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Organisational Behaviour Research Essay – 30% (Individual Assessment 1) Due Date: 11:30 pm (Friday – week 6) Length: 1500 words (10% leeway) All students are required required to develop an arguable...

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Organisational Behaviou
Research Essay – 30% (Individual Assessment 1)
Due Date: 11:30 pm (Friday – week 6) Length: 1500 words (10% leeway)
All students are required required to develop an arguable proposition on which to write an essay. Your paper should be presented in standard academic essay format. The format must be in 12pt font and 1.5 spaced.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop/improve skills in writing, analysis, and argumentation in addition to adding to the depth of understanding about organizational behavior in the workplace.
You will be assessed on the quality of sources of information, how well you use these resources to support your arguments and your referencing skills. You are expected to use at least minimum of six (6) different peer-reviewed journals. The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopaedia is not allowed. Use of Wikipedia may result in a fail grade in this essay. You must use the HARVARD referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text and as a reference list at the end).
You should submit an electronic copy (Word Document .doc or .docx format) of your assignment to Turnitin only. Please do not supply a hardcopy.
The essay is intended to test aspects of your studies; your ability to comprehend material sourced from lectures, texts and research and, your ability to critically assess this material in a discussion of the essay question.
Essay need to be well supported by relevant research (academic journals mainly).
Essay topic:
Money and other financial rewards are a fundamental part of the employment relationship and can be used effectively in motivating employees. Discuss pros and cons of this argument.
Learning Outcomes Targeted:
Outcome a) Explain how theories of organisational behaviour may be applied in an organisational setting.
Outcome b) Evaluate potential organisational problem situations and formulate proactive managerial interventions, with special sensitivity to cultural, ethical and social concerns.
Outcome c) Locate relevant research and compare and critique the findings on cu
ent developments in organisational behaviou
Grading of Assignment
The following criteria will be used to allocate grades for this assignment:
Research Essay Marking Guide: Marks will be awarded as follows: (a detailed marking ru
ic will be provided via Moodle)
Assessment Criteria
    Max Marks
(Total 25)
Quantity & depth of literature and other research
How clearly the major relevant OB themes and issues related to the topic are identified
Sound summary, conclusions and recommendations are logically drawn from the literature
The overall structure of the essay: Development of logical and well supported arguments.
    Clarity of written work
Adherence to presentation standards
Citations & Referencing
Answered Same Day Aug 11, 2020


Sarabjeet answered on Aug 13 2020
154 Votes
Organizational Behavio
Organizational Behaviou
Organizational Behavior    August 13    2018    
    Student Name:    University Name:            
Most employers seek ways to increase employee’sefficiency and productivity. But how do you motivate employees to work hard to achieve this? A few people say it cannot be completed, the motive is intrinsic, so it's almost impossible to effect it with external methods. Others say that there are many ways to increase employee enthusiasm, and key is to find employee values. One of the prime tools employers seek to increase employee motivation (thus increasing efficiency, productivity and profitability) is money. Bonuses and rewards compensation programs are often seen as a way of changing employees' behaviour. Money and other economic rewards are an essential part of an employment relationship and can be effectively used to motivate employees. But this method has several advantages and disadvantages.
Money and other financial rewards are a fundamental part of the employment relationship and can be used effectively in motivating employees. Discuss pros and cons of this argument.
Pros to Using Monetary Incentives to Motivate Employees
Let's begin with the list of the advantages of providing incentives to encourage employees. It's a simple and seemingly simple way to impact specific behavior. It does not have to be personalized - everyone is paid, and almost everyone does not want to get more. Most employees do not like to get high performance recognition and rewards, which can increase employee retention and morale. Monetary incentives regularly achieve short-term objectives for the business. Incentive programs can expand employee attitudes as well as improve working conditions (Akanni and Ndubueze, 2017). If there are limitations that do not allow you to increase or increase, this can be a way to offer additional remuneration to the best artists. Such a system can be seen as a fair extra effort associated with additional funds, not like other methods, where whole employees receive the same salary regardless of how much effort they add to it. Incentive programs can also be utilized as recruitment tools.
Cons to Using Monetary Incentives to Motivate Employees
There is also a disadvantage. The following are few of potential pitfalls of utilizing a monetary incentive plan. If used continuously, bonuses or other rewards can be considered as rights rather than incentives. If the employer is not clear enough about the behavior he wants to motivate, it is easy to have unintended consequences(Barclay Roger, 2011). A typical instance of this is generating incentives (or commissions) for salespersons based solely upon revenue generated, regardless of profitability. The goods sold at the loss are usually not good! Unfortunately, this kind of plan might actually lose momentum, and the incentive plan does not always operate as expected. For instance, consider any employee who recently missed her or his goals (and consequently didn't get additional money). The employee's future motivation may be small(Barzoki and Rezaei, 2017). When monetary incentives are linked to group performance, there is a sense of frustration if there is an unequal input to group members. If the reward is based upon competition amongst employees, it will lead employees to actively try out the environment of their colleagues. On the surface, it may
ing high performance, but in fact, it may cause employees to undermine the efforts of team members or commit to personal goals, thereby damaging the company's objectives. It takes effort and time to establish and track an incentive plan and confirm that it is paid co
ectly. Monetary incentives...

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