Retrieves the clipping planes on the cu
ent device.

Retrieves or sets a object.

Retrieves the creation parameters of the device.

Retrieves or sets the cu
ent texture palette.

Retrieves or sets the depth stencil surface owned by the object.

Retrieves the capabilities of the rendering device.

Retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, and refresh frequency.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Retrieves or sets index data.

Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the device should use event handlers.

Retrieves the collection on the cu
ent device.

Retrieves or sets the cu
ent material properties for the device.

Retrieves or sets the N-patch mode segments.

Retrieves the number of implicit swap chains.

Retrieves or sets the cu
ent pixel shader.

Retrieves presentation parameters for a device.

Retrieves information that describes the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented.

Retrieves a render-state value for a device.

Retrieves a device's sampler states.

Retrieves or sets the scissor rectangle.

Retrieves or sets the vertex processing mode.

Retrieves a state value for an assigned texture.

Retrieves a matrix that describes a transformation state.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Retrieves or sets a vertex shader declaration.

Retrieves or sets the supported flexible vertex formats.

Retrieves or sets the cu
ent vertex shader.

Retrieves or sets the viewport parameters for the cu
ent device.

The device has been lost but cannot be reset at this time. Therefore, rendering is not possible.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The device has been lost but can be reset at this time.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Manipulates a collection of structures.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the .
Enumerator that can iterate through the .

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Advances the enumerator to the next .
Value that is true if the move to the next item was successful, or false if it was not.

Resets the cu
ent enumerator to point to the head of the queue.

Retrieves the number of structures in .

Retrieves the cu
ent object in the queue.

Retrieves the structure with the specified .
A flag that indicates the format of the to retrieve.

Internal driver e
or. Applications should generally shut down when receiving this e

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The driver reports that the cu
ent method call is invalid.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Base exception type for graphics. Derives from .

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Retrieves an object that represents the result code passed in.
Integer that represents the result code of the exception to retrieve.
An object that represents the e
or that occu

Manipulates an index buffer resource.

Occurs after a device is reset and the is re-created.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
Member of the that indicates the type of index data the buffer holds. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Maximum number of indices the buffer can hold.
The object to associate with the index buffer.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class into which to place the resource.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
The object to associate with the index buffer.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class into which to place the resource.

Creates a new instance of the class.
The object to associate with the index buffer.
Size of the index buffer in bytes.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class into which to place the resource.
Set to true if the index buffer contains 16-bit indices. Set to false if the index buffer contains 32-bit indices.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Member of the that indicates the type of index data the buffer holds. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Maximum number of indices the buffer can hold.
The object to associate with the index buffer.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class into which to place the resource.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DIndexBuffer9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Locks a range of index data and obtains a pointer to the index buffer memory.
Offset into the index data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire index buffer, specify 0 for the and parameters.
Zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and .
An that represents the locked index buffer.

Locks a range of index data and obtains a pointer to the index buffer memory.
Offset into the index data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire index buffer, specify 0 for the and parameters.
Size of the index data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire index buffer, specify 0 for the and parameters.
Zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and .
A object that represents the locked index buffer.

Locks a range of index data and obtains a pointer to the index buffer memory.
Offset into the index data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire index buffer, specify 0 for the and parameters.
A object that indicates the type of a
ay data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and .
ay of 1 to 3 values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An that represents the locked index buffer.

Raises an . event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass into the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Locks, sets, and unlocks a range of vertex data.
An that contains the data to copy into the index buffer.
Offset to set in the index buffer. To set the entire buffer, set this parameter to 0.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform when setting the buffer. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .

Unlocks index data.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves a description of the index buffer resource.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Retrieves the size of the data, in bytes.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Encapsulates various object globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) for use with the and methods.

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID).

The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might not be valid.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The requested device type is not valid.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Defines a set of lighting properties.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged structure pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.

Creates a new light based on an existing light.
Existing light that is used to create the new light.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Updates the settings for the cu
ent object.

Retrieves or sets the ambient color emitted by the light. This member is a structure.

Retrieves or sets the ambient color emitted by the light. This member is a structure.

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies how light intensity changes over distance.

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies how light intensity changes over distance.

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies how light intensity changes over distance.

Retrieves or sets the diffuse color emitted by the light. This member is a structure.

Retrieves or sets the diffuse color emitted by the light. This member is a structure.

Retrieves or sets the direction in which the light is pointing in world space, as specified by a structure.

Retrieves or sets a Boolean value that enables or disables a set of lighting parameters within a device.

Retrieves or sets the decrease in illumination between a spotlight's inner cone (the angle specified by ) and the outer edge of the outer cone (the angle specified by ).

Retrieves or sets the angle, in radians, of a spotlight's inner cone; that is, the fully illuminated spotlight cone.

Retrieves or sets the angle, in radians, that defines the outer edge of a spotlight's outer cone.

Retrieves or sets the position of the light in world space, as specified by a structure.

Retrieves or sets the distance beyond which the light has no effect.

Retrieves or sets the specular color emitted by the light. This member is a structure.

Retrieves or sets the specular color emitted by the light. This member is a structure.

Retrieves or sets the type of the light source.

Retrieves or sets an X-axis value that indicates the direction in which the light points.

Retrieves or sets an X-coordinate value that indicates the position of the light.

Retrieves or sets a Y-axis value that indicates the direction of the light.

Retrieves or sets a Y-coordinate value that indicates the position of the light.

Retrieves or sets a Z-axis value that indicates the direction of the light.

Retrieves or sets a Z-coordinate value that indicates the position of the light.

Defines a collection of lights.

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the .
An enumerator that can iterate through the .

Advances the enumerator to the next light.
Set to true if the move to the next item was sucessful; otherwise, false.

Resets the cu
ent enumerator to point to the head of the queue.

Retrieves the number of objects in the .

Retrieves the cu
ent object in the .

Retrieves a specific object within the .
Index value of the light to retrieve.

Provides information about the environment, and enumerates and retrieves device capabilities.

Determines whether a depth stencil format is compatible with a render target format in a particular display mode.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. . is always the primary display adapter.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the display mode into which the adapter will be placed.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the render-target surface to be tested.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the depth stencil surface to be tested.
HRESULT code passed back from the method.
Value that is true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned. If a depth stencil format is not compatible with the render target in the display mode, is set to .

Determines whether a depth stencil format is compatible with a render target format in a particular display mode.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. . is always the primary display adapter.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the display mode into which the adapter will be placed.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the render-target surface to be tested.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the depth stencil surface to be tested.
Value that is true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned. If a depth stencil format is not compatible with the render target in the display mode, is set to .

Determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type and can be used as a texture, depth stencil buffer, render target, or any combination of the three, on a device representing the cu
ent adapter.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns if this value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the display mode into which the adapter will be placed.
Requested usage options for the surface. Usage options are any combination of enumeration values (only a subset of the values are valid for ). For more information, see .
A requested for use with the queried format.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the surfaces that can be used, as defined by .
Value that is true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned. If the format is not acceptable to the device for this usage, is set to . If equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system, is set to .

Determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type and can be used as a texture, depth stencil buffer, render target, or any combination of the three, on a device representing the cu
ent adapter.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns if this value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the display mode into which the adapter will be placed.
Requested usage options for the surface. Usage options are any combination of enumeration values (only a subset of the values are valid for ). For more information, see .
A requested for use with the queried format.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the surfaces that can be used, as defined by .
HRESULT code passed back from the method.
Value that is true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned. If the format is not acceptable to the device for this usage, is set to . If equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system, is set to .

Determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type and can be used as a texture, depth stencil buffer, render target, or any combination of the three, on a device representing the cu
ent adapter.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns if this value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the display mode into which the adapter will be placed.
Requested usage options for the surface. Usage options are any combination of enumeration values (only a subset of the values are valid for ). For more information, see .
A requested for use with the queried format.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the surfaces that can be used, as defined by .
Value that is true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned. If the format is not acceptable to the device for this usage, is set to . If equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system, is set to .

Determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type and can be used as a texture, depth stencil buffer, render target, or any combination of the three, on a device representing the cu
ent adapter.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns if this value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the display mode into which the adapter will be placed.
Requested usage options for the surface. Usage options are any combination of enumeration values (only a subset of the values are valid for ). For more information, see .
A requested for use with the queried format.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the format of the surfaces that can be used, as defined by .
HRESULT code passed back from the method.
Value that is true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned. If the format is not acceptable to the device for this usage, is set to . If equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system, is set to .

Tests a device to determine whether it supports conversion from one display format to another.
Display adapter ordinal number. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns when the value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Device type. Member of the enumeration.
Source adapter format. Member of the enumeration.
Target adapter format. Member of the enumeration.
HRESULT code passed back from the method.
Returns true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned.If the method fails, is set to . If the hardware does not support conversion between the two formats, is set to .

Tests a device to determine whether it supports conversion from one display format to another.
Display adapter ordinal number. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns when the value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Device type. Member of the enumeration.
Source adapter format. Member of the enumeration.
Target adapter format. Member of the enumeration.
Returns true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned.If the method fails, is set to . If the hardware does not support conversion between the two formats, is set to .

Determines whether a multisampling technique is available on the cu
ent device.
Display adapter ordinal number. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns when the value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration.
Member of the enumeration that specifies the format of the surface to be multisampled. See Remarks.
Set to true to inquire about windowed multisampling. Set to false to inquire about full-screen multisampling.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the multisampling technique to test.
HRESULT code passed back from the method.
Number of quality stops available for a given multisample type; can be null if it is not necessary to return the values.
Returns true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned.If the method fails, is set to one of the following values: if the or parameters are invalid, if the device does not support the queried multisampling technique, or if does not apply to the adapter.

Determines whether a multisampling technique is available on the cu
ent device.
Display adapter ordinal number. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns when the value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration.
Member of the enumeration that specifies the format of the surface to be multisampled. See Remarks.
Set to true to inquire about windowed multisampling. Set to false to inquire about full-screen multisampling.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the multisampling technique to test.
Returns true if the method succeeds; false if it fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned.If the method fails, is set to one of the following values: if the or parameters are invalid, if the device does not support the queried multisampling technique, or if does not apply to the adapter.

Specifies whether a hardware-accelerated device type can be used on the cu
ent adapter.
Display adapter ordinal number. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns when the value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration that indicates the device type to check.
Member of the enumeration that indicates the format of the adapter display mode for which the device type is being checked. For example, some devices operate only in modes of 16 bits per pixel.
Back buffer format. For more information about formats, see . This value must be one of the render target formats. . can be used to obtain the cu
ent format.For windowed applications, the back buffer format does not need to match the display mode format if the hardware supports color conversion. The set of possible back buffer formats is constrained, but the runtime allows any valid back buffer format to be presented to any desktop format. Additionally, the device must be operable in desktop mode because devices typically do not operate in modes of 8 bits per pixel.Full-screen applications cannot perform color conversion. is allowed for windowed mode.
Set to true if the device type will be used in windowed mode. Set to false if the device type will be used in full-screen.
Returns true if the method succeeds and the device can be used on this adapter; false if the method fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned.If the method fails, is set to , provided equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system. also is returned if specified a device that does not exist.If the requested back buffer format is not supported, or if hardware acceleration is not available for the specified formats, is set to .

Specifies whether a hardware-accelerated device type can be used on the cu
ent adapter.
Display adapter ordinal number. . is always the primary display adapter. This method returns when the value equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system.
Member of the enumeration that indicates the device type to check.
Member of the enumeration that indicates the format of the adapter display mode for which the device type is being checked. For example, some devices operate only in modes of 16 bits per pixel.
Back buffer format. For more information about formats, see . This value must be one of the render target formats. . can be used to obtain the cu
ent format.For windowed applications, the back buffer format does not need to match the display mode format if the hardware supports color conversion. The set of possible back buffer formats is constrained, but the runtime allows any valid back buffer format to be presented to any desktop format. Additionally, the device must be operable in desktop mode because devices typically do not operate in modes of 8 bits per pixel.Full-screen applications cannot perform color conversion. is allowed for windowed mode.
Set to true if the device type will be used in windowed mode. Set to false if the device type will be used in full-screen.
HRESULT code passed back from the method.
Returns true if the method succeeds and the device can be used on this adapter; false if the method fails. Check the parameter for the HRESULT code returned.If the method fails, is set to , provided equals or exceeds the number of display adapters in the system. also is returned if specified a device that does not exist.If the requested back buffer format is not supported, or if hardware acceleration is not available for the specified formats, is set to .

Blocks D3DSpy from monitoring an application.
Returns true if D3DSpy is monitoring this application; otherwise, false.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Generates a
eakpoint in D3DSpy when called within the application.
Returns true if D3DSpy is monitoring this application; otherwise, false.

Returns the handle of the monitor associated with the Microsoft Direct3D object.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter. . is always the primary display adapter.
Handle of the monitor associated with the Microsoft Direct3D object.

Retrieves information specific to a device.
Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter. . is always the primary display adapter.
Member of the enumeration that identifies the device type.
If the method succeeds, the return value is a object that contains information that describes the device's capabilities.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Collection of adapters on the system.

More data is available than the specified buffer size can hold.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

This device does not support the queried technique.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The requested item was not found.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Microsoft Direct3D does not have enough display memory to perform the operation.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Encapsulates the functionality of a pixel shader.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
Reference to an instance of a object.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to an instance of a object.
Integer a
ay representing the pixel shader function tokens that specify the blending operations.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to an instance of a object.
Reference to a object that represents the pixel shader function tokens to use.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Retrieves an a
ay that contains the shader data.
ay that contains the shader data.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DPixelShader9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the Microsoft Direct3D device associated with a pixel shader object.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Describes the presentation parameters.

Returns the default rate at which a swap chain's back buffers can be presented.

Clones, or copies, a object.
An that represents the copied device.

Creates a new instance of the class.

Creates a new instance of the class.
A object from which to create the new object.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the of the depth stencil surface the device creates.

Retrieves or sets the number of back buffers.

Retrieves or sets the format of the back buffer.

Retrieves or sets the height of a swap chain's back buffers, in pixels.

Retrieves or sets the width of a swap chain's back buffers, in pixels.

Retrieves or sets the display window.

Retrieves or sets the display window.

Retrieves or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether Microsoft Direct3D manages depth buffers for an application.

Retrieves or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether an application can use multithreading.

Retrieves or sets the rate at which the display adapter refreshes the screen.

Retrieves or sets the .

Retrieves or sets the multisample quality level.

Retrieves or sets the maximum rate at which the swap chain's back buffers can be presented.

Retrieves or sets the present flag.

Retrieves or sets the swap effect.

Boolean value that indicates whether an application is running in a windowed mode.

Performs asynchronous queries on a driver.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
Reference to the being queried.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to the being queried.
Member of the enumeration that specifies the query type.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Retrieves the query information.
Specifies the of the data to be queried.
Set to true to flush the internally batched queries to the driver. Set to false to take no action.
An that represents the returned query data.

Retrieves the query information.
Specifies the of the data to be queried.
Set to true to flush the internally batched queries to the driver. Set to false to take no action.
Set to true if data is returned immediately; otherwise, false.
An that represents the returned query data.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DQuery9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Issues a query.
Member of the enumeration that specifies the type of state change for the query.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent query.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Retrieves the query type for the cu
ent query.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Defines device render states.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the w direction. The default value is 0.0f.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the x direction. The default value is 0.0f.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the y direction. The default value is 0.0f.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the z direction. The default value is 1.0f.

Retrieves or sets a value to enable alpha-blended transparency.

Retrieves or sets a value to select the arithmetic operation applied to the separate for the alpha channel (also known as separate alpha blending) when the render state, , is set to true.

Contains a member of the enumeration that represents the destination .

Retrieves or sets the comparison function for the alpha test.

Contains a member of the enumeration that represents the source .

Retrieves or sets a render state that enables a per-pixel alpha test.

Retrieves or sets the ambient light color.

Retrieves or sets the ambient light color.

Retrieves or sets the ambient color source for lighting calculations.

Retrieves or sets antialiasing of lines.

Retrieves or sets a object to use for a constant blend factor during alpha blending.

Retrieves or sets a object to use for a constant blend factor during alpha blending.

Retrieves or sets a value used to select the arithmetic operation to apply when the alpha blend render state, , is set to true.

Retrieves or sets a value to enable primitive clipping by Microsoft Direct3D.

Retrieves or sets a value to enable or disable per-vertex color.

Retrieves or sets a value that enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer.

Retrieves or sets additional values for the device.

Retrieves or sets additional values for devices.

Retrieves or sets additional values for devices.

Retrieves the or sets it to perform if the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test fails.

Retrieves or sets the comparison function used by the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test.

Retrieves the or sets it to perform, if both counterclockwise (CCW) stencil and z-tests pass.

Retrieves the or sets it to perform if the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test passes and the z-test fails.

Specifies how back-facing triangles are culled, if at all.

Enables or disables the debug monitor token.

Sets or retrieves the depth bias for polygons.

Contains a member of the enumeration that represents the destination .

Retrieves or sets the diffuse color source for lighting calculations.

Enables or disables dithering.

Retrieves or sets the emissive color source for lighting calculations.

Enables or disables adaptive tessellation.

Contains a member of the enumeration that represents the fill mode.

Retrieves or sets the fog color.

Retrieves or sets the fog color.

Retrieves or sets the fog density for pixel or vertex fog used in exponential fog modes.

Enables or disables fog blending.

Retrieves or sets the depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects end for linear fog mode.

Retrieves or sets the depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects begin for linear fog mode.

Retrieves or sets the fog formula to use for pixel fog.

Retrieves or sets the fog formula to use for vertex fog.

Enables or disables indexed vertex blending.

Enables or disables drawing of the last pixel in a line.

Enables or disables Microsoft Direct3D lighting.

Specifies whether to use camera-relative specular highlights or orthogonal specular highlights.

Retrieves or sets the maximum tessellation level.

Retrieves or sets the minimum tessellation level.

Determines how individual samples are computed when using a multisample render target buffer.

Retrieves or sets a render state that enables use of a multisample buffer as an accumulation buffer.

Retrieves or sets the degree of interpolation (linear, cubic, quadratic, or quintic) using the N-patch normal.

Enables or disables automatic normalization of vertex normals.

Retrieves or sets the tessellation mode for patch edges.

Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives.

Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives.

Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives.

Controls how the computation of size for point sprites is handled.

Specifies the size to use for point size computation in cases in which point size is not specified for each vertex.

Specifies the maximum size to which point sprites can be set.

Specifies the minimum size to which point sprites can be set.

Controls how point sprites are rendered.

Retrieves or sets the N-patch position interpolation degree.

Retrieves or sets enabling of range-based vertex fog.

Specifies a reference alpha value against which pixels are tested when alpha testing is enabled.

Specifies a reference value to use for the stencil test.

Enables or disables scissor testing.

Enables or disables the separate for the alpha channel.

Contains one or more members of the enumeration.

Retrieves or sets a value used to determine how much bias can be applied to coplanar primitives to reduce z-fighting.

Contains a member of the enumeration.

Retrieves or sets a render state that enables specular highlights.

Retrieves or sets the specular color source for lighting calculations.

Retrieves or sets a render state that enables render-target writes to be gamma co
ected to sRGB.

Retrieves or sets stencil enabling.

Retrieves or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails.

Retrieves or sets the comparison function for the stencil test.

Retrieves or sets the mask applied to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test.

Retrieves or sets the stencil operation to perform if both the stencil test and the depth test (z-test) pass.

Retrieves or sets the write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer.

Retrieves or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth test (z-test) fails.

Retrieves or sets the color used for multiple-texture blending with the texture blending argument or the texture blending operation.

Retrieves or sets a floating-point value that controls the tween factor.

Enables or disables two-sided stenciling.

Enables or disables w-buffering.

Retrieves or sets the number of matrices to use to perform geometry blending.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.

Enables or disables depth buffering.

Retrieves or sets the comparison function for the z-buffer test.

Enables or disables writing to the depth buffer.

Queries and prepares resources.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Frees the specified private data associated with the cu
ent resource.
Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies the private data to free.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DResource9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Copies the private data associated with a resource to a buffer.
Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies the private data to retrieve.
Returns an a
ay of that contains the requested private data.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Preloads a managed resource.

Assigns the resource-management priority for the cu
ent resource.
New resource-management priority for the resource.
Previous priority value for the resource.

Associates data with the resource that is intended for use by the application. Data is passed by value, and multiple sets of data can be associated with a single resource.
A globally unique identifier (GUID) that identifies the private data to set.
A a
ay that contains the private data to associate with the resource.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the device associated with a resource.

Retrieves or sets the priority for the cu
ent resource.

Retrieves the type of a resource.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Contains sampler states for the device.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the texture-address mode for the u-coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the texture-address mode for the v-coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the texture-address mode for the w-coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the border color.

Retrieves or sets the border color.

Retrieves or sets the vertex offset in the presampled displacement map.

Retrieves or sets the element index to use when an element with multiple textures is assigned to the sampler.

Retrieves or sets a magnification filter.

Retrieves or sets the maximum anisotropy.

Retrieves or sets the level of detail (LOD) index of the largest map to use.

Retrieves or sets a minification filter.

Retrieves or sets a mipmap filter to use during minification.

Retrieves or sets the mipmaplevel of detail (LOD) bias.

Determines whether to use gamma co

Collection of objects.

Retrieves the object at the given .
Integer that represents the object to retrieve.

Encapsulates render states.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Applies the state block to the cu
ent device state.

Captures a device's cu
ent state.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
Reference to the associated with the cu
ent state block.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to the associated with the cu
ent state block.
Member of the enumeration that specifies the state block type.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DStateBlock9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the associated with a state block.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Queries and prepares surfaces.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
Object reference of the device associated with the surface.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to the associated with the surface.
Reference to a object that contains image data for the surface.
A object that defines the memory class of the surface.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to the associated with the surface.
Reference to a object that contains the bitmap for the surface.
A object that defines the memory class of the surface.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Creates a surface from a Microsoft .NET bitmap object.
Reference to the associated with the surface.
Reference to a object that contains the bitmap for the surface.
A object that defines the memory class of the surface.
A object that represents the newly created surface.

Creates a surface from a Microsoft .NET stream object.
Reference to the associated with the surface.
Reference to a object that contains image data for the surface.
A object that defines the memory class of the surface.
A object that represents the newly created surface.

Provides access to the parent cube texture or texture (mipmap) object.

An that represents the newly created container.

Retrieves a device context.
A object that represents the device context for the surface.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DSurface9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that represents the rectangle to lock.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
Integer that represents the returned pitch value of the locked region.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
Integer that represents the returned pitch value of the locked region.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that represents the rectangle to lock.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that specifies the type of a
ay to create.
A object that represents the rectangle to lock.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
Integer that represents the returned pitch value of the locked region.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that specifies the type of a
ay to create.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
Integer that represents the returned pitch value of the locked region.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that specifies the type of a
ay to create.
A object that represents the rectangle to lock.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a surface.
A object that specifies the type of a
ay to create.
A object that specifies the type of lock to apply.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that describes the locked region.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Releases the device context obtained by calling .

Unlocks a rectangle on a surface.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the description of a surface.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Manipulates a swap chain.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
The object that represents the device to associate with the swap chain.

Creates a new instance of the class.
The object that represents the device to associate with the swap chain.
A object that contains the presentation parameters for the new swap chain. See Remarks.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Retrieves a back buffer from the swap chain of a device.
Index of the back buffer object to return. See Remarks.
Because stereo view is not supported in Microsoft DirectX 9.0, the only valid value for this parameter is .
A object that represents the returned back buffer surface.

Generates a copy of the swap chain's front buffer and places it in a object provided by the application.
[in, out] A object that receives a copy of the swap chain's front buffer. The data is returned in successive rows with no intervening space, from the vertically highest row to the lowest.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DSwapChain9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A structure that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
A that contains the destination rectangle in window client coordinates. This value can be used only if the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire client area is filled. If the rectangle exceeds the destination client area, it is clipped to fit.
A object whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A structure that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A structure that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
A object whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A object whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
A that contains the destination rectangle in window client coordinates. This value can be used only if the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire client area is filled. If the rectangle exceeds the destination client area, it is clipped to fit.
A object whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
A that contains the destination rectangle in window client coordinates. This value can be used only if the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire client area is filled. If the rectangle exceeds the destination client area, it is clipped to fit.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A structure that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
A that contains the destination rectangle in window client coordinates. This value can be used only if the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire client area is filled. If the rectangle exceeds the destination client area, it is clipped to fit.
Destination window whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A structure that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A structure that contains the source rectangle. This value must be omitted unless the swap chain was created with . If the value is omitted, the entire source surface is presented. If the rectangle exceeds the source surface, it is clipped to fit.
A object whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.
Set to true if a is being passed to the parameter; otherwise, false.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
A object whose client area is taken as the target for the cu
ent presentation. If this parameter is omitted, the . member is used.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.

Presents the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the swap chain.
Allows the application to request that the method return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation. Valid values are 0, , or a combination of these values. See Remarks.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the device associated with a swap chain.

Retrieves the display mode's spatial resolution, color resolution, and refresh frequency.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Retrieves the presentation parameters associated with a swap chain.

Returns information that describes the raster of the monitor on which the swap chain is presented.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Manipulates a texture resource.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Adds a dirty region to a texture resource.

Adds a dirty region to a texture resource.
A structure that specifies the dirty region to add.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
A object to associate with the .
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the texture should be placed.

Creates a new instance of the class.
A object to associate with the .
A object that contains the image data. The texture is created with the data in the stream.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use one or more constants. It is good practice to match the usage parameter with the in the constructor.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the texture should be placed.

Creates a new instance of the class.
A object to associate with the .
A used to create the texture.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use one or more constants. It is good practice to match the usage parameter with the in the constructor.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the texture should be placed.

Creates a new instance of the class.
A object to associate with the .
Width of the texture's top level, in pixels. The pixel dimensions of subsequent levels are the truncated value of half of the previous level's pixel dimension (independently). Each dimension clamps at a size of one pixel. Thus, if the division by 2 results in 0, 1 is taken instead.
Height of the texture's top level, in pixels. The pixel dimensions of subsequent levels are the truncated value of half of the previous level's pixel dimension (independently). Each dimension clamps at a size of one pixel. Thus, if the division by 2 results in 0, 1 is taken instead.
Number of levels in the texture. If this is 0, Microsoft Direct3D generates all texture sublevels down to 1 by 1 pixels for hardware that supports mipmapped textures. Check the parameter to see the number of levels generated.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use one or more constants. It is good practice to match the usage parameter with the in the constructor.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the format of all levels in the texture.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the texture should be placed.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Creates a texture resource from a bitmap.
A object to associate with the .
A used to create the texture.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use one or more constants. It is good practice to match the usage parameter with the in the constructor.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the texture should be placed.
A object.

Creates a texture resource from a stream object.
A object to associate with the object.
A used to create the texture.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use one or more constants. It is good practice to match the usage parameter with the in the constructor.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the texture should be placed.
A object.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Retrieves a level description of a texture resource.
Level of the texture resource. This method returns a surface description for the level specified by this parameter.
A structure that describes the returned level.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DTexture9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Retrieves the specified texture surface level.
Level of the texture resource. This method returns a surface for the level specified by this parameter. The top-level surface is denoted by 0.
A object that represents the returned surface.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
Pitch of the returning data.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
Pitch of the returning data.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
Pitch of the returning data.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
Pitch of the returning data.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
A to lock. To expand the dirty region to cover the entire texture, omit this parameter.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Locks a rectangle on a texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
A level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Unlocks a rectangle on a texture resource.
Level of the texture resource to unlock.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Contains texture states for the device.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Defines settings for the alpha channel selector operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the enumeration.

Defines the texture-stage state as the first alpha argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.

Defines the texture-stage state as the second alpha argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.

Defines the texture-stage state as a texture alpha-blending operation identified by the enumeration.

Defines a floating-point offset value for bump-map luminance.

Defines a floating-point scale value for bump-map luminance.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [0][0] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [0][1] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [1][0] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [1][1] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix.

Defines settings for the third color operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the enumeration.

Defines the texture-stage state as the first color argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.

Defines the texture-stage state as the second color argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.

Defines the texture-stage state as a texture color-blending operation identified by the enumeration.

Defines the per-stage constant color.

Defines the per-stage constant color.

Selects the destination register for the result of the cu
ent stage identified by .

Defines the index of the texture coordinate set to use with the cu
ent texture stage.

Controls the transformation of texture coordinates for the cu
ent texture stage.

Collection of objects.

Retrieves the object at the given .
Integer that represents the object to retrieve.

The application is requesting more texture-filtering operations than the device supports.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Allows applications to specify and obtain matrix transformations; for example, the world, view, and transformation matrices used for Microsoft Direct3D object rendering.

Retrieves a world matrix transform by its index.
Value between 0 and 255 that indicates the index of the world matrix to retrieve.

Sets the world matrix by its index.
Value between 0 and 255 that indicates the index of the world matrix to set.
A value to which the specified world matrix is set.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the projection transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the transformation .

Retrieves or sets the view transformation matrix.

Retrieves or sets the first world matrix.

Retrieves or sets the second world matrix.

Retrieves or sets the third world matrix.

Retrieves or sets the fourth world matrix.

The device does not support a specified texture-blending argument for the alpha channel.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The device does not support a specified texture-blending operation for the alpha channel.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The device does not support a specified texture-blending argument for color values.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The device does not support a specified texture-blending operation for color values.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The device does not support the specified texture factor value. Not used; provided only to support older drivers.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The device does not support the specified texture filter.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Manipulates vertex buffer resources.

Occurs after a device is reset and the is re-created.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

The object to associate with the vertex buffer.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Combination of flags that describe the vertex format of the vertices in the buffer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
The object to associate with the vertex buffer.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Combination of flags that describe the vertex format of the vertices in the buffer.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class in which to place the resource.

Creates a new instance of the class.
The object to associate with the vertex buffer.
Size of the vertex buffer in bytes. If is set to 0, must be large enough to contain at least one vertex, but it need not be a multiple of the vertex size. If is not set to 0, is not validated. See Remarks.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Combination of flags that describe the vertex format of the vertices in the buffer.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class in which to place the resource.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Member of the enumerated type that indicates the type of vertex data the buffer holds. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Maximum number of vertices the buffer can hold.
The object to associate with the vertex buffer.
Usage can be 0, which indicates no usage value. However, if usage is desired, use a combination of one or more flags. It is good practice to match the parameter in the constructor with the behavior flags in the constructor. See Remarks.
Combination of flags that describe the vertex format of the vertices in the buffer.
Member of the enumerated type that describes a valid memory class in which to place the resource.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Locks a range of vertex data and obtains the vertex buffer memory.
Offset into the vertex data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire vertex buffer, specify 0 for both and .
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
An that represents the locked vertex buffer.

Locks a range of vertex data and obtains the vertex buffer memory.
Offset into the vertex data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire vertex buffer, specify 0 for both and .
Size of the vertex data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire vertex buffer, specify 0 for both and .
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A object that represents the locked vertex buffer.

Locks a range of vertex data and obtains the vertex buffer memory.
Offset into the vertex data to lock, in bytes. To lock the entire vertex buffer, specify 0 for both and .
A object that indicates the type of a
ay data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An that represents the locked vertex buffer.

Raises a . event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass into the event handler.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Locks, sets, and unlocks a range of vertex data.
An that contains the data to copy into the vertex buffer. This can be any value type or any type that contains only value types.
Offset in the vertex buffer to set. To set the entire buffer, set this parameter to 0.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform when setting the buffer. For this method, the valid flags are , , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .

Unlocks vertex data.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves a description of the vertex buffer resource.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Retrieves the size of the data, in bytes.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Encapsulates the vertex shader declaration.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
The object to associate with the .

Creates a new instance of the class.
The object to associate with the .
ay of flags that make up a vertex shader declaration. The a
ay must end with the value in the field.

Creates a new instance of the class.
The object to associate with the .
A object containing flags that make up a vertex shader declaration.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Gets the vertex shader declaration.
ay of vertex elements that make up a vertex shader declaration. The a
ay ends with the value in the field.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the used to create the cu
ent vertex declaration.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Encapsulates the functionality of a vertex shader.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
Reference to an instance of a object.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to an instance of a object.
Reference to a object that represents the vertex shader function tokens to use.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Reference to an instance of a object.
Integer a
ay representing the vertex shader function tokens that specify the blending operations.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Retrieves an a
ay that contains shader data.
ay that contains the shader data.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DVertexShader9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the Microsoft Direct3D device associated with a vertex shader object.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Constructs bit patterns that are used to identify texture coordinate formats in a flexible vertex format description.

Constructs bit patterns that are used to identify texture coordinate size-1 formats within a flexible vertex format description.
Value that identifies the texture coordinate set to which the texture coordinate size (1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-dimensional) applies.
One or more flags that indicate the texture coordinate.

Constructs bit patterns that are used to identify texture coordinate size-2 formats within a flexible vertex format description.
One or more flags that indicate the texture coordinate.

Constructs bit patterns that are used to identify texture coordinate size-3 formats within a flexible vertex format description.
Value that identifies the texture coordinate set to which the texture coordinate size (1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-dimensional) applies.
One or more flags that indicate the texture coordinate.

Constructs bit patterns that are used to identify texture coordinate size-4 formats within a flexible vertex format description.
Value that identifies the texture coordinate set to which the texture coordinate size (1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-dimensional) applies.
One or more flags that indicate the texture coordinate.

Manipulates volume resources.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
A associated with the volume.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Frees the specified private data associated with the cu
ent volume.
A that identifies the private data to free.

Provides access to the parent volume texture object, if the cu
ent surface is a child level of a volume texture.

An that represents the returned container.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DVolume9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Copies the private data associated with the volume to a provided buffer.
A that represents the identifier of the private data being requested.
A a
ay that contains the requested data.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
A object that represents the box to lock.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
A object that describes the locked region.
A that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
A object that describes the locked region.
A that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
A object that represents the box to lock.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
A that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
A that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
Value that specifies the of the lock.
A object that represents the box to lock.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
A object that describes the locked region.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
Value that specifies the of the lock.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
A object that describes the locked region.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
Value that specifies the of the lock.
A object that represents the box to lock.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that represents the locked box region.

Locks a box on a volume resource.
Value that specifies the of the lock.
Combination of zero or more that describe the type of lock to perform. See Remarks.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returned a
ay. The maximum number of allowed is three.
An that represents the locked box region.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Associates data with the volume that is intended for use by the application, not by Microsoft Direct3D.
A that represents the identifier of the private data to set.
A a
ay that contains the private data for the cu
ent volume.

Unlocks a box on a volume resource.

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.
Pointer to the structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this object.

Retrieves the description of a volume.

Retrieves the Microsoft Direct3D device associated with a sprite object.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Manipulates a volume texture resource.

Occurs when the method is called or when the object is finalized and collected by the ga
age collector of the Microsoft .NETcommon language runtime.

Adds a dirty region to a volume texture resource.
A structure that specifies the dirty region to add. Omitting this parameter expands the dirty region to cover the entire volume texture.

Adds a dirty region to a volume texture resource.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Pointer to an unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface. This parameter is useful for working with unmanaged applications from managed code. Not supported.

Creates a new instance of the class.
Unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.
A object to associate with the object.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the volume texture should be placed.

Creates a new instance of the class.
A object to associate with the object.
Width of the top level of the volume texture, in pixels. This value must be a power of two if the . member is set. See Remarks.
Height of the top level of the volume texture, in pixels. This value must be a power of two if the . member is set. See Remarks.
Depth of the top level of the volume texture, in pixels. This value must be a power of two if the . member is set. See Remarks.
Number of levels in the texture. If this value is 0, Microsoft Direct3D generates all texture sublevels down to 1x1 pixels for hardware that supports mipmapped volume textures. Check the parameter for the number of levels generated.
Usage type for this .
Member of the enumerated type that describes the format of all levels in the volume texture.
Member of the enumerated type that describes the memory class into which the volume texture should be placed.

Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by the object.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Allows the object to free resources before it is destroyed by the ga
age collector.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Retrieves a level description of a volume texture resource.
Value that identifies a level of the volume texture resource.
A structure that describes the returned volume texture level.

This member supports the infrastructure for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Object identifier.
Pointer to the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface, IDirect3DVolumeTexture9, which allows unmanaged COM clients to create an instance of the managed class. Not supported.

Retrieves the specified volume texture level.
Value that identifies a level of the volume texture resource.
A object that represents the returned volume level.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
A structure that indicates the region to lock. Omitting this parameter locks the entire volume level.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A structure that describes the locked region.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A structure that describes the locked region.
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
A structure that indicates the region to lock. Omitting this parameter locks the entire volume level.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
A structure that indicates the region to lock. Omitting this parameter locks the entire volume level.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A structure that describes the locked region.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
A structure that describes the locked region.
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
A structure that indicates the region to lock. Omitting this parameter locks the entire volume level.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Locks a box on a volume texture resource.
A object that indicates the type of data to return. This can be a value type or any type that contains only value types.
Value that specifies a level of the texture resource to lock.
Zero or more locking flags that describe the type of lock to perform. For this method, the valid flags are , , , and . For a description of the flags, see .
ay of one to three values that indicate the dimensions of the returning .
An object that describes the locked region.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Raises the event when called from within a derived class.
Invoking object reference; should be this object.
Arguments to pass to the event handler.

Unlocks a box on a volume texture resource.
Value that specifies a level of the volume texture resource to unlock.

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed.

Returns the unmanaged Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer.

The device was still drawing.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

The pixel format of the texture surface is not valid.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that holds all of the data needed to serialize or deserialize the object.
A object that describes the source and destination serialized stream.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.
An object that represents e
ors that occur during application execution.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
String that contains the e
or message to display.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Defines constants that identify the type of back buffers in a swap chain.

Not supported.

Not supported.

Nonstereo swap chain (one or more nonstereo back buffers).

Defines the basis type of a high-order patch surface.

An interpolating basis defines the surface so that it passes through all of the specified input vertices.

Input vertices are treated as control points of a B-spline surface. In general, the generated surface does not contain the specified control vertices.

Input vertices are treated as a series of Bezier patches. The number of vertices specified must be divisible by 3 + 1; portions of the mesh beyond this criterion are not rendered. Full continuity is assumed between sub-patches in the interior of the surface rendered by each call. Only the vertices at the corners of each sub-patch are guaranteed to lie on the resulting surface.

Defines the supported . (The RGBA values of the source and destination are indicated by the subscripts s and d.)

Blend factor is (0, 0, 0, 0).

Inverted constant color blending factor used by the frame-buffer blender. This blend mode is supported only if the . property is set to true.

Constant color blending factor used by the frame-buffer blender. This blend mode is supported only if the . property is set to true.

Source blend factor is (1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As), and destination blend factor is (As, As, As, As); the destination blend selection is ove
idden. This blend mode is supported only if the . property is set to true.

Obsolete. To achieve the same effect, set the source and destination blend factors to and in separate calls.

Blend factor is (f, f, f, 1); f = min(A, 1 - Ad).

Blend factor is (1 - Rd, 1 - Gd, 1 - Bd, 1 - Ad).

Blend factor is (Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad).

Blend factor is (1 - Ad, 1 - Ad, 1 - Ad, 1 - Ad).

Blend factor is (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad).

Blend factor is ( 1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As).

Blend factor is (As, As, As, As).

Blend factor is (1 - Rs, 1 - Gs, 1 - Bs, 1 - As).

Blend factor is (Rs, Gs, Bs, As).

Blend factor is (1, 1, 1, 1).

Defines the supported blend operations.

Result is the destination subtracted from the source. Result = Source - Destination

Result is the maximum of the source and destination. Result = MAX(Source, Destination)

Result is the minimum of the source and destination. Result = MIN(Source, Destination)

Result is the source subtracted from the destination. Result = Destination - Source

Result is the destination added to the source. Result = Source + Destination

Specifies the buffer to use when calling the . method.

Specifies a render target.

Specifies a stencil buffer.

Specifies a z-buffer.

Defines the cu
ent clip status.

All vertices are clipped by the back plane of the viewing frustum.

All vertices are clipped by the front plane of the viewing frustum.

All vertices are clipped by the application-defined clipping plane.

All vertices are clipped by the application-defined clipping plane.

All vertices are clipped by the application-defined clipping plane.

All vertices are clipped by the application-defined clipping plane.

All vertices are clipped by the application-defined clipping plane.

All vertices are clipped by the application-defined clipping plane.

Combination of all clip flags.

All vertices are clipped by the bottom plane of the viewing frustum.

All vertices are clipped by the top plane of the viewing frustum.

All vertices are clipped by the right plane of the viewing frustum.

All vertices are clipped by the left plane of the viewing frustum.

Defines the location at which a color or color component must be accessed for lighting calculations.

Use the specular vertex color.

Use the diffuse vertex color.

Use the color from the cu
ent material.

Defines values that are used to specify a channel in the class type.

Alpha channel of a buffer.

Blue channel of a buffer.

Green channel of a buffer.

Red channel of a buffer.

All channels of a buffer.

The red, green, and blue channels of a buffer.

Defines the supported compare functions in the class type.

Always pass the test.

Always fail the test.

Accept the new pixel if its value is greater than or equal to the value of the cu
ent pixel.

Accept the new pixel if its value does not equal the value of the cu
ent pixel.

Accept the new pixel if its value is greater than the value of the cu
ent pixel.

Accept the new pixel if its value is less than or equal to the value of the cu
ent pixel.

Accept the new pixel if its value is equal to the value of the cu
ent pixel.

Accept the new pixel if its value is less than the value of the cu
ent pixel.

Defines the flags to use when creating a device.

Indicates to the Microsoft Direct3D runtime not to alter the focus window in any way. Use with caution! The burden of supporting focus management events (ALT-TAB, and so on) falls on the application, and appropriate responses (switching display mode, and so on) should be coded.

Specifies that resources be managed by Microsoft Direct3D instead of the driver. Microsoft Direct3D calls will fail for resource e
ors such as insufficient video memory.

The application requests that the device drive all heads that the master adapter owns (this flag is illegal on nonmaster adapters). If the flag is set, the presentation parameters passed to should be an a
ay of that contains exactly elements. The runtime assigns each element to each head in numeric order.

Specifies that resources be managed by Microsoft Direct3D instead of the driver. Microsoft Direct3D calls will not fail for resource e
ors such as insufficient video memory.

Specifies mixed vertex processing (both software and hardware).

Specifies hardware vertex processing.

Specifies software vertex processing.

Specifies that Microsoft Direct3D not support Get calls for anything that can be stored in a state block. Also instructs Microsoft Direct3D to withhold emulation services for vertex processing, which means that if the device does not support vertex processing, the application can use only post-transformed vertices.

Indicates that the application requested multithread safety in Microsoft Direct3D. This causes Microsoft Direct3D to check its global critical section more frequently, which can degrade performance. Starting in the Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003), this enumerated value is always specified unless the is set to true.

Indicates that the application needs either floating-point unit (FPU) exceptions or double-precision FPU exceptions enabled. By default, Microsoft Direct3D uses single precision.Because Microsoft Direct3D sets the FPU state every time it is called, setting this flag reduces Microsoft Direct3D performance.

Defines the faces of a cube map in the class type.

Negative z-face of the cube map.

Positive z-face of the cube map.

Negative y-face of the cube map.

Positive y-face of the cube map.

Negative x-face of the cube map.

Positive x-face of the cube map.

Defines the supported culling modes, which specify how back faces are culled during geometry rendering.

Cull back faces with counterclockwise vertices.

Cull back faces with clockwise vertices.

Do not cull back faces.

Defines the declaration methods for a vertex declaration.

Looks up a pre-sampled displacement map. The input type must be set to , and the stream index and stream offset must be set to 0. The output type for this operation is always . The device must support displacement mapping. This constant is supported only by the programmable pipeline on N-patch data, if N-patches are enabled.

Looks up a displacement map. The input type can be , , or . Only the .x and .y components are used for the texture map lookup. The output type is always . The device must support displacement mapping. This constant is supported only by the programmable pipeline on N-patch data, if N-patches are enabled.

Copies out the u and v values at a point on the rectangle or triangle patch. This results in a 2-D float. The input type must be set to ; the output type is always . The input stream and offset also are unused, but must be set to 0.

Computes the normal at a point on the rectangle or triangle patch as the cross product of the two tangents. The input type can be any of the float values, , , or . The output type is always .

Computes the tangent at a point on the rectangle or triangle patch in the v direction. The input type can be , , , , or . The output type is always .

Computes the tangent at a point on the rectangle or triangle patch in the u direction. The input type can be , , , , or . The output type is always .

Default value. The tessellator copies the vertex data (or the spline data if it is operating on a patch) without performing additional calculations on it. The input and output types can be any value. When the tessellator is used, this element is interpolated; otherwise, vertex data is copied into the input register.

Defines declaration types for a vertex declaration.

Four 16-bit floating-point values expanded to (value, value, value, value). This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

Two 16-bit floating-point values expanded to (value, value, 0, 1). This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

3-D signed 10 10 10 format, normalized and expanded to (v[0]/511.0, v[1]/511.0, v[2]/511.0, 1).

3-D unsigned 10 10 10 format, expanded to (value, value, value, 1).

Normalized 4-D unsigned short, expanded to (First byte/65535.0, second byte/65535.0, third byte/65535.0, fourth byte/65535.0). This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

Normalized, 2-D unsigned short, expanded to (First byte/65535.0, second byte/65535.0, 0, 1). This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

Normalized, 4-D signed short, expanded to (First byte/32767.0, second byte/32767.0, third byte/32767.0, fourth byte/32767.0). This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

Normalized, 2-D signed short, expanded to (First byte/32767.0, second byte/32767.0, 0, 1). This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

Each of 4 bytes is normalized by dividing to 255.0. This type is valid for vertex shader version 2.0 or higher.

4-D signed short, expanded to (value, value, value, value).

2-D signed short, expanded to (value, value, 0, 1).

4-D unsigned byte.

4-D float, expanded to (float, float, float, float).

3-D float, expanded to (float, float, float, 1).

2-D float, expanded to (float, float, 0, 1).

1-D float, expanded to (float, 0, 0, 1).

Type field in the declaration is unused. This is designed for use with and .

4-D packed unsigned bytes, mapped to 0 to 1 range. Input is in format (ARGB) expanded to (R, G, B, A).

Defines declaration usage for a vertex declaration.

Vertex data contains depth data.

Vertex data contains sampler data. ( with . = 0) specifies the displacement value to look up. This flag can be used only with or .

Vertex data contains fog data. ( with . = 0) specifies a fog blend value to use after pixel shading is finished. This flag applies to pixel shaders prior to version ps_3_0.

Vertex data contains transformed position data. ( with . = 0) specifies the transformed position. When a declaration that contains this flag is set, the pipeline does not perform vertex processing.

Single positive floating-point value. ( with . = 0) specifies a tessellation factor used in the tessellation unit to control the rate of tessellation. For more information about the data type, see .

Vertex binormal data.

Vertex tangent data.

Texture coordinate data. ( , n) specifies texture coordinates in fixed function vertex processing and in pixel shaders prior to ps_3_0. These coordinates can be used to pass user-defined data.

Blending indices data. ( with . = 0) specifies matrix indices for fixed function vertex processing using indexed paletted skinning.

Blending weight data. ( with . = 0) specifies the blend weights in fixed function vertex processing.

Vertex data contains diffuse or specular color. ( with . = 0) specifies the diffuse color in the fixed function vertex shader and in pixel shaders prior to ps_3_0. ( with . = 1) specifies the specular color in the fixed function vertex shader and in pixel shaders prior to ps_3_0.

Point size data. ( with . = 0) specifies the point-size attribute used by the setup engine of the rasterizer to expand a point into a quad for the point-sprite functionality.

Vertex normal data. ( with . = 0) specifies vertex normals for fixed function vertex processing and the N-patch tessellator. ( with . = 1) specifies vertex normals for fixed function vertex processing for skinning.

Position data. ( with . = 0 ) specifies the nontransformed position in fixed function vertex processing and the N-patch tessellator. ( with . = 1) specifies the nontransformed position in the fixed function vertex shader for skinning.

Defines the degree of the variables in an equation that describes a curve.

Curve is described by variables of fourth order.

Curve is described by variables of third order.

Curve is described by variables of second order.

Curve is described by variables of first order.

Defines depth buffer formats.

Format is unknown.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel and 8 bits for the stencil channel.

A lockable format in which the depth value is represented as a standard IEEE floating-point number.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel and 4 bits for the stencil channel.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel.

A 16-bit luminance format.

A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth.

A nonlockable format that contains 24 bits of depth (in a 24-bit floating-point format - 20E4) and 8 bits of stencil.

A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth in which 15 bits are reserved for the depth channel and 1 bit is reserved for the stencil channel.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth.

A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth.

Specifies a device type.

A null version of the reference rasterizer.

A pluggable software device.

Microsoft Direct3D features are implemented in software; however, the reference rasterizer uses special CPU instructions whenever possible.

Hardware rasterization. Shading is done with software, hardware, or mixed transform and lighting.

Identifies a texture sampler stage.

Texture sampler stage 3.

Texture sampler stage 2.

Texture sampler stage 1.

Texture sampler stage 0.

Internal constant used by the texture sampler in the tessellator.

Defines constants that describe the fill mode.

Fill solids.

Fill wireframes.

Fill points.

Defines constants that describe the fog mode.

Fog effect intensifies in a linear manner between the start and end points, according to the following formula.

Fog effect intensifies exponentially with the square of the distance, according to the following formula.

Fog effect intensifies exponentially, according to the following formula.

No fog effect.

Defines various types of surface formats. For a more complete discussion, see .

Nonlockable format that contains 24 bits of depth (in a 24-bit floating-point format - 20e4) and 8 bits of stencil.

Lockable format in which the depth value is represented as a standard IEEE floating-point number.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel and 4 bits for the stencil channel.

A 2-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel.

16-bit luminance only.

A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth that uses 24 bits for the depth channel and 8 bits for the stencil channel.

A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth that reserves 15 bits for the depth channel and 1 bit for the stencil channel.

A 32-bit z-buffer bit depth.

A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth.

A 16-bit packed RGB format analogous to YUY2 (Y0U0, Y1V0, Y2U2, etc.). It requires a pixel pair to properly represent the color value. The first pixel in the pair contains 8 bits of green (in the high 8 bits) and 8 bits of red (in the low 8 bits). The second pixel contains 8 bits of green (in the high 8 bits) and 8 bits of blue (in the low 8 bits). Together, the two pixels share the red and blue components, and each has a unique green component (G0R0, G1B0, G2R2, etc.). The texture sampler does not normalize the colors when looking up into a pixel shader; they remain in the range of 0.0f to 255.0f. This is true for all programmable pixel shader models. For the fixed function pixel shader, the hardware should normalize to the range of 0.f to 1.f and treat it as the YUY2 texture. Hardware that exposes this format must have set to a value capable of handling that range.

A 16-bit packed RGB format analogous to UYVY (U0Y0, V0Y1, U2Y2, etc.). It requires a pixel pair to properly represent the color value. The first pixel in the pair contains 8 bits of green (in the low 8 bits) and 8 bits of red (in the high 8 bits). The second pixel contains 8 bits of green (in the low 8 bits) and 8 bits of blue (in the high 8 bits). Together, the two pixels share the red and blue components, and each has a unique green component (R0G0, B0G1, R2G2, etc.). The texture sampler does not normalize the colors when looking up into a pixel shader; they remain in the range of 0.0f to 255.0f. This is true for all programmable pixel shader models. For the fixed function pixel shader, the hardware should normalize to the range of 0.f to 1.f and treat it as the YUY2 texture. Hardware that exposes this format must have set to a value capable of handling that range.

A 32-bit normal compression format. The texture sampler computes the C channel from the signed most significant byte and least significant byte values.

Floating-point surface format that uses 32 bits per channel.

Floating-point surface format that uses 32 bits per channel.

Floating-point surface format that uses 32 bits per channel.

A 64-bit float format that uses 16 bits per channel (alpha, blue, green, red).

Floating-point surface format that uses 16 bits per channel.

Floating-point surface format that uses 16 bits per channel.

MET1 compression texture format.

A 64-bit bump-map format that uses 16 bits for each component.

Vertex buffer surface.

DXT5 compression texture format.

DXT4 compression texture format.

DXT3 compression texture format.

DXT2 compression texture format.

DXT1 compression texture format.

YUY2 format (PC98 compliance).

UYVY format (PC98 compliance).

A 32-bit bump-map format that uses 2 bits for alpha and 10 bits each for w, v, and u data.

A 32-bit bump-map format that uses 16 bits per channel.

A 32-bit bump-map format that uses 8 bits per channel.

A 32-bit bump-map format with luminance that uses 8 bits per channel.

A 16-bit bump-map format with luminance that uses 6 bits for luminance and 5 bits each for v and u data.

A 16-bit bump-map format that uses 8 bits each for u and v data.

An 8-bit format that uses 4 bits each for alpha and luminance.

A 16-bit format that uses 8 bits each for alpha and luminance.

An 8-bit format with luminance only.

An 8-bit format, color indexed.

An 8-bit format, color indexed with 8 bits of alpha.

A 64-bit pixel format that uses 16 bits per component.

A 32-bit pixel format that uses 10 bits each for red, green, and blue, and 2 bits for alpha.

A 32-bit pixel format that uses 16 bits each for green and red.

A 32-bit RGB pixel format that reserves 8 bits for each color.

A 32-bit ARGB pixel format, with alpha, that uses 8 bits per channel.

A 32-bit pixel format that uses 10 bits for each color and 2 bits for alpha.

A 16-bit RGB pixel format that uses 4 bits per color.

A 16-bit ARGB texture format that uses 8 bits for alpha, 3 bits each for red and green, and 2 bits for blue.

8-bit alpha only.

An 8-bit RGB texture format that uses 3 bits for red, 3 bits for green, and 2 bits for blue.

A 16-bit ARGB pixel format that uses 4 bits per channel.

A 16-bit pixel format that reserves 5 bits for each color and 1 bit for alpha.

A 16-bit pixel format that reserves 5 bits for each color.

A 16-bit RGB pixel format that uses 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, and 5 bits for blue.

A 32-bit RGB pixel format that reserves 8 bits for each color.

A 32-bit ARGB pixel format, with alpha, that uses 8 bits per channel.

A 24-bit RGB pixel format that uses 8 bits per channel.

Unknown surface format.

Defines issue flags.

Specifies that the runtime issue the end of a query.

Specifies that the runtime issue the beginning of a query.

Defines the light type.

Light is a directional light source. It is equivalent to using a point light source at an infinite distance.

Light is a spotlight source. It is similar to a point light, except that the area of illumination is limited to a cone. This light type has a direction and several other parameters that determine the shape of the cone it produces. For more information, see the class.

Light is a point source. The light has a position in space and radiates light in all directions.

Defines the type of lock to perform.

The application overwrites every location within the region being locked, using a write-only operation. This is a valid option when using dynamic textures, dynamic vertex buffers, and dynamic index buffers. For vertex and index buffers, the application discards the entire buffer. A pointer to a new memory area is returned so that the direct memory access (DMA) and rendering from the previous area do not stall. For textures, the application overwrites every location within the region being locked, using a write-only operation.

The application is allowed to gain back CPU cycles if the driver cannot lock the surface immediately. When this is the case, the lock call throws . This flag can be used only when calling . on surfaces created using . , . , or . . It also can be used with a back buffer.

By default, a lock on a resource adds a dirty region to that resource. This flag prevents any changes to the dirty state of the resource. Applications should use this flag when they have additional information about the set of regions changed during the lock operation.

By default, a video memory lock reserves a system-wide critical section, guaranteeing that no display mode changes will occur for the duration of the lock. This flag prevents the system-wide critical section from being held while the lock is on. While the lock operation is time-consuming, it enables the system to perform other duties, such as moving the mouse cursor. This flag is useful for locks of long duration; for example, locking the back buffer for software rendering that otherwise would slow the system.

The application is guaranteed not to overwrite any data in the vertex and index buffers. This flag allows the driver to return immediately and continue rendering, using this vertex buffer. If the flag is not used, the driver must finish rendering before returning from locking.

The application does not write to the buffer. This flag enables resources stored in non-native formats to save the recompression step when unlocking.

Use no locks.

Defines the levels of full-scene multisampling that the device can apply.

Enables 16 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables 15 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables 14 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables 13 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables 12 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables 11 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables 10 levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables nine levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables eight levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables seven levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables six levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables five levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables four levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables three levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables two levels of full-scene multisampling.

Enables the multisample quality value.

Specifies no full-scene multisampling, and enables swap effects other than .

Defines whether the cu
ent tessellation mode is discrete or continuous.

Continuous edge style. Tessellation is specified as float values, which can be varied smoothly to reduce popping artifacts.

Discrete edge style. Tessellation can be specified as float values, but they will be truncated to integers.

Defines the memory class that holds buffers for a resource.

Resources are placed in system RAM and do not need to be re-created when a device is lost. These resources are not bound by device size or format restrictions; therefore, they cannot be accessed by the Microsoft Direct3D device or set as textures or render targets. They can, however, always be created, locked, and copied.

Resources consume system RAM but do not reduce pageable RAM. System memory is not typically accessible by the 3-D device. These resources do not need to be re-created when a device is lost. They can be locked and also used as the source for a . or . operation to a memory resource created with .

Resources are copied automatically to device-accessible memory as needed. Managed resources are backed by system memory and do not need to be re-created when a device is lost. For more information, see .

Resources are placed in the memory pool most appropriate for the set of usages requested for the given resource. This is usually video memory, including both local video memory and accelerated graphics port memory. The pool is separate from and , and it specifies that the resource be placed in the prefe
ed memory for device access. Note that never indicates that either or should be chosen as the memory pool type for this resource. Textures placed in the pool cannot be locked unless they are dynamic textures or private four-character code (FOURCC) driver formats. Accessing unlockable textures requires the use of functions such as . or . . is probably a better choice than for most applications. Some textures can be locked; for example, those created in driver proprietary pixel formats that are unknown to the Microsoft Direct3D runtime. Swap-chain back buffers, render targets, vertex buffers, and index buffers can be locked. When a device is lost, resources created using must be disposed of before calling . . Microsoft DirectX 9.0 for Managed Code automatically handles disposal of resources that need it, provided the . property is set to true (the default setting). For more information, see .

Defines flags that allow the application to request that the . return immediately when the driver reports that it cannot schedule a presentation.

Performs gamma co
ection from linear space to sRGB for windowed swap chains. This flag takes effect only when the driver exposes .

Performs the presentation operation without waiting. If the hardware is busy processing or waiting for a vertical sync interval, the method throws .

Returns the maximum number of back buffers supported.

Defines flags that control a . operation.

Informs the driver that the back buffers contain video data.

Clips a windowed . blit into the window client area, within the monitor screen area of the video adapter that created the Microsoft Direct3D device. This flag works only on Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Enables z-buffer discarding if set when the device or swap chain is created. When this flag is set, the contents of the depth stencil buffer are invalid after either . or . are called. Discarding z-buffer data can increase performance and is dependent on the driver. The debug runtime enforces discarding by clearing the z-buffer to some constant value after calling either . or . with a different depth surface. Discarding z-buffer data is illegal for all lockable formats, , and . Using . to specify a lockable format and z-buffer discarding will result in failure. For more information about formats, see .

Gives the application the ability to lock the back buffer directly. Note that back buffers are not lockable unless the application specifies when calling . or . . Lockable back buffers incur a performance cost on some graphics hardware configurations. Performing a lock operation (or using . to write on the lockable back buffer) decreases performance on many cards. In this case, consider using textured triangles to move data to the back buffer.

Use no presentation flags.

Defines flags that describe the relationship between the adapter refresh rate and the rate at which . operations are completed.

The runtime updates the window client area immediately, and might do so more than once during the adapter refresh period. . operations might be affected immediately. This option is always available for both windowed and full-screen swap chains.

The driver waits for the vertical retrace period. . operations are not affected more frequently than every fourth screen refresh. Check the . property to determine whether the driver supports this option.

The driver waits for the vertical retrace period. . operations are not affected more frequently than every third screen refresh. Check the . property to determine whether the driver supports this option.

The driver waits for the vertical retrace period. . operations are not affected more frequently than every second screen refresh. Check the . property to determine whether the driver supports this option.

The driver waits for the vertical retrace period (the runtime will beam trace to prevent tearing). . operations are not affected more frequently than the screen refresh rate; the runtime completes one . operation per adapter refresh period, at most. This option is always available for both windowed and full-screen swap chains.

Equivalent to setting .

Defines the primitives supported by Microsoft Direct3D.

Renders the vertices as a triangle fan.

Renders the vertices as a triangle strip. The back face culling flag is flipped automatically on even-numbered triangles.

Renders the specified vertices as a sequence of isolated triangles. Each group of three vertices defines a separate triangle. Back face culling is affected by the cu
ent winding-order render state.

Renders the vertices as a single polyline. Calls that use this primitive type fail if the count is less than two.

Renders the vertices as a list of isolated straight line segments. Calls that use this primitive type fail if the count is less than two or is odd.

Renders the vertices as a collection of isolated points. This value is unsupported for indexed primitives.

Defines the query type.

Queries for any asynchronous events issued from application programming interface (API) calls.

Queries for the cache hit rate performance measurement for textures and indexed vertices.

Queries throughput measurement comparisons for help in understanding the performance of an application.

Queries for the percentage of time spent processing pixel shader data.

Queries for the percentage of time spent processing vertex shader data.

Queries for the percentage of time spent processing data in the driver.

Queries for the percentage of time spent processing pipeline data.

This query result is true if the values from queries cannot be guarenteed to be continuous throughout the duration of the query. Otherwise, the query result is false.

This query notifies an application if the counter frequency has changed from the .

Returns a 64-bit timestamp.

Queries for the number of pixels that pass z-testing. These pixels are for primitives drawn between and . This option enables an application to check the occlusion result against zero. Zero is fully occluded, which means the pixels are not visible from the cu
ent camera position.

Queries vertex statistics. For more information, see .

Queries for driver hints about data layout for vertex caching.

Queries the resource manager. For more information, see .

Defines device render states.









Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives. The default value is 1.0f.This render state is active only when is set to true. The range for this value is greater than or equal to 0.0f.

Controls how point sprites are rendered. When set to true, texture coordinates of point sprites are set so that full textures are mapped on each point. When set to false, the vertex texture coordinates are used for the entire point.The default value is false.

Controls how point sprites are rendered. When set to true, texture coordinates of point sprites are set so that full textures are mapped on each point. When set to false, the vertex texture coordinates are used for the entire point.The default value is false.

Specifies the minimum size to which point sprites can be set. The default value is 1.0f. The range for this value is greater than or equal to 0.0f.Point sprites are clamped to the specified size during rendering. Setting the size to less than 1.0 results in points dropping out, if the point does not cover a pixel center and antialiasing is disabled.Points also will drop out if the size is less than 1.0, if they are being rendered with reduced intensity, and if antialiasing is enabled.

Emissive color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .

Ambient color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .

Specular color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .

Diffuse color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the enumerated type. The default value is . The value for this render state is used only if is set to true.

Enables or disables automatic normalization of vertex normals. Set to true to enable normalization of vertex normals, or false to disable it. The default value is false.Enabling this feature causes the system to normalize the vertex normals for vertices after transforming them to camera space, an operation that can slow down the system.

Specifies whether to use camera-relative specular highlights or orthogonal specular highlights. Set to true to enable camera-relative specular highlights, or false to use orthogonal specular highlights. The default value is true. Applications that use orthogonal projection should specify false.

Enables or disables per-vertex color. Set to true to enable per-vertex color, or false to disable it. The default value is true.Enabling per-vertex color allows the system to include the color defined for individual vertices in its lighting calculations. For more information, see the following topics.

The fog formula to use for vertex fog. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default fog mode is . See .

Ambient light color. This value is a object that specifies the ambient color value. The default value is 0.

Enables or disables Microsoft Direct3D lighting. Set to true to enable Microsoft Direct3D lighting, or false to disable it. The default value is true.Only vertices that include a vertex normal are properly lit; vertices that do not contain a vertex normal employ a dot product of 0 in all lighting calculations.

Enables or disables primitive clipping by Microsoft Direct3D. Set to true to enable primitive clipping, or false to disable it. The default value is true.








Texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates.Valid values for this render state can be any combination of (or ), (or ), (or ), and . These cause the system to wrap in the direction of the first, second, third, and fourth dimensions, sometimes refe
ed to as the s, t, r, and q directions, for a given texture.The default value for this render state is 0 (wrapping disabled in all directions).

Specifies the color used for multiple-texture blending with the texture blending argument or the texture blending operation. The default value is 0.

Specifies the write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer. The default mask is 0xFFFFFFFF.

Specifies the stencil mask to apply to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test. The default mask is 0xFFFFFFFF.

Specifies a reference value to use for the stencil test. The default value is 0.

Specifies the comparison function to use for the stencil test. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .The comparison function is used to compare the reference value to a stencil buffer entry. This comparison applies only to the bits in the reference value and stencil buffer entry that are set in the stencil mask (by ).If the comparison is true, the stencil test passes.

Specifies the stencil operation to perform if both the stencil test and the depth test (z-test) pass. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .

Specifies the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth test (z-test) fails. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .

Specifies the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default value is .

Enables or disables stenciling. Set to true to enable stenciling, or false to disable it. The default value is false.

Enables or disables range-based vertex fog. Set to true to enable range-based vertex fog, or false to use depth-based fog. The default value is false.In range-based fog, the distance of an object from the viewer is used to compute fog effects, not the depth of the object (that is, the z-coordinate) in the scene. All fog methods work as usual, except that they use range instead of depth in the computations. See .Range is the co
ect factor to use for fog computations, but depth is commonly used instead because it is generally already available, and range is resource-intensive to compute. Using depth to calculate fog has the undesirable effect of making the fogginess of peripheral objects change as the viewer's eye moves; in this case, the depth changes and the range remains constant. Because no hardware cu
ently supports per-pixel range-based fog, range co
ection is offered only for .

Fog density for pixel or vertex fog used in exponential fog modes. Valid fog density values range from 0.0 through 1.0. The default value is 1.0. See .

The depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects end for linear fog mode. The default value is 1.0f.Depth is specified in world space for vertex fog, and in either device space [0.0, 1.0] or world space for pixel fog. For pixel fog, these values are in device space when the system uses z for fog calculations, or in world space when the system uses eye-relative fog (w-fog). See .

The depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects begin for linear fog mode. The default value is 0.0f.Depth is specified in world space for vertex fog, and in either device space [0.0, 1.0] or world space for pixel fog. For pixel fog, these values are in device space when the system uses z for fog calculations, or in world space when the system uses eye-relative fog (w-fog). See .

The fog formula to use for pixel fog. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default fog mode is . See .

Enables or disables specular highlights. Set to true to enable specular highlights, or false to disable them. The default value is false.Specular highlights are calculated as though every vertex in the object being lit is at the object's origin. This gives the expected results as long as the object is modeled around the origin and the distance from the light to the object is relatively large. In other cases, the results are undefined.When this state is set to true, the specular color is added to the base color after the texture cascade but before alpha blending.

Enables or disables fog blending. Set to true to enable fog blending, or false to disable it. The default value is false. See .

Set to true to enable alpha-blended transparency, or false to disable it.The default value is false. The type of alpha blending is determined by the and render states.

Enables or disables dither. Set to true to enable dithering, or false to disable it. The default value is false.

A member of the enumeration that represents the alpha comparison function.The default value is .The member enables an application to accept or reject a pixel based on its alpha value.

Specifies a reference alpha value against which pixels are tested when alpha testing is enabled. The default value is 0. Values can range from 0x00000000 to 0x000000FF.

Specifies the comparison function for the z-buffer test. Valid values are members of the enumeration.The depth value of the pixel is compared to the depth-buffer value. If the depth value of the pixel passes the comparison function, the pixel is written.

Specifies how back-facing triangles are culled, if at all. Set to a member of the enumeration that specifies the culling mode. The default value is .

Contains a member of the enumeration that represents the destination . The default value is .

Contains a member of the enumeration that represents the source . The default value is .

Enables or disables drawing of the last pixel in a line. Set to true to enable drawing of the last pixel in a line, or false to prevent it. The default value is true.

Enables a per-pixel alpha test. Set to true to enable per-pixel alpha testing, or false to disable it.If the test passes, the pixel is processed by the frame buffer. Otherwise, all frame-buffer processing is skipped for the pixel.The test is done by comparing the incoming alpha value with the reference alpha value, using the comparison function provided by . The reference alpha value is determined by the value set for .The default value is false.

Set to true to enable writing to the depth buffer, or false to disable it.The default value is true.This member enables an application to prevent the system from updating the depth buffer with new depth values.If false, depth comparisons are still made according to the render state , assuming that depth buffering is taking place, but depth values are not written to the buffer.

Value used to select the arithmetic operation applied to separate alpha blend when the render state, , is set to true.Valid values are defined by the enumeration. The default value is .If the device capability is not supported, is performed.

A member of the enumeration that represents the destination .This value is ignored unless is true.The default value is .

A member of the enumeration that represents the source .This value is ignored unless is true.The default value is .

Enables or disables the separate for the alpha channel. Set to true to enable separate alpha blend, or false disable it. The default value is false.When set to false, the render targetblending factors and operations applied to alpha are forced to be the same as those defined for color. This mode is effectively hardwired to false on implementations that do not set .The type of separate alpha blending is determined by and .

Sets or retrieves the depth bias for polygons.The value is an integer in the range of 0 through 16 which causes polygons that are physically coplanar to appear separate. Polygons with a high z-bias value appear in front of polygons with a low value, without requiring sorting for drawing order. For example, polygons with a value of 1 appear in front of polygons with a value of 0.

Enables render-target writes to be gamma co
ected to sRGB. Set to true to enable sRGB writes, or false to disable them. The default value is false.

A object used for a constant blend factor during alpha blending. member is available if is set in or for the device.

Additional values for a device. See . is available if is set in for the device.

Additional values for a device. See . is available if is set in for the device.

Additional values for a device. See . is available if is set in for the device.

The comparison function used by the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test. Valid values are from the enumeration.The test passes if ((ref & mask) stencil_compare_function (stencil & mask)) == true.

The to perform if both counterclockwise (CCW) stencil and z-tests pass. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default value is .

The to perform if the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test passes and the z-test fails. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default value is .

The to perform if the counterclockwise (CCW) stencil test fails. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default value is .

Enables or disables two-sided stenciling. Set to true to enable two-sided stenciling, or false to disable it.The application should set to to enable two-sided stencil mode. If the triangle winding order is clockwise, the operations are used. If the winding order is counterclockwise, the operations are used. See

Enables or disables adaptive tessellation. Set to true to enable adaptive tessellation, or false to disable it. The default value is false.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the w direction. The default value is 0.0f.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the z direction. The default value is 1.0f.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the y direction. The default value is 0.0f.

Amount to adaptively tessellate in the x direction. The default value is 0.0f.

The maximum tessellation level. The default value is 1.0f.

The minimum tessellation level. The default value is 1.0f.

Set to true to enable antialiasing of lines, or false to disable it. The default value is false.The member applies to triangles drawn in wireframe mode as well as line-drawing primitive types.When rendering to a multisample render target, this render state is ignored, and all lines are rendered aliased. For antialiased line rendering in multisample render targets, use a object, which generates textured polygons.

Used to determine how much bias can be applied to coplanar primitives to reduce z-fighting. The default value is 0.bias = (max * SlopeScaleDepthBias) + DepthBiaswhere max is the maximum depth slope of the triangle being rendered. See .

Enables or disables scissor testing. Set to true to enable scissor testing, or false to disable it. The default value is false.

The degree of interpolation (linear, cubic, quadratic, or quintic) using the N-patch normal. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default render state is .

The N-patch position interpolation degree. Valid values are from the enumeration that specifies the degree. The default value is .The value also can be used.

A value used to select the arithmetic operation to apply when the alpha blend render state, is set to true.Valid values are defined by the enumeration. The default value is .If the device capability is not supported, is performed.

Specifies a floating-point value that controls the tween factor. The default value is 0.0f.

Enables a per-channel write for the render target color buffer. Valid values for this render state can be any combination of enumeration members.

Enables or disables indexed vertex blending. Set to true to enable indexed vertex blending, or false to disable it. The default value is false.When indexed vertex blending is disabled and vertex blending is enabled through , it is equivalent to having matrix indices 0, 1, 2, and 3 in every vertex. If indexed vertex blending is enabled (set to true), the user must pass matrix indices with every vertex.

Specifies the maximum size to which point sprites can be set. The default value is 64.0f. The value must be less than or equal to and greater than or equal to .

Enables or disables the debug monitor token. Set to true to enable the debug monitor, or false to disable it. Should be set only for debugging the monitor and is useful for debug builds only.The default value for the debug monitor is true.

The tessellation mode for patch edges. Valid value are from the enumeration. The default render state is .Using the tessellation mode helps reduce rendering artifacts.

Enables use of a multisample buffer as an accumulation buffer. The default value is 0xFFFFFFFF.This render state allows multipass rendering of geometry, in which each pass updates a subset of samples. The state has no effect when rendering to a single sample buffer.Each bit in the , starting at the least significant bit (LSB), controls modification of one of the samples in a multisample render target. Thus, for an 8-sample render target, the low byte contains the eight write enables for each of the eight samples. This property enables use of a multisample buffer as an accumulation buffer. If there are n multisamples and k enabled samples, the resulting intensity of the rendered image should be k/n. Each component RGB of every pixel is factored by k/n. See

Determines how individual samples are computed when using a multisample render target buffer.When set to true, the multiple samples are computed so that full-scene antialiasing is performed by sampling at different sample positions for each multiple sample.When set to false, the multiple samples are all written with the same sample value, sampled at the pixel center, which allows non-antialiased rendering to a multisample buffer. The default value is true. This render state has no effect when rendering to a single sample buffer.

Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives. The default value is 1.0f.This render state is active only when is set to true. The range for this value is greater than or equal to 0.0f.

Controls the distance-based size attenuation for point primitives. The default value is 1.0f.This render state is active only when is set to true. The range for this value is greater than or equal to 0.0f.

Enables or disables user-defined clipping planes. Valid values are any DWORD in which the status of each bit (set or not set) toggles the activation state of a co
esponding user-defined clipping plane. The default value is 0.The least significant bit (bit 0) controls the first clipping plane at index 0, and subsequent bits control the activation of clipping planes at higher indexes. If a bit is set, the system applies the appropriate clipping plane during scene rendering.

Specifies the number of matrices to use to perform geometry blending. Valid values are members of the enumeration. The default value is .

Retrieves or sets the fog color as a object.

Specifies the shade mode to use for rendering. Valid values are from the enumeration. The default value is .

Enables or disables depth buffering. Set to true to enable depth buffering, or false to disable it. The default value is true.

Specifies the size to use for point size computation in cases in which point size is not specified for each vertex. The default value is 1.0f.This value is not used when the vertex contains a point size. The value is defined in screen space units if is set to false; otherwise, it is defined in world space units. The range for the value is greater than or equal to 0.0f.

A value from the enumeration that represents the fill mode to apply. The default value is .

Defines the maximum number of simultaneous render targets supported.

Allows four simultaneous render targets.

Defines resource types.

Index buffer resource.

Vertex buffer resource.

Cube texture resource.

Volume texture resource.

Volume resource.

Surface resource.

Texture resource.

Defines result codes.

Method call is invalid; for example, a method's parameter might not be a valid pointer.

Requested device type is not valid.

Device does not support the queried technique.

Device has been lost but can be reset at this time.

Device has been lost but cannot be reset at this time. Therefore, rendering is not possible.

Device does not support the specified texture filter.

Device does not support the specified texture factor value.

ent texture filters cannot be used together.

Application is requesting more texture-filtering operations than the device supports.

Device does not support a specified texture-blending argument for the alpha channel.

Device does not support a specified texture-blending operation for the alpha channel.

Device does not support a specified texture-blending argument for color values.

Device does not support a specified texture-blending operation for color values.

Pixel format of the texture surface is not valid.

Operation was successful.

Defines the sampler state types.

Vertex offset in the presampled displacement map. This is a constant used by the tessellator, its default value is zero.

Element index to use when an element with multiple textures is assigned to the sampler.

Determines whether to use gamma co
ection. Set to true to enable gamma co
ection. The default value is false.

The level of detail (LOD) index of the largest map to use. Index values range from 0 to (n-1) where 0 is the largest map. The default value is zero.

Mipmaplevel of detail (LOD) bias. The default value is zero.

Border color represented as a member of the structure.

Texture-address mode for the w coordinate. The default value is . See .

Texture-address mode for the v coordinate. The default value is . See .

Texture-address mode for the u coordinate. The default value is . See .

Minification filter. The default value is . See .

Magnification filter. The default value is . See .

Maximum anisotropy value. The default value is zero.

Mipmap filter to use during minification. The default value is . See .

Defines constants that describe the supported shading modes.

Not supported.

Gouraud shading mode. The color and specular components of the face are determined by a linear interpolation between all three of the triangle's vertices.

Flat shading mode. The color and specular component of the first vertex in the triangle are used to determine the color and specular component of the face. These colors remain constant across the triangle; that is, they are not interpolated. The specular alpha is interpolated.

Defines logical groups of device states.

Captures all of the cu
ent lights, the cu
ent vertex shader and its constants, and the texture stage states specified by and .

Captures the cu
ent pixel shader and its constants.

Captures all device states.

Defines the supported stencil operations.

Sets the stencil-buffer entry to 0.

Decrements the stencil-buffer entry, wrapping to the maximum value if the new value is less than 0.

Increments the stencil-buffer entry, wrapping to 0 if the new value exceeds the maximum value.

Inverts the bits in the stencil-buffer entry.

Decrements the stencil-buffer entry, clamping to 0.

Increments the stencil-buffer entry, clamping to the maximum value.

Does not update the stencil-buffer entry. This is the default value.

Replaces the stencil-buffer entry with a reference value.

Defines swap effects.

When a swap chain is created with a swap effect of or , the runtime guarantees that a operation will not affect the content of any of the back buffers. However, meeting this guarantee can involve substantial video memory or processing overheads, especially when implementing flip semantics for a windowed swap chain or copy semantics for a full-screen swap chain. An application can use the swap effect to avoid these overheads and to enable the display driver to choose the most efficient presentation technique for the swap chain. is also the only swap effect that can be used when specifying a value other than for . . Like a swap chain that uses , a swap chain that uses might include more than one back buffer, any of which can be accessed using or . The swap chain is essentially a queue where 0 always indexes the back buffer that will be displayed by the next operation and from which buffers are discarded once they have been displayed. An application that uses this swap effect should update an entire back buffer before invoking a operation that displays it. The debug version of the runtime overwrites the contents of discarded back buffers with random data, to enable developers to verify that their applications are updating the entire back buffer surface co
ectly. For a full-screen swap chain, the presentation rate is determined by the value assigned to . when the device or swap chain is created. Unless this value is , the presentation is synchronized with the vertical sync of the monitor. For a windowed swap chain, the presentation is implemented by means of copy operations, and always occurs immediately.

This swap effect can be specified only for a swap chain that comprises a single back buffer. Whether the swap chain is windowed or full-screen, the runtime guarantees the semantics implied by a copy-based operation; specifically, that the operation leaves the content of the back buffer unchanged, instead of replacing it with the content of the front buffer as a flip-based operation would. For a windowed swap chain, a operation causes the back buffer content to be copied immediately to the client area of the target window. No attempt is made to synchronize the copy with the vertical retrace period of the display adapter, so tearing effects may be observed. For a full-screen swap chain, the runtime uses a combination of flip and copy operations, which are supported by hidden back buffers if necessary, to accomplish the operation. Accordingly, the presentation is synchronized with the display adapter's vertical retrace and its rate is constrained by the chosen presentation interval. A swap chain specified with the flag is the only exception. (For more information, see . .) In this case, a operation copies the back buffer content directly to the front buffer without waiting for the vertical retrace.

The swap chain might include multiple back buffers and is essentially a circular queue that includes the front buffer. Within this queue, the back buffers are always numbered sequentially from 0 to (n - 1), where n is the number of back buffers, so that 0 denotes the least recently presented buffer. When is invoked, the queue is rotated so that the front buffer becomes the back buffer (n - 1), while the back buffer 0 becomes the new front buffer. For a full-screen swap chain, the presentation rate is determined by the value assigned to the . when the device or swap chain is created. Unless this value is , the presentation is synchronized with the vertical sync of the monitor. For a windowed swap chain, the flipping is implemented by means of copy operations, and the presentation always occurs immediately.

Defines constants that describe the supported texture-addressing modes.

Similar to and . Takes the absolute value of the texture coordinate (thus, mi
oring around 0), and then clamps to the maximum value. The most common usage is for volume textures, where support for the full texture-addressing mode is not necessary, but the data is symmetrical around the one axis.

Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the border color.

Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the texture color at 0.0 or 1.0, respectively.

Similar to , except that the texture is flipped at every integer junction. For u values between 0 and 1, for example, the texture is addressed normally; between 1 and 2, the texture is flipped (mi
ored); between 2 and 3, the texture is normal again, and so on.

Tiles the texture at every integer junction. For example, for u values between 0 and 3, the texture is repeated three times. No mi
oring is performed.

Defines the supported texture arguments.

Select a constant from a texture stage.

Replicate the alpha value to the color components. During sampling, acts as a read modifier.

Take the complement, or 1.0 - x. This is a read modifier.

Specifies a temporary register color for read or write. is supported if the device capability is present. The default value for the register is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). Permissions are read/write.

Specifies the texture factor set in the . property. Permissions are read-only.

Contains the texture color for the cu
ent texture stage. Permissions are read-only.

Mask value for all arguments; not used when setting texture arguments.

Specifies the specular color interpolated from vertex components during Gouraud shading. If the vertex does not contain a specular color, the default color is 0xFFFFFFFF. Permissions are read-only.

Gets the cu
ent element in the collection.

Specifies the diffuse color interpolated from vertex components during Gouraud shading. If the vertex does not contain a diffuse color, the default color is 0xFFFFFFFF. Permissions are read-only.

Defines the supported texture coordinate index values.

Uses the specified texture coordinates for sphere mapping.

Uses the reflection vector, transformed to camera space, as the input texture coordinate for the cu
ent stage's texture transformation. The reflection vector is computed from the input vertex position and normal vector.

Uses the vertex position, transformed to camera space, as the input texture coordinates for the cu
ent stage's texture transformation.

Uses the vertex normal, transformed to camera space, as the input texture coordinates for the cu
ent stage's texture transformation.

Uses the specified texture coordinates contained in the vertex format. This value resolves to 0.

Defines texture filtering modes for a texture stage.

A 4-sample Gaussian filter used as a texture magnification or minification filter.

A 4-sample tent filter used as a texture magnification or minification filter.

Anisotropic texture filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. This type of filtering compensates for distortion caused by the difference in angle between the texture polygon and the plane of the screen.

Bilinear interpolation filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. A weighted average of a 2x2 area of texels su
ounding the desired pixel is used. The texture filter used between mipmap levels is trilinear mipmap interpolation, in which the rasterizer performs linear interpolation on pixel color, using the texels of the two nearest mipmap textures.

Point filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter. The texel with coordinates nearest to the desired pixel value is used. The texture filter used between mipmap levels is based on the nearest point; that is, the rasterizer uses the color from the texel of the nearest mipmap texture.

Mipmapping disabled. The rasterizer uses the magnification filter instead.

Defines per-stage texture-blending operations.

Subtracts the components of the second argument from those of the first argument. SRGBA = Arg1 - Arg2

Performs linear interpolation between the second and third source arguments by a proportion specified in the first source argument. SRGBA = (Arg1) * Arg2 + (1- Arg1) * Arg3.

Performs a multiply-accumulate operation, in which it multiplies the last two arguments, adds them to the remaining input/source argument, and places that into the result. SRGBA = Arg1 + Arg2 *Arg3

Modulates the components of each argument as signed components, adds their products, and replicates the sum to all color channels, including alpha. This operation is supported for color and alpha operations. SRGBA = (Arg1R * Arg2R + Arg1G * Arg2G + Arg1B * Arg2B)

Performs per-pixel bump mapping, using the environment map in the next texture stage with luminance. This operation is supported only for color operations ( ).

Performs bump mapping on each pixel, using the environment map in the next texture stage without luminance. This operation is supported only for color operations ( ).

Similar to , but uses the inverse of the color of the first argument. This operation is supported only for color operations ( ). SRGBA = (1 - Arg1RGB) * Arg2RGB + Arg1A

Similar to , but uses the inverse of the alpha of the first argument. This operation is supported only for color operations ( ). SRGBA = (1 - Arg1A) * Arg2RGB + Arg1RGB

Modulates the arguments, then adds the alpha of the first argument. This operation is supported only for color operations ( ). SRGBA = Arg1RGB * Arg2RGB + Arg1A

Modulates the color of the second argument using the alpha of the first argument, then adds the result to argument one. This operation is supported only for color operations ( ). SRGBA = Arg1RGB + Arg1A * Arg2RGB

This flag is set in stage n, the output of which is arg1. If stage n + 1 contains a texture, any value in stage n + 1 is premultiplied by that texture.

Performs linear blending on the cu
ent texture stage, using the alpha taken from the previous texture stage. SRGBA = Arg1 * (Alpha) + Arg2 * (1 - Alpha)

Performs linear blending on the cu
ent texture stage that uses a premultiplied alpha. SRGBA = Arg1 + Arg2 * (1 - Alpha)

Performs linear blending on the cu
ent texture stage, using a scalar alpha set with the property. SRGBA = Arg1 * (Alpha) + Arg2 * (1 - Alpha)

Performs linear blending on the cu
ent texture stage, using the interpolated alpha from each vertex. SRGBA = Arg1 * (Alpha) + Arg2 * (1 - Alpha)

Performs linear blending on the cu
ent texture stage, using the interpolated alpha from each vertex. SRGBA = Arg1 * (Alpha) + Arg2 * (1 - Alpha)

Adds the first and second arguments, then subtracts their product from the sum. SRGBA = Arg1 + Arg2 - Arg1 * Arg2

Adds the components of the arguments with a -0.5 bias and shifts the products 1 bit to the left. SRGBA = (Arg1 + Arg2 - 0.5)

Adds the components of the arguments with a -0.5 bias, making the effective range of values -0.5 through 0.5. SRGBA = Arg1 + Arg2 -0.5

Adds the components of the arguments. SRGBA = Arg1 + Arg2

Multiplies the components of the arguments, then shifts the products 2 bits to the left (effectively multiplying them by 4) for
ightening. SRGBA = (Arg1 * Arg2)

Multiplies the components of the arguments, then shifts the products 1 bit to the left (effectively multiplying them by 2) for
ightening. SRGBA = (Arg1 * Arg2)

Multiplies the components of the arguments. SRGBA = Arg1 * Arg2

Uses this texture stage's second color or alpha argument, unmodified, as the output. This operation affects the color argument when used with the property, and the alpha argument when used with the property. SRGBA = Arg2

Uses this texture stage's first color or alpha argument, unmodified, as the output. This operation affects the color argument when used with the property, and the alpha argument when used with the property. SRGBA = Arg1

Disables output from the texture stage and all stages with a higher index. To disable texture mapping, set this flag as the color operation for the first texture stage (stage 0). Alpha operations cannot be disabled when color operations are enabled. Setting the alpha operation to when color blending is enabled causes undefined behavior.

Defines texture stage states.

Selects the destination register for the result of the cu
ent stage identified by .This value can be set to (the default value) or to , which is a single temporary register that can be read into subsequent stages as an input argument. The final color passed to the fog blender and frame buffer is taken from , so the last active texture stage state must be set to . This setting is supported if the . device capability is present.

Defines settings for the alpha channel selector operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the enumeration. is supported if the . or . device capabilities are present. The default argument is .To select a temporary register color for read or write, specify , which is supported if the . device capability is present. The default argument is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Defines settings for the third color operand for triadic (multiply, add, and linear interpolation) operations identified by the enumeration.This setting is supported if the . or . device capabilities are present. The default argument is .Specify to select a temporary register color for read or write. is supported if the . device capability is present. The default value for the register is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Controls the transformation of texture coordinates for the cu
ent texture stage. The default value is .

Defines a floating-point offset value for bump-map luminance. The default value is 0.0.

Defines a floating-point scale value for bump-map luminance. The default value is 0.0.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [1][1] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix. The valid range of values for bump-mapping matrix coefficients is greater than or equal to -8.0 and less than 8.0. This range, expressed in mathematical notation, is (-8.0,8.0). The default value is 0.0.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [1][0] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix. The valid range of values for bump-mapping matrix coefficients is greater than or equal to -8.0 and less than 8.0. This range, expressed in mathematical notation, is (-8.0,8.0). The default value is 0.0.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [0][1] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix. The valid range of values for bump-mapping matrix coefficients is greater than or equal to -8.0 and less than 8.0. This range, expressed in mathematical notation, is (-8.0,8.0). The default value is 0.0.

Defines the texture-stage state as a floating-point value for the [0][0] coefficient in a bump-mapping matrix. The valid range of values for bump-mapping matrix coefficients is greater than or equal to -8.0 and less than 8.0. This range, expressed in mathematical notation, is (-8.0,8.0). The default value is 0.0.

Defines the texture-stage state as the second alpha argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.The default argument is . Specify to select a temporary register color for read or write. is supported if the . device capability is present. The default value for the register is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Defines the per-stage constant color. To determine whether the cu
ent device supports a per-stage constant color, use the . property. The property is used by .

Defines the index of the texture coordinate set to use with the cu
ent texture stage. Up to eight sets of texture coordinates per vertex can be specified. If a vertex does not include a set of texture coordinates at the specified index, the system reverts to the u and v coordinates (0, 0) by default.When rendering with vertex shaders, each stage's texture coordinate index must be set to its default value. The default index for each stage is equal to the stage index. Set this state to the zero-based index of the coordinate set for each vertex that this texture stage uses.Additionally, applications can include values as part of a logical OR with the index being set, to request that Microsoft DirectX automatically generate the input texture coordinates for a texture transformation.The system uses the index strictly to determine texture wrapping mode when using a value other than , which resolves to zero. These flags are most useful when performing environment mapping.

Defines the texture-stage state as the first alpha argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.The default argument is . If no texture is set for this stage, the default argument is . Specify to select a temporary register color for read or write. is supported if the . device capability is present. The default value for the register is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Defines the texture-stage state as a texture alpha-blending operation identified by the enumeration.The default value for the first texture stage (stage 0) is , and for all other stages is .

Defines the texture-stage state as the second color argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.The default argument is . Specify to select a temporary register color for read or write. is supported if the . device capability is present. The default value for the register is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Defines the texture-stage state as the first color argument for the stage identified by the enumeration.The default argument is . Specify to select a temporary register color for read or write. is supported if the . device capability is present. The default value for the register is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Defines the texture-stage state as a texture color-blending operation identified by the enumeration.The default value for the first texture stage (stage 0) is , and for all other stages is .

Defines texture-stage state values.

All texture coordinates are divided by the last element before being passed to the rasterizer. For example, if this flag is specified with the flag, the first and second texture coordinates are divided by the third coordinate before being passed to the rasterizer.

4-D texture coordinates are passed to the rasterizer.

3-D texture coordinates are passed to the rasterizer.

2-D texture coordinates are passed to the rasterizer.

1-D texture coordinates are passed to the rasterizer.

Texture coordinates are passed directly to the rasterizer.

Defines constants that describe transformation state values.

Identifies the world matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the world matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the world matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the world matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set for the specified texture stage.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set as the projection transformation matrix. The default value is the identity matrix.

Identifies the transformation matrix being set as the view transformation matrix. The default value is the identity matrix.

Defines supported usage types for the cu
ent resource.

Specifies no usage type for the cu
ent resource.

Queries the resource to verify support for texture wrapping and mip-mapping.

Queries the resource to verify support for vertex shader texture sampling.

Queries the resource to verify support for post pixel shader blending. If . fails with , post pixel blending operations are not supported. These operations include alpha test, pixel fog, render-target blending, color write enable, and dither.

Queries the resource to determine whether a texture supports gamma co
ection during a write operation.

Queries the resource format to determine whether it supports texture filter types other than (which is always supported).

Queries the resource to determine whether a texture supports gamma co
ection during a read operation.

Queries the resource about a legacy bump map.

Queries the resource to determine whether it will be a displacement map.

Specifies that the resource automatically generate mipmaps. Automatic mipmap generation is not supported for volume textures and depth stencil surfaces/textures. This usage is not valid for resources in system memory ( ).

Indicates that the vertex buffer requires dynamic memory use, which is useful for drivers because it enables them to determine where to place the buffer. In general, static vertex buffers are placed in video memory and dynamic vertex buffers are placed in accelerated graphics port (AGP) memory. Note that there is no separate static use. If is not specified, the vertex buffer is made static.

Indicates when the vertex buffer will be used for drawing N-patches.

Indicates when the vertex buffer will be used for drawing high-order primitives.

Indicates when the vertex buffer will be used for drawing points.

Indicates that the vertex buffer content will never require clipping. When rendering with buffers that have this flag set, the . property must be set to false.

Specifies that vertex processing be done in software. If this flag is not used, vertex processing is done in hardware. is used with . to determine whether a particular texture format can be used as a vertex texture during software vertex processing. If it can, the texture must be created with .

Informs the system that the application writes only to the vertex buffer. Using this flag enables the driver to choose the best memory location, which results in efficient write operations and rendering. Attempts to read from a vertex buffer created with this capability will fail. Buffers that are created with and that do not specify might experience significant drops in performance.

Specifies that the resource will be a depth stencil buffer. can be used only with .

Specifies that the resource will be a render target. can be used only with .

Defines enumerated values used to control the number of matrices that the system applies when performing multimatrix vertex blending.

Uses a single matrix with a weight of 1.0.

Uses the value assigned to . .

Enables vertex blending between the four matrices set by the . method, where the index values for the transformation states are 0, 1, 2, and 3. These matrices also can be set using the , , , and properties.

Enables vertex blending between the three matrices set by the . method, where the index values for the transformation states are 0, 1, and 2. These matrices also can be set using the , , and properties.

Enables vertex blending between the two matrices set by the . method, where the index values for the transformation states are 0 and 1. These matrices also can be set using the and properties.

Disables vertex blending and applies only the world matrix (set by the . method, where the index value for the transformation state is 0, or with the property).

Describes values that define a vertex format used to describe the contents of vertices that are stored interleaved in a single data stream.

Vertex format includes a vertex normal vector. This value cannot be used with the value.

Last beta field in the vertex position data will be of type . The data in the beta fields are used with matrix palette skinning to specify matrix indices.

Last beta field in the vertex position data will be of type UBYTE4. The data in the beta fields are used with matrix palette skinning to specify matrix indices. The vertex format is declared as | . Both weights and MatrixIndices are included in beta[], where directs the compiler to interpret the last uint (beta[5]) as type UBYTE4. The last beta is determined by , not by the number of betas in the position format. For example, if is , and the position format is as specified above, the last beta will be beta[2] and will be used as a uint with 4-byte indices.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of texture coordinate sets for this vertex. The actual values for these flags are not sequential.

Number of bits by which to shift an integer value that identifies the number of texture coordinates for a vertex.

Mask value for texture flag bits.

Vertex format includes a specular color component.

Vertex format includes a diffuse color component.

Vertex format is specified in point size. This size is expressed in camera space units for vertices that are not transformed and lit, and in device-space units for vertices that are transformed and lit.

Vertex format includes a vertex normal vector. This value cannot be used with the flag.

Vertex format contains transformed and clipped x, y, z, w data. does not invoke the clipper, but instead outputs data in clip coordinates. This constant is designed for, and can only be used with, the programmable vertex pipeline.

Vertex format contains position data and a co
esponding number of weighting (beta) values to use for multimatrix vertex blending operations. Cu
ently, Microsoft Direct3D can blend with up to three weighting values and four blending matrices.

Vertex format contains position data and a co
esponding number of weighting (beta) values to use for multimatrix vertex blending operations. Cu
ently, Microsoft Direct3D can blend with up to three weighting values and four blending matrices.

Vertex format contains position data and a co
esponding number of weighting (beta) values to use for multimatrix vertex blending operations. Cu
ently, Microsoft Direct3D can blend with up to three weighting values and four blending matrices.

Vertex format contains position data and a co
esponding number of weighting (beta) values to use for multimatrix vertex blending operations. Cu
ently, Microsoft Direct3D can blend with up to three weighting values and four blending matrices.

Vertex format contains position data and a co
esponding number of weighting (beta) values to use for multimatrix vertex blending operations. Cu
ently, Microsoft Direct3D can blend with up to three weighting values and four blending matrices.

Vertex format includes the position of a transformed vertex. This flag cannot be used with the or flags.

Mask for position bits.

Mask for position bits.

No vertex format.

Defines texture wrapping.

W texture wrapping (wrapping in the direction of the third dimension).

V texture wrapping (wrapping in the direction of the second dimension).

U texture wrapping (wrapping in the direction of the first dimension).

Defines supported wrap coordinates.

U texture wrapping (wrapping in the direction of the first dimension).

Texture wrapping in the direction of the fourth dimension.

W texture wrapping (wrapping in the direction of the third dimension).

V texture wrapping (wrapping in the direction of the second dimension).

Contains information that identifies the adapter.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves a string used for presentation to the user.

Retrieves a value that is used to help identify a particular chip set.

Retrieves a globally unique identifier (GUID) object that can be used to check changes in the driver and chip set.

Retrieves a string that contains the device name for a Microsoft Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI).

Retrieves a string that is used to present the driver name to the user.

Retrieves a value that identifies the version of the Microsoft Direct3D driver.

Retrieves a value used to help identify the revision level of a particular chip set.

Retrieves a value used to identify the subsystem.

Retrieves a value used to identify the manufacturer.

Retrieves a value that is used to determine the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) validation level for the driver and device pair.

Contains the texture addressing capabilities for objects.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves a value that determines whether the device supports the setting of coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] to the border color.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether the device supports the clamping of textures to addresses.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether the device can separate the texture-addressing modes of the texture's u and v coordinates.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether a device can mi
or textures to addresses.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether a device can take the absolute value of the texture coordinate (thus, mi
oring around 0) and then clamp to the maximum value.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether a device can wrap textures to addresses.

Provides throughput measurement comparisons for help in understanding the performance of an application.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves the pixel fill throughput percentage. This is the number of pixels that are filled compared to the theoretical pixel fill.

Retrieves the bandwidth or maximum data transfer rate for uploading data from the host graphics processing unit (GPU) to the CPU.

Retrieves the bandwidth or maximum data transfer rate from the host CPU to the graphics processing unit (GPU). This is typically the bandwidth of the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) or accelerated graphics port (AGP) bus which connects the CPU and the graphics processing unit (GPU).

Retrieves the triangle set-up throughput percentage. This is the number of triangles that are set-up for rasterization compared to the theoretical maximum triangle set-up rate.

Retrieves the vertex throughput percentage. This is the number of vertices processed compared to the theoretical maximum vertex processing rate. A high percentage is the target.

Contains a set of properties that indicate the global behavior of a device.

Creates a new instance of the structure.
ay of that indicate the initial values with which to set the properties.

Creates a new instance of the structure.
A combination of that indicate the initial values with which to set the properties.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether the device should drive all of the heads that the master adapter owns.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether Microsoft Direct3D, rather than the driver, manages resources.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether floating-point unit (FPU) exceptions or double-precision FPU exceptions are enabled in an application.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether hardware vertex processing is enabled.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether mixed vertex processing (for both software and hardware) is enabled.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether Microsoft Direct3D is set to be multithread safe.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether Microsoft Direct3D supports Get calls for anything that can be stored in a state block. This value also indicates whether Microsoft Direct3D is withholding emulation services for vertex processing.

Retrieves a value that specifies whether software vertex processing is being used.

Retrieves or sets one or more values.

Indicates the supported capabilities.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Indicates that the driver supports the and constants.

Indicates that the driver supports a in which the source blend factor is (1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As), the destination blend factor is (As, As, As, As), and the destination blend selection is ove

Indicates that the driver supports the and blend modes. The blend mode is obsolete. To achieve the same effect, set the source and destination blend factors to and in separate calls.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Indicates that the driver supports the blend mode.

Defines a volume.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the position of the back of a box on the z-axis.

Retrieves or sets the position of the bottom of a box on the y-axis.

Retrieves or sets the position of the front of a box on the z-axis.

Retrieves or sets the position of the left side of a box on the x-axis.

Retrieves or sets the position of the right side of a box on the x-axis.

Retrieves or sets the position of the top of a box on the y-axis.

Measures the cache hit rate performance for textures and indexed vertices.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves the hit rate for finding transformed vertices in the vertex cache.

Retrieves the hit rate for finding a texture in the texture cache.

Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the Microsoft Direct3D object.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves a number that represents the ordinal of the adapter on which the was created.

Retrieves a number that indicates the order in which heads are referenced by the application programming object.

Retrieves an object that contains all alpha-test comparison capabilities.

Retrieves texture-filtering capabilities for a object.

Retrieves an object that indicates the available hardware support for cursors.

Retrieves an object that describes the vertex data types a device supports.

Retrieves an object that indicates a device's destination blending capabilities.

Retrieves an object that identifies a device's capabilities.

Retrieves an object that identifies the type of resources used for processing vertices.

Retrieves an object that identifies driver-specific capabilities.

Retrieves a value that indicates the number of pixels to adjust the extents rectangle outward to accommodate antialiasing kernels.

Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the bottom guard band clipping region.

Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the left guard band clipping region.

Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the right guard band clipping region.

Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the top guard band clipping region.

Retrieves an object that defines the capabilities for line-drawing primitives.

Retrieves a value that indicates which device is the master for the cu
ent subordinate.

Retrieves the maximum number of lights that can be active simultaneously.

Retrieves a value that indicates the maximum valid value for anisotropic filtering.

Retrieves a value that indicates the maximum number of N-patch subdivision levels.

Retrieves a value that indicates the maximum number of vertex shader instruction slots supported.

Retrieves the maximum size of a point primitive.

Retrieves the maximum number of primitives for each call.

Retrieves the maximum number of textures that can simultaneously be bound to the texture-blending stages.

Indicates the maximum number of concu
ent data streams for .

Retrieves the maximum stride for .

Retrieves the maximum texture aspect ratio supported by the hardware.

Retrieves the maximum number of texture-blending stages supported.

Retrieves the maximum texture height for the cu
ent device.

Retrieves the maximum range of the integer bits for post-normalized texture coordinates.

Retrieves the maximum texture width for the cu
ent device.

Retrieves the maximum number of user-defined clipping planes supported.

Retrieves the maximum number of matrices that the cu
ent device can apply when performing multimatrix vertex blending.

Retrieves the maximum matrix index that can be indexed into using pre-vertex indices.

Retrieves the maximum size of indices supported for hardware vertex processing.

Retrieves the maximum number of vertex shader instruction slots supported.

Retrieves the number of vertex shader registers that are reserved for constants.

Retrieves the maximum w-based depth value that a device supports.

Retrieves the maximum value for any of the three dimensions (width, height, and depth) of a volume texture.

Retrieves the number of adapters in the cu
ent adapter group.

Retrieves the number of simultaneous render targets.

Retrieves the maximum value of a pixel shader arithmetic component.

Retrieves a structure that contains the supported pixel shader capabilities.

Retrieves an object that reports the main and subordinate pixel shader versions.

Retrieves a set of values that represent the available presentation swap intervals.

Retrieves miscellaneous driver primitive capabilities.

Retrieves information about raster drawing capabilities.

Retrieves shading operation capabilities.

Retrieves the source-blending capabilities.

Retrieves an object that indicates the supported stencil buffer operations.

Retrieves a structure that describes the operations supported by .

Retrieves a structure that contains texture-addressing capabilities for objects.

Retrieves a structure that contains miscellaneous texture-mapping capabilities.

Retrieves a structure that contains texture-filtering capabilities for objects.

Retrieves a structure that describes supported texture operations.

Retrieves a structure that describes supported vertex format capabilities.

Retrieves a structure that contains supported vertex processing capabilities.

Retrieves a structure that contains supported vertex shader capabilities.

Retrieves a structure that indicates the main and subordinate vertex shader versions supported by a device.

Retrieves a structure that indicates which types of vertex shader texture filters are supported.

Retrieves a structure that indicates the supported texture-addressing capabilities for objects.

Retrieves a structure that indicates the texture-filtering capabilities of objects.

Retrieves a structure that contains the supported z-buffer comparison capabilities.

Describes the cu
ent clip status.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets a value that is the bitwise intersection of all cu
ent clip status flags.

Retrieves or sets a value that is the bitwise union of all cu
ent clip status flags.

Stores the red, green, blue, and alpha channel values that together define a specific color.

Initializes a new instance of the structure.
An integer value that represents the level of red in the color.
An integer value that represents the level of green in the color.
An integer value that represents the level of blue in the color.

Initializes a new instance of the structure.
An integer value that represents the level of red in the color.
An integer value that represents the level of green in the color.
An integer value that represents the level of blue in the color.
An integer value that represents the alpha channel value of the color.

Initializes a new instance of the structure.
A value that represents the level of red in the color.
A value that represents the level of green in the color.
A value that represents the level of blue in the color.

Initializes a new instance of the structure.
A value that represents the level of red in the color.
A value that represents the level of green in the color.
A value that represents the level of blue in the color.
A value that represents the alpha channel value of the color.

Fills a structure with the color values of the cu
ent instance.
A structure to contain the cu
ent color values.

Initializes and returns an instance of a structure using an value.
An value that is used to initialize a structure.
A structure whose properties are initialized to the value.

Initializes and returns an instance of a structure using a value.
A used to initialize a structure.
A structure whose properties are initialized to the value.

Initializes and returns an instance of a structure using an value.
A used to initialize a structure.
A structure whose properties are initialized to the value.

Returns an value that represents the color value of the cu
ent instance.
An value that represents the color value of the cu
ent instance.

Retrieves or sets the alpha channel value of the cu
ent color.

Retrieves or sets the blue value of the cu
ent color.

Retrieves or sets the green value of the cu
ent color.

Retrieves or sets the red value of the cu
ent color.

Retrieves comparison capabilities.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether always passing the comparison test is supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether comparison tests in which the new value equals the cu
ent value are supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether comparison tests in which the new value is greater than the cu
ent value are supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether comparison tests in which the new value is greater than or equal to the cu
ent value are supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether comparison tests in which the new value is less than the cu
ent value are supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether comparison tests in which the new value is less than or equal to the cu
ent value are supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether never passing the comparison test is supported.

Retrieves a value that indicates whether comparison tests in which the new value does not equal the cu
ent value are supported.

Indicates the hardware support that is available for cursors.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves a value that indicates that a full-color cursor is supported in hardware.

Retrieves a value that indicates that a full-color cursor is supported in both high-resolution and low-resolution modes.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information.

Retrieves or sets the vertex color.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the position.
Integer that represents the diffuse color value.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Integer that represents the diffuse color value.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and one set of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the vertex color.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the u component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the v component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the position.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and normal data.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the nx component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the ny component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the nz component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the vertex position.
A object that contains the vertex normal data.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the nx coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the ny coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the nz coordinate of the vertex normal.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex normal data.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and normal data.

Retrieves or sets the vertex color.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the nx component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the ny component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the nz component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the vertex position.
A object that contains the vertex normal data.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the nx coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the ny coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the nz coordinate of the vertex normal.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex normal data.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal data, and one set of texture coordinates.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the nx component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the ny component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the nz component of the vertex normal.

Retrieves or sets the u component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the v component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the vertex position.
A object that contains the vertex normal data.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the nx coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the ny coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the nz coordinate of the vertex normal.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex normal data.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains only position data.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the vertex position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and one set of texture coordinates.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the u component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the v component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the vertex position.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the vertex position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the transformed vertex.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the transformed position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices and color information.

Retrieves or sets the vertex color.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the position.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the transformed vertex.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the transformed position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices, color, and one set of texture coordinates.

Retrieves or sets the vertex color.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the u component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the v component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the position.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the transformed vertex.
Integer that represents the vertex color value.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the transformed position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices and one set of texture coordinates.

Retrieves the for the cu
ent custom vertex.

Retrieves or sets the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the u component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the v component of the texture coordinate.

Retrieves or sets the x component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the y component of the position.

Retrieves or sets the z component of the position.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
A object that contains the position.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Floating-point value that represents the x coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the y coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the z coordinate of the position.
Floating-point value that represents the reciprocal homogeneous w (RHW) component of the transformed vertex.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.
Floating-point value that represents the component of the texture coordinate.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the transformed position.

Retrieves the size of the structure.

Indicates the type of data formats that are supported in a vertex declaration.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Indicates that a 3-dimension signed 10 10 10 format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a 4-dimension 16-bit floating-point numbers format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a 2-dimension 16-bit floating-point numbers format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a normalized, 2-D signed short format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a normalized, 4-D signed short format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a 4-dimension unsigned byte format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a normalized, 4-dimension unsigned byte format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a 3-dimension unsigned 10 10 10 format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a normalized, 2-dimension unsigned short format is supported for vertex declarations.

Indicates that a normalized 4-D unsigned short format is supported for vertex declarations.

Retrieves device-specific information about a device.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String representation of the object.

Indicates whether the device supports copying from system memory textures to nonlocal video memory textures.

Indicates whether the device supports queue-rendering commands after a page flip.

Indicates whether the device supports using a texture as the source.

Indicates whether the device supports adaptive tessellation of N-patches.

Indicates whether the device supports adaptive tessellation of RT-patches.

Indicates whether the device supports displacement maps for N-patches.

Indicates whether the device supports DrawPrimitives2.

Indicates whether the device supports extended DrawPrimitives2.

Indicates whether the device exports a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) that is aware of .

Indicates whether the device uses executable buffers from system memory.

Indicates whether the device uses executable buffers from video memory.

Indicates whether the device has hardware acceleration for scene rasterization.

Indicates whether the device supports transformation and lighting in hardware.

Indicates whether the device supports N-patches.

Indicates whether the device supports presampled displacement maps for N-patches.

Indicates whether the device supports rasterization, transformations, lighting, and shading in hardware.

Indicates whether the device supports quintic cubic Bezier curves and B-splines.

Indicates whether the device supports rectangular and triangular patches.

Indicates whether the hardware architecture does not require caching of any information and whether uncached (handle-zero) patches are drawn as efficiently as cached ones.

Indicates whether the device is texturing from separate memory pools.

Indicates whether the device supports stream offsets.

Indicates whether the device can retrieve textures from nonlocal video memory.

Indicates whether the device can retrieve textures from system memory.

Indicates whether the device can retrieve textures from device memory.

Indicates whether the device uses buffers from system memory for transformed and lit vertices.

Indicates whether the device uses buffers from video memory for transformed and lit vertices.

Indicates whether multiple vertex elements share the same offset in a stream.

Describes the creation parameters for a device.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String representation of the object.

Retrieves an ordinal number that denotes the display adapter.

Retrieves a structure with properties that indicate the global behavior of a device.

Retrieves a instance that denotes the amount of emulated functionality for the device.

Retrieves the window to which focus belongs for the cu
ent device.

Retrieves a pointer to the window to which focus belongs for the cu
ent device.

Describes the display mode.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the surface format of the display mode.

Retrieves or sets the screen height, in pixels.

Retrieves or sets the refresh rate.

Retrieves or sets the screen width, in pixels.

Indicates driver-specific capabilities.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Indicates that the driver is capable of automatically generating mipmaps.

Indicates that the system has a cali
ator installed that can automatically adjust the gamma ramp so that the result is identical on all systems that have a cali

Indicates that the driver is capable of managing resources.

Indicates that the display hardware is capable of returning the cu
ent scan line.

Indicates that the device can respect in full-screen mode while using the or swap effect.

Indicates that the device can accelerate a memory copy from local video memory to system memory.

Indicates that the device can accelerate a memory copy from system memory to local video memory.

Indicates whether the driver supports dynamic textures.

Indicates whether the driver supports dynamic gamma-ramp adjustment in full-screen mode.

Indicates whether the device can perform gamma co
ection from a windowed back buffer (that contains linear content) to an sRGB desktop.

Indicates texture filter capabilities.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage anisotropic filtering for magnifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage Guassian quad filtering for textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage bilinear interpolation filtering for magnifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage point-sample filtering for magnifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage pyramidal quad filtering for magnifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage anisotropic filtering for minifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage Guassian quad filtering for minifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage bilinear interpolation filtering for minifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage point-sample filtering for minifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage pyramidal quad filtering for minifying textures.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage trilinear interpolation filtering for mipmaps.

Indicates that the device supports per-stage point-sample filtering for mipmaps.

Contains a list of formats supported by the device.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Contains red, green, and blue ramp data.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Retrieves the blue component of the gamma ramp.
A 256-element integer a
ay that represents the blue component.

Retrieves the green component of the gamma ramp.
A 256-element integer a
ay that represents the green component.

Retrieves the red component of the gamma ramp.
A 256-element integer a
ay that represents the red component.

Sets the blue component of the gamma ramp.
A 256-element integer a
ay that represents the blue component.

Sets the green component of the gamma ramp.
A 256-element integer a
ay that represents the green component.

Sets the red component of the gamma ramp.
A 256-element integer a
ay that represents the red component.

Describes an index buffer.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Determines whether the index buffer has 16-bit indices or 32-bit indices.

Retrieves a value that specifies the class of memory allocated for the cu
ent index buffer.

Retrieves the size of the index buffer.

Retrieves a value that identifies the cu
ent resource as an index buffer.

Retrieves values that specify usage for the cu
ent resource.

Provides percentage of time processing data in the driver. These statistics may help identify cases when the driver is waiting for other resources.

Creates a new instance of the structure.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves the percentage of time the driver spent waiting for a resource that cannot be pipelined (that is, operated in parallel).

Retrieves the percentage of time the driver spent waiting for other graphics processing unit (GPU) processing.

Retrieves the percentage of time the driver spent waiting for the graphics processing unit (GPU) to finish processing some commands before the driver could send more. This indicates the driver has run out of room to send commands to the graphics processing unit (GPU).

Retrieves the percentage of time the driver spent waiting for the graphics processing unit (GPU) latency to reduce to less than 3 rendering frames.

Retrieves the percentage of time the driver spent waiting for the graphics processing unit (GPU) to finish using a locked resource (and wasn't specified).

Defines the capabilities for line-drawing primitives.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Specifies whether the device supports alpha-test comparisons.

Specifies whether the device supports antialiased lines.

Specifies whether the device supports source blending.

Specifies whether the device supports fog.

Specifies whether the device supports texture mapping.

Specifies whether the device supports z-buffer comparisons.

Describes a line pattern.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets bits that specify the line pattern.

Retrieves or sets the number of times to repeat each series of ones and zeros specified in the property.

Describes a locked box (volume).

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets the byte offset from the left edge of one row to the left edge of the next row.

Retrieves or sets the byte offset from the top left of one slice to the top left of the next-deepest slice.

Specifies material properties.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Returns a value that indicates whether the cu
ent instance is equal to a specified object.
Object to compare to this object.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Returns the hash code for the cu
ent instance.
Hash code for the instance.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are the same.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are the same; otherwise, false.

Compares the cu
ent instance of a class to another instance to determine whether they are different.
The object to the left of the equality operator.
The object to the right of the equality operator.
Returns true if the objects are different; otherwise, false.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies the ambient color.

Retrieves or sets the ambient .

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies the diffuse color.

Retrieves or sets the diffuse .

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies the emissive color.

Retrieves or sets the emissive .

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies the specular color.

Retrieves or sets the specular .

Retrieves or sets a value that specifies the sharpness of specular highlights.

Contains miscellaneous driver primitive capabilities.

Obtains a string representation of the cu
ent instance.
String that represents the object.

Specifies whether the device clamps the fog blend factor per vertex.

Specifies whether the device is a reference device that does not render.

Specifies whether the device supports alpha blend operations other than .

Specifies whether the device co
ectly clips scaled points (that is, those whose size is greater than 1.0) to user-defined clipping planes.

Specifies whether the device clips post-transformed vertex primitives.

Specifies whether the device supports per-channel writes for the render target color buffer.

Specifies whether the driver supports clockwise triangle culling through .

Specifies whether the driver supports counterclockwise triangle culling through .

Specifies whether the driver does not perform triangle culling.

Specifies whether the device supports separate fog and specular alpha.

Specifies whether the device supports independent write masks for multiple element textures or multiple render targets.

Specifies whether the device can enable and disable modification of the depth buffer on pixel operations.

Specifies whether the device supports independent bit depths for multiple render targets.

Specifies whether the device supports multiple render targets after pixel shader blending.

Specifies whether the device supports per-stage constants.

Specifies whether the device supports separate alpha blending.

Specifies whether the device supports for temporary registers.

Specifies the color and usage of an entry in a logical palette.

Initializes a new instance of the class.

Initializes a new instance of the class.
Red intensity value for the palette entry.
Green intensity value for the palette entry.
Blue intensity value for the...

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