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Microsoft Word - 4.1P.docx SIT740 Research and Development in Information Technology Pass Task 4.1: R&D Methodologies – Case Study Analysis It's time to look into case studies. A case study is an...

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Microsoft Word - 4.1P.docx
SIT740 Research and Development in Information
Pass Task 4.1: R&D Methodologies – Case Study Analysis

It's time to look into case studies. A case study is an empirical and holistic inquiry that investigates a
contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident (Yin, R.K, 2017).

Yin, R.K., 2017. Case study research and applications: Design and methods. Sage publications.

Your task

Read the two case studies linked here and reflect on what makes a good case study analysis. What is their
purpose and how they help in R&D?
Submission Details

Submit the following files to OnTrack:
A PDF document with your answers and reflections.


A case study analysis should identify key issues and problems, outline and assess alternative solutions,
and draw appropriate conclusions. It should not be a summary of the case.

Read the following articles (download the pdfs from further resources):

• Internet of Things for Sensing: A Case Study in the Healthcare System
• Architecture and Protocols for the Internet of Things: A Case Study

In each of the case studies can you:

• Identify the context and the phenomena.
• Identify the most important facts su
ounding the case.
• Identify the key issue or issues.
• Identify alternative courses of action presented.
• Explain how the courses of action are evaluated and why.
• Are the conclusions presented appropriate? Are there any recommendations?

Once you have analysed each of the case studies,
• Briefly compare and contrast (evaluate the similarities and differences between) the two case studies (300
words max)
• Briefly explain how a case study can be useful in R&D (300 words max)
Answered Same Day Aug 20, 2021 SIT740 Deakin University


Himanshu answered on Aug 24 2021
138 Votes
Briefly compare and contrast (evaluate the similarities and differences between) the two case studies.
When we analyze the two case studies then we realize that both of them use the same concept or technology i.e. Internet of things. It is the core technology that both the case studies discuss about. However, there are differences in the architecture of the system and the connections that is made between the other core devices and the IoT but the primary purpose of using IoT is for monitoring and sensing in both the case studies. It is being used to monitor the patients in one case study and the people in the environment in the other one.
In the first one the research focus is towards human activity recognition. There is a possibility to track and endorse everyday routine operation of patients by using IoT. The identification of patients' activity is a critical problem in healthcare systems for caregivers with adequate information about the subject. Recognition of events helps nurses or caregivers to provide co
ect treatment. It is being used to monitor the patients suffering from narcolepsy disease (ND).
In the second case study the university has many applications for the loT system developed by them in real life. The three service categories can be that are offered are:
i) Office automation: Automated applications are services belonging to this category to help e. g., the management staff.
ii) ii) Teaching: That...

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