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Length: 1500Words Value: 45% Task Write a research proposal that follows on from your Literature Review (same topic). You will need to include the following: Title and 100 word summary of the proposed...

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Write a research proposal that follows on from your Literature Review (same topic). You will need to include the following:

  • Title and 100 word summary of the proposed study
  • Rationale for the research (refer here back to the literature review)
  • Aims and Objectives, or research question/s
  • Research Design including
    • Sampling Procedure
    • Data Collection Procedure
    • Draft Research Instrument(s)
    • Proposed Data Analysis
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Limitations and Strengths of the project
  • Proposed Timetable
  • References

Please remember this is a proposalonly.
No data collection is to be undertaken at all.

A minimum of 8 – 10sources should be used in the proposal.


The Research Proposal must be typed on a word processor.

Assessment Criteria

The assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria:(each criteria will be given equal weighting)

  • Demonstrated case for the research including rationale
  • Quality of proposed research design
  • Critical awareness of both limits and possible external factors affecting the proposal.
  • Strength of considerations of limitations and ethical issues within the research
  • Adherence to academic conventions of writing(e.g.referencing;writing style)
Answered Same Day May 25, 2021


Taruna answered on Jun 05 2021
141 Votes
Research Overview
The following proposal will examine the causes of eating disorders in Australian youth by taking up their common eating habits into consideration. The study will be guided by the basic eating disorder observations made through providing extensively studied and then, chosen on prefe
ed ways questionnaire which will be given to the selected participants. The questionnaire will be I the online survey mode, considering the present pandemic out
eak of Covid-19. The participants of the survey will be selected on random bases, ranging between the age limit of 18 to 25. The research will mainly assess and investigate through their eating habits.
Rationale of Research
Eating disorders are not only distu
ing elements to the physical status of human beings but also they are responsible factors to affect the metabolism of the body. Especially in the context of youth, a large number of Australian populations have reached to the state of obesity due to numerous eating disorders. What makes the problem grow bigger with every passing day is that the eating disorders prevail in all communities without biases i.e. in every community or ethnic background of people; youth has been perceived having this unhealthy state of relationship with their food choices. The status of overeating or fasting has reached to the alarming stage where It is easier said than done to get an agreement on occu
ence estimate for eating disorders in Australia (NEDC 2010).
The data about prevalence and the estimates have large discrepancies between them due to the different diagnostic measures and facilities that are available in different parts of Australia (Hay et al., 2015). The statistics for any metabolic disorders vary, as it is mainly dependent on a large number of interlinked parameters that are both na
ow and
oad scaled. Estimated prevalence is 4–16% for Australians aged 15 and over (Hay et al. 2008; Hay et al. 2015; Wade et al. 2006). The estimates about their occu
ences vary depending on many factors and measurements. Researches establish that binge eating disorders and nanorexia are some of the most common eating disorders among the vast majority of population in Australia (Hay et al. 2017; Wade et al. 2006).
Based on the above, it is simply observable that a considerable amount of young population is now under the influence of the eating disorders which is affecting their further lifestyle. Especially in the context of female youth, the statistics display concerns about their ill health conditions caused in the form of obesity, leading to several unwanted diseases at early age like diabetes or hypertension. In studies, almost 3.5% of females have a higher tendency of eating disorders than in men, which is about 1.4% (Lawrence et al. 2015). In the year 2015–16, 95% of Australian hospitalizations with a principal diagnosis of an eating disorder were for females. Females aged 15–24 made up the principal share of these hospitalizations (57%). In 2015–16, around 28% of females and girls between the ages 15 to 24 years were diagnosed with eating disorders by community mental health care contacts. The next largest proportions of those contacts (14%) were provided to girls...

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