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MITS5507 Business Process Management Case Study Assignment April 2020 Objective(s) The objective of this assignment is to apply the knowledge and experience acquired with BPMN diagrams and Business...

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MITS5507 Business Process Management
Case Study Assignment
April 2020
The objective of this assignment is to apply the knowledge and experience acquired with BPMN
diagrams and Business Process Management concepts gained through the lectures and activities to a
simulated industry Case Study Problem. You will need to employ analytical skills for this Case Study
to discover existing problems and re-design the business processes.
Your task is to model, analyze, re-design and automate the processes for the company case study
attached to this assignment (Scenario contained within this document). A na
ative description of
the “as is” process is given in the case study below. You must take this description as the basis to
analyze the process, identify improvement alternatives and to design a to- be process. If you find
that the description below is not detailed enough, you can make your own assumptions. But any
assumptions must be reasonable and documented.
The first step is to understand the “as is” process model. To this end, you are asked to design a
detailed BPMN process model reflecting the cu
ent state of the process. This BPMN model should
not only deal with the “normal course” of action, but it should also show how different types of
ors or exceptions are handled, including changes, cancellations and over-due invoices.
Next, you should identify wastes in the process as well as major issues. The latter should be assessed
and documented in an issue register. The “issue register” should include the following columns:
Issue Priority Number, Issue Name, Short Description, Data/Assumptions, Quantitative Impact and
Qualitative Impact. The issue register should not be an inventory of every possible issue you can
think of. Instead, you should focus on major issues that capture the concerns expressed by the
customers, staff and management stakeholders.
Based on the identified issues, you should then design a “to-be” process model in BPMN and explain
what changes you are proposing and how would these changes address the identified issues, and/or
how they would contribute to achieving the company’s strategic goals.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions are to be submitted through turn-it-in. Drop-boxes linked to turn-it-in will be set up
in the Unit of Study Moodle account. Assignments not submitted through these dropboxes will not
e considered.
Submissions must be made by the due date and time (which will be in the session detailed above)
and determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made after the due date and time will be
penalized at the rate of 10% per day (including weekend days).
The turn-it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism. Turnit-in will
check conference web-sites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class member submissions for
plagiarism. You can see your turn-it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to the
appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re-
submit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the
due date and time have elapsed you cannot make re-submissions and you will have to live with the
similarity score as there will be no chance for changing. Thus, plan early and submit early to take
advantage of this feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we only see the
last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission.
Your document should be a word or pdf document containing the following sections:
1. An executive summary
2. The “as-is” process model
3. Waste analysis
4. Issue register
5. A description of changes you suggests making to the “as is” process. For each proposed change,
you should explain why you suggest that change, and which issue(s) it would help to solve, or how
would the change help to address the company’s goals
6. The “to-be” process model
7. A cost analysis of the difference between the two models, including any assumptions you have
made to do this.
8. “as-is” and “to-be” Signavio BPMN diagrams
Scientific General Consulting Case Study
Scientific General Consulting (SGC) is a small business in Melbourne's West, which was established in
January of 2012 and cu
ently operates from an office in the Footscray area, Emily Hoordoor is the
owner of the business and she has four permanent employees. Her business provides coaching to
individuals and organisations in areas of teamwork, leadership and personal performance coaching.
The coaching is conducted by Emily and a team of coaches who work on a session by session basis.
The other coaches operate as subcontractors.
SGC started as a home-based business with Emily as sole operator. Originally, most of Emily’s work
came from recommendations from other consulting agencies and associates. Some of her work also
came through her LinkedIn account. The amount of work grew to the point that Emily could not
handle it all by herself and she would sometimes have to recruit other coaches to take on or help her
with some of the work. Seeing an opportunity, the Scientific General Consulting business was begun
and has blossomed ever since. A website was created as well as a Facebook presence. The business
has grown to the point that she is now providing work to other coaches through her business on a
egular basis. There is roughly a 50:50 split between one-to-one work where a coach deals with one
person at a time and group sessions, where a company might, for example, run a teamwork
workshop for several of its employees simultaneously.
Over time, Emily hired a full-time receptionist and personal assistant. There is a part time
ookkeeper to manage the accounts. Later, she hired a “coaching administrator” on a part time
asis. His job was to coordinate the work required amongst clients and the coaches when coaching
equests came in. A client relations manager deals directly with clients and coaches in the
organisation and follow up of coaching sessions.
SGC has a basic website which describes the business and its coaching services, a page with the main
people and coaches involved with SGC, testimonials from happy clients and a “Contact us” page for
enquiries. The website is not the main source of attracting business and possibly lacks the polish and
finesse that one would expect from a professional quality website.
Organisational structure, culture and strategies
Scientific General Consulting (SGC)’s goals are socially and educationally driven. They want to help
those in need through understanding the needs of those that they wish to support in training. They
also have a genuine desire to improve their clients’ career opportunities and professional standards.
At SGC, the great majority of employees believe that the organisation demonstrates high levels of
trust, care, recognition and support amongst members. Within groups in the organisation, people
feel that they have flexibility, good opportunities to participate and that they can express their
opinions freely. Overall , people are friendly, committed to the organisation and there is good
teamwork within groups. Individuals appear to be motivated towards innovation.
The organic organisational form, as described by Burns and Stalker (1961), is a structure which is
appropriate to dealing with rapidly changing conditions. SGC, being a coaching service provider, is
highly governed by regulatory authorities. However, it can be seen that the company operates in an
organic structure, based on the following characteristics (Burns & Stalker, 1961):
• Fluid, adaptable, and open to change.
• specialised job functions.
• Few management layers.
• Decision making is not centralised to management
• Minimal ‘micro-management’ of employees
By organising itself in this way, SGC benefits from free flows of information, decentralised authority
whereby employees are able to participate in decision making activities, and a highly adaptable,
dynamic environment (Chimoriya, XXXXXXXXXXOne of the main problems within the organization is that
the organic structure can be a disadvantage to SGC, by way of increasing the complexity of decision
making by expecting input from many individuals, creating an unpredictable and unstructured
working a
angement, and incu
ing higher administration costs by diversifying specialisations in job
functions (Chimoriya, XXXXXXXXXXParticularly, the size of the business is becoming larger. Increased
training requirements lead them to hire more employees and more collaboration with their
partners. Another problem is the business processes structure and management. Sometimes, the
process(es) are controlled and managed repetitively by various staff. Occasionally, this can take too
long to organize jobs and decreases the customer satisfaction in the long term.
To be able to manage the increasing complexity of the business requirements, leading to increased
stakeholder satisfaction, the management need to consider their cu
ent business process(es)’
efficiencies (such as reduce waste and cost, better utilise resources…). The interdependent strategy
with structure relationships can impact an organisation’s performance (Tian XXXXXXXXXXBefore
undertaking significant process restructuring, the changes must be assessed to ensure they fit with
the business goals and strategic direction. Two of SGC strategies for 2020 are as follows:
1. Focus on reducing costs and job cycle time, which increases operational productivity – allocating
the right coach to the appropriate customer who requires services of both low cost and short cycle
2. Continued growth in SGC earnings, supported by improved customer, coach and partners
The challenge
While in the past business processes tended to change only slowly over time, it is now firmly held by
Emily and her management team that SGC must be able to adapt and improve their processes more
apidly over time. The terms “agile” and “agile development” have now become common
terminology within the management team to reflect the idea that the organisation must rapidly
adapt as needed to any future changes. However, they have been aware that making changes to the
way the procedures are handled can lead to many problems if these changes are not considered in
the context of the overall business.
Since the inception of the company, the growth of staff and sales have led to increasingly complex
procedures and it is difficult for Emily to find the time to fully document these. Additionally, Emily
has realized that she lacks the skills necessary to do this in a way that would result
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021 MITS5507


Kshitij answered on Jun 04 2021
140 Votes
Business process modeling and management
Assignment 3
Student name
Student ID
Execution summary
Business process management and its respective model is considered to be the operational management and the same is undertaken by the user for the purpose of learning, change, measurement, and automating the various operation and the procedure of the business which has been undertaken in the normal course of time. In the present report, the procedure or the model related to BPM has been undertaken for the purpose of displaying the various business and its operations which are taking place in the organization named SGC. This particular model relating to the BPM undertakes various models and specifically considers AS-IS model which have been taken into account with the purpose of showing the present related scenario of the system and the procedure undertaken and the same also involves TO BE Model and this particular model undertakes the various amendments and the modification which are being made in the cu
ent or the present scenario. The stated modification is taken into account with the purpose of making favorable changes and for the betterment of the procedure and is considered to be of great help for the growth and the enhancement of the busies and its respective process which have been taken into account. In the present stated scenario of the respective company known as SGC which a coaching institute majorly focuses on the personal performance of the individual, leadership qualities, teamwork skills, to such people or groups of people who are taking a keen interest in learning the same. This report apart from the state topics also consist of the analysis is made on the cost of the business for the purpose of making the specified changes with the view of making improvements to the same and also with the same, the report involves waste analysis and the list of all the issues which have to be faced by the business while undertaking its regular operations.
Execution summary    2
Introduction    4
AS-IS model description    4
Waste analysis process    5
Time weakening    5
Skills wasting    6
Technology wastage    6
Tutor requirement    6
List of an issue with impact in the present procedure    6
Priorities of the issues    6
Type of issue    6
Description    6
Impact on organization    6
Assumptions    6
Description of requisite changes in AS-IS model    8
Issues    8
Changes to implement    8
Cost analysis    9
AS-IS model cost analysis    9
TO BE MODEL cost analysis    9
Conclusion    10
Reference    11

SGC is considered to be an organization that is engaged in providing tuitions or coaching’s to the students or the people interested in learning the skills related to the leadership, teamwork and to groom the personal performance. This has been considered by the company since the year 2012 and provides the respective classes to the individuals who are interested in the same and belongs to the same city. The company is located in Melbourne, west; from the past 9 years, the same is engaged in the same field. Emily is the owner of the company and is responsible for the formation and implementation of the same, the same was started by her at the very initial and basic level and was of the view to initiate the same at a comparatively large scale as soon as she was receiving the positive response from the clients by way of calls and recommendation made on their end. For the purpose of growing the business, she feels the need of the staff and certain experts consisting great level of skills and knowledge who are capable of managing the business and contribute to the growth of the same. For undertaking the same various procedures were taken into account like interviews, whether online or offline for analyzing and recruiting the person.
AS-IS model description
SGC or the scientific general consulting is the company that is situated in Melbourne west since the year 2012 and is engaged in providing the services to groom the sills like teamwork, leadership, and personal performance of the individual (Tarhan, Turetken,, 2016). These coaching or consulting services are made available to the interested section of the society and to the people which are interested in learning the same and the same is made even more convenient for the user by providing them with an additional facility of home and online learning’s.
Figure 1: As Is
This is taken into account by this field. Emily is the only owner of the organization and initiated the idea of this business at the basic level and aspires the same to expand the same at a large level when she received a positive response from the end of the users via calls, messages, and recommendations made by them. At the initial stage of the same, the client is required to speak to the receptionist for the purpose of making discussion relating to the coaching, and when the confirmation relating to the class has been made then the schedule has been prepared in accordance with the same.
For the purpose of undertaking the same, the team of well skilled and knowledgeable tutors is required to be hired by the organization for the purpose of taking the classes in an effective...

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