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Length: 2400 words (excluding references) Formulate a critical, comparative analysis of the following two journal articles: (a) Besharov, Marya L. "The relational ecology of identification: How...

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Length: 2400 words (excluding references)

Formulate a critical, comparative analysis of the following two journal articles:

(a) Besharov, Marya L. "The relational ecology of identification: How organizational identification emerges when individuals hold divergent values." Academy of Management Journal, 57, no XXXXXXXXXX): XXXXXXXXXX.

(b) Costas, Jana, and Peter Fleming. "Beyond dis-identification: A discursive approach to self-alienation in contemporary organizations." Human Relations 62, no XXXXXXXXXX): XXXXXXXXXX.

Answered Same Day Apr 30, 2020


Parul answered on May 21 2020
134 Votes
Order No. 30056,
Frame of Reference - With reference to “Beyond dis-identification: A discursive approach to self-alienation in contemporary organizations” (Costas and Fleming, 2009) drives inspiration from the principle of "self-alienation" in order to justify the experiences explaining dis-identification by the virtue of which people live in a version of reality that is comfortable with them. We live in a corporate jungle in which we witness people at a large shield themselves by hiding a part of themselves. Organizational commands, work pressure and order have aggravated to an extent that it has triggered a phenomenon where employees dis-identifies in number of different ways like - cynicism, humour, sarcasm etc. With reference to an interesting article that presented insights on growing self-alienation at workplace “Fight for your alienation: The fantasy of employability and the ironic struggle for self-exploitation” (Bloom 2013), by the virtue of this employee can shield themselves from tension of being judged by others and also remaining honest to their true self. This article
ings out poignant issue that is widespread in the corporate culture of today, employees find it difficult to express themselves in the workplace. It is difficult from them to trust anyone hence thy create a shell inside them where they store their authentic feelings. Central theme of the article is that it’s been proven by empirical research studies that employees attain mental satisfaction from the fact that by dis-identifying themselves from the organization they work in and self-alienating authentic selves from the realities of workplace they are protecting themselves from the clutches of organization may co
ode them inside.
Second article, “The Relational Ecology of Identification: How Organizational Identification Emerges When Individual holds Divergent Values” (Besharov 2014), talks about identification that are different from that other organization values that might be considered extremely important otherwise. When there is difference of opinion, prospective and priorities especially then conflicts emerges and dis-identification among employees takes place. Identification erupts when people at middle level who act as managers comprehend and justify the value of organization to the frontline employees which might be different only considering on solution but excluding the primary ideology, with reference to “Organizational Identity”, (Whetten, 1985). The central theme of the article is relational ecology of identification that emerges from the amalgamation of bottom-up interactions among the frontline employees and top-down justification of their version of the organizational values that are interpreted by the managers. Article also points out the importance of identification to the organization as it supports the organization to accomplish their objectives. With reference to article that points similar essence “Shaping and Being Shaped: How Organizational Structure and Managerial Discretion Co-evolve in New Managerial Roles” (Sandhu and Kulik 2018). Attributes of identity includes values, beliefs and goals that revolves around organization’s axial, long-term plan and distinct features. Over a period of time, most organization generate multiple identities depending upon the situation and contextual background that incorporate attributes which might become incompatible with the overall the scope and vision decided by the organization. Essentially, identities develop from interactions and relational conversations among the employees that influences them to be a part of something and exhibits how bottom-up changes are inte
elated to the top-down identification and other top strategies.
Both these article
ings out a similar idea that critically revolves around employees at ground level or in the fields that witness very different version of policies planned and implemented by the organization. The reliance of domination of managers incorporates rebellious feeling in the employees that in turn urges the implementation of dis-identification since the employee can’t take out the anger and frustration on the manger so he/she learns to adapt by creating a pseudo-self that doesn’t care about the stress, anger and disappointment. Changes a part of the personality either by becoming extra quiet or vocal but never allowing one to be true with oneself. Such target employees are also known as 'last frontier of control' has to perform many task that he/she might not enjoy doing yet due to certain restriction has to deliver the work that he/she now considers tasteless and crass. Nevertheless, this article also exhibits how any organization if capitalized properly can benefit from multiple identities and forms their basis in the ideology in the corporates. Like there is no one size fits all to every problem similarly there can’t be one identity in the organization. Every employee has different skill, attitude and potential which combined can result in identity that might work in some situation and might not work in the others. Hence, organization should channelize these differences such that they complement each other and form a synergy.
Grounds for Comparison- Taking reference from article, “The Relational Ecology of Identification: How Organizational Identification Emerges When Individual holds Divergent Values” (Besharov 2014). Every organization whether traditional or contemporary have identities that incorporates values that contradicts as most of the companies today operates in international markets and include employee that are diverse in every...

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