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MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief Page 1 of 9 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT301A : Ethics and Sustainability Assessment Individual Report Individual/Group Individual Length Part A: 750 words (+/...

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MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief Page 1 of 9

Subject Code and Title MGT301A : Ethics and Sustainability
Assessment Individual Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length Part A: 750 words (+/ 10%)
Part B: 1000 words (+/ 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Identify questions of ethics and sustainability and analyse
how they impact on one’s day-to-day work experience.
) Apply a range of ethical frameworks and develop a
vocabulary for ethical issues.
c) Demonstrate the ability to apply the various frameworks
that underpin how individuals and organisations make
decisions on complex ethical issues.
d) Analyse the impact of economic, commercial, social and
environmental trends on an organisation’s ethical and
sustainability behaviours.
Submission Part A: Due by 10 am Friday of module 3.1 (week 5)
Part B: Due by 10 am Friday of module 5.1 (week 9)
Weighting Part A: 20%
Part B: 30%
Total Marks 100 marks (each part)
This assessment provides you with the opportunity to engage with and apply ethical
frameworks to real-world issues. You will select two ethical issues facing an organisation of
your choice and identify ways of dealing with them. By doing this, you will enhance your
ability to ethically address the economic, commercial, social and environmental issues you
will face in the workplace.
You will complete in-class activities, in modules 2.2 (week 4) and 4.2 (week 8) that will
prepare you for this assessment task and give you examples of the ethical issues you could
MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief Page 2 of 9

In Part A, you will address the following questions:
 What are two ethical economic, commercial, social or environmental issues that must
e managed by contemporary organisations?
 What are two ethical frameworks that can help inform you about how to best
manage these issues?
o Structure:
1. Introduction (75 words)
2. Identification of issue XXXXXXXXXXwords)
3. Ethical framework for addressing issue 1 and justification of choice
(150 words)
4. Identification of issue XXXXXXXXXXwords)
5. Ethical framework for addressing issue 2 and justification of choice
(150 words)
6. Conclusion (75 words)
7. Reference list (excluded from word count)
In Part B, you will address the following question:
 How does reflecting about the ethical management of these issues inform your
thinking about your future workplace behaviour?
 How might you change your behaviour in the future based on what
you have learned about the two ethical frameworks?
 How does your professional ethics influence how you might behave?
 How might the behaviour of senior management influence your
 How might corporate governance structures influence your
 How might the culture of the organisation influence your behaviour?
 How can ethical codes of conduct be used by organisations to create
an ethical culture in organisations?
o Structure:
1. Introduction (75 words)
2. Summary of issues and frameworks discussed in Part A (150 words)
3. Reflection on your future workplace behaviour (700 words)
4. Conclusion (75 words)
5. Reference list (excluded from word count).
To complete this assessment, you will need to select two ethical issues and then undertake
ary research to identify two relevant ethical frameworks. You will then explain how these
theories can be used to identify different ways in which these issues can be handled
MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief Page 3 of 9

ethically. Finally, you will reflect on your thinking and describe how undertaking this
assignment has developed your thinking about your future workplace behaviour.
Both parts to this assessment task should include appropriate academic referencing and a
eference list following APA 6th edition style of referencing. Please see the Academic Skills
page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th: https:
The Learning Ru
ic (pp. 4-9) is your guide to how your assessment will be marked. Please
e sure to check this ru
ic very carefully before submission.
Submission Instructions
Submit Part A by 10 am Friday of module 3.1 (week 5) via the Assessment link in the main
navigation menu in MGT301A: Ethics and Sustainability. The learning facilitator will provide
feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Submit Part B by 10 am Friday of module 5.1 (week 9) via the Assessment link in the main
navigation menu in MGT301A: Ethics and Sustainability. The learning facilitator will provide
feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 9

Learning Ru
ic: Assessment 2 – Part A
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction
Knowledge and

Report does not
address the question,
demonstrates limited
understanding of the
topic with limited/no
developed aspects of
the task.
Report indicates
confusion of personal
opinion and
(substantiated by
evidence) from the

Report addresses the
asic components of the
question, demonstrates
only a cursory
understanding of the
topic and develops the
minimum aspects of the
Report indicates some
confusion of personal
opinion and information
(substantiated by
evidence) from the

Report addresses most
components of the
question, demonstrates a
good understanding of the
topic and develops most
aspects of the task.
Report t justifies personal
opinion, by utilising
evidence and information
from independent

Report addresses the full
components of the
question, demonstrates a
very good understanding
of the topic and develops
all aspects of the task.
Report discriminates
etween assertion of
personal opinion and
(substantiated by robust
evidence) from
independent research
and extended reading.
Report addresses the full
components of the
question, demonstrates
a comprehensive
understanding of the
topic and develops
thorough and critical
analysis of the task.
Report systematically
and critically
discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from
independent research.
Research and
Justification of Ethical

Report shows little/no
evidence of research or

Requires a clearer
identification of
appropriate ethical
frameworks and their
Report shows some
evidence of research or

Appropriate ethical
frameworks have been
identified, with a basic
justification to address
organisation’s issues.
Report shows sufficient
evidence of research or

Appropriate ethical
frameworks have been
proficiently identified, with
a conscientious
Report shows substantial
evidence of research or

Appropriate ethical
frameworks have been
effectively identified,
with a critical justification
Report shows
exceptional evidence of
esearch or enquiry and
indicates serious
contemplation of
sources and extended
MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 9

justification to address
organisation’s issues.
Report shows basic
evidence of research or
justification to address
organisation’s issues.

to address organisation’s

Appropriate ethical
frameworks have been
skilfully identified, with
an expert justification to
address organisation’s

Structure and Flow of

Report does not
present adequate
information, ideas or
Report lacks
logical/clear structure
and flow of ideas,
making it difficult to
Line of reasoning is
unclear and difficult to
Report presents
information, ideas and
evidence sufficiently,
however these require
further logic and clarity.
Report has a sufficient
structure, however flow
of ideas are a challenge
and can be difficult to
Line of reasoning is
passable, however, can
sometimes be difficult to
follow and requires
Report presents
information, ideas and
evidence clearly and
Report has a good
structure, with a good flow
of ideas.
Line of reasoning is of a
good standard and easy to

Report presents
information and
arguments in a logical
and clear way, which is
well supported by
Report has a very good
structure, with a strong
flow of ideas; opinions
and ideas are expressed
in a clear and concise
manner with obvious
connection to topic.
Line of reasoning is clear,
logical and easy to
Report is expertly
presented; descriptive,
concise and informative,
exceptionally developed
and well supported by
Report has an excellent
structure, with a strong,
clear flow of ideas;
engages and sustains the
audience’s interest in the
topic and the reader can
immediately grasp the
Line of reasoning is
excellent; demonstrating
a clear, logical flow of
ideas and arguments
that are easy to follow.

MGT301A Assessment 2 Brief XXXXXXXXXXPage 6 of 9

ect citation of key
esources and


inconsistent use of
good quality, credible
and relevant resources
to support and develop
Does not use sufficient
Does not include
ect references or in-
text citations; does not
use APA 6th style.

Demonstrates use of
credible and relevant
esources to support and
develop ideas, however,
these are not always
explicit or well
Uses sufficient sources,
Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2020 MGT301A


Preeti answered on Jul 27 2020
130 Votes
Ethics and Sustainability
The ethical practices in business world seek to maximise profits and shareholder value within legal parameters. It has found that most of leaders and business personalities seek to do right things, but they face difficulty in developing strong ethical position, confidence and trust on ethical values or beliefs, or simply not sure of how to get the things done in order to
ing a difference in the daily actions, without jeopardising business growth prospect and their own career. For improving ethical sense and implementing it in the business practices, there are some practical steps and strategies offering solutions for ethical problems and issues (Crane & Matten, 2010).
Summary of issues and frameworks discussed
The two ethical issues discussed previously are based on environment risks and climate change, and, worker exploitation & forced labour. The first ethical issue is based on climate change causing due to cutting down trees and forests for preparing toilet and tissue papers. The fast pace of cutting down trees is a highest threatening factor for environment sustainability. Due to cutting down trees, environment sustainability is at risk due to increasing level of greenhouse emission, and other harmful pollutants released in the air (Kutsar, Ghose & Kutsar, 2014).
Second ethical issues are based on worker exploitation and forced labour gaining high level attention in international business. The working conditions are often found as detrimental in workplaces, in terms of less average monthly income, miserable safety conditions, inadequate provision of fire extinguisher and other safety measures. The negligence of workers safety and well-being at workplace is found as one of the major issue posing threat to the image and reputation of international business firms (Kutsar, Ghose & Kutsar, 2014).
Reflection on your future workplace behaviour
How might you change your behaviour in the future based on what you have learned about the two ethical frameworks?
Through discussing two ethical frameworks, it is learnt that ethical behaviour holds paramount importance in corporate world. The stakeholders and related parties keep a constant watch and monitoring on corporate actions and behaviour. It is always measured and evaluated whether corporate actions are not causing any kind of threat and risk to environment and living beings. Any kind of risk and threats is not tolerated by stakeholders; therefore ethical frameworks are developed for guiding corporate entities as how to plan and manage action plans and decisions in ethical conformity.
How do your professional ethics influence how you might behave?
The future workplace behaviour is an approach or measure seeks to encourage highest standards of ethical business behaviour. It is based on the premise that ethical behaviour leads to strong corporate performance, competitive advantage, strengthening
and image, compensating for damaged lives and losses, and improving crippled bottom lines. For this, professional ethics are developed providing guiding measures to employees as how to behave, act and respond in certain situations. The working pattern and routine behaviour are...

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