MNG 00723 Assessment 2: Report (40 marks) 2500 words
Due: Monday 9 am Week 10
Case Scenario:
AUSMED, an Australian pharma company manufacturing drugs, has grown fast in the last 10 years. It currently employs 60 staff and has an annual turnover of approximately AUD 30 million. However, growth has recently stalled, and AUSMED is now considering South Africa and China to expand its business, and enter the global marketplace for the first time. As an Operations Manager at AUSMED, prepare a report (2500 words) for the company’s executive summarising the risks and opportunities in each of these two countries, recommend the best destination country, and an appropriate entry mode for the chosen country.
For this task, you will need to read materials beyond your text and readings. As a guide you should include 15 references which may include academic sources, government websites, and reports published by international organisations and consultancies. Please place the word count for this assignment on the cover sheet. 10% more or less than the stated word count is acceptable. Executive summary, table of contents, tables, visuals, references and appendices will not be included in the word count. The marker may, at their discretion, discontinue marking if you go above 10% of the recommended word limit.
Some suggestions/tips:
For this assessment task, you are expected to demonstrate your understanding of the following:
• How to assess country potential through an analysis of risks and opportunities. Risks that should be emphasised (but not limited to) in particular are those relevant to pharmaceutical businesses such as legal aspects, government regulations and financial/currency risks. Opportunities may include (but not limited to) market size, economic growth and trade agreements between the 2 countries.
• How to identify the best market entry strategy based on the business type and host country business environment (this includes but not limited to the level of economic integration between home and host country, the political and legal environment of the host country). The recommended strategy must be well justified based on all the factors (e.g., organisational goals and objectives, resource requirement, degree of control required, risks in the target market, etc.) to consider when deciding entry strategy.
Structure (suggested word count):
This assignment should be written in a report format. Here is a suggested structure:
· Executive Summary
· Table of Contents
· Introduction XXXXXXXXXXwords)
· Analysis of risks and opportunities (must be relevant to the nature of the business) in each country (South Africa and China XXXXXXXXXXwords)
· The selected destination country (Select one country and justify your decision XXXXXXXXXXwords)
· Discuss and justify the proposed entry for the chosen country XXXXXXXXXXwords)
· Conclusion XXXXXXXXXXwords)
· References (Harvard-style)
· Appendices (if any)
Marking Criteria:
| Marks |
1. Discussion on risks and opportunities in each of the 2 shortlisted countries (19 marks) |
Comprehensiveness of factors (risks and opportunities) considered | (10 marks) (6 marks) (3 marks) |
Depth of analysis |
Justification for the chosen country |
2. Recommendation on entry strategy (15 marks) |
Appropriate and practical | (4 marks) (4 marks) (7 marks) |
Consistent with unit materials |
Justification of chosen entry method (with proper explanation of why this is the best method in the context of the given case). |
3. Overall Presentation (6 marks) |
References (relevance and format) | (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) |
Correct report format |
Correct grammar and spelling |