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Knowledge Assessment Knowledge Assessment: Cluster 1 Unit code, name and release number CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically (1) Qualification/Course code, name and release number CHC...

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Knowledge Assessment
Knowledge Assessment: Cluster 1
Unit code, name and release numbe
CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically (1)
Qualification/Course code, name and release numbe
CHC XXXXXXXXXXCertificate IV in Community Services (2)
Student numbe
Student name
Document title    Version 1.0    Page 1 of 3
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Document title: CHCLEG001 Ed 26_Cluster 1 Knowledge Assessment    Page 1 of 9
Resource ID: LA024241_CHC42015_Certificate IV in Community Services
Version:    2.0
Date created:    6 July 2018
Date modified:    02/07/2020
For queries, please contact:
Community Services Teaching Section
TAFE Digital, Strathfield
© 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is co
ect at time of printing: 2 July 2020. For cu
ent information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.
Assessment instructions
    Assessment details
    Assessment overview
    For this assessment you are required to complete three (3) parts:
Part 1: Eight (8) multiple choice questions.
Part 2: Five (5) True or False statements.
Part 3: Four (4) Short answer questions – you will need to access the Indigo Community Services and Health Hub for Part 3. The URL is:
    Assessment Event numbe
    1 of 2
    Instructions for this assessment
    Before completing and submitting this assessment, you must read through the LibGuide and all required learning resources for this unit. All resources can be accessed via the OLS > Unit Overview > Access your learning link.
This is a written assessment and it will be assessing you on your knowledge of the unit.
    Submission instructions
    Once you have completed this assessment, you are required to submit it for marking via the Assessments tab on the OLS.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE Digital and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment via the OLS.
    What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?
    This unit is competency based. In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must satisfy all elements specific to the unit and the essential knowledge and critical aspects of assessment in a range of situations. The assessment has been developed to cover these criteria and your TAFE Digital teacher will review all you work and assess your overall result to deem you competent.
Please reference your work – referencing guides are available on the OLS.
    Assessment feedback, review or appeals
    Appeals are addressed in accordance with Every Student’s Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW.
Part 1: Multiple choice
Answer the following eight (8) multiple choice questions.
1. Which one (1) of the following best describes the concept of dignity of risk?
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) People having the right to make their own decisions and being entitled to take reasonable risks in everyday life.
    b) Workers reporting situations where they feel a client in their care is at risk of harm.
    c) Workers adhering to Work Health and Safety legislation.
    d) Workers making decisions about what is best for a client.
2. What does the term duty of care mean when working with children, young people and families? Select one (1) answer only.
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) Duty of care is the legal responsibility of workers to ensure the safety and well-being of children and young people in their care.
    b) Duty of care is the moral responsibility of employers to ensure the safety and well-being of staff working with children and young people.
    c) Duty of Care is the government responsibility to ensure the safety and wages of taxpayers in Australia.
    d) Duty of Care is the responsibility of employers to ensure that all workers are protected from allegations of professional misconduct.
3. What does the term Mandatory Reporter mean? Select one (1) answer only.
    .Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) It means that everyone who works for the government is required by law, as part of their role, to report suspected abuse or risk of harm to the police.
    b) It means that everyone who is an Australian citizen is required by law, as part of their civic duties, to report suspected abuse or risk of harm to the relevant government department.
    c) It means that anyone, as part of their work role with children, is required by law to report suspected abuse or risk of harm to the relevant regulatory authority.
    d) It means that teachers, coaches, nurses and the police are required by law, as part of their role, to report any suspected abuse or risk of harm to the child protection unit within the Police Force.
4. Select one (1) answer only. An ethical dilemma is:
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) A problem that can be fixed if you just follow the service policies.
    b) A Code of Conduct.
    c) Making sure that the client’s choice prevails.
    d) Making decisions about what is the right thing to do when faced with different sets of values.
5. Which of the following are ethical dilemmas that could arise in community services?
Select three (3) examples that apply.
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) Two of your clients begin a sexual relationship. You know that one of them is HIV positive, and that they are having unprotected sex.
    b) An ex-client of yours starts a relationship with your best friend, and they both invite you to dinner.
    c) Your manager confides that they are having difficulties with the Chair of the Board of Directors, and tells you that the Chair has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder II. Your manager wants your advice.
    d) A co-worker – and good friend of yours – is having a difficult time and asks you to submit their timesheet. You believe the hours recorded on the timesheet are inaccurate, as they have said they were working on a day they were not there.
6. Which of the following are legal dilemmas that could arise in community services?
Select two (2) examples that apply.
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) Two of your clients begin a sexual relationship. You know that one of them is HIV positive, and that they are having unprotected sex.
    b) Your client is putting their 7 year-old child at risk of serious harm, as they leave them at home alone in order to go shopping for food. The child was previously in out-of-home care where they were sexually abused. If you make a report the child will probably go back to OOHC.
    c) Your manager asks you to call a client to remind them about their court hearing the following day, as they have a history of not showing up. He wants you to pretend that you have spoken to the police who have advised they will go to the client’s home and force them to attend court if they do not show up.
7. Go to the Indigo Intranet page (Ctrl + click to follow this link). Open the “Services” folder and locate the document 10 Steps to Best Practice – A youth centred approach to case management. Which one of the following is NOT one of the 10 steps?
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) Quality outcomes
    b) Participation and engagement
    c) Respect and empowerment
    d) Right to choose
8. Legal and ethical frameworks may overlap in some areas and differ in others. Identify which of the following statements is NOT true? (Select only one)
    Answer choices
    Put X next to your answe
    a) Legal frameworks are written in legislation and ethical frameworks are based on human rights principles.
    b) If you follow your organisation’s policies and procedures you will always be acting within an ethical framework also.
    c) Working within an ethical framework means you understand and use a set of principles such as the AASW Code of Ethics.
    d) Ethical and legal frameworks may be inconsistent and at times contradictory.
Part 2: True or false
State whether the following five statements are True or False.
Note: You must co
ectly identify True or False for ALL 5 statements in order to PASS Part 2. If you have not identified each of the answers co
ectly, you will be asked to review all of your responses and resubmit all of the answers again.
    Write True or False
    1. Informed consent means that a consumer understands the legal limits to confidentiality in a service, including the collection and disclosure of personal information.
    2. Human rights are rights which are accepted to belong to most people.
    3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for all people.
    4. Human needs and human rights are the same.
    5. Maintaining appropriate boundaries support client and worker safety.
Part 3: Short answe
When working in the community services sector, you must always adhere to specific laws (or legislation) which are relevant to your work. These laws (or legislation) relate to things like privacy and confidentiality, child protection, complaints, work health and safety (WH&S), equity and discrimination, among others.
Step 1
For each of the questions below, consider the area of work in the community services sector (shown in bold). On the Indigo Intranet (Ctrl + click to follow this link) under the Policies and Procedures folder, locate the relevant policy and procedure.
Step 2
Name the relevant legislation which is refe
ed to in the policy and procedure.
Step 3
Describe the purpose of the legislation in your own words, based on your own research of that legislation (please include referencing).
The URL for the Indigo Community Services and Health Hub is: https:
1. Complaints management: On the Indigo Intranet under the Policies and Procedures folder, locate the Complaints Policy and Procedure.
a) What is the name of the relevant legislation for this Policy and Procedure?
) What is the purpose of the legislation (in your own words)?
2. Discrimination: On the Indigo Intranet under the Policies and Procedures folder, locate the Equity and Workplace Harassment Policy.
a) What is the name of all relevant legislation for this policy? List at least five (5) relevant legislations.
) What is the collective purpose of this group of legislation (in your own words)?
3. Privacy: On the Indigo Intranet under the Policies and Procedures folder, locate the Privacy and Confidentiality policy.
a) What is the name of the relevant legislation for this policy?
) What is the purpose of the
Answered Same Day Jul 02, 2021 CHCLEG001 Training.Gov.Au


Riyanka answered on Jul 03 2021
138 Votes
Document title: CHCLEG001 Ed 26_Cluster 1 Knowledge Assessment Page 1 of 10
Resource ID: LA024241_CHC42015_Certificate IV in Community Services
Knowledge Assessment: Cluster 1
Unit code, name and release numbe
CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically (1)
Qualification/Course code, name and release numbe
CHC42015 - Certificate IV in Community Services (2)
Student numbe
Student name
Document title: CHCLEG001 Ed 26_Cluster 1 Knowledge Assessment Page 2 of 10
Resource ID: LA024241_CHC42015_Certificate IV in Community Services
Version: 2.0
Date created: 6 July 2018
Date modified: 14/07/2020
For queries, please contact:
Community Services Teaching Section
TAFE Digital, Strathfield
© 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the
permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is co
ect at time of printing: 14 July
2020. For cu
ent information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.
Document title: CHCLEG001 Ed 26_Cluster 1 Knowledge Assessment Page 3 of 10
Resource ID: LA024241_CHC42015_Certificate IV in Community Services
Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview For this assessment you are required to complete three (3) parts:
Part 1: Eight (8) multiple choice questions.
Part 2: Five (5) True or False statements.
Part 3: Four (4) Short answer questions – you will need to access the
Indigo Community Services and Health Hub for Part 3. The URL is:
Assessment Event
1 of 2
Instructions for this
Before completing and submitting this assessment, you must read
through the LibGuide and all required learning resources for this unit.
All resources can be accessed via the OLS >Unit Overview >Access your
learning link.
This is a written assessment and it will be assessing you on your
knowledge of the unit.
Submission instructions Once you have completed this assessment, you are required to submit
it for marking via the Assessments tab on the OLS.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy
assessments submitted to TAFE Digital and complete the assessment
declaration when submitting the assessment via the OLS.
What do I need to do to
achieve a satisfactory
This unit is competency based. In order to be deemed competent in this
unit you must satisfy all elements specific to the unit and the essential
knowledge and critical aspects of assessment in a range of situations.
The assessment has been developed to cover these criteria and your
TAFE Digital teacher will review all you work and assess your overall
esult to deem you competent.
Please reference your work – referencing guides are available on the
Assessment feedback,
eview or appeals
Appeals are addressed in accordance with Every Student’s Guide to
Assessment in TAFE NSW.

Document title: CHCLEG001 Ed 26_Cluster 1 Knowledge Assessment Page 4 of 10
Resource ID: LA024241_CHC42015_Certificate IV in Community Services
Part 1: Multiple choice
Answer the following eight (8) multiple choice questions.
1. Which one (1) of the following best describes the concept of dignity of risk?
Answer choices
Put X next
to your
a) People having the right to make their own decisions and being entitled to
take reasonable risks in everyday life. 
) Workers reporting situations where they feel a client in their care is at risk
of harm.
c) Workers adhering to Work Health and Safety legislation.
d) Workers making decisions about what is best for a client.
2. What does the term duty of care mean when working with children, young people and
families? Select one (1) answer only.
Answer choices Put X next to your answer
a) Duty of care is the legal responsibility of workers to ensure
the safety and well-being of children and young people in
their care.

) Duty of care is the moral responsibility of employers to
ensure the safety and well-being of staff working with
children and young people.
c) Duty of Care is the government responsibility to ensure the
safety and wages of taxpayers in Australia.

d) Duty of Care is the responsibility of...

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