ITECH5403 – Comparative Programming Languages
School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
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ITECH5403 - Assignment 2 – Parallel Implementations
Due Date: 5pm, Friday of Week 11 (Sem 1807)
This assignment will test your skills in identifying comparative features of different programming languages
through implementing a programming application. This task worth 20% marks of this course and belongs to the
non-invigilated (type A) assessment task.
Assignment Overview
You are tasked with creating a text-based program for li
ary admins to store data on a Li
ary System. However,
as this is a comparative languages course, you will be creating the same application in the following three
programming languages:
• Java,
• Python, and
• Lisp or Perl (you may choose either of these).
As you implement the application in each language you should keep notes on:
- The features of the languages used,
- Which features you found useful, and
- Any issues or complications which arose due to the complexity or lack of any language features.
ief discussion document based on these programming features for each individual language accompanying
each implementation is required. Finally, a comparative overview of the languages highlighting how they were
suitable or not suitable for the creating this type of application is also required.
It is recommended that the first version of the application you write is in the programming language which is
most familiar to you. This will help you to have a working 'template' which you can then translate into the other
programming languages.
Program Specification
When the program first launches, there is a menu which allows the users (li
ary admins) to select one of the
following options:
1) Add new member
2) Add new book
3) Process bo
4) Process returning
5) View member status
6) View book status
7) Quit
ITECH5403 – Comparative Programming Languages
School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
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The functionalities of these options are as follows:
1) When users add a new member they provide a member-name which are stored in some manner of a
ay or
list. Members are assigned a unique ID value where the first member added is assigned the ID value 1, the
second member added is assigned the ID value 2 and so on.
2) When users add a new book they provide a book-title, and the number of copies of that book. These
information are stored in some manner of a
ay or list. Books are also automatically assigned a unique ID
values such as 1, 2, 3 etc. Additionally, information needs to be kept regarding books whether they are
available or not.
3) When users process a bo
owing they provide a member-ID, and book-ID. The IDs must be registered on the
system. That is, to successfully create a book bo
• The member ID must be of an existing member in the system
• The book ID must be of a book that exists in the system, and
• The book must be available to be bo
After processing a bo
owing, the information regarding the number of books should be updated. If no more
copy of that book is available then the book is not available for bo
4) When users process a returning, they provide a member-ID, and book-ID. The book should be taken off from
that member’s record, and the number of available book information should be updated.
5) If the users opt to view member status then they are prompted to enter the member ID - and then any
ooks bo
owed by that member are displayed including:
- The member’s name, and the title of books they are cu
ently keeping.
6) If the users opt to view book status then they are prompted to enter a book ID - and then the following
information are displayed:
- number of available copy of the book, if it is zero then a message that the book is not available and
- the list of members’ name who bo
owed it.
7) When a user chooses to Quit, the program terminates with a goodbye message.
Where required, your program should check for valid data entry and loop until valid data is entered.
Each implementation of your project (in each of the three languages you choose) should aim to closely match
the setup and structure of the program as shown in the example output on the following pages.
Add codes to pre-create a few members, books and bo
owings on each run of your code to avoid the need to
type in those details over and over when testing your program. However your program should not depend
only on those hard-coded items. Instead it should be capable of taking new items as inputs and give proper
outputs according to those new inputs. These will be checked by the assessor at the time of marking your
ITECH5403 – Comparative Programming Languages
School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
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Example Program Output
Startup and add new member example output
----- Welcome to ITECH5403 Li
ary System -----
Main Menu - please select an option:
1) Add new member
2) Add new book
3) Process bo
4) Process returning
5) View member status
6) View book status
7) Quit
Adding a new member:
Please enter a new member name:
Member [Amina] has been created with member ID: [1]
Would you like to [a]dd a new member or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a new member name:
Member [John] has been created with member ID: [2]
Would you like to [a]dd a new member or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a new member name:
Member [Alex] has been created with member ID: [3]
Would you like to [a]dd a new member or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Add new book example output
Main Menu - please select an option:
1) Add new member
2) Add new book
3) Process bo
4) Process returning
5) View member status
6) View book status
7) Quit
Adding new book:
Please enter a new book title:
ITECH5403 – Comparative Programming Languages
School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
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Romeo et Juliette
Book already exists:
Book ID: 1
Book Title: Romeo et Juliette
Number of copies: 1
Please enter a new book title:
Sense and sensibility
Please enter number of copies:
New book added:
Book ID: 2
Book Title: Sense and sensibility
Number of copies: 3
Would you like to [a]dd a new book or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a new book title:
Please enter number of copies:
New book added:
Book ID: 3
Book Title: Prometheus
Number of copies: 2
Would you like to [a]dd a new book or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Process bo
owing example output
Main Menu - please select an option:
1) Add new member
2) Add new book
3) Process bo
4) Process returning
5) View member status
6) View book status
7) Quit
Please enter a valid member ID:
Member does not exist.
Please enter a valid member ID:
Please enter a valid book ID for bo
owing by member [Amina]:
Book does not exist.
Please enter a valid book ID for bo
owing by member [Amina]:
*** Bo
owing processed successfully***
Member: Amina
owed Book title: Prometheus
Number of books remaining: 1
ITECH5403 – Comparative Programming Languages
School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
Page 5 of 10
Would you like to [p]rocess a new bo
owing or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a valid member ID:
Please enter a valid book ID for bo
owing by member [John]:
*** Bo
owing processed successfully***
Member: John
owed Book title: Prometheus
Number of books remaining: 0
Would you like to [p]rocess a new bo
owing or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a valid member ID:
Please enter a valid book ID for bo
owing by member [Alex]:
y!!! Book titled [Prometheus] cu
ently is not available for bo
Would you like to [p]rocess a new bo
owing or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a valid member ID:
Please enter a valid book ID for bo
owing by member [Alex]:
*** Bo
owing processed successfully***
Member: Alex
owed Book title: Sense and sensibility
Number of books remaining: 2
Would you like to [p]rocess a new bo
owing or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Please enter a valid member ID:
Please enter a valid book ID for bo
owing by member [Alex]:
*** Bo
owing processed successfully***
Member: Alex
owed Book title: Romeo et Juliette
Number of books remaining: 0
Would you like to [P]rocess a new bo
owing or go-[b]ack to the previous menu?
Process returning example output
Main Menu - please select an option:
1) Add new member
2) Add new book