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Lab3.dvi McMaster University Dept. Electrical and Comp. Engineering COE 2SI3 - Term II (Winter) 2022 Lab 3 - Implementation of Polynomial Using Linked List Due Date: Lab sessions February 28 – March...

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McMaster University
Dept. Electrical and Comp. Engineering
COE 2SI3 - Term II (Winter) 2022
Lab 3 - Implementation of Polynomial Using Linked List
Due Date: Lab sessions Fe
uary 28 – March 11, 2022
Assessment: 5% of the total course mark.
• You can complete this lab with one lab partner.
• By the end of the lab session you must demonstrate to your TA the C++ code.
You will also be asked to answer questions regarding your implementation. Both
partners can demonstrate together, but the TA can pick the student to domonstarte
certain parts.
• Both partners have to submit the source code separately.
• NO REPORT IS NEEDED. Submit the source code for each class in a separate
TEXT file. Include your student number in the name of each file. The electronic
submission on Avenue to Learn of all C++ source code must be done by the end of
your designated lab session.
In this lab you will implement polynomials and operations on polynomials using a
sorted singly linked list with a dummy header. To implement the linked list
nodes you must use the C++ calss PolyNode provided in this lab. Additionally, you need
to implement the C++ class Poly (to represent polynomials). In your implementation you
are not allowed to use std::list! Please compute the asymptotic run time and space
complexity of all methods and be ready to present them to the TA with explanations
at your demo.
Definitions and Specifications:
A polynomial is an expression of the form:
P (X) =
Where ai are real numbers. Each aiX
i is a term in the polynomial, where i is the
degree of the term and ai is the coefficient. The degree of a polynomial is the highest
value of i such that ai 6= 0. For example, the polynomial P1(X) = 10X
1000 + 2X + 1
has degree 1000. Notice that even if the degree is very high the number of non-zero
terms of P1(X) (terms with non-zero coefficient) is very low. Such a polynomial is called
sparse. Sparse polynomials can be efficiently represented using linked lists. Each node
in the linked list represents a non-zero term, and must contain a field to store the
coefficient and a field to store the degree of the term.
You are required to represent the polynomial using a sorted singly linked list with a
dummy header, in other words, where the nodes are sorted in decreasing order of
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McMaster University
Dept. Electrical and Comp. Engineering
COE 2SI3 - Term II (Winter) 2022
their degrees. The linked list should NOT contain two nodes with the same degree.
It also should NOT contain nodes to represent terms with the coefficient equal to 0.
For example, for polynomial P1(X) specified above, the sorted linked list representation
should contain three nodes, one for the term 10X1000, one for 2X and one for the term
1 (notice that the degree of the last term is 0). This node count does NOT include the
dummy header. These requirements on the linked list have to be satisfied at all times,
in other words each time a constructor or a method of the class Poly finishes execution.
The zero polynomial should be represented by an empty linked list. Notice that the
degree of a zero polynomial equals −1 by convention.
Class PolyNode: You must use the C++ class PolyNode given below, to implement the linked
list nodes.
class PolyNode {
int deg;
double coeff;
PolyNode* next;
PolyNode(int d, double c, PolyNode* n)
{ deg = d; coeff = c; next = n;}
Class Poly: All its fields have to be private, and it must contain one private field named
head, which is a pointer to the dummy header of the linked list. The class should contain
at least the following public constructors and destructor:
• Poly(): creates the zero polynomial with degree equals −1.
• Poly(const std::vecto
int>& deg, const std::vecto
int>& coeff): cre-
ates a polynomial out of the two input vectors as follows: vector deg contains the
degrees of non-negative terms, vector coeff contains the coefficients of non-
zero terms. The two vectors have the same size, moreover vector deg is sorted in
strictly decreasing order (thus any two elements are different), and it does not con-
tain negative values. For any index j in vector coeff, the vector element coeff[j]
epresents the coefficient of the term of degree equal to deg[j]. When writing you
code you may assume that the requirements on the input are satisfied (hence no
or checking is needed).
• ∼Poly(): frees the memory allocated for the linked list nodes in a polynomial.
Class Poly should contain at least the following public methods:
• void addMono(int i, double c): adds the monomial cXi to this polynomial.
You may assume that i is non-negative (thus no e
or checking is needed), c can be
zero. The method modifies this polynomial. You may need to add/delete/update
one node to your linked list in different cases.
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McMaster University
Dept. Electrical and Comp. Engineering
COE 2SI3 - Term II (Winter) 2022
• void addPoly(const Poly& p): adds polynomial p to this polynomial. The
method modifies this polynomial, but it does not modify polynomial p.
• void multiplyMono(int i, double c): multiplies this polynomial by the mono-
mial cXi. You may assume that i is non-negative, c can be zero. The method
modifies this polynomial.
• void multiplyPoly(const Poly& p): multiplies this polynomial by polynomial
p. The method modifies this polynomial, but it does not modify polynomial p.
• void duplicate(Poly& outputPoly): copies this polynomial to outputPoly.
The incoming outputPoly can be zero polynomial or non-zero polynomial. The
linked list co
esponding to the outgoing outputPoly must be a duplicate of this
linked list.
• int getDegree(): returns the degree of the polynomial.
• int getTermsNo(): returns the number of non-zero terms of the polynomial.
• double evaluate(double x): evaluates the polynomial expression for the value
x of the variable.
Example: If this polynomial is P (X) = 4X3 + 5X + 2, then the invocation
evaluate(2.0) returns the value 4 ∗ XXXXXXXXXX ∗ XXXXXXXXXX = 44.0.
• std::string toString(): returns a string representation of the polynomial.
The string should specify the degree of the polynomial and the coefficients of all
non-zero terms, listed in decreasing order of terms degrees.
Example: If this polynomial is P (X) = 4X3 + 5X + 2, then the string represen-
tation could be:
“degree=3; a(3)=4.0; a(1)=5.0; a(0)=2.0”
• Compute the asymptotic run time and space complexity of the following methods:
- addMono, addPoly, multiplyMono, multiplyPoly, getDegree, getTermsNo,
Be prepared to present your derivations to the TA at demo time and provide ve
justification for your analysis.
• You are permitted to implement other private methods inside class Poly. How-
ever, you are not permitted to modify the class PolyNode. Additionally, class Poly
must contain one field which is an PolyNode pointer named head.
• You may use the code from the lecture notes on linked list, or from the tutorial.
However, you may need to adapt the code and provide complete references.
• To get credit for the lab you must demonstrate your code (i.e., class Poly) in front
of a TA during your lab session. A 50% penalty will be applied for either a late
demo or if the electronic submission of the code is late.
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McMaster University
Dept. Electrical and Comp. Engineering
COE 2SI3 - Term II (Winter) 2022
Submission Instructions:
NO REPORT IS NEEDED. Submit the source code for the classes Poly in a separte
text file. Include your student number in the name of each file. For instance, if you
student number is 12345 then the files should be named as follows: Poly 12345.h.txt,
Poly 12345.cpp.txt. Submit the files in the Assignment folder on Avenue by the end of
your designated lab session.
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Answered 2 days After Feb 28, 2022


Vaibhav answered on Mar 02 2022
111 Votes

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