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LPC ICSK3005 Introduction to Computer Skills Summer 2018 Resit Coursework Brief Deadline for Submission: Week 9 Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in Report Word Limit:...

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Introduction to Computer Skills
Summer 2018

Resit Coursework Brief

Deadline for Submission: Week 9
Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in Report

Word Limit: 1500 (Plus or minus 10%)

Learning outcomes assessed:
 Demonstrate the fundamentals of operating a computer to store, retrieve,
analyse and present data;
 Describe ways in which information technology can contribute to increased
productivity and enhance the quality of management;
 Describe the scope of hardware and software cu
ently in use and the
technological advances taking place.

This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.
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Coursework Instructions
Please read carefully
• Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade
Academic Misconduct
You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations
about academic misconduct. You must:
• Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this
iefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed
y or with the assistance of any other person.
• Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in
this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and
are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.
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Assignment Tasks

Your assignment consists of two tasks (worth 100% of the total marks for the

Business Scenario
You have just joined X fashion, a small retail outlet with three stores in three
shopping centres around London. Your first task is to calculate the which
months the stores are in profit, and which they are in loss. Your second task is
to show your manager how Microsoft Office can help with productivity and
enhancement of management and discuss future trends in technology in
Please follow the instructions below for both tasks 1 and 2 below and prepare
a report to show your results and findings.
Task 1:LO1- (30% of total marks)
Use the figures from the table below in your calculations:

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Create a spreadsheet to store and analyse your date
 Name the spreadsheet "2017"
 Add the title "X Fashion 2017" at the top of your worksheet.
 Enter the data provided above into your worksheet. Format the
worksheet to ensure that you use an appropriate font size and colour,
and choose an appropriate width of column.
 Insert the date at the top of the spreadsheet using the TODAY function.
 Write a formula to calculate the total takings for each of month.
 Calculate total for each month after subtracting the VAT (Divide the total
y 120%)
 Format all cu
ency as £, to two decimal places, e.g. £2.00.
 Using an IF function, for each club, output the words "Profit" where the
total paid fees to the taxi company is greater than or equal to £30,000 or
“Loss” otherwise.
 Generate a bar graph or pie chart to show the total takings earned per
month against the month (total takings vs the month).

How to submit your spreadsheet:

Take screenshots of your spreadsheet in data view AND formula view and
place them in the report that you will write for Task 2. You MUST capture and
save BOTH views.

Example of data view XXXXXXXXXXExample of formula

Task 2: Report (LO2&3; 70% of total marks)

You have been asked by the owner of the taxi firm to write a report, to
demonstrate the benefits of implementing technology to increase productivity
and enhance management.

To do this, prepare a report by completing the following:

1. Write a
ief introduction outlining the purpose of the report XXXXXXXXXX

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2. Outline the cu
ent monthly figures for the drivers using your findings
from task 1 and note anything interesting that the figures show. You must
place your saved screenshots of your spreadsheet from task 1 to
demonstrate that you have completed all required steps. You MUST include
BOTH data view and formula view screenshots XXXXXXXXXXwords).

3. Explain how Microsoft Office can help to increase productivity for a
usiness (500 words).

4. Describe three technological advancements that the business should
e aware of to ensure that it does not get left behind. These may be specific
to the retail industry, or to business in general. Discuss both the hardware
and the software (500 words).

11. Write a conclusion summarising the main points of your report XXXXXXXXXX

Structure your report using the appropriate word processing tools:

Suggested report structure

Cover Page
Assignment title, module code, student name, student number and submission

Table of Contents
A list of headings and page numbers.

1.0 Introduction (about 10% of word count)
What question/topics are you going to explore? Why?
Explain the steps you will take to address the question.

(Discussion about 80% of word count)
2.0 Presentation & Explanation of Business Data
Place your screenshots of your Excel spreadsheet here. Label them.
Using the data from your screenshots, discuss the financial situation of the
usiness. You could discuss which seasons or months seem to be more
profitable and whether the business is making money (or not) overall.

3.0 The Benefits of Microsoft Office to Business Productivity
Define Microsoft Office.
Discuss some ways that the software may allow a business to do things faster
and with less human e
ors. You may provide subheadings here if you want to
discuss different software, for example:
3.1 Microsoft Word
3.2 Microsoft Excel
3.3 Microsoft PowerPoint

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4.0 Technological Advancements for Business
Discuss three technological advancements that can increase productivity in the
usiness world. You can start with a
ief statement about how businesses
increasingly use technology. You could then use some subheadings e.g.
4.1 Technology Advancement 1
Describe the technology and discuss how it can help the business.
4.2 Technology Advancement 2
Describe the technology and discuss how it can help the business.
4.3 Technology Advancement 3
Describe the technology and discuss how it can help the business.

5.0 Conclusion (about 10% of word count)
Do not introduce any NEW material here. Restate what you consider the main
points to be and make one or two key recommendations.

6.0 Reference List
An alphabetically ordered list of the references cited in your report, in Harvard
7.0 Appendix
Include any supporting information that you did not think appropriate to include
in the main body of the text. You must label each piece of information that you
provide and refer to it in the main body of your text e.g. see appendix 2 for
further information.

Strength Adequate Needs
Knowledge and Understanding

Includes all required factual content required
y the assignment
ief, accurately
summarised. All content is relevant.

Demonstrates a clear understanding of:

The functions of Excel to store, retrieve,
analyse and present data.
Ways in which Microsoft Office can
contribute to increased productivity and
enhance the quality of management.
The technological advances taking place
and their benefits to the business world.

Demonstrates evidence of independent
eading and research, appropriate to this
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Demonstrates effective use of class materials
to develop knowledge and understanding of
key concepts and theories.

Intellectual and Cognitive Skills

Material is clearly and logically structured
Answered Same Day Jul 13, 2020 ICSK3005


Ahmedali answered on Jul 15 2020
136 Votes
X Fashion
X Fashion
X Fashion        Introduction to Computer Skills        7/14/2018            
Table of Contents
Introduction    2
Monthly Figures & Findings    2
Use of Microsoft Office to Increase the Productivity    3
MS Word    4
MS Excel    4
MS PowerPoint    4
MS Access    5
Technological Advancements    5
Automated Data Analytics    5
IoT-based Sales Application    5
Social Media Networking    6
Conclusion    7
References    8
X Fashion is a small retail store based out of London and it has three stores in three shopping centres located in various areas of London. The monthly figures and total takings for each month for the three stores have been calculated along with the total after application of 20% VAT. It is necessary to keep a track of the sales to determine the profit/loss for the store and for the company as a whole. The purpose of the report is to highlight the monthly figures and findings for X Fashion along with use of Microsoft Office for the business. There are several technological advancements that are taking place in terms of hardware and software developments. The report lists out these advancements and includes the recommendations that may be utilized by the business to enhance its productivity. The report aims to ensure that the company adapts to the enhancements in technology to gain benefits out of the same.
Monthly Figures & Findings
The monthly figures for each of three stores viz. Westfield, Lakeside, and Brent Cross along with the total takings for each month have been calculated and shown in the screenshots below. The data view and formula view of the data has been illustrated below.
Data View
Formula View
The calculations illustrated above showcase that the company has experienced loss in 6 out of 12 months and profit in the other 6. It is necessary to enhance the productivity of the stores so that the profits and revenues earned are higher than the cu
ent state. The profits are considered only for the months that have been found to have total takings greater than 30,000.
        Total Takings v/s Month
The total takings of X Fashion have been graphically represented for each of the twelve months in the bar graph above. The data and the calculations show that the company needs to make certain improvements to enhance its productivity.
Use of Microsoft Office to Increase the Productivity
Microsoft Office, popularly known as MS Office is a suite of software developed by Microsoft that comprises of desktop productivity applications that may be utilized by offices or in a business environment. There are individual users that also utilize the software and its applications, such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and many more.
X Fashion can utilize MS Office to increase the business productivity by using some of the applications under the suite.
MS Word
Microsoft Word or MS Word is a commercial word processor that comes under the suite of MS Office. It can be used by X Fashion to prepare the sales reports and status reports to keep a track of the sales performance, resource performance, and the overall performance of the organization. The individual resources may send a word document comprising of the weekly tasks performed by them to their respective managers. This will provide the management and leadership with an opportunity to...

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