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 BASS – COU301A  Page 1 
Assessment Brief 
Program  Bachelor of Applied Social Science 
Subject  Working with Addicted Populations 
Subject code  COU301A 
Name of assessment  Assessment 3: Case Study  
Length  Words: 2500 
Learning outcomes addressed by 
this assessment:  B, C, D, E 
Submission  Date:    End of week 11, Sunday 11.55 pm 
ief summary: 
Expand on the summary below and use hypothetical ideas when 
conceptualising a treatment plan for the case study client. 
Total marks  50 
Weighting  50% 
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a 
task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day. 
Students must attempt all tasks in the unit to be eligible to pass the unit 
More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think Education website 
 BASS – COU301A  Page 2 
Assessment Description: 
Case Studies are an effective way of diagnosing client issues and formulating a treatment plan. 
In the following Case Study you will be required to formulate a number of components in developing a case plan 
for working with an addicted client. The aim of case studies is to give students a sense of working with an ongoing 
client. It is important to note that whilst there are no right or wrong answers the client has a number of issues 
that will need to be identified if not addressed. 
Case Study  
Brad is a 22 year old male who has been refe
ed to you by a mutual friend of his mother who has asked if you 
could have a chat with him as he seems to be getting into more and more trouble which she believes is due to 
his excessive drinking. He has also recently lost his driver’s licence for high range drink driving.  
You agree and are contacted by Brad’s mother Sandra: she is clearly very anxious and distressed about Brad and 
she gives you a blow by blow list of his negative behaviours over the past 2 years. 
Sandra reports that Brad was diagnosed with ADD at age 9 as was his sister Samantha who is a year older. He 
has been failing at University over the past 12 months and has become ve
ally aggressive at home in particular 
towards herself; he is coming home at all hours and will often sleep all day unless she nags him to get up. She 
elieves Brad is becoming an alcoholic just like her father was and that he needs someone to make him see that 
he is ruining his life. She states that Brad was such a lovely young man before his drinking escalated with the 
world at his feet. She also believes he needs to talk about an accident he caused 4 years ago whilst driving drunk 
on a friend’s farm which has left one of his mates with a permanent 
ain injury. She goes on to say we have 
given him the best private school education and supported him in whatever he has wanted to do scholastically. 
He was top of the school in rowing and has been studying law at University after a gap year in England.  
She says Brad is willing to talk to you and sets up an appointment. 
Brad attends his first session; his mother has dropped him off and is waiting outside in her car until he’s finished. 
Brad appears well kempt and healthy: he is over six foot tall and a good looking young man. He initially seems 
eluctant to engage with you and has difficulty making eye contact; when you enquire as to why he thinks he is 
here he says, “I’m not quite sure – what did mum say”  
You state that his mother is concerned that he has a problem with alcohol but would like to hear what he has to 
say about that. Brad goes on to defend his drinking by saying that it’s not that bad and that his friends drink the 
same way he does and that his mum is just freaked out because her dad was an alcoholic which I’m not!  
You discover that Brad experiences memory loss frequently when drinking but he thinks that’s normal as his 
mates have had similar experiences. His mates have also told him that he can become aggressive and will often 
start fights when out with them. He has a tendency not to believe this and thinks they are exaggerating. 
He minimizes the drink driving charge as just bad luck and not being all that serious however he does appear to 
e concerned when you describe the consequences of such a charge and he is open to seeing you again if you 
can help with that. 
 How would you proceed with this session and beyond? 
 What are the presenting issues for Brad? 
 What assessment tools might you employ? 
 What modalities might you use in working with Brad? 
 Formulate a contract and case plan for Brad.  
 BASS – COU301A  Page 3 
Marking Criteria: 
  Max. in 
Answering the question and responding to the topic  30   
Links to theories and concepts  10   
Number and choice of appropriate references   4   
Word count, readability, and structure  3   
In‐text references and reference list, accuracy and use of 
ect referencing style  

Total: 50   
 BASS – COU301A  Page 4 
What we want to see:
This Report will incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion; as this is a report,
the introduction and conclusion, as well as individual sections addressing different issues should
e flagged by subheadings.
The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We
ecommend you work with your Academic Writing Guide to ensure that you reference co
ectly. You
will find a link to this document on the main page of every unit, under the 'Assessments' section.
ect academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We
ecommend a minimum of ten references.
Referencing: References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic
sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a
eference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable
of conducting your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding
of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page
s if shown in the original.
Researching: You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online
journal databases and which can be accessed from the li
ary homepage. Reputable news sites
such as The Conversation (https:, online dictionaries and online
encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic. Government
departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC), international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local not
for profit organisations such as the Cancer Council are also good resources.
Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other
formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other
formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
What we don’t want to see:
Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the
plagiarism website on blackboardi. By clicking the 'Upload this file' button you acknowledge that you
have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the
Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of
cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be refe
ed to the Program
Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you
may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.
Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10%
penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks
penalty per day.
No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.
More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think
Education website.
 BASS – COU301A  Page 5 
Resources Available to YOU:
1. Academic writing guide link

2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit
(LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page:
LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline

3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the li
ary page
Please contact the online and Pyrmont li
arian for Health, Dawn Vaux
( XXXXXXXXXX) if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do
esearch this way.

i https:
- 32% +

The recommended ebook for this subject is:
Herie, M., Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, &
Skinner, W. J. W XXXXXXXXXXFundamentals of Addiction : A ol] Addiction
Practical Guide for Counsellors: Vol. 4th edition. Centre
for Addiction & Mental Health.
Chapter 4 — Working within a harm reduction
Available as an ebook via To
ens University Li

Week 9: Zero tolerance vs harm minimisation
+ Erickson, C. (2011), pp XXXXXXXXXX.
ay University of Windsor. Retrieved 1.October 2017.
ch on Ressening. Argumentation, and Rhetoric = OR
Answered 2 days After May 02, 2024


Dilpreet answered on May 04 2024
11 Votes
Case Study Assessment
Program: Bachelor of Applied Social Science
Subject: Working with Addicted Populations
Subject code: COU301A
Table of Contents
3Proceeding with the Session and Beyond
4Presenting Issues of Brad
6Assessment Tools
7Modalities in working with Brad?
8Contract and case plan for Brad
Addiction can simply be described as a chronic, relapsing disorder, which can be characterized by compulsive use of substances such as drugs, and alcohol despite of being aware of the negative consequences (Inanlou et al., 2020). Out of several types of addictions, alcohol addiction is the most common. The case study describes the alcohol addiction of a young 22-year-old male named Brad. His behaviour owing to his alcohol addiction is becoming aggressive day by day. His negative behaviour has been overpowering his personality over the past two years and is affecting his studies as well. Brads’s mother seems to be concerned about her son and has reached out for help. Through this report, an effort has been made to describe the proceeding with the session and beyond. Also, the report will discuss the presenting issues of Brad in details, and the assessment tools, which shall be employed. Further the modalities used in working with Brad will be discussed followed by a contract and case plan suitable for the case of Brad.
Proceeding with the Session and Beyond
As it is evident that Brad considers his aggressive behaviour to be normal and is casual about his approach towards his alcohol addiction, it is important to build a relationship with Brad based on trust, empathy, understanding along with the use of professional expertise. As opined by Marchand et al. (2020), building trust with the client could help him open about his condition. This will help Brad feel comfortable and safe while he expresses himself during the sessions. While proceeding with the sessions further, I would conduct a thorough investigation to assess his alcohol addiction. Furthermore, its is important to understand his aggressive behaviour with the underlying reasons. This would require exploring the family background as Brad’s father was an alcohol addict. Also, other aspects such as medical history of Brad and any episodes of depression, anxiety, and trauma also need to be explored for the same. Also, Brad seems to be influenced by his peers and considers such behaviour to be normal as his peers seem to be engaged in similar practices.
As a professional, it is important that I educate Brad about alcohol addiction and its consequences on the metal, physical and emotional well-being of Brad. The client needs to be motivated to lead a fruitful life as this young age so that he can have a better future tomo
ow both personally and professionally (Water et al., 2020). Furthermore, it is important that Brad understands the fact that this addiction of his will create a negative social image, which can be very harmful for him and his family in the nearing future. His misconceptions about alcohol addiction being normal needs to be addressed thoroughly during the sessions. During the sessions, as a professional I will introduce cognitive behavioral techniques, which will help him manage his anger. This can be described as psychotherapy, which can help in identification and changing of negative thoughts and behaviour (Beck, 2020). I will further educate Brad about anger management techniques such as exercises, meditation, and yoga. Since, Brad’s behaviour is particularly aggressive towards his mother, I will ensure that I include her in few sessions to improve the family dynamics. I will also ensure that his company of friends can be changed. I will also be taking up follow-up sessions to know the progress Brad is making to address his issue of alcohol addiction.
Presenting Issues of Brad
Based on the case study, one of the most prominent issues being faced by Brad is that of alcohol addiction. Brad’s excessive alcohol consumption is a major reason of concern, which is not only ruining his own life but has a negative impact on the family as well. This will have a negative impact on the physical, and mental well-being of Brad. Furthermore, Brad’s involvement in the drunk driving case is a serious matter of concern and his casual response to the incident indicates his unethical behaviour. Also, Brad has a very casual approach to whatever he must have done in the past as well. For instance, he is not at all in guilt about the accident, which left one of his friends with permanent
ain injuries. His aggressive behaviour can be considered as a psychological issue, and a side effect of excessive alcohol consumption (Brain, 2023).
In addition to this, Brad’s denial to accept the fact that he is turning out to be an alcohol addict as a very young age can act as a ba
ier while he seeks help to improve his condition. The behaviour of denial can further add to his aggressive behaviour and can lead to serious consequences. Also, he is under negative peer influence, as he is of the opinion that his behaviour is normal because similar type of behaviour is possessed by his friends as well. Peer pressure could further add to the problems can push Brad towards other substance abuses as well. Though Brad has been performing well in his studies before he became an alcohol addict, his academic performance has also declined significantly. His lazy behaviour indicates his poor physical and menta health owing to his addiction. The concern of his mother indicates that Brad’s behaviour is distu
ing the family dynamics and has a negative impact on the entire family. This accident was the cause of him driving after heavy and uncontrolled drinking.
Based on the above issues, as a professional it is essential that I assess the extent of his addiction, the behaviour he has, and signs of withdrawal, which can benefit him in the future....

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