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PER1102 – Task 3 Skill Acquisition Case Studies Information for the task Use the programs below to prepare a response. The introduction should outline the stage(s) of skill learning that an individual...

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PER1102 – Task 3 Skill Acquisition Case Studies
Information for the task
Use the programs below to prepare a response. The introduction should outline the stage(s) of skill learning that an
individual undertaking training programs would typically be in. Identify each exercise where skill progression has been
applied for exercise program 1 and 2 in both program tables. Table 1 details a lower body exercise program with a
ehabilitation component, while table 2 outlines an upper body and core training program aimed at improving
movement control. Some examples of skill based progressions are balance, proprioception, range of movement, or base
of support (number of contact points on the ground or a surface).
Table 1
Exercise Program 1 – Lower Body Proprioception & Rehab
Exercise 1 – introductory exercises
Exercise 2 – progression exercises
Order Stage 1 Stage 2 Notes Progression Type(s)
Back Squat to box
1/4 squat depth
Back Squat
1/3 squat depth Stage 2: No box Proprioception
2 Sit to Stand Single-leg Sit to Stand High Box (knee height) Unilateral
3 Stiff Leg Deadlifts Split Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts With ba
ell Base of support
Single Leg Hip
Single Leg Hip
Extensions with foot on
low box
Lying face up.
Exercising leg bent with
foot flat on floor.
Hips extend upwards
Range of motion
Step Up - low box Step Down – low box Stage 2: Control lowering phase (2 sec)
Movement speed /
ase of support
Standing Calf Raises

Single leg Calf Raises
Standing with midfoot
on a small step
(heels off)
Base of support /
Run throughs – 6 x 20m
Walk back recovery
etween each
S-Line Running (around
markers) x 6
Walk back recovery
etween each
Easy to moderate pace

Shuttle runs x 6
20m forward, 10m
30s recovery between
Shuttle runs x 6
20m forward, 10m
sideways (L / R)
30s recovery between
Moderate pace
PER1102 – Task 3 Skill Acquisition Case Studies
Table 2
Program 2 – Upper Body and Core Control Development
Exercise 1 – introductory exercises
Exercise 2 – progression exercises
Order Stage 1 Stage 2 Notes Progression Type(s)
Band assisted Pull
Ups Eccentric Pull Ups
Stage 2: Control lowering
phase (3 sec)
Movement speed
2 Push-Ups (on toes) Push-Ups with Feet in TRX
Stage 2: Feet off floor
suspension trainer
Base of support
Standing Bent
Over Row (BB)
Single Leg Bent Over
Row (BB) BB = Ba
Base of support / unilateral
Standing Shoulder
Press (DB)
Single Arm Stance
Shoulder Press (DB) Dum
5 SB Roll Outs SB Pike SB = Swiss Ball Base of support
Plank with
shoulder taps
Plank with 3 points
transfer Plank on toes

SB Hip Extension -
SB Hip Extension -
with Lateral Sway SB = Swiss Ball
Assessment Task 3 Steps

Step 1

Outline what skill learning (skill acquistion) is. State the stage(s) of skill learning an individual
would be in when undertaking exercises in programs 1 and 2.
** think of skill learning as a type of progression in fitness programming (see highlighted text
in Ratamess et al. 2009)

Step 2
Identify the types of progressions in the programs provided
Include a paragraph which outlines the types of training

Balance and instability incorporated in programs 1 and 2 in exercises. E.g. changing XX from
oth legs to single leg reduces the base of support.

Increased range of motion in program 1 during exercise XXX, unilateral and bilateral training in
program 1 _____ and in program 2.

Step 3
Relate to progression & skill learning – e.g. each as a progression
For all 4 types of progression you can disucss the benefits/limitations as shown in research.
• Some ideas for balance and instability training are outlined:

Balance / stability training

In athletes balance is (or may be) an important physical ability _______-. Author (year) state
alance is important for ___________. After a six-week program using balance training
exercises ___, ______ and _____________ they found ________________
*** also consider instability – this is disucssed in several articles

General populations
ehabilitation programs
• Discuss the benefits of instability training – eg is muscle power improved?

• What are other advantages and disadvantages associated with balance training?

• The article by Behn XXXXXXXXXXlooks at benefits of strength training on stable and
unstable surfaces in youth, adults and older populations.

Balance in older adults
See the research articles by Zaleski et al (2016), Thomas et al XXXXXXXXXXand She
ington (2016)
which disucss benefits in older adults.

Range of motion

Movement speed

Unilateral and bilateral training

Step 4
Conclusion of main discussion points & findings

Step 5
Reference List

Assessment 3 Skill Acquisition Case Studies

Student Name

Student ID

Word Count
SAMPLE Introduction 1
Skill acquisition is a process of learning with the goal of
inging about a change in a learner’s
capabilities to execute movement (Schmidt & Wrisberg, XXXXXXXXXXPractice of skills typically leads to
improvements in movement coordination and the ability to perform skills or movements with less
variability (Schmidt & Wrisberg, 2008), meaning performance of learned skills is improved. During the
learning of skills an individual progresses from the Cognitive Stage of learning, which is characterized
y a high attention demand in understanding a movement (Magill & Anderson, XXXXXXXXXXAs performance
improves the individual will progress to the Associative Stage, requiring less attentional focus; and
finally if they master the skill being practiced they will move into the Autonomous Stage of learning,
which is characterized by the ability to execute skills with less concentration and a high level of accuracy
(Magill & Anderson 2016).
In exercise programming, once an individual becomes efficient at training it is suggested progression is
implemented, for them to continue to improve physical capabilities (Ratamess et al XXXXXXXXXXThis in turn
may potentially benefit adaptation during exercise rehabilitation, activities of daily living, athletic
performance and maintaining quality of life in older adults. Traditionally, progression of resistance
training is achieved by increasing training factors such as intensity, sets, repetitions of exercises to
continue to increase the stress of the exercise and promote adaptation (Ratamess et al. 2009),
However, Ratamess et al XXXXXXXXXXexplains an increase or decrease in the level of skill required to
complete a movement can be a form of progression or regression, respectively. For example, unilateral
training involving one limb may improve sport performance in athletes where single-leg movements
are important, as compared to the same movement completed bilaterally.
This report will explain skill acquisition in the two exercise programs provided for case study individuals
y identifying the types of progressions incorporated in the programs. In addition, potential benefits,
and other concerns regarding the use of types of progression will be discussed relating to population
groups such as athletes, general adults, and older adults.
Commented [ND1]: Sample Introduction.

This is in Turnitin - please use as a reference point to help
with what types of information to put in your introduction

If you copy these it may be considered an AI case.

Commented [ND2]: 339 word introduction
SAMPLE Introduction 2
The learning of movements and motor skills is achieved by practice and repetition of movements. This
is often refe
ed to as skill acquisition, as the individual learns movement patterns required to complete
an action or skill (Magill & Anderson, XXXXXXXXXXThere are three main stages of skill learning an individual
goes through in the skill learning process. The first stage is refe
ed to as the Cognitive Stage, where
the learner needs a high amount of focus and concentration as they are understanding how to perform
the movement (Magill & Anderson, XXXXXXXXXXOnce the learner has gained some understanding of the
movement they progress to the associative stage, which is an in-between stage typified by variations
in skill performances; some with and without movement e
ors. The final stage of learning is the
Autonomous Stage where a performer is able to execute smooth and accurate movements in skill
execution (Magill & Anderson, 2016).
When completing a training program an individual will acquire skills associated with movements using
esistance and body weight exercises as a result of completing the program. Once competent at
performing prescribed exercises, progressive overload is recommended (Ratamess et al. 2009).
Progressive overload is the increase in training stress, such as intensity, repetitions, or total volume. It
may be implemented in the form of variation; whereby different exercises are prescribed in a training
program (Ratamess et al XXXXXXXXXXIn some circumstances increasing traditional training variables such
as intensity or sets for an exercise may not be achievable, e.g. older adults. For such groups, the use of
alternate exercises where skill or the performance of a movement is more difficult due to changes in
alance, the use of an unstable surface; or using single-limb as opposed to two-limb can be suitable
alternatives to progress an exercise program (Ratamess et al. 2009).
The following report will outline the skill acquisition methods used in the two exercise programs
provided. These include balance and instability training, the use of unilateral and bilateral training, and
changes in the speed / range of motion of exercises in the programs prescribed. Further, the report will
outline benefits and applications of the inclusion of these training methods in the programs of various
population groups, including older adults, general healthy individuals and athletes.
Commented [ND3]: Alternate sample introduction
Commented [ND4]: 370 words
Balance and Instability Training
Answered Same Day Aug 16, 2021


Sourav Kumar answered on Aug 30 2021
149 Votes
Introduction :
Learning skills" is a term that depicts the undertakings associated with learning. Learning skills require a lot of effort, it including time, note-taking, perusing viably, study skills, and composing tests. (Mahajan, 2016). This project will discuss about how to attain particular skillset and along with various types of learning skills. The objective of this guide is to give you reasonable tips on the most proficient method to learn all the more successfully. This project will also help in identifying the progressions and point out their advantages and disadvantages.
We may have caught wind of how everybody has a learning style, which is not the same as yet identified with learning skills. Learning styles are a depiction of how we want to learn and communicate with data. Although learning can be very difficult but following the co
ect or given order and steps can easily help us in acquiring totally new skills. So while going through the process of learning one has to pass through the following mentioned stages.
· Cognitive Stage: In this stage we need to be mentally aware of everything that we are doing. We will require all out core interest for this stage. This stage is considered to be the stepping stone for learning skills. Nothing is natural as a result it claims out utmost attention. In case we are ready to apply this ability by any means, we should always proceed with the guide of a coach or an instructional exercise. This is the hardest stage — we don't generally have the foggiest idea what we are doing. It's anything but difficult to feel dumb or feeble.
· Associative Stage: we can consider this to be the intermediate phrase where we have already started practicing to develop the particular skillset. This stage is the stage of excelling. So once we are practicing and got a habit of it, then it is time for collecting feedbacks and applying them as per needed. This is the stage where we need to practice deliberately. This is a very tuff phrase and can be challenging physically as well as mentally.
· Autonomous stage: This stage is considered to be the last stage of skill acquisition. This is the stage where we have practiced so much that we can actually perform the skills efficiently.
The last few decades witnessed a change in the human psychology as we have shifted to healthier lifestyle. Exercises have become a necessity and things like plank, push ups, eccentric push ups are becoming a very common thing to us. So in case of learning and engaging in physical activities it needs determination and the will to work hard. So on case of exercise programs in this case it falls under the cognitive stage of learning. As this is the very first step in starting physical exercise it might seem to be very difficult in the early days. But with constant practice it becomes much more accepting.
Step 2
Program 1:
Back squat and single leg to stand will increase balance and stability where as single leg sit to stand will also help in unilateral training. Constantly maintaining a posture is very difficult and squats helps in maintaining the stability of our body. (L. Guo, 2020) Stiff leg dead lifts also help in in keeping the muscles strong and improves balance and stability. Single leg hip extensions helps in keeping the posture straight and helps in improving of range of motion. The next type is stepping up and down the small box by maintaining the lowering phrase to 2secs. This will not only increase the movement speed but it will also help in providing a base for support. By standing on support of the middle foot and keeping the heels high will help in providing a support. Doing the same exercise but with one foot at a time will help in incorporating unilateral training. The next step is running 20 m for 6 times at a moderate pace and the only recovery will be walking back. It will help in increasing the movement speed along with the range of motion. The last exercise for improving the lower part is...

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