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Microsoft Word - Task 1 Case Studies and rubric 2019 Final 1 NUR 222 Assessment Task 2 Semester 2, 2020 This is for students enrolled in the following tutorial groups: TOF1-3, TOA1-9, TOB1-4, TOG1-2,...

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Microsoft Word - Task 1 Case Studies and ru
ic 2019 Final

NUR 222 Assessment Task 2
Semester 2, 2020
This is for students enrolled in the following tutorial groups:
TOF1-3, TOA1-9, TOB1-4, TOG1-2, TOM1-7, TOP1-3, TOR1

Health professionals have legal and ethical responsibilities and accountabilities in practice. The
goal of this assessment is to apply your understanding of ethical and legal principles and
equirements to the roles and responsibilities of health professionals.
Written assignment – short answers to a total of 2000 words.

You will be required to develop short answer responses to set case studies. Your responses will
draw on theory, legislation, professional codes and practice standards. You will also provide a
eflection based on your experience.
Please note that nursing students, midwifery students, and medical science students are to use case
studies for your program listed in the following pages. Please answer these using appropriate
discipline specific references.

• Knowledge of key legislation professional codes, standards and guidelines relevant to practice
• Knowledge of ethical principles and professional codes, standards and guidelines relevant to
• Evidence of reflection from experience
• Use and citation of sources using Harvard style referencing
• Structure/clarity of written expression
Due date:
9AM, 28 Aug, 2020
In this task you are asked to respond to the three scenarios presented below. Within your
esponse to each case you must consider:
1. The legal requirements for student nurses and student midwives, registered nurses and
egistered midwives.
2. The implications for the health facility and/or education provider if required for each of the
3. Your reflection of life experiences (you do not have to have experienced any of these specific
incidents). Think about difficult situations you have encountered in the past, your ethical stance
and how this will inform your discussion on how easy or difficult it will be to meet the
equirements for each of the cases.

Case studies for Nursing Students

Case 1
You are on placement and are walking your patient back to their bed. On the way you pass another
student nurse who is talking with another patient. You can hear some heated exchange between
them and look over to hear the patient shout an expletive at the student who then slaps the patient
and walks off. You and your patient (who also heard and saw the incident) are quite shaken by what
you have seen and once your patient is back in their bed you go to find your fellow student. The
student is crying and quite upset but asks you not to say anything. You are concerned about what you
witnessed, and you are also concerned how this might affect the other student.

Case 2
You are sharing a flat with another newly registered nurse and have noticed some changes in
ehaviour over the past month following a relationship
eak up. Your flatmate works on the same
ward and has been regularly drinking heavily since the
eakup and was charged (over the “high
limit”) with drink driving 2 days ago. You had to pick them up from the police station in the early
hours. You discussed with them about reporting this to your NUM, but your flatmate does not want
to report stating ‘It’s none of their business, I didn’t hurt anyone.’ You are both leaving for an early
shift and your flatmate is catching a lift with you into work. They had been out late last night and
smell strongly of alcohol and still appear affected by alcohol and when you discuss this with them,
they ask you not to say anything.
Case 3
You are an RN and are responsible for facilitating students on clinical placement in a rural facility for
several education providers. You have been working with a student on an early shift and have been
admitting a female patient who needs to go to theatre. You take off her necklace and watch and put
this in the top drawer, telling her that once she is admitted and prepared for theatre you will put her
valuables in a marked envelope in the locked drawer. Once the patient is admitted you ask the
student to finish tidying up. You go off to get an envelope to put the valuables in and label with the
patient’s name and when you get back to the bed the watch is in the drawer, but the necklace is
missing. You ask the student where the necklace is, and they own up to taking this and hand it back
to you.


Case studies for Midwifery Students

Case 1
You are on placement with another student in a midwifery ward at a large acute hospital. One day
the other student appears to be struggling with some tasks and you ask them if they are ok. They
eply that they have had a back problem for a while and it usually doesn’t cause a problem, but were
playing sport the night before and hurt their leg and back. Cu
ently they are unable to undertake
many physical aspects of care and are slow to move around the ward and are getting behind on their
work which is impacting on the care of patients. The next day they attend placement again and they
are clearly worse physically and appear not as mentally sharp as usual. You again ask them if they are
ok, they state they are worse and have had to take narcotic analgesia to settle their pain. You suggest
that they should not be there, but they reply that they must get through this placement as they
cannot afford to repeat the placement later and will fail the course and drop out of uni. They ask you
to help cover for them when they cannot complete tasks. You are concerned that they may do
further harm to themselves and that their situation may impact on your placement.
Case 2
You are the flatmate of a fellow newly registered midwife and have been living together for the last
18 months. You both work on the same unit and as you live together, socialise after work together a
lot as well. Over the last few months, you have noticed a change in their behaviour, they have
ecome more e
atic, unable to pay bills
ent on time and selling items to have money at hand. One
night you get a phone call from your flatmate asking you to come and pick them up from the police
station. They confide to you that they have been a
ested for possession of
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and has also been charged with an attempt to traffic to
this. They have been bailed and expect a court appearance in the next few months. They ask you not
to tell anyone as they are going to straighten their life out and need their job to be able to do this.
Case 3
You are a senior registered midwife at a rural health facility. You are responsible for facilitating the
clinical placement of midwifery students at the facility for a number of education providers. You
arely see staff from these facilities as most communication is done via telephone or email. You are
told by a community member that a student appears to be drinking alcohol quite heavily each night
and that they have been posting pictures of themselves in uniform at the local pub intoxicated on
Facebook. You had noticed them becoming more withdrawn during the placement. It appears now
that they are attending shifts apparently still under the influence of alcohol. You decide to confront
them as their behaviour is putting your patients and staff at risk. They state that they have been
struggling with the death of a close friend a month ago and that without the support of family they
are needing to drink to help sleep as it quietens their thoughts. They don’t want you tell anyone as
they need to get through this placement as they cannot afford to repeat the placement or course and
would have to withdraw from their degree.


Case studies for Medical Science Students

Case 1
You have just started as an observer in the operating theatre at Sunshine Coast University Hospital
(SCUH) and have been buddied with a registered nurse (RN) to get a feel for the surgical environment
as a 1st year medical student. This is an important start to your medical career as you start to network
with the surgical team. The list is covering gynaecology procedures. You have just consented your
first patient with another RN, as your buddy was needed somewhere else. This patient refused to
consent to having a student observe or assist for the procedure. However, when your buddy came
ack, they demand you to come into the theatre as they are responsible for your learning and safety.
You state that you are not allowed to go into theatre as the patient does not want students to be
present whilst they are under anaesthetic. You are now feeling stressed as the expectation is that you
go into theatre to observe.
Case 2
You are a 1st year intern working at a regional hospital. You are working with another intern sharing
duties for patients allocated to your service. You notice that your colleague is not washing their
hands between patients and you are concerned about cross contamination and that infection
prevention procedures are not being followed. Last month several patients developed urinary tract
infections and wound care infections. You are aware that these infections are often linked to poor
infection control procedures in hospitals.
Case 3
You are a Senior Registrar in a rural hospital in North Queensland. You have a 1st year intern who has
come into work exhibiting some unusual behaviour. They are unable to concentrate and are fidgeting
constantly. They appear to be unable to follow instructions. You take them aside and ask them about
this behaviour. They admitted that they had some illicit drugs the night before and that they are still
feeling the effects. They said that they had taken the drugs to cope with the recent death of a family
member and the inability to get time off work to grieve and
Answered Same Day Aug 23, 2021


Popi answered on Aug 24 2021
131 Votes
NUR 222 Assessment Tasks 2
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Case study one    3
Conclusion    4
Case study two    4
Conclusion    5
Case study three    5
Conclusion    6
Reference    7
In this particular assessment, the role and the level of responsibility of a student nurse have been judged by providing a series of case studies. By discussing various ethical as well as professional issues in the field of nursing helps the improvement of the behavior of a particular student. Taking a proper decision in any extreme situation is a crucial part of any field of service. Hence the development of decision-making behavior and the ethical responsibilities indicate a wider level of development in this particular field of education.
Case study one
In this given case study a specific scenario has been described to understand the value of ethics and laws for a nursing student. A part of the interaction of a student nurse with a patient has been described here. The patient was shouting at the student nurse and the patient seems expletive at the student. Then the student slapped the patient and walk off. Here the overall scenario is expressing the seriousness of the moment. This particular scenario has been witnessed by another student nurse and the patient. On the other hand in this scenario, it can also be seen that the student nurse was quite upset and began to cry after the incident. The student nurse was not in the condition of taking advice from anyone and it seems that the student nurse was quite messed.
a. The nurses must adhere to a few degrees of the ethical considerations. They are needed to follow the ethical guidelines to enhance their accountability, autonomy, fidelity. The patients have the right to express their decisions and opinion in any part of the service. Here the accepting ability as well as the adoption of the prefe
ed behavior to the patients comes under the ethical consideration of the nursing profession.
. The common law of nursing described the duty of registered nurses at a professional level (Cashin, et al., 2017). Various principals and rules are needed to be followed by the nurses at the time of serving the patient. The maintenance of the code of ethics, as well as the maintenance of the ethical, is very important in this particular profession. Based on the legal te
itorial written law of the nursing the essential steps are to be taken.
According to my experience and knowledge, all nurses must take care of concern patients. The behavior of that particular student nurse was quite unusual and not deserving. I along with my concerned patient was the witness of this whole scenario. In my personal life also, I sometimes faced difficulties in working with a few patients. The rough behavior as well as the non-cooperative attitude of the patient destroys the moral values of the concerned nurse (Shohani, 2019). In many times I also became demotivated in dealing with the particular patients in such cases I hold my level of patience and divert my mind to reduce the depression. I generally try to understand the situation from the patient's point of view and deal with them consciously and to manage their mood. Here in this scenario also the fellow nurse may have experienced some rude behavior and that hurt the emotion of the nurses. The instant response of the nurses to slap the patient is also quite understandable but being a professional nurse such behavior does not deserve. This behavior violates the code of ethics of the nursing profession. There may have some personal issues as well but all the factors are needed to be measured with proper concern and maintaining professionalism. The consideration of the scenario from both points of view is to be entertained in case of drawing a suitable resolution of this problem.
The profession of nursing generally deals with the immense set of care as well as huge affection towards the patients (Johnstone, 2019). The duty of a nurse is not only taking care of a patient but also to understand the emotion of the patient as well. The process of delivery of the care of the patient is needed to be effective and fruitful (Dziegielewski, and Holliman, 2019). A balanced behavioral style is to be maintained with the patient. The physical, as well as the mental state and the needs of the patient, are to be understood by the registered nurse...

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