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MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_Design Specification XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 8 Task Summary Based on your responses to Assessment 1 – Written assessment, perform process and data modelling and develop and...

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MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_Design Specification XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 8
Task Summary
Based on your responses to Assessment 1 – Written assessment, perform process and data modelling
and develop and document a number of design diagrams using UML (including Context Diagram, Level
0 and Level 1 Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram).
In Assessment 1, you performed a comprehensive requirement analysis for the online student
enrolment system at the ABC University. With an in-depth understanding of the functional
equirements of the System, you are now required to perform further analysis through process and
data modelling. In doing so, you also need to provide a preliminary data storage design for the System.

Both process modelling and data modelling can be used to provide deeper understanding of a new
System. Thus, they are an integral part of System Analysis. Process modelling describe business
processes – i.e. the sequence of activities that people do; while data modelling seeks to describe the
Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
Assessment Design specification
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information
systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes,
procedures and work practices using data and process
modelling techniques.
) Formulate, validate and document business requirements
for a medium-scale information system development
project and effectively communicate these requirements to
the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and
develop information systems using Unified Modelling
Language (UML) models.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2.
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_Design Specification XXXXXXXXXXPage 2 of 8

data flows through those processes. Data flow diagrams (including context diagrams) and entity
elationship diagrams are the most common process and data modelling techniques used in
1. Please read MIS605_Assessment 1_Case Study. Please note that every piece of information
provided in this case study serves a purpose.
2. Once you have completed reading the case study, please read the attached
MIS605_Assessment 2_Additional case information document.
3. Please complete the following tasks:
Task 1.
Create and document a Context Diagram for the System.
(15 marks)
Task 2.
Create and document a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The Level 0 DFD should contain all
the major high-level processes of the System and how these processes are inte
(20 marks)
Task 3.
Select three major and non-trivial processes from Level 0 DFD, decompose each of the
processes into a more explicit Level 1 DFD.
(24 marks)
Task 4.
Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the
information provided in the case study:
(i) Identify all the entities and their relationships in the System
(ii) Create and document an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the System.
Note: the case study has not and does not intend to provide a comprehensive description of
entities in the System. You are expected to use your own experience with information systems
in general and online student enrolment systems in particular to develop this ERD. Fo
MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_Design Specification XXXXXXXXXXPage 3 of 8

example, would Subject Name be an attribute for a Subject? Would Date of Birth be an
attribute for Students?
(20 marks)
Task 5.
Should data be stored in files in a file system or in a database for the System? Justify your
(5 marks)
Task 6.
Translate the ERD you developed in Task 4 into a physical relational database design.
Document database tables and their relationship in MSWord file. Normalise your database
design to the Third Normal Form (3NF).
(16 marks)
4. Please note that your responses to the tasks above must relate to the case study provided.
Word Count and Layout
 The total word count for the written assessment should be no more than 2500 words.
 Please provide all your answers in a MS word document.
 All diagrams must be drawn using Lucidchart and copied into the MSWord document.
 Please note that you are NOT required to copy the task description over to the MS Word
document. Use the task number to indicate which task your response relates to.
 The recommended font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing here http:
Submission Instructions
 Please submit the written assessment via the Assessment link within Assessment 2. The
Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback
can be viewed in My Grades.

MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_DesignSpecification Page 4 of 8
Marking Criteria F P C D HD
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in
usiness processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling
Create and document a Context Diagram for the System.
 Use of co
ect notions.
 Include all major entities.
 Label a
ows with data.
 Use ve
s for data label.
 Appropriate use of a
 The diagram clearly shows the interaction of the system with its external entities.

Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in
usiness processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling
) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information
system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the
Create and document a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
 Level 0 DFD contain all the major high-level processes of the System and clearly outlines how
these processes are inte
 Level 0 DFD is balanced with the context diagram.
 Label a
ows with data.
MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_DesignSpecification Page 5 of 8

 Use ve
s for the data label.
 Appropriate use of a
 Clearly outlines all major processes and data storage critical to the System.


Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in
usiness processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling
) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information
system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the
Select three major and non-trivial processes from Level 0 DFD, decompose each of the processes into
a more explicit Level 1 DFD.
 Level 1 DFD is balanced with the co
esponding processes in level 0 DFD.
 Label a
ows with data.
 Use of appropriate ve
s for the data label.
 Appropriate use of a
 Identified all the major processes and data storage critical to the System.

Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in
usiness processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling
) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information
system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the
MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_DesignSpecification Page 6 of 8

c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using
Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.

 Identify all the entities and their relationships in the System.
 Create and documents an Entity Relationship Diagram which demonstrate the following
- Use of co
ect notions.
- Incorporates all major entities.
- Includes all critical attributes.


Subject Learning Outcome:

a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in
usiness processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling
) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information
system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using
Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.

Storage of data
 Identify the most appropriate data storage for the System.
 Provided a convincing justification for the chosen answer.


MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_DesignSpecification Page 7 of 8

Subject Learning Outcome:

a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in
usiness processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling
) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information
system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using
Unified Modelling Language (UML) models
Answered Same Day Jul 14, 2021 MIS 605 Torrens University Australia


Neha answered on Jul 22 2021
144 Votes
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Table of Contents
1.    Introduction    3
1.1.    Company Background    3
1.2.    Problem Statement    3
1.3.    Project Objective    3
2.    Context Diagram    4
3.    Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)    5
4.    Level 1 DFD    7
4.1.    Student Enrolment    7
4.2.    Report Generation    7
4.3.    Course/ Subject Scheduling    8
5.    Entities and Relationship    9
6.    ERD Diagram    10
7.    Why to Store Data in Database System?    10
8.    Physical Relational Database design    11
9.    Summary    12
10.    References    12
1. Introduction
Before implementing the system, we should always try to report the system. Analyzing a system is a
oad area and it helps to design the information system of high quality by defining all the processes clearly. The major reason for the failure of any system is Due to the less information about any business process. It is important to understand all the concept of the system and have knowledge about the business processes and their requirements. Understanding all the basic requirements of a system helps to implement it precisely and efficiently. There are multiple stages present in the process of system analysis and the system Requirement specification document is one of them.
This report is based on the case study of ABC university which has a vision to implement an online system to help the students to enroll for different courses in the university. Cu
ently all the processes are managed On paper and pen But issues for the cameras main motive of writing this report is to prepare a design document which can help the developers to develop student enrolment system. This report consists contest context diagram, level zero data flow diagram, level one data flow diagram and entity relationship diagram for stop
1.1. Company Background
The ABC University mentioned in the case study is based in the Australia which has multiple campuses situated in Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. The number of students in the campus are increasing every year. Presently they manage all the enrolment process using a manual method which results in Different e
ors and it is inefficient. The campuses are not integrated which means that Each campus has their own manual system. The University wants to implement a web based automated system which can allow the program directors to manage the courses and students to manage their Android meant and fee submission.
1.2. Problem Statement
The cu
ent system in the University uses Excel sheet to store the data about the students and subjects they have selected. But the Excel sheet is not sufficient to store data about lakhs of students and more e
ors are present. It requires more human Labour to manage the data entry and this system consumes a lot of time. It is not easy to generate report on different aspects using the excel sheet.
1.3. Project Objective
The motive of designing a system for student enrolment is to make it easier for the students and for the staff members to manage the whole process. It will allow the students to select the courses on the basis of their eligibility. the system will allow the program director to add, edit or remove any course for its description. They will have the option to manage the eligibility criteria for selecting a course. Once the student has selected the courses, he or she can Pay the fee within 7 days. The online payment can be done using a secure mode. Hey system is accessible using any device from anywhere. when the students select courses then a timetable is generated for each student hold stop the timetabling officer is responsible for creating, editing or removing the timetable for the subjects. If there is any clash in the timetable, then it will be notified to the student. the system will allow the program directors to generate report on the basis of the process selected by each student. The timetable will also have the class name and the timings. If any course has, they were reached the maximum number of enrolments then it will be blocked by the system and no more student can select that subject. The student can request the program director to increase or decrease their course load in any particular semester.
2. Context Diagram
Text diagram can be defined as the diagram which is used to give a pictorial representation for the context and the boundaries present in a system which needs to be modelled. This diagram helps to get all the requirements of internal and external aspects of the system and the relationship which exist between the entities. It is almost similar to the level zero data...

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