Melbourne Institute of Technology Pty Ltd
CRICOS Provider No: 01545C, 03245K NSW
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Case Study Analysis (Individual)
School of Business
Course Name
Master of Professional Accounting (MPA)
Unit Code
Unit Title
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Trimester 2, 2020
Dr Eijaz Khan
Assessment Type
Assessment Title
Case Study Analysis
Unit Learning
c. Critically evaluate entrepreneurship planning including, but not limited to: sources of financing, networks for entrepreneurs, legal/IP issues, and the marketing of an innovative idea.
e. Critically analyse and interpret case studies, research and integrate appropriate theoretical entrepreneurship and innovation concepts in the production of a project report.
Total Marks
Word limit
Release Date
Week 3
Due Date
Week 6 (24 August 2020)
Submission Guidelines:
All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date (as above) along with a completed Assessment Cover Sheet.
The assessment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Cali
i (Body) font and 2.5cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
Reference sources must be cited in the text of the Assessment Task, and listed appropriately at the end in a Reference List using APA 6th edition for the School of Business. https:
Extension / Special Consideration
If an extension of time to submit work is required, an Application for Special Consideration and supporting documentation must be submitted online via your Academic Management System (AMS) login: https:
The Application for Special consideration must be submitted no later than three (3) working days after the due date of the specific piece of assessment or the examination for which you are seeking Special Consideration. In the case of serious illness, loss or bereavement, hardship or trauma students may be granted special consideration.
Academic Misconduct
Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: https: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.
Assessment Cover Sheet
Student ID Numbe
Student Last name/s:
Student First name/s:
Unit code:
Unit title:
Due date:
Date submitted:
Lecturer’s Name:
Student Declaration
I/We declare and certify that:
1. the work contained in this assessment is my/our own work/group work, except where acknowledgement of sources is made;
1. this assessment has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course;
1. I/we have read MIT’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure, and I/we understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating;
1. a copy of the original assignment is retained by me/us and that I/we may be required to submit the original assignment to the Lecturer and/or Unit Co-ordinator upon request;
I/we have not plagiarised the work of others or participated in unauthorised collaboration or contract cheating when preparing this assessment.
XXXXXXXXXXFor Assessor Use Only (if not marked on Moodle)
Assessment Task Description
In this assignment, students are required to write a report on a selected entrepreneur. If you have any doubt about the suitability of your selection, please consult with your lecturer for advice and approval. They need to evaluate the selected entrepreneur to come up with answers for the following questions:
a. What are the main attributes of the entrepreneur which help him/her to success?
. How is the personality and personal approach of the selected entrepreneur?
c. What are the businesses, products and/or services, and markets of the selected entrepreneur?
d. How is the process involved in entrepreneurship from opportunity identification until commercialisation?
e. Discuss the nature of any challenges the selected entrepreneur faces during this process.
f. What overall lessons might be drawn from the experience of this person and their business, for the benefit of future entrepreneurs?
Use APA referencing style to present the references. The cases study analysis report should consist of a minimum 5-8 academic resources including peer reviewed journal articles. The assessment should have a reference list at the end of the report.
The approximate word limit for this assignment is 1500 words excluding references.
Format: The report should use Cali
i Body (Font size 11) as the normal text and have margins of 2.5cm all around. Please use reasonable font sizes for headings.
Submission: Soft copy of the assessment must be submitted via the Assessment Dropbox on MIT Moodle.
Report structure:
• Title page: name of the case study
• Abstract: key findings in one paragraph (200 words)
• Table of Contents: with section numbers and headings (word count is not required)
• Introduction:
ief introduction, summarise the case and point out the important facts (300 words)
• Identifying and analysing by addressing questions ‘a-e’ (700 words)
• Recommendations by addressing question ‘f’ (200 words)
• Conclusion (100 words)
• Full in-text referencing: citing at least five to eight academic sources
• Reference list: APA referencing style required. (word count is not required).
Marking criteria:
Assessment criteria are shown in the following table. Marks are allocated as follows:
Assessment criteria to be met and assessed
Detailed Description of the Assessment Criteria
Breakdown Marks
Criteria 1
Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of key concept/s
Criteria 2
Evident research into subject matter (including quality of reference sources)
Criteria 3
Demonstrated insight/s into the challenges of translating entrepreneurship theory and models into practice
Criteria 4
Written communication skills: Writing Style; Paraphrasing; Spelling/Grammar; Proof reading
Criteria 5
Referencing: Appropriate use of in-text referencing; quality and number of references; co
ect ‘end-text’ referencing
XXXXXXXXXXUsing Technology for Assessment
Technological tools selected
· reflection on learning
· feedback on performance
· practice of critical thinking
· check for plagiarism
· problem-based learning
· collaborative writing
· Moodle
· Turnitin
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© MIT March 2020 T1-2020 v1
Marking Ru
ic for Individual Assignment:
Marking Ru
Criteria /
High Distinction (HD)
= or >80%
Distinction (D)
[Very Good]
Credit (C)
Pass (P)
Fail (N)
Criteria 1
Excellent demonstrated
knowledge of key concepts
Good demonstrated
knowledge of key concepts
Generally satisfactory demonstration of knowledge of key concepts.
Some demonstration of knowledge of key concepts.
Little or no demonstrated knowledge of key concepts
Criteria 2
Excellent demonstrated research into subject matter
Strong demonstrated research
in to subject matter
Adequate demonstrated research into subject matter, but some sources could be stronger
Demonstration of limited research into subject matter, but could be substantially stronger overall
Little or no demonstration
of relevant research, using appropriate sources
Criteria 3
Outstanding demonstrated
insight into the translation of
entrepreneurship theory into practice
Strong demonstrated insight into the translation of
entrepreneurship theory into
Some demonstrated insight into the translation of
entrepreneurship theory into
Limited insight shown into the translation of
entrepreneurship theory into
Did not demonstrate insight into the translation of entrepreneurship theory into practice
Criteria 4
Excellent academic writing with very few e
ors in structure and logical expression
Professionally expressed
Very good academic writing with few e
ors in structure and expression
Very well expressed with few e
Good academic writing with some e
ors in structure and expression.
Expressed well with some grammar e
Acceptable academic writing with some e
ors in structure and logical expression.
Acceptably expressed with some spelling or grammar e
Inadequate academic writing with e
ors in structure and logical expression.
Expression lacks clarity with lot of spelling or grammar e
Criteria 5
Sufficient APA Reference list provided with no e
Sufficient APA Reference list provided with few e
Sufficient APA Reference list provided with some e
Sufficient APA Reference list provided with major e
Insufficient APA Reference list provided
XXXXXXXXXXOverall Feedback