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# # Driver for testing ... tests combinations of test files by calling call compute_tweets # from sentiment_analysis import compute_tweets print() print("** Test 1") results =...

1 answer below »
# Driver for testing ... tests combinations of test files by calling call compute_tweets
from sentiment_analysis import compute_tweets
print("** Test 1")
esults = compute_tweets("tweets1.txt","key1.txt")
print("** Test 2")
esults = compute_tweets("tweets1.txt","key2.txt")
print("** Test 3")
esults = compute_tweets("tweets2.txt","key1.txt")
print("** Test 4")
esults = compute_tweets("tweets2.txt","key2.txt")



Answered Same Day Oct 16, 2021


Neha answered on Nov 03 2021
138 Votes







# This program is to calculate the sentiment from the tweets made by the users.
# This code includes multiple loops to calculate the sentiment value. The sentiment
# values are given in a file.
# This code calculates the value for happy sentiment
try :
keywordsFile = input('Enter the filename that contains the keywords: ')
infile = open(keywordsFile, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8')
unhappy = [] # For keywords with sentiment value of 1
satisfied = [] # For keywords with sentiment value of 5
happy = [] # For keywords with sentiment value of 10
for keywordLine in infile :
keywordLine = keywordLine.rstrip('\n')
splitKeywordLine = keywordLine.split(',')
if splitKeywordLine[1] == '1' :
elif splitKeywordLine[1] == '5' :
else :
except IOE
or :
or: File', keywordsFile, "does not exist")
try :
tweetsFile = input('Enter the filename that contains the tweets: ')
infile2 = open(tweetsFile, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8')
numEasternTweets = 0
numPacificTweets = 0
numMountainTweets = 0
numCentralTweets = 0
easternScore = 0
pacificScore = 0
mountainScore = 0
centralScore = 0
for line in infile2 :
line = line.rstrip('\n')
splitLine = line.split()
latStrip1 = splitLine[0].rstrip(',')
latStrip2 = latStrip1.lstrip('[')
latitude = float(latStrip2)
longStrip = splitLine[1].rstrip(']')
longitude = float(longStrip)
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -67.4446574 and longitude >= -87.518395) :
originalEasternScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
easternScore += 1
elif element in satisfied :
easternScore += 5
elif element in happy :
easternScore += 10
if originalEasternScore != easternScore :
numEasternTweets += 1
originalEasternScore = easternScore
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -87.518395 and longitude >= -101.998892) :
originalCentralScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
numCentralTweets += 1
centralScore += 1
if element in satisfied :
numCentralTweets += 1
centralScore += 5
if element in happy :
numCentralTweets += 1
centralScore += 10
if originalCentralScore != centralScore :
numCentralTweets += 1
originalCentralScore = centralScore
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -101.998892 and longitude >= -115.236428) :
originalMountainScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
numMountainTweets += 1
mountainScore += 1
if element in satisfied :
numMountainTweets += 1
mountainScore += 5
if element in happy :
numMountainTweets += 1
mountainScore += 10
if originalMountainScore != mountainScore :
numMountainTweets += 1
originalMountainScore = mountainScore
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -115.236428 and longitude >= -125.242264) :
originalPacificScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
numPacificTweets += 1
pacificScore += 1
if element in satisfied :
numPacificTweets += 1
pacificScore += 5
if element in happy :
numPacificTweets += 1
pacificScore += 10
if originalPacificScore != pacificScore :
numPacificTweets += 1
originalPacificScore = pacificScore
finalEasternScore = easternScore / numEasternTweets
finalCentralScore = centralScore / numCentralTweets
finalMountainScore = mountainScore / numMountainTweets
finalPacificScore = pacificScore / numPacificTweets
print('Happiness score of Eastern timezone', easternScore / numEasternTweets, 'and has', numEasternTweets, 'tweets')
print('Happiness score of Central timezone', centralScore / numCentralTweets, 'and has', numCentralTweets, 'tweets')
print('Happiness score of Mountain timezone', mountainScore / numMountainTweets, 'and has', numMountainTweets, 'tweets')
print('Happiness score of Pacific timezone', pacificScore / numPacificTweets, 'and has', numPacificTweets, 'tweets')
except IOE
or :
or: File', tweetsFile, 'does not exist.')
from happy_histogram import drawSimpleHistogram
drawSimpleHistogram(finalEasternScore, finalCentralScore, finalMountainScore, finalPacificScore)
import tkinter as tk
class GraphicsWindow :
def __init__(self, width = 400, height = 400) :
global TheMainWindow
self._isClosed = False
if TheMainWindow is None :
TheMainWindow = self
self._tkwin = tk.Toplevel(rootWin, padx=0, pady=0, bd=0)
self._tkwin.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
self._canvas = GraphicsCanvas( self, width, height )
self._tkwin.resizable(0, 0)
def close(self) :

if self._isClosed : return
self._isClosed = True
if self is TheMainWindow :
def wait(self) :
if not self._isClosed :
def canvas(self) :
if self._isClosed : raise GraphicsWinE
return self._canvas
def setTitle(self, title) :
self._tkwin.title( title )
def isClosed(self) :
return self._isClosed
def hide(self) :
if self._isClosed : raise GraphicsWinE
def show(self) :
if self._isClosed : raise GraphicsWinE
class GraphicsCanvas :
def __init__(self, win, width, height) :
self._win = win
self._width = width
self._height = height
self._polyOpts = {"outline" : "black", "width" : 1, "dash" : None, "fill" : ""}
self._textOpts = {"text" : "", "justify" : tk.LEFT, "anchor" : tk.NW,
"fill" : "black",
"font" : ("helvetica", 10, "normal") }
self._tkcanvas = tk.Canvas(self._win._tkwin, highlightthickness = 0,
width = width, height = height, bg = "white" )
def setHeight(self, size) :
if type(size) != int or size <= 0 :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "The window height must be >= 1." )
self._height = size
def setWidth(self, size) :
if type(size) != int or size <= 0 :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "The window width must be >= 1." )
self._width = size
def height( self ):
return self._height
def width( self ):
return self._width
def clear(self):
def setBackground(self, red, green = None, blue = None) :
if type(red) == int :
color = "#%02X%02X%02X" % (red, green, blue)
elif type(red) != str :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid color." )
else :
color = red
self._tkcanvas.config(bg = color)
def setFill( self, red = None, green = None, blue = None) :
if red is None :
color = ""
elif type(red) == int :
color = "#%02X%02X%02X" % (red, green, blue)
elif type(red) != str :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid color." )
else :
color = red
self._polyOpts["fill"] = colo
def setOutline( self, red = None, green = None, blue = None) :
if red is None :
color = ""
elif type(red) == int :
color = "#%02X%02X%02X" % (red, green, blue)
elif type(red) != str :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid color." )
else :
color = red
self._polyOpts["outline"] = colo
self._textOpts["fill"] = colo
def setColor( self, red, green = None, blue = None ) :
if type(red) == int :
color = "#%02X%02X%02X" % (red, green, blue)
elif type(red) != str :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid color." )
else :
color = red
self._polyOpts["outline"] = colo
self._polyOpts["fill"] = colo
self._textOpts["fill"] = colo
def setLineWidth(self, size) :
if type(size) != int or size <= 0 :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid line width." )
self._polyOpts["width"] = size
def setLineStyle(self, style) :
if style == "solid" :
self._polyOpts["dash"] = None
elif style == "dashed" :
self._polyOpts["dash"] = (4,)
else :
raise GraphicsParamE
or("Invalid line style.")
def setTextFont(self, family = None, size = None, style = None) :
origFamily, origSize, origStyle = self._fontOpts["font"]
if (family is not None and
family not in ('helvetica', 'arial', 'courier', 'times', 'times roman')) :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid font family." )
else :
family = origFamily
if (style is not None and
style not in ('bold', 'normal', 'italic', 'bold italic')) :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid font style." )
else :
style = origStyle
if size is not None and (type(size) != int or size <= 0) :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid font size." )
else :
size = origSize
self._textOpts["font"] = (family, size, style)
def setTextAnchor(self, position) :
if position not in ('n', 's', 'e', 'w', 'nw', 'ne', 'sw', 'se', 'center') :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid anchor position." )
self._textOpts["anchor"] = position
def setTextJustify(self, style) :
if style == "left" :
self._fontOpts["justify"] = tk.LEFT
elif style == "center" :
self._fontOpts["justify"] = tk.CENTER
elif style == "right" :
self._fontOpts["justify"] = tk.RIGHT
else :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "Invalid justification value." )
def drawPoint( self, x, y ):
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_line( x, y, x+1, y,
width=self._polyOpts["width"] )
return obj
def drawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2) :
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_line( x1, y1,
x2, y2,
dash=self._polyOpts["dash"] )
return obj
def drawA
ow(self, x1, y1, x2, y2) :
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_line( x1, y1, x2, y2,
ow=tk.LAST )
return obj
def drawRectangle(self, x, y, width, height) :
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + width, y + height, self._polyOpts )
return obj
def drawRect(self, x, y, width, height) :
def drawPolygon( self, *coords ):

if len(coords) == 1 and (type(coords[0]) == list or type(coords[0] == tuple)) :
expCoords = tuple(*coords)
else :
expCoords = coords
if len(expCoords) < 6 :
raise GraphicsParamE
or( "At least 3 vertices must be provided." )
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_polygon( expCoords, self._polyOpts )
return obj

def drawPoly(self, *coords) :
return self.drawPolygon(coords)
def drawOval( self, x, y, width, height ):
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_oval( x, y, x + width, y + height, self._polyOpts )
return obj
def drawArc( self, x, y, diameter, startAngle, extent ):
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_arc( x, y, x + diameter, y + diameter, self._polyOpts,
start=startAngle, extent=extent )
return obj
def drawText(self, x, y, text) :
self._textOpts["text"] = text
obj = self._tkcanvas.create_text( x, y, self._textOpts )
return obj
def shiftItem(self, itemId, dx, dy) :
self._tkcanvas.move(itemId, dx, dy)
def removeItem(self, itemId) :
def showItem(self, itemId) :
self._tkcanvas.itemconfig(itemId, state = "normal")
def hideItem(self, itemId) :
self._tkcanvas.itemconfig(itemId, state = "hidden")
def raiseItem(self, itemId, above = None) :
def lowerItem(self, itemId, below = None) :
def __contains__(self, itemId):
if self._tkcanvas.winfo_ismapped() :
return len(self._tkcanvas.find_withtag(itemId)) > 0
else :
return False
def itemType(self, itemId) :
return self._canvas.type(itemId)
def items( self ):
return self.find_all()
def _checkValid( self ):
if self._win.isClosed() :
raise GraphicsWinE
def _checkContains(self, itemId) :
if self._win.isClosed() : raise GraphicsWinE
if itemId in self : raise GraphicsObjE
class ImageWindow :
def __init__(self, width = 400, height = 400):
global TheMainWindow
self._isClosed = False
if TheMainWindow is None :
TheMainWindow = self
self._tkwin = tk.Toplevel(rootWin, width=width, height=height,
borderwidth=0, padx=0, pady=0, bd=0)
self._tkwin.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)

self._tkimage = tk.PhotoImage(width=width, height=height)
self._tkcanvas = tk.Canvas(self._tkwin, width=width, height=height,
bg = "white", bd = 0)

self._tkcanvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor="nw", image=self._tkimage)
self._tkwin.resizable(0, 0)
def setTitle(self, title) :
self._tkwin.title( title )
def isClosed(self) :
return self._isClosed
def hide(self) :
if self._isClosed : raise GraphicsWinE
def show(self) :
if self._isClosed : raise GraphicsWinE
def close( self ):

if self._isClosed : return
self._isClosed = True
def wait( self ):
if self._isClosed : raise GraphicsWinE
def setPixel(self, row, col, red, green, blue) :
self._tkimage.put("#%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, blue), (col, row))
def getPixel(self, row, col) :
string = self._tkimage.get(col, row)
parts = string.split()
return (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2]))
class GraphicsE
or( Exception ) :
def __init__( self, message ):
or, self).__init__( message )
class GraphicsObjE
or( GraphicsE
or ) :
def __init__( self ):
or, self).__init__( "Invalid object id." )
class GraphicsWinE
or( GraphicsE
or ) :
def __init__( self ):
or, self).__init__(
"Operation can not be performed on a closed window." )
class GraphicsParamE
or( GraphicsE
or ) :
def __init__( self, message ):
or, self).__init__( message )
ootWin = tk.Tk()
TheMainWindow = None
__author__ = 'Bauer'
from graphics import GraphicsWindow
def drawHappyFace(canvas,x,y):
#canvas.drawOval(100, 100, 30, 30)
canvas.drawOval(x, y, 30, 30)
#canvas.drawOval(108, 110, 5, 5)
canvas.drawOval(x+8, y+10, 5, 5)
#canvas.drawOval(118, 110, 5, 5)
canvas.drawOval(x+18, y+10, 5, 5)
#canvas.drawLine(110, 122, 113, 125)
canvas.drawLine(x+10, y+22, x+13, y+25)
#canvas.drawLine(113, 125, 117, 125)
canvas.drawLine(x+13, y+25, x+17, y+25)
#canvas.drawLine(117, 125, 120, 122)
canvas.drawLine(x+17, y+25, x+20, y+22)
def drawSadFace(canvas,x,y):
#canvas.drawOval(100, 100, 30, 30)
canvas.drawOval(x, y, 30, 30)
#canvas.drawOval(108, 110, 5, 5)
canvas.drawOval(x+8, y+10, 5, 5)
#canvas.drawOval(118, 110, 5, 5)
canvas.drawOval(x+18, y+10, 5, 5)
#canvas.drawLine(110, 122, 113, 125)
canvas.drawLine(x+10, y+23, x+13, y+20)
#canvas.drawLine(113, 125, 117, 125)
canvas.drawLine(x+13, y+20, x+17, y+20)
#canvas.drawLine(117, 125, 120, 122)
canvas.drawLine(x+17, y+20, x+20, y+23)
def drawSimpleHistogram(eval,cval,mval,pval):
win = GraphicsWindow(400, 400)
canvas = win.canvas()
wid = 400
hght = 400
C = 0.8
facew = 30
step = 5
if ((wid-(80+2*facew)) < 100) or (hght < 150):
canvas.drawText(wid/2-10,hght/2-10,"Oops! Window dimensions too small!")
wuse = wid-(80+2*facew)
huse = (hght-120)/5
barx = 110+step
endofbar = wid-facew-step
canvas.drawLine(75, 0, 75, hght)

canvas.drawText(2, huse, "Eastern")
drawSadFace(canvas, 80, C*huse)
lngth = wuse*eval/10.0
canvas.drawRectangle(barx, C*huse, lngth, facew)

canvas.drawText(2, 2*huse+facew, "Central")
drawSadFace(canvas, 80, (1+C)*huse+facew)
lngth = wuse*cval/10.0
canvas.drawRectangle(barx, (1+C)*huse+facew, lngth, facew)
drawHappyFace(canvas, endofbar, (1+C)*huse+facew)

canvas.drawText(2, 3*huse+2*facew, "Mountain")
drawSadFace(canvas, 80, (2+C)*huse+2*facew)
lngth = wuse*mval/10.0
canvas.drawRectangle(barx, (2+C)*huse+2*facew, lngth, facew)
drawHappyFace(canvas, endofbar, (2+C)*huse+2*facew)
canvas.drawText(2, 4*huse+3*facew, "Pacific")
drawSadFace(canvas, 80, (3+C)*huse+3*facew)
lngth = wuse*pval/10.0
canvas.drawRectangle(barx, (3+C)*huse+3*facew, lngth, facew)
drawHappyFace(canvas, endofbar, (3+C)*huse+3*facew)
# Assignment_03
CS1026B - Assignment #3
CS1026: Assignment 3
Due: November 16th at 9:00pm.
Weight: 10%
Learning Outcome:
By completing this assignment, you will gain skills relating to
 using functions,
 complex data structures,
 nested loops,
 text processing,
 file input and output,
 exceptions in Python.
In this assignment, you will write a complete program in Python that analyzes twitter information.
With the emergence of Internet companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter, more and more
data accessible online is comprised of text. Textual data and the computational means of processing it
and extracting information is also increasingly more important in areas such as business, humanities,
social sciences, etc. In this assignment, you will deal with textual analysis.
Twitter has become very popular, with many people “tweeting” aspects of their daily lives. This “flow
of tweets” has recently become a way to study or guess how people feel about various aspects of the
world or their own life. For example, analysis of tweets has been used to try to determine how certain
geographical regions may be voting – this is done by analyzing the content, the words and phrases, in
tweets. Similarly, analysis of key words or phrases in tweets can be used to determine how popular o
unpopular a movie might be. This is often refe
ed to as sentiment analysis.
In this assignment, you will build a program that will perform simple sentiment analysis on Twitte
data. The Twitter data contains comments from individuals about how they feel about their lives and
comes from individuals across the continental United States. The objective is to determine which
timezone (Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific; see below for more information on how to do this) is
the “happiest”. To do this, your program will need to:
 Analyze each individual tweet to determine a score – a “happiness score”.
 The “happiness score” for a single tweet is found by looking for certain keywords
(given) in a tweet and for each keyword found in that tweet totaling their “sentiment
values”. In this assignment, each value is an integer from 1 to 10. The score for the
tweet is simply the total of the “sentiment values” divided by the number of keywords
found. If there are none of the given keywords in a tweet, it is just ignored.
 The “happiness score” for a timezone is just the total of the scores for all the tweets in
that region divided by the number of tweets.
A file called tweets.txt contains the tweets and a file called keywords.txt contains keywords
and scores for determining the “sentiment” of an individual tweet. These files are described in
more detail below.
File tweets.txt
The file tweets.txt contains the tweets; one per line (some lines are quite long). The format of
a tweet is:
[lat, long] value date time text
 [lat, long] - the latitude and longitude of where the tweet originated. You will need
these values to determine the timezone in which the tweet originated.
 value – not used; this can be skipped.
 date – the date of the tweet; not used, this can be skipped.
 time – the time of day that the tweet was sent; not used this can be skipped.
 text – the text in the tweet.
File keywords.txt
The file keywords.txt contains sentiment keywords and their “happiness scores”; one per line.
The format of a line is:
keyword, value
 keyword - the keyword to look for.
 value – the value of the keyword; values are limited to 1, 5 and 10, where 1 represents
very “unhappy” and 10 represents “very happy”.
(you are free to explore different sets of keywords and values at your leisure for the sheer fun of it!).
Determining timezones across the continental United States
Given a latitude and longitude the task of determining exactly the location that it co
to can be very challenging given the geographical boundaries of the United States. For this
assignment, we simply approximate the regions co
esponding to the timezones by rectangula
areas defined by latitude and longitude points. Our approximation looks like:
p9 p7 p5 p3 p1
p10 p8 p6 p4 p2
Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
So the Eastern timezone, for example, is defined by latitude-longitude points p1, p2, p3 and
p4. To determine the origin of a tweet, then, one simply has to determine in which region the
latitude and longitude of the tweet belongs. The values of the points are:
p1 = (49.189787, -67.444574)
p2 = (24.660845, -67.444574)
p3 = (49.189787, -87.518395)
p4 = (24.660845, -87.518395)
p5 = (49.189787, -101.998892)
p6 = (24.660845, -101.998892)
p7 = (49.189787, -115.236428)
p8 = (24.660845, -115.236428)
p9 = (49.189787, -125.242264)
p10 = (24.660845, -125.242264)
Functional Specifications:
Part A: Developing code for the processing of the tweets and sentiment analysis.
1. Your program should prompt the user for the name of the file containing the keywords. It should
check to make sure that the file exists and if does not exist your program should generate an
exception and exit.
2. Your program should then input the keywords and their “happiness values” and store them in a
data structure in your program (the data structure is of your choice, but you might consider a list).
3. Your program should then prompt the user for the name of the file with tweets; again, you
program should generate an exception if the file does not exist. Suggestion: you might wish to
have a small file of tweets, just a portion of the full file, for the testing of your program.
4. You should then process the file of tweets, computing the “happiness score” for each tweet and
computing the “happiness score” for each timezone. You will need to read the file of tweets line
y line as text and
eak it apart. The string processing functions in Python (see Chapter 7) are
very useful for doing this. Your code should not duplicate code. Determine places that code can be
eused and create functions. Your program should ignore tweets with no keywords and also
ignore tweets from outside the time zones.
5. Once you have completed processing the entire file, you should print out:
 The “happiness score” for each timezone.
 The number of tweets found in that timezone.
Part B (mostly for fun):
Once you have implemented your sentiment analysis program, you can now extend the program to
include a simple (but fun) graphical display. This part of the assignment will make use of the given
Python code in and; these can be found on the course web site fo
Assignment #3.
 The Python code is the graphics package described in the book; you can look in the
text for examples (see Chapter 2, section 2.6).
 The Python code does simple graph plotting using You will
need to import into your program. It makes a number of assumptions, so
make sure to read the comments in the code about the parameters and limitations of the
functions. It contains three functions:
- drawSimpleHistogram which will create a histogram of four values in a graphics window; it
assumes that the values are in the range of 0-10.
- drawHappyFace which draws a happy face on the histogram as determined by
- drawSadFace which draws a sad face on the histogram as determined by
Additional Information
For both files it is advised that when you read in the files you the line below to avoid encoding e
open("fileName.txt","r",encoding="utf-8") or open('fileName.txt', encoding='utf-8', e
Non-functional Specifications:
1. Include
ief comments in your code identifying yourself, describing the program, and describing
key portions of the code.
2. Assignments are to be done individually and must be your own work. Software may be used to
detect cheating.
3. Use Python coding conventions and good programming techniques, for example:
 Meaningful variable names
 Conventions for naming variables and constants
 Use of constants where appropriate
 Readability: indentation, white space, consistency
The name of the file you submit should be your UWO For instance, my assignment
would be Make sure you attach your python file to your assignment; DO NOT put
the code inline in the textbox.
Make sure that you develop your code with Python 3.5 as the interpreter. TAs will not endeavor to fix
code that uses earlier versions of Python.
What You Will Be Marked On:
 Functional specifications:
 Does the program behave according to specifications?
 Does the program handle invalid input?
 Do you use functions effectively?
 Is the output according to specifications?
 Non-functional specifications: as described above
 Assignment submission: via the OWL, though the assignment submission in OWL.
# This program is to calculate the sentiment from the tweets made by the users.
# This code includes multiple loops to calculate the sentiment value. The sentiment
# values are given in a file.
# This code calculates the value for happy sentiment
try :
keywordsFile = input('Enter the file name that contains keywords: ')
infile = open(keywordsFile, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8')
unhappy = [] # For keywords with sentiment value of 1
satisfied = [] # For keywords with sentiment value of 5
happy = [] # For keywords with sentiment value of 10
for keywordLine in infile :
keywordLine = keywordLine.rstrip('\n')
splitKeywordLine = keywordLine.split(',')
if splitKeywordLine[1] == '1' :
elif splitKeywordLine[1] == '5' :
else :
except IOE
or :
or: File', keywordsFile, "does not exist")
try :
tweetsFile = input('Enter the filename which has tweets ')
infile2 = open(tweetsFile, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8')
numEasternTweets = 0
numPacificTweets = 0
numMountainTweets = 0
numCentralTweets = 0
easternScore = 0
pacificScore = 0
mountainScore = 0
centralScore = 0
for line in infile2 :
line = line.rstrip('\n')
splitLine = line.split()
latStrip1 = splitLine[0].rstrip(',')
latStrip2 = latStrip1.lstrip('[')
latitude = float(latStrip2)
longStrip = splitLine[1].rstrip(']')
longitude = float(longStrip)
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -67.4446574 and longitude >= -87.518395) :
originalEasternScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
easternScore += 1
elif element in satisfied :
easternScore += 5
elif element in happy :
easternScore += 10
if originalEasternScore != easternScore :
numEasternTweets += 1
originalEasternScore = easternScore
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -87.518395 and longitude >= -101.998892) :
originalCentralScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
numCentralTweets += 1
centralScore += 1
if element in satisfied :
numCentralTweets += 1
centralScore += 5
if element in happy :
numCentralTweets += 1
centralScore += 10
if originalCentralScore != centralScore :
numCentralTweets += 1
originalCentralScore = centralScore
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -101.998892 and longitude >= -115.236428) :
originalMountainScore = zone
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
numMountainTweets += 1
mountainScore += 1
if element in satisfied :
numMountainTweets += 1
mountainScore += 5
if element in happy :
numMountainTweets += 1
mountainScore += 10
if originalMountainScore != mountainScore :
numMountainTweets += 1
originalMountainScore = mountainScore
if (latitude <= 49.189787 and latitude >= 24.660845) and (longitude <= -115.236428 and longitude >= -125.242264) :
originalPacificScore = 0
for element in splitLine :
if element in unhappy :
numPacificTweets += 1
pacificScore += 1
if element in satisfied :
numPacificTweets += 1
pacificScore += 5
if element in happy :
numPacificTweets += 1
pacificScore += 10
if originalPacificScore != pacificScore :
numPacificTweets += 1
originalPacificScore = pacificScore
print('Happiness score of Eastern timezone', easternScore / numEasternTweets, 'and has', numEasternTweets, 'tweets')
print('Happiness score of Central timezone', centralScore / numCentralTweets, 'and has', numCentralTweets, 'tweets')
print('Happiness score of Mountain timezone', mountainScore / numMountainTweets, 'and has', numMountainTweets, 'tweets')
print('Happiness score of Pacific timezone', pacificScore / numPacificTweets, 'and has', numPacificTweets, 'tweets')
except IOE
or :
or: File', tweetsFile, 'does not exist.')
[41.298669629999999, -81.915329330000006] 6 2011-08-28 19:02:36 Work needs to fly by ... I'm so excited to see Spy Kids 4 with then love of my life ... ARREIC
[33.702900329999999, -117.95095704000001] 6 2011-08-28 19:03:13 Today is going to be the greatest day of my life. Hired to take pictures at my best friend's gparents 50th anniversary. 60 old people. Woo.
[38.809954939999997, -77.125144050000003] 6 2011-08-28 19:07:05 I just put my life in like 5 suitcases
[27.994195699999999, -82.569434900000005] 6 2011-08-28 19:08:02 @Miss_mariiix3 is the love of my life
[18.41688954, -65.971682740000006] 6 2011-08-28 19:11:58 Wahhhhhh I need to figure out what to do wifff my life #lost
[34.01402392, -81.016954580000004] 6 2011-08-28 19:14:33 Ready for a change in my life
[44.775352220000002, -93.511740079999996] 6 2011-08-28 19:15:24 My life be like. http:
[49.258952729999997, -123.09881353] 6 2011-08-28 19:15:46 @MetaRayMek EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE
[33.929915829999999, -84.509663439999997] 6 2011-08-28 19:16:58 Had the best weekend of my life .. All smile MDR I love you
[41.923916200000001, -88.777469199999999] 6 2011-08-28 19:24:18 My life is a moviee.
[39.734711050000001, -86.406778689999996] 6 2011-08-28 19:24:38 @iAmXquisite lol I can't help it that I work everyday of my life! Once I get a day off.. you'll be the FIRST person I text :)
[32.724921999999999, -96.656328000000002] 6 2011-08-28 19:26:40 Moving forward Gota live my life n stay focused for my dream
[33.657056169999997, -86.662976869999994] 6 2011-08-28 19:27:06 Been reading n studying since I woke up n I'll b doing it til I fall asleep......story of my life
[32.626591400000002, -83.638168800000003] 6 2011-08-28 19:30:32 Wait a minute maybe I put it the wrong way once squad always squad I jux need to get my life together and make sure I'm str8 y'all know SOE
[50.929687190000003, -114.03530239] 6 2011-08-28 19:31:44 you two get me through everything. im so incredibly happy to have you both in my life. I love you so much. seriously. the best people I know
[29.9311826, -90.050494999999998] 6 2011-08-28 19:31:53 Snap fitness in da a.m. @iDARR_you I NEED IT IN MY LIFE
[36.8385642, -76.105177100000006] 6 2011-08-28 19:33:06 I just sang along to All My Life on 107.7! :D
[40.048521000000001, -82.924336800000006] 6 2011-08-28 19:42:16 For the rest of my life, I promise myself I will love me first.
[33.749389299999997, -116.9860817] 6 2011-08-28 19:44:14 Top Ramen noodles. For the 5th year in my life. An I still think they're great x) I just wish i could cook em quicker x)
[36.147315849999998, -86.7978174] 6 2011-08-28 19:45:11 @maryreynolds85 That is my life, lol.
[37.715399429999998, -89.21166221] 6 2011-08-28 19:45:41 Ate more veggie and fruit than meat for the first time in my life
[22.190894440000001, -100.99684750999999] 6 2011-08-28 19:48:11 @Karymitaville you can dance you can give having the time of my life(8) ABBA :D
[40.311551649999998, -79.963715829999998] 6 2011-08-28 19:48:55 Haha I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
[38.992178320000001, -76.898361480000005] 6 2011-08-28 19:51:15 @PrivilegedQueen lls crazy love lls I'm living my life?
[40.748330000000003, -73.878609999999995] 6 2011-08-28 19:52:47 Sometimes I wish my life was a movie ; #unreal I hate the fact I feel lonely su
onded by so many ppl
[33.93656395, -84.521893829999996] 6 2011-08-28 19:54:05 I let people take advantage of me most of my life but not anymore #thatsreal
[37.786221300000001, -122.1965002] 6 2011-08-28 19:55:26 I wish I could lay up with the love of my life And watch cartoons all day.
[32.703995999999997, -89.648030000000006] 6 2011-08-28 19:56:27 Homework....story of my life. =T (@ Pe
y Place) http:
[37.004904949999997, -86.451382580000001] 6 2011-08-28 19:56:32 I know I have done a lot of mistakes in my life but now I have done what's right n best for me. #clearheadedtweet
[37.945367150000003, -87.411140849999995] 6 2011-08-28 20:00:46 My 450th tweet goes out to @fallon_salder for being in my life for 5 years, love youu so much.
[42.29619864, -82.88389823] 6 2011-08-28 20:07:56 I wish I had a pepsi slushee in my life
[39.944235599999999, -82.962411200000005] 6 2011-08-28 20:11:52 I never laughed that hard alone in my life lol
[41.647450020000001, -111.92970578000001] 6 2011-08-28 20:13:07 Hardest mission of my life
[39.9603003, -75.238981100000004] 6 2011-08-28 20:13:32 For the rest of my life I promise myself I will love me FIRST genuinely <3
[33.201227439999997, -117.24271275] 6 2011-08-28 20:21:59 So
y peppertree... Just kind of wanting a little sonic in my life!!! (@ Sonic Drive-In) http:
[34.085503869999997, -118.37565850999999] 6 2011-08-28 20:22:42 Hahaha my life #beverlycente
[31.9685691, -99.958251799999999] 6 2011-08-28 20:23:52 #mynewfollowers Whattup? Nice having all of ya'll on board. My life's a trip! #respect
[39.160368390000002, -76.723692600000007] 6 2011-08-28 20:27:13 @smilejusbcz welcome to my life for the past year.
[32.437866, -80.638589999999994] 6 2011-08-28 20:28:05 I love working at my old job; but I have to get my life togethe
[30.324021089999999, -81.655625760000007] 6 2011-08-28 20:31:19 I don't really care people follow me or not i'm still goign to live my life
[39.827189079999997, -86.219724409999998] 6 2011-08-28 20:42:38 @katelynn_rose that basically summarizes my life.
[39.282490600000003, -75.591431299999996] 6 2011-08-28 20:45:22 I just witnessed Rick Ankiel make the best throw I've ever saw in my life dawg... I almost cried after that...
[48.939800699999999, -122.78351676] 6 2011-08-28 17:19:05 Only wearing vans for the rest of my life
[48.939800699999999, -122.78351676] 6 2011-08-28 17:19:05 Only wearing vans for the rest of my life
[19.367807760000002, -99.165478640000003] 6 2011-08-28 17:21:01 El mejor buffet ever in my life jajajajaja
[43.117619509999997, -87.961661210000003] 6 2011-08-28 17:22:08 I'm living my life with no regrets, just lessons.
[35.621957100000003, -78.495483300000004] 6 2011-08-28 17:23:00 Soo the love of my life txts me then my first txts me right after him ... awkward
[30.479496019999999, -91.149228489999999] 6 2011-08-28 17:41:45 My Life You Entertainment, You Watch It While I Live It...
[29.8885696, -97.921196320000007] 6 2011-08-28 17:41:50 MY LIFE IS COMPLETE! RT "@StevenJoTV: @Nomatiic thanks u ! i love u 2!"
[40.005128419999998, -82.955168380000003] 6 2011-08-28 17:46:25 My life iz a movie and looking for my main actress
[40.606001919999997, -73.563368839999995] 6 2011-08-28 17:48:13 @DeeKug I wish I had that in my life right now, baked ziti = muy bueno. Save me some leftovers please
[35.108278089999999, -92.458651119999999] 6 2011-08-28 17:48:47 My life is soo much better when your by my side
[32.769935480000001, -96.769793800000002] 6 2011-08-28 17:49:39 - first time I swore I'd never forget you, this time, I promise you I won't spend another min in my life thinking of you.
[30.299692799999999, -97.742068700000004] 6 2011-08-28 17:51:15 @realshanderson is officially in charge of approving my life decisions.
[50.96866765, -114.00972145] 6 2011-08-28 17:53:01 I'm not going to text you so you don't have my number, then you won't come back into my life whenever you please.
[38.257180310000003, -85.763450860000006] 6 2011-08-28 17:56:03 Finally Found the Worlds Largest Bat! My Life No Longer Has Purpose @ Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory http:
[40.40726471, -80.094566349999994] 6 2011-08-28 17:57:08 She's Blowing My Life
[32.455104300000002, -93.769132999999997] 6 2011-08-28 18:03:58 RT @ThtGtDmnF_STAFF: Fck my life RT @iRideYOURtounqe: Wat #FML mean?? > ohh dang lolss
[35.144727199999998, -80.8895421] 6 2011-08-28 18:07:13 Have a chance to live like. Celeb for a day I mean really they need to think of.this like for once. I wanna see my life on tv for once
[39.094157699999997, -77.146576300000007] 6 2011-08-28 18:08:28 But it could b worse. Im Jus waiting for things to get better in my life
[41.521142810000001, -74.059786549999998] 6 2011-08-28 18:12:01 @nic0ke omg really Nicole I have never felt that way in my life! My chest really hurt and I couldn't
eath. It was #scary
[29.68442001, -98.114491950000001] 6 2011-08-28 18:12:40 Idk anymore. The love of my life won't talk to anymore, and my bestfriend decided to walk out of my life. Ryan and Josh.<3 ...
[37.707042129999998, -97.281977139999995] 6 2011-08-28 18:13:28 Lovein my life ....and the real people that are inn it.....cant even ask for more....
[29.684294449999999, -98.114633940000004] 6 2011-08-28 18:13:52 Idk anymore. The love of my life wont talk to me anymore, and my bestfriend decided to walk out of my life. Ryan and Josh.<3 ...
[43.634116050000003, -70.400128480000006] 6 2011-08-28 18:23:27 Time to get back in line. Project getting my life together starts NOW #partyove
[41.02171869, -80.685553839999997] 6 2011-08-28 17:26:13 << I have never been in this much pain in my life. >>
[33.49692692, -84.329144779999993] 6 2011-08-28 17:26:42 My Twitter Is Public... My Life Is Private.. You Dnt Know Me,.. You Know Of Me!
[30.5678816, -91.147241600000001] 6 2011-08-28 17:26:53 All my life
[38.210689440000003, -85.724072509999999] 6 2011-08-28 18:26:13 HeyTell you have changed my life :) thanks
[18.03621128, -92.899486960000004] 6 2011-08-28 18:30:54 #nw my life as liz
[38.030507100000001, -84.452658900000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:36:50 My life is balanced
[42.951187099999999, -85.652213000000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:37:00 I SWEAR @TreySongz is the love of my life! I STILL have the torn beater he threw when he was in Grand Rapids back in 09. Ily!
[40.023111399999998, -75.155589800000001] 6 2011-08-28 18:37:46 Loving my life and the ppl thats in it
[39.83762024, -77.049135739999997] 6 2011-08-28 18:38:05 HA! In your face stairs I totally caught myself and saved my life!
[36.9229463, -76.290509499999999] 6 2011-08-28 18:43:27 I rather have nuthin and be happy den have it all n be sad but i got what's needed n IM happy shid i guess my life ain't dat bad
[32.72036464, -97.14651739] 6 2011-08-28 18:45:52 I need #instagram in my life!! http:
[42.25322705, -83.183411300000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:47:33 She really ruined my life
[32.398757289999999, -88.676814120000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:48:45 Kissing Ass In Not On My Life Agenda..
[41.133741800000003, -81.550396950000007] 6 2011-08-28 17:33:22 RT @EpicMar: RT @laurennicccole: I now have a stalker. --- welcome to my life --- swag.
[30.71880226, -97.425025880000007] 6 2011-08-28 17:33:32 Dear Cancer I hate you and you have ruined my life!!!!!!!!!!
[30.208783, -93.195699000000005] 6 2011-08-28 17:36:41 my momma ruined my life .
[42.487711359999999, -83.248487220000001] 6 2011-08-28 17:39:34 Ah. I got 91% and i put my charger in the suitcase. FUCK my life. Lol.
[19.367807760000002, -99.165478640000003] 6 2011-08-28 17:21:01 El mejor buffet ever in my life jajajajaja
[43.117619509999997, -87.961661210000003] 6 2011-08-28 17:22:08 I'm living my life with no regrets, just lessons.
[35.621957100000003, -78.495483300000004] 6 2011-08-28 17:23:00 Soo the love of my life txts me then my first txts me right after him ... awkward
[30.479496019999999, -91.149228489999999] 6 2011-08-28 17:41:45 My Life You Entertainment, You Watch It While I Live It...
[29.8885696, -97.921196320000007] 6 2011-08-28 17:41:50 MY LIFE IS COMPLETE! RT "@StevenJoTV: @Nomatiic thanks u ! i love u 2!"
[40.005128419999998, -82.955168380000003] 6 2011-08-28 17:46:25 My life iz a movie and looking for my main actress
[40.606001919999997, -73.563368839999995] 6 2011-08-28 17:48:13 @DeeKug I wish I had that in my life right now, baked ziti = muy bueno. Save me some leftovers please
[35.108278089999999, -92.458651119999999] 6 2011-08-28 17:48:47 My life is soo much better when your by my side
[32.769935480000001, -96.769793800000002] 6 2011-08-28 17:49:39 - first time I swore I'd never forget you, this time, I promise you I won't spend another min in my life thinking of you.
[30.299692799999999, -97.742068700000004] 6 2011-08-28 17:51:15 @realshanderson is officially in charge of approving my life decisions.
[50.96866765, -114.00972145] 6 2011-08-28 17:53:01 I'm not going to text you so you don't have my number, then you won't come back into my life whenever you please.
[38.257180310000003, -85.763450860000006] 6 2011-08-28 17:56:03 Finally Found the Worlds Largest Bat! My Life No Longer Has Purpose @ Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory http:
[40.40726471, -80.094566349999994] 6 2011-08-28 17:57:08 She's Blowing My Life
[32.455104300000002, -93.769132999999997] 6 2011-08-28 18:03:58 RT @ThtGtDmnF_STAFF: Fck my life RT @iRideYOURtounqe: Wat #FML mean?? > ohh dang lolss
[35.144727199999998, -80.8895421] 6 2011-08-28 18:07:13 Have a chance to live like. Celeb for a day I mean really they need to think of.this like for once. I wanna see my life on tv for once
[39.094157699999997, -77.146576300000007] 6 2011-08-28 18:08:28 But it could b worse. Im Jus waiting for things to get better in my life
[41.521142810000001, -74.059786549999998] 6 2011-08-28 18:12:01 @nic0ke omg really Nicole I have never felt that way in my life! My chest really hurt and I couldn't
eath. It was #scary
[29.68442001, -98.114491950000001] 6 2011-08-28 18:12:40 Idk anymore. The love of my life won't talk to anymore, and my bestfriend decided to walk out of my life. Ryan and Josh.<3 ...
[37.707042129999998, -97.281977139999995] 6 2011-08-28 18:13:28 Lovein my life ....and the real people that are inn it.....cant even ask for more....
[29.684294449999999, -98.114633940000004] 6 2011-08-28 18:13:52 Idk anymore. The love of my life wont talk to me anymore, and my bestfriend decided to walk out of my life. Ryan and Josh.<3 ...
[43.634116050000003, -70.400128480000006] 6 2011-08-28 18:23:27 Time to get back in line. Project getting my life together starts NOW #partyove
[41.02171869, -80.685553839999997] 6 2011-08-28 17:26:13 << I have never been in this much pain in my life. >>
[33.49692692, -84.329144779999993] 6 2011-08-28 17:26:42 My Twitter Is Public... My Life Is Private.. You Dnt Know Me,.. You Know Of Me!
[30.5678816, -91.147241600000001] 6 2011-08-28 17:26:53 All my life
[38.210689440000003, -85.724072509999999] 6 2011-08-28 18:26:13 HeyTell you have changed my life :) thanks
[18.03621128, -92.899486960000004] 6 2011-08-28 18:30:54 #nw my life as liz
[38.030507100000001, -84.452658900000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:36:50 My life is balanced
[42.951187099999999, -85.652213000000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:37:00 I SWEAR @TreySongz is the love of my life! I STILL have the torn beater he threw when he was in Grand Rapids back in 09. Ily!
[40.023111399999998, -75.155589800000001] 6 2011-08-28 18:37:46 Loving my life and the ppl thats in it
[39.83762024, -77.049135739999997] 6 2011-08-28 18:38:05 HA! In your face stairs I totally caught myself and saved my life!
[36.9229463, -76.290509499999999] 6 2011-08-28 18:43:27 I rather have nuthin and be happy den have it all n be sad but i got what's needed n IM happy shid i guess my life ain't dat bad
[32.72036464, -97.14651739] 6 2011-08-28 18:45:52 I need #instagram in my life!! http:
[42.25322705, -83.183411300000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:47:33 She really ruined my life
[32.398757289999999, -88.676814120000003] 6 2011-08-28 18:48:45 Kissing Ass In Not On My Life Agenda..
[41.133741800000003, -81.550396950000007] 6 2011-08-28 17:33:22 RT @EpicMar: RT @laurennicccole: I now have a stalker. --- welcome to my life --- swag.
[30.71880226, -97.425025880000007] 6 2011-08-28 17:33:32 Dear Cancer I hate you and you have ruined my life!!!!!!!!!!
[30.208783, -93.195699000000005] 6 2011-08-28 17:36:41 my momma ruined my life .
[42.487711359999999, -83.248487220000001] 6 2011-08-28 17:39:34 Ah. I got 91% and i put my charger in the suitcase. FUCK my life. Lol.
[41.68467424, -72.695991230000004] 6 2011-08-28 20:46:45 I've never been so bored in my life. Someone come save me and @giuliagians
[34.045372999999998, -118.26672000000001] 6 2011-08-28 20:46:59 This is the best day of my life!!!! (@ MTV VMA Red Carpet 2011 w/ 15 others) http:
[41.81526831, -72.261460130000003] 6 2011-08-28 20:54:29 Wasting my life away #nbd
[40.440448269999997, -79.970224889999997] 6 2011-08-28 20:57:12 Completely stressed and i just want my life back.
[33.539259999999999, -84.330560000000006] 6 2011-08-28 21:00:08 Back to what I was doin' ! , tumblrin' my life away .
[41.687487130000001, -87.678443790000003] 6 2011-08-28 21:05:51 Where have you been all my life, Viciedo?! YES! #WhiteSox
[29.812765120000002, -95.545091630000002] 6 2011-08-28 21:08:28 Seeing my life w/o you, I'd experience heart
[32.67187672, -114.43026881999999] 6 2011-08-28 21:11:54 @singMinon: God has truly blessed my life, y do I find myself settling sometimes..... Had same convo last week. Don't settle. #worthmore
[36.06250679, -90.550494610000001] 6 2011-08-28 21:15:52 So welcome to my life, no two days the same. Like for y'all to meet the love of my life, her names the game..
[43.441329750000001, -79.743222290000006] 6 2011-08-28 21:16:30 She makes my life worthwhile <3
[30.242941949999999, -93.196384460000004] 6 2011-08-28 21:19:08 Ion go out nd party ! I chill sip nd male this money !!! Yu can call my life boring., but I call it gettin to tha pape
[39.9556106, -75.268300199999999] 6 2011-08-28 21:19:51 My life yall entertainment! #yeeaa
[45.792974430000001, -87.915589659999995] 6 2011-08-28 21:20:06 The love of my life http:
[30.332115470000002, -90.985645050000002] 6 2011-08-28 21:26:08 I laugh and I act like I'm having the time of my life as far as he knows
[42.289240210000003, -71.819981089999999] 6 2011-08-28 21:38:21 with the love of my life @stephmitsis <3333
[33.858860460000002, -118.16014241000001] 6 2011-08-28 21:38:43 Never been so thirsty in my life.
[35.884406499999997, -90.689393039999999] 6 2011-08-28 21:39:26 For once in my life, I want to be the right girl.
[38.753023499999998, -90.245376800000003] 6 2011-08-28 21:43:32 Nothin exciting happens n my life ......
[39.388246899999999, -76.571972000000002] 6 2011-08-28 21:47:52 The Craziest Thing Happen My Life might be over.
[34.744865419999996, -86.638310430000004] 6 2011-08-28 21:48:54 I need a good man in my life
[36.863156330000002, -76.419384050000005] 6 2011-08-28 21:50:34 #Irene you grip on my life end when Dominion returned my electricity!
[43.786127880000002, -84.574135319999996] 6 2011-08-28 21:59:47 Loving My Life......Thank You To My Husband Daniel Davis for making me so happy!
[42.246306300000001, -83.675243600000002] 6 2011-08-28 22:01:45 Loving my life and the people in it! I am so happy and blessed!
[41.517450119999999, -81.474199350000006] 6 2011-08-28 22:02:52 And I'm going to miss you like a child misses their blanket but I've got to get a move on with my life
[25.741967150000001, -80.447947279999994] 6 2011-08-28 22:04:45 I've never danced with so many female in my life lol it was crazy. Haha
[43.650244360000002, -79.359322789999993] 6 2011-08-28 22:05:40 Best place I've ever been in my LIFE (@ Distillery Historic District) http:
[42.271984179999997, -72.089667219999995] 6 2011-08-28 22:11:33 This generator is saving my life haha we are all #toodependent on electricity
[35.993284699999997, -83.927245499999998] 6 2011-08-28 22:13:38 Ur gurantee to #messup I put my life on it #watch
[34.814367650000001, -92.372080800000006] 6 2011-08-28 22:15:51 ? Single ? Taken ? Enjoying My Life
[41.058323799999997, -74.085290130000004] 6 2011-08-28 22:19:54 @Leptirco Recently I sent a form letter to all women in my life after baby mama left, told them I'm going to Tibet. No twitter for 3 months!
[41.830146399999997, -86.256368800000004] 6 2011-08-28 22:20:32 Needed a little Rocco in my life. (@ 3rd St Pizzeria) http:
[32.250104299999997, -101.46725069999999] 6 2011-08-28 22:21:52 God is so amazing! Lord let my life be as worship onto you!
[32.581419189999998, -117.03741964] 6 2011-08-28 22:25:23 I <3 mexico had the time of my life !
[39.377672250000003, -76.563306510000004] 6 2011-08-28 22:26:18 Worst day of my life !
[33.524516400000003, -84.6152163] 6 2011-08-28 22:26:36 You ruined my life
[40.104297350000003, -74.991674000000003] 6 2011-08-28 22:26:52 I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
[40.006463109999999, -75.187887250000003] 0 2011-08-29 14:27:04 I've turn over a new leaf. #twitterjail change my life
[33.541243389999998, -112.16572389] 0 2011-08-29 14:31:57 Sick, tired, bored. Story of my life.
[19.396590969999998, -99.164754840000001] 0 2011-08-29 14:32:04 A don't know many things.. but if anything is that .. You' re the man of my life <3
[37.736876240000001, -84.273677169999999] 0 2011-08-29 14:35:20 I ? my life right now and nobody could change it! ?
[41.201646500000003, -111.94661723999999] 0 2011-08-29 14:35:57 I can easily say this weekend was the best 3 successive days of my life, bar none #ilovecollege
[35.254120700000001, -80.836105340000003] 0 2011-08-29 14:38:58 Can't wait til this week and next week over wit so I can start my life.
[39.948123789999997, -75.195535079999999] 0 2011-08-29 14:43:04 I hate my life. It's official.
[36.835110299999997, -76.300120000000007] 0 2011-08-29 14:48:03 December 12 2007 My Life Started To Make Sense
[41.476461100000002, -81.588948200000004] 0 2011-08-29 14:57:04 I need some food in my life (via @YataBang)
[33.97582817, -84.000088629999993] 0 2011-08-29 14:59:01 my life is a movie I gotta stay focused
[41.711777320000003, -86.251437600000003] 0 2011-08-29 14:59:06 @kristenxkish I'm done at noon. This is the longest 50 minutes of my life EVERR!!!!
[39.969956539999998, -82.893155710000002] 0 2011-08-29 14:59:14 The 2best days of my life will b.. 1.The day i will get 2meet @NewHollowBand <3 2.When @NICKIMINAJ & @SnowThaProduct make a song togethe! (:
[35.232472000000001, -80.867030999999997] 0 2011-08-29 15:02:53 I don't base my life off of astrology.. But I believe it has it's merits and so now I'm Leary... Got me thinkin..
[27.752054019999999, -97.388029419999995] 0 2011-08-29 15:05:57 @droidmessenger omg! Sweeeet best day of my life!
[41.15033631, -81.346431969999998] 0 2011-08-29 15:12:28 going to be wasting my life in here for the next 5 months (@ Kent State Art Building w/ 3 others) http:
[41.664997450000001, -91.532277699999995] 0 2011-08-29 15:13:05 50% BATTERY AND I HAVE CLASS ALL DAY UNTIL 6:20. MY LIFE IS OVER I WILL DIE OF BOREDOM.
[42.487422960000004, -83.519561760000002] 0 2011-08-29 15:19:18 ? I love my life
[30.28831005, -81.791469570000004] 0 2011-08-29 15:20:13 Livin My Life....
[33.963162910000001, -84.065550119999997] 0 2011-08-29 15:20:15 @marta bus you make my life so much
[43.638493920000002, -79.41715026] 0 2011-08-29 15:22:05 Must adds to our weekend grocery list. RT @keekees: Two things I'm guaranteed to eat for the rest of my life: 1. Poutine 2. Smoked Salmon
[42.354271439999998, -71.044536019999995] 0 2011-08-29 15:25:51 Of course one of the most important days of my life and you are like an 90 minutes late!
[29.67540769, -91.22900156] 0 2011-08-29 15:30:26 At work and wish I didn't have to spend 10 hrs of my life at work everyday
[45.42191845, -75.638284080000005] 0 2011-08-29 15:34:14 Omg, new custom rolex delivery today, 22k!!! Is my life even real? God is good.
[40.325549359999997, -80.082005710000004] 0 2011-08-29 15:34:57 @MattReynolds5 story of my life
[39.166124920000001, -86.517806840000006] 0 2011-08-29 15:42:31 I need more miles davis in my life
[30.275200999999999, -98.871983999999998] 0 2011-08-29 15:42:58 one of the toughest decisions in my life. i know it won't be easy, no one said it will be. but with YOUR hel
[39.275597329999997, -76.608739850000006] 0 2011-08-29 15:43:45 I went to sleep just fine, but I can't wake up to save my life. Ugh.
[42.438192000000001, -83.467256000000006] 0 2011-08-29 15:44:18 #10Thingsidrelive: "1"- the day I accepted Jesus into my life as Lord & Saviour! Greatest day ever!!!!?????????
[29.504591990000002, -98.473907920000002] 0 2011-08-29 15:48:26 @AlecBaldwin ... When is 30 rock starting?! I need new episodes in my life.
[40.661462999999998, -74.175173999999998] 0 2011-08-29 15:51:02 Work for what quite possibly will be the easiest day of my life. (@ E-rail) http:
[35.065782800000001, -94.628995399999994] 0 2011-08-29 15:51:24 This is what my life consists of.. @ Carl Albert State College http:
[41.625480949999996, -71.492864249999997] 0 2011-08-29 15:51:28 Worst day of my life
[38.659377810000002, -77.31650003] 0 2011-08-29 15:53:52 @cheaka785 yeah me and Chelsea said it's between Monica BEFORE YOU WALK OUT MY LIFE and For You I will
[33.645000000000003, -93.685410000000005] 0 2011-08-29 15:54:07 All My Life . . .
[33.497935200000001, -80.857289399999999] 0 2011-08-29 15:57:06 Im gone kick chad tail! He putting problems in my life!
[39.1516813, -78.167568099999997] 0 2011-08-29 15:57:40 @KDTrey5 Durant go play for the wizards ill dedicate the rest of my life into finding season tix
[33.958136000000003, -83.379283000000001] 0 2011-08-29 15:59:38 @kellysims Winning my perfect domain name at auction for $120 was one of the most thrilling moments of my life.
[39.911202680000002, -75.178340610000006] 0 2011-08-29 16:02:28 You are too annoying for my life
[32.423365529999998, -81.786363399999999] 0 2011-08-29 16:02:28 This is the longest 3 mins of my life
[34.041404239999999, -84.580844709999994] 0 2011-08-29 16:04:11 @GenMariethatsme you
ighten my life, for sure!
[49.157992120000003, -123.14219678000001] 0 2011-08-29 16:04:30 @MetaRayMek My life is a constant state of WANT BURRITO.
[42.208748640000003, -83.359794620000002] 0 2011-08-29 16:08:19 900's make my life easy @ Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW) http:
[39.795367059999997, -77.12249344] 0 2011-08-29 16:09:27 To that point in my life of no return. It's time to get my life back, my body back, and get my money up.
[27.476135750000001, -82.701769870000007] 0 2011-08-29 16:09:37 That was the scariest moment of my life.. I look like I just went swimming lmao
[31.254335999999999, -95.978509399999993] 0 2011-08-29 16:12:47 I NEVA N MY LIFE SAW A LINE LIKE THIS N THE MSC UGH
[33.929389970000003, -84.502244469999994] 0 2011-08-29 16:14:53 My Life Will Never Be The,Same
[36.7525373, -119.80175389999999] 0 2011-08-29 16:23:13 @theJacka & @berner415 Now tuned into DROUGHT SEASON: MY LIFE ????
[33.987331099999999, -118.2465512] 0 2011-08-29 16:23:16 #hungover story of my life http:
[36.220709999999997, -115.11788] 0 2011-08-29 16:23:57 Why is my life falling apart.. :'(
[39.208676699999998, -84.384283769999996] 0 2011-08-29 16:24:37 SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! My doctor went to florida over the weekend and
ought back some of the best caramel popcorn I ever had in my life!
[32.5212778, -92.715980119999998] 0 2011-08-29 16:30:00 5.0 jus got cleaned up and it wanna rain... Lol f my life...
[38.745608679999997, -76.978032999999996] 0 2011-08-29 16:31:16 RIP Grandmama. Love of my life
[41.65758701, -83.618855159999995] 0 2011-08-29 16:32:16 Procrastination = My Life.
[26.073253149999999, -97.67089575] 0 2011-08-29 16:33:32 Today and for the rest of my life, my life belongs to you dear Lord. #iamsecond
[27.431787100000001, -80.354055799999998] 0 2011-08-29 16:36:02 I've never been stared at so hard in my life by all these guys at the main campus, jeeeez !
[41.466236899999998, -81.796642599999998] 0 2011-08-29 16:37:14 im just having the time of my life right now ! (:
[41.898998200000001, -71.446272899999997] 0 2011-08-29 16:39:50 Just saw more creatures in one place than i've ever seen in my life #getingetout!
[35.359829329999997, -119.06114685] 0 2011-08-29 16:40:47 @teejay_babyy hahaha I just threw up a little. I'm gonna dedicate my life to studying ???????
[41.452278139999997, -81.725417140000005] 0 2011-08-29 16:42:46 More focused now then any other time in my life
[29.626198930000001, -95.237794269999995] 0 2011-08-29 16:45:23 "@GuddaMinded24: i just wanna wake up 2 head fa da rest of my life is that too much 2 ask 4? im gone return da favor lol" lmaoo
[45.80558216, -64.191436580000001] 0 2011-08-29 16:49:12 @PishPoshness There is seriously nothing I can do. Jess, I hate my life. I just wanted to see @katype
y one last time. No other chance :'(
[29.621425559999999, -98.742697300000003] 0 2011-08-29 16:51:03 I know my life is pretty great, right now, but I struggle to feel it.
[54.464561330000002, -110.19086185] 0 2011-08-29 16:52:04 My God your all I need. You gave me a great man and I love him so much. You are my life Lord!
[33.908819999999999, -84.540620000000004] 0 2011-08-29 17:02:20 I'm sleepy job takes up my life
[50.967335339999998, -114.01461911] 0 2011-08-29 17:03:00 cuddling with little baby daisy. my life is so perfect <3
[42.907972899999997, -76.548108900000003] 0 2011-08-29 17:03:30 For once in my life, everything if finally working out :)
[42.907972899999997, -76.548108900000003] 0 2011-08-29 17:03:57 For once in my life, everything is finally working out :)
[41.997974669999998, -87.660058149999998] 0 2011-08-29 17:11:26 Oh my life...
[39.748168, -75.570551800000004] 0 2011-08-29 17:14:29 Need a maintenance job in my life
[40.849735199999998, -73.857711699999996] 0 2011-08-29 17:19:44 RT @THER0YAL1: She's cryinggg lmfao rotffff. I have never n my life met sum1 more dramatic besides my mother (she is not dramatic lmao)
[40.75028056, -73.845677379999998] 0 2011-08-29 17:20:29 My life for the next two weeks. Bring on the heat, tennis players, and food! :) (@ 2011 US Open Tennis Championships) http:
[39.153419999999997, -108.73651599999999] 0 2011-08-29 17:25:27 Risking my life... @ Colorado Vietnam Memorial http:
[45.499726250000002, -122.90894093999999] 0 2011-08-29 17:26:03 @VanessaBonat: I don't need negative people in my life.. #DELETE
[40.452411699999999, -80.039371900000006] 0 2011-08-29 17:27:27 Yur out of my life, for good.
[33.977686220000002, -118.42932492] 0 2011-08-29 17:28:52 I guess I'm being force to cut my lil cousins out my life...and I just reconnected w/ them, not a good day at all
[39.772167320000001, -86.166574769999997] 0 2011-08-29 17:33:18 My life's described in lyrics. It took a long time to get here. I'm just now getting started, cuz the end is nowhere near.
[39.500008729999998, -74.60623812] 0 2011-08-29 17:35:35 Wow my life is boring!!!!
[42.938873049999998, -73.656406200000006] 0 2011-08-29 17:35:38 Id Really Love To Have Some Marijuana In My Life.... 8 More Weeks...
[24.71049, -81.100809999999996] 0 2011-08-29 17:39:23 I've never seen such
ight blue sea in my life.
[39.156132679999999, -84.578086369999994] 0 2011-08-29 17:42:49 I need Peach Co
ler & Vanilla Ice Cream in my life to make it complete right
[39.851846999999999, -104.6737445] 0 2011-08-29 17:43:34 Story of my life http:
[35.098642400000003, -80.778259629999994] 0 2011-08-29 17:46:47 I'm German and Scandinavian, but the next 60 minutes of my life are going to be 100 percent Swedish ;) http:
[39.976739879999997, -75.264100069999998] 0 2011-08-29 17:46:56 My life is a picture, I can paint it
[41.847524460000002, -71.474512630000007] 0 2011-08-29 17:47:42 My life ia seriously becoming a joke
[39.731074720000002, -75.650538729999994] 0 2011-08-29 17:49:16 My Life
[40.934214920000002, -74.171750939999995] 0 2011-08-29 17:50:16 My life has been on pause for way to long. Its time to hit play.
[34.054666760000003, -81.106154320000002] 0 2011-08-29 17:53:34 Can't wait to meet her.......the love of my life :)
[41.9147015, -71.834813499999996] 0 2011-08-29 17:55:44 Napping my life away
[41.652429580000003, -70.24602032] 0 2011-08-29 18:05:02 @ingridmoreira I want to cry. I hate my life
[40.160143429999998, -76.596732489999994] 0 2011-08-29 18:13:48 Need lots of prayer at this time in my life.. Going through it.
[34.25588381, -119.21542411999999] 0 2011-08-29 18:16:48 I try to make the most of my life everyday. You never know when you get that curve ball.
[43.816834010000001, -79.522781730000005] 0 2011-08-29 18:17:34 I need a pre paid credit card, that'll make my life MUCH easie
[41.688630590000002, -72.771498910000005] 0 2011-08-29 18:17:45 FUCK MY LIFE I SAID FUCK MY LIFE THIS MISERY
[29.923586499999999, -90.095532000000006] 0 2011-08-29 18:21:43 These shades are saving my life right now....
[40.254378770000002, -74.546025790000002] 0 2011-08-29 18:24:42 My life would be complete if I saw John Mayer live
[36.149205049999999, -80.197194499999995] 0 2011-08-29 18:30:19 Put my life on the mic
[29.935524699999998, -90.120866539999994] 0 2011-08-29 18:32:21 O m g. Not a real moment in my life....
[41.389938069999999, -72.879768830000003] 0 2011-08-29 18:36:15 "My life is theatre, and you and I are just rehearsal" ouch. Burn at Lc.
[39.997640699999998, -75.162925599999994] 0 2011-08-29 18:36:49 I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[38.902374000000002, -77.010059400000003] 0 2011-08-29 18:37:41 - Omg, my tooth has never hurt this bad in my life.
[38.876853699999998, -77.088257609999999] 0 2011-08-29 18:38:28 I'm barely smart enough for a fourth grade math packet what does that mean for my life #fml
[40.711779, -73.948786999999996] 0 2011-08-29 18:39:25 i don t like my life or anything it is just hard to feel excited right now
[44.078344700000002, -123.19005668] 0 2011-08-29 18:43:29 "He's really creepy!" "Well we can't a
est people for being creepy..." Hahahahaha story of my life! Hahaha
[33.448600470000002, -88.819144600000001] 0 2011-08-29 18:47:44 just like the sun girl, you came I'm my life,
ightened it up, then left me in darkness #wheredoIgofromhere
[39.1847408, -75.537597450000007] 0 2011-08-29 18:48:20 Wordd!! RT "@Spanish_Fly_Ju: i need some candy in my life"
[32.751550909999999, -97.344615419999997] 0 2011-08-29 18:50:23 I miss my FB so much!!!!!! ? SOB I need to get use to this FB you DO NOT RUN ME OR MY LIFE!!!!
[42.021604889999999, -93.655182909999994] 0 2011-08-29 18:52:44 No more drinking. Summer's over. Get fit and healthy and concentrate on my life goals. #getwiththeprogram
[39.288819439999997, -94.668541669999996] 0 2011-08-29 18:56:48 Making some BIG changes in my life!
[33.944080999999997, -80.87841659] 0 2011-08-29 18:59:18 I love my life, BITCHES!!!!!
[41.313940199999998, -92.645961299999996] 0 2011-08-29 19:00:47 "@ibleedblue5: I would hate my life if I was a professor and had a lisp"bahahahahahahahah :-)
[26.11853632, -80.262420660000004] 0 2011-08-29 19:03:52 WELP! ENDING MY LIFE! http:
[33.055071939999998, -117.26593488] 0 2011-08-29 19:10:14 Targets my life
[30.276637059999999, -97.820617990000002] 0 2011-08-29 19:17:53 @Justte best vacation of my life!!!
[34.042410189999998, -118.71297517000001] 0 2011-08-29 19:21:56 Why is this screen saver the most interesting thing of my life?
[40.587976689999998, -74.190679840000001] 0 2011-08-29 19:26:08 RT @mariantico I wish the weather was like this every day of my life & I'll be happy happy
[41.408652199999999, -73.242413400000004] 0 2011-08-29 19:31:53 playing solitaire for the rest of my life.
[37.39857026, -79.182902909999996] 0 2011-08-29 19:34:39 @iLikeLOLsDaily: You can go now http: story of my life!!
[42.560169999999999, -83.137910000000005] 0 2011-08-29 19:35:07 Wow what a day! Lol I love my life
[29.2609408, -81.111111899999997] 0 2011-08-29 19:37:35 Just saw the most attractive "women" of my life.
[33.570222899999997, -81.769046599999996] 0 2011-08-29 19:50:43 I need to do better. Getting my life together, I'll come back to earth tomo
[53.509644309999999, -113.67445096] 0 2011-08-29 19:51:58 you electrify my life.
[32.365691179999999, -86.214028409999997] 0 2011-08-29 19:53:14 I think us 3 getting this apt will be a bad influence on my life lmao
[29.897902609999999, -90.015766020000001] 0 2011-08-29 20:01:08 I'M REALLY A GOOD PERSON IF IT'S WITH A FRIEND OR LOVER BUT I BE DAMN IF I LET ANYONE JUST JUMP IN & OUT MY LIFE WHEN IT'S TIME FOR THEM....
[38.024276200000003, -84.553771999999995] 0 2011-08-29 20:04:55 #preach RT @terencedot270: No more negative things in my life ... I'm over it
[46.494011, -84.362732800000003] 0 2011-08-29 20:09:12 The other side of my life. #Robots and #kayaks is a good way to go. They balance each other out. http:
[39.348368979999996, -84.363475719999997] 0 2011-08-29 20:09:24 Worst day of my life
[33.479617810000001, -88.638803280000005] 0 2011-08-29 20:13:28 Sometimes I wanna drop psych and dedicate my life to viruses. But sometimes I wanna drop college and chase storms/ investigate structures
[33.878629199999999, -84.249941399999997] 0 2011-08-29 20:15:17 Nothing in my life has ever been easy
[43.034610399999998, -76.053380399999995] 0 2011-08-29 20:15:51 I hate my life
[40.863594030000002, -73.235966509999997] 0 2011-08-29 20:17:52 I deserve this, i only had 2 all summer and today is the worst day of my life, rest in peace pe
y<3 http:
[36.703764700000001, -121.6527801] 0 2011-08-29 20:18:30 i love @DavinaJoyDJ510, her music kept me goin in the hardest time of my life. You're my idol girl, stay up.
[40.740370540000001, -74.025706740000004] 0 2011-08-29 20:19:56 With the love of my life xD
[39.640180540000003, -86.144881069999997] 0 2011-08-29 20:21:27 My life wo
ies me
[39.364270740000002, -84.437333879999997] 0 2011-08-29 20:21:45 I don't need drama in my life .
[35.07765801, -80.934020290000007] 0 2011-08-29 20:22:30 A legacy of transformation through love is my life's goal. #iwanttobeGeorgeFeeny
[35.231668050000003, -80.848792979999999] 0 2011-08-29 20:24:42 I just want to get back to my life. #f
[39.746842299999997, -75.5705758] 0 2011-08-29 20:25:44 Need some food in my life
[39.830778270000003, -86.225241830000002] 0 2011-08-29 20:29:47 lol my life is a movie right now
[40.738933240000001, -74.002833370000005] 0 2011-08-29 20:32:58 "I can't be a hipster. I don't smoke and I like my life far too much." - Me. #ReasonsImGoingToHellPart1 http:
[40.317101829999999, -83.078092690000005] 0 2011-08-29 20:33:21 @schnaheezy: indiana jones and the last bacon #replacemovienameswithbacon my life
[33.665194100000001, -84.024117799999999] 0 2011-08-29 20:37:33 this dude n his girl walked in an he was callin her boo n ish15 mins later he said don't ever come back in my life f wrong with u ???o_0 ??
[30.103034569999998, -95.514010299999995] 0 2011-08-29 20:38:41 I'm in love with my life. :]
[36.130500820000002, -97.051891609999998] 0 2011-08-29 20:44:55 Mumford & Sons radio on Pandora completes my life.
[36.067777599999999, -78.912837499999995] 0 2011-08-29 20:45:13 Sometimes i wonder what my life would be like if my
other was still here. I like it much better that way ..
[39.59373059, -86.165348300000005] 0 2011-08-29 20:45:23 HOLY FUCKIN SHIT @_mcchris RETWEETED ONE OF MY TWEETS. MY LIFE IS COMPLETE :D
[25.766462400000002, -100.40893178] 0 2011-08-29 20:47:03 This hurts my heart soul & mind be the lyrics when i sing the armony when i write, the best of my life I love you, Damn~~! :|
[39.197888749999997, -84.556751439999999] 0 2011-08-29 20:51:23 @Mind_Lost24 you heard me, sewing my life away.
[42.369961850000003, -87.843450300000001] 0 2011-08-29 20:52:03 God is sti
ing things up in my life, I know when he's done. It is exactly as he has planned. Gods grace is on me!!! Yeah!'!!
[40.6568331, -75.360323600000001] 0 2011-08-29 20:52:50 I never touched so much wood in my life. http: http: http:
[39.945320449999997, -74.543951949999993] 0 2011-08-29 20:53:04 I know for a fact that @rachhreturns is the love of my life and the best.
[39.748970389999997, -75.067638410000001] 0 2011-08-29 20:53:49 @ChadMMu
ay OH MY GOSH, happiest day of my life!
[40.882302019999997, -74.675528709999995] 0 2011-08-29 20:54:11 Chad michael Mu
ay is coming back for season 9, my life is complete :)
[42.782507750000001, -71.075532809999999] 0 2011-08-29 20:55:18 Yea this is my life , and I wouldnt wanna change it
[34.555781199999998, -86.984940499999993] 0 2011-08-29 20:55:32 Just ate now im sleepy again loving me Shae and everyone in my life
[45.400622920000004, -122.70814335] 0 2011-08-29 20:56:54 Worst day of my life by far....
[42.09435465, -76.859520619999998] 0 2011-08-29 20:58:13 @jaaamfL ?I need you in my life
[40.821687449999999, -74.111272869999993] 0 2011-08-29 20:59:47 Story of my life http:
[28.5878938, -81.211142699999996] 0 2011-08-29 21:01:42 When I lived in the Bronx it was by far the best time of my life..
[29.10507282, -80.972836209999997] 0 2011-08-29 21:03:31 @Ekennedyy ahhhh welcome to my life :
[37.874687250000001, -122.30271526999999] 0 2011-08-29 21:04:33 Thinking bout making some Changes in my life not east but thinking bout it
[42.506667129999997, -83.289500770000004] 0 2011-08-29 21:08:46 I value every female in my life they've been there & done that . So they understand my tears . I love you guys !
[31.741214710000001, -89.13656297] 0 2011-08-29 21:09:15 @flea333 FLEA U DA MAN U MAY NOT KNOW BUT YOU'VE SAVED MY LIFE MANY TIMES
[42.197589999999998, -83.210049999999995] 0 2011-08-29 21:15:28 He is an exception RT @mariahtolonen: @KaitlynHod APPARENTLY NOT IF YOU APPRECIATE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, JONAH HILL
[42.506667129999997, -83.289500770000004] 0 2011-08-29 21:15:52 I value every male in my life. They are all protective of me. & they just let me be silly. I love my fellas :)
[39.0214839, -76.683969500000003] 0 2011-08-29 21:16:46 When I grow up I'm gonna ma
y @jakelawson4, love of my life.
[42.231788000000002, -71.789957900000005] 0 2011-08-29 21:18:03 i hate my mother, i can't wait to get away from here. i hate my life.
[34.308363620000002, -86.204491939999997] 0 2011-08-29 21:23:58 @RealWizKhalifa if you get a phantom I'll drive you around everyday for the rest of my life for long as we can smoke of course
[29.64982135, -81.690021380000005] 0 2011-08-29 21:28:57 I hate my life :
[26.544469769999999, -81.881895479999997] 0 2011-08-29 21:29:50 I literally hate my life right now.
[36.07067018, -94.166465400000007] 0 2011-08-29 21:33:06 So basically I REALLY hate my life right now.
[39.795114359999999, -84.254275039999996] 0 2011-08-29 21:34:44 I ain't never slept so much in my life but it feels good
[37.097360999999999, -84.100837670000004] 0 2011-08-29 21:35:34 I could easily sleep my life away.
[41.965548769999998, -87.673061790000006] 0 2011-08-29 21:35:54 I can't believe I wasted 3 minutes of my life reading your ridiculous article.
[43.083720870000001, -87.911915699999994] 0 2011-08-29 21:36:17 Man I love my life.....
[33.994505879999998, -118.45368501999999] 0 2011-08-29 21:39:46 @GodlyGentleman: You judge evil, people call you evil and judgemental, story of my life.
[34.06550678, -118.30225833] 0 2011-08-29 21:40:20 #NowPlaying "Mi
or" by @LilTunechi ...this is the song for my best friend and the love of my life. My high-water mark. Love you, B
[39.818812729999998, -86.064062109999995] 0 2011-08-29 21:41:23 I feel like crying so much wrong going on in my life and I'm doing nothing wrong I feel so alone
[42.71025453, -73.81791115] 0 2011-08-29 21:43:02 My Life @ The Cheesecake Factory http:
[38.947910299999997, -77.0245149] 0 2011-08-29 21:43:15 @LucaPasqualino *blush* can you follow me back. It Will make my life. I admire you deeeeeeeply :)
[29.95502609, -95.32588226] 0 2011-08-29 21:47:09 @jkoneman :( yes. So sad. This is almost the saddest of my life. Poor me!!!!
[42.486533700000003, -83.292380699999995] 0 2011-08-29 21:54:04 Lately i been thinking bout you, going crazy.... cant go on w/o you in my life
[38.014110000000002, -84.555869999999999] 0 2011-08-29 21:54:26 Glad a female is outta my life. Done wit it #TooDrunk haha
[39.626825089999997, -75.760782800000001] 0 2011-08-29 21:54:42 I luv my life
[32.732052699999997, -97.109685749999997] 0 2011-08-29 21:57:41 My life story is like a Hollywood Drama/Action/Adventure Movie..
[42.771254339999999, -78.784991849999997] 0 2011-08-29 22:00:21 #20peopleidma
y- I'd only ma
y one person! The true love of my life!
[30.30939863, -81.660652339999999] 0 2011-08-29 22:02:40 BAHAHAHA! A client left two 6-packs next to my car. What is my life?
[42.706060200000003, -83.286826300000001] 0 2011-08-29 22:04:27 @BryanWXOU lol I'm trying not to complain, but these B.S. jobs are te
ible sometimes. Can't wrk in here the rest of my life.
[33.875833329999999, -117.88500000000001] 0 2011-08-29 22:04:55 "@Kkdrian: Story of my life, well you, your just a page."
[41.660340660000003, -83.563368139999994] 0 2011-08-29 22:05:20 @TopThrillSakal that was my life in #statics
[49.940780629999999, -97.125158900000002] 0 2011-08-29 22:06:03 I believe that God puts people in my life for a reason, and removes them from my life for a better reason. ?
[35.340168179999999, -97.476345390000006] 0 2011-08-29 22:06:23 Hate my life
[41.427849999999999, -74.408407999999994] 0 2011-08-29 22:06:25 Here for my life time (@ SERVPRO of Orange, Sullivan & S. Ulster) http:
[39.840238200000002, -75.015110399999998] 0 2011-08-29 22:07:10 RT @revtreyon: Lord never let take for granted the people in my life, my position in life, power U give me in (cont) http:
[39.363253530000001, -76.594156659999996] 0 2011-08-29 22:10:32 Where is my wife at don she no she is my life C3
[40.249420069999999, -111.64957283] 0 2011-08-29 22:11:41 Studying. This is my life now.
[35.227336999999999, -80.831183999999993] 0 2011-08-29 22:11:57 @traviswise awww thank u baby! My life is a joy with u every day :-D
[39.989719999999998, -85.967380000000006] 0 2011-08-29 22:15:36 My dad got a "Lotus" car today. I was scared for my life with his driving !
[36.791307930000002, -76.347664969999997] 0 2011-08-29 22:17:07 @_NvrSettle4Less never in my life will I ever,
[38.71394549, -90.323937950000001] 0 2011-08-29 22:20:21 I HATE COPS!! I can't catch a
eak to save my life...
[32.591886219999999, -95.193046620000004] 0 2011-08-29 22:23:51 @MyLifeAsShanice ur the love of my life too baby
[40.619823240000002, -74.030841199999998] 0 2011-08-29 22:25:19 Got two pieces of mail today. #freeskier Buyers guide and overdraft letter from bank. #fml ... Story of my life. http:
[36.706810410000003, -79.909035110000005] 0 2011-08-29 22:30:43 If you know I like someone and you tell my sister if she has no business in my life just so you can get the girl #YourSomeFriend #subtweet
[39.771932870000001, -86.151416299999994] 0 2011-08-29 22:31:50 Running late...I need someone to run my life... (@ Marsh Supermarket w/ 2 others) http:
[36.112145249999998, -95.651810819999994] 0 2011-08-29 22:40:54 Today was the worst day of my life. I don't wanna feel like this anymore.
[28.653789400000001, -81.233784600000007] 0 2011-08-29 22:43:57 Off work... longest day of my life
[40.169403099999997, -84.972678299999998] 0 2011-08-29 22:44:59 finally realizing i don't need you in my life
[33.909774290000001, -118.09907447000001] 0 2011-08-29 22:46:14 Took the negitive out n
ought positive into my life!
[43.900568870000001, -78.917476260000001] 0 2011-08-29 22:46:54 packing up my life to move to someone else's
[34.232270870000001, -118.59371495000001] 0 2011-08-29 22:49:12 Why am I suffering for you?? If until yesterday u where a total stranger and my life was perfect!
[39.741433000000001, -75.531880999999998] 0 2011-08-29 22:51:12 Kid Cudi - Soundtrack 2 My Life
[41.950246999999997, -87.836318000000006] 0 2011-08-29 22:52:06 When I think of certain peoples in my life the Golden Girls theme song comes to mind...and I would gladly serenade... http:
[25.958553729999998, -80.373932479999993] 0 2011-08-29 22:53:43 @thischick_lali my life story
[42.967564199999998, -85.670182749999995] 0 2011-08-29 22:59:00 Probably the worst day of my life
[36.119061369999997, -115.14468786] 0 2011-08-29 22:59:46 @iwoxie yea there is haha. It helps I lived there for most of my life
[49.171116400000002, -122.8822626] 0 2011-08-29 23:02:59 I need you in my life to stay. Don't go away.
[38.031729499999997, -84.509081300000005] 0 2011-08-29 23:04:32 Oh also I finished the entire Lost series in 3 weeks. I think that my life hit it's peak and there is nothing left thst compares.
[38.483243289999997, -82.653679710000006] 0 2011-08-29 23:07:06 @amandafashby hahah! Right?.? Come back into my life. Lol.
[33.214189529999999, -97.162538530000006] 0 2011-08-29 23:15:15 @haniyarae you don't know my life
[37.844309080000002, -122.24101896000001] 0 2011-08-29 23:20:11 @ga
yconvo story of my life
[49.162091789999998, -122.6446827] 0 2011-08-29 23:20:20 Only my life can get this awkward
[42.185295119999999, -83.324149980000001] 0 2011-08-29 23:21:56 I like my life
[38.278277340000002, -77.501174059999997] 0 2011-08-29 23:23:41 Kendule Bothers My Life!
[33.921768559999997, -118.20247412000001] 0 2011-08-29 23:28:34 Wasted 8 yrs of my life but now im so much more happie
[44.801675330000002, -68.770827449999999] 0 2011-08-29 23:32:23 I've never seen so many spiders in my life..
[42.861617750000001, -85.569154729999994] 0 2011-08-29 23:34:06 I ate A LOT of celery today. Which is better than say, a lot of donuts, but still- I exercise very little moderation in my life.
[36.072716190000001, -79.773582329999996] 0 2011-08-29 23:35:17 Jus living my life
[38.745772199999998, -121.21989609000001] 0 2011-08-29 23:36:55 Procrastination Is my life!
[40.987743850000001, -74.26800763] 0 2011-08-29 23:38:08 @gigideegee story of my life
[38.264321500000001, -76.459204549999995] 0 2011-08-29 23:38:45 RT @Menciathemaniac RT @comedianlonnie: I can't let money run my life right now...cause just like that it can all be gone
[32.858068799999998, -117.1848236] 0 2011-08-29 23:42:45 Probably the only Monday I've liked in my life. http:
[35.480634700000003, -97.390756800000005] 0 2011-08-29 23:44:17 Need some purp in my life right now
[33.880122190000002, -117.92296127] 0 2011-08-29 23:45:45 Story of my life. He saw u, he met u, he wanted you, he liked u, he chased you, he got you, he had you, he loved you, he got bored, he left.
[34.417132960000004, -119.69577704] 0 2011-08-29 23:49:24 Best turkey sandwich of my life! #naturalcafe
[40.72377968, -74.199350359999997] 0 2011-08-29 23:50:24 if i cud start my life frm scratch, wud take away da pain of my past, if i had anotha chance i wud do jus dat, giv nething jus 2 go rite bac
[33.980533569999999, -118.24452194] 0 2011-08-29 23:54:10 great to hacve them out of my life(:
[32.006029959999999, -93.296547410000002] 0 2011-08-29 23:55:38 Music is my Life #RT
[40.776227949999999, -74.028683659999999] 0 2011-08-29 23:56:25 Hate my life now no joke driving me to the edge
[41.570406820000002, -87.727488339999994] 0 2011-08-29 23:57:44 I guess ima just smoke my life away cuz I'm not goin to college anyway ..
[40.753132399999998, -73.977685249999993] 1 2011-08-30 00:00:01 Longest minute of my life!!!
[40.707689969999997, -73.940351469999996] 1 2011-08-30 00:02:58 @LiaaMaria omg it's going to be the best! I can't wait to have you back in my life :]
[38.234331560000001, -122.63961084] 1 2011-08-30 00:04:10 Spent most of my life taking care of others maybe it's time to take care of Me
[38.887351199999998, -76.907107210000007] 1 2011-08-30 00:06:32 I think I want yu in my life
[33.757482019999998, -111.99264768] 1 2011-08-30 00:07:30 I think this may be the first time in my life that I am excited to go to the dentist.
[28.510172090000001, -81.3486951] 1 2011-08-30 00:09:58 @BoyWonder_4 thank goodness. I need TI in my life.
[41.407192909999999, -73.436524509999998] 1 2011-08-30 00:10:45 @OhItsAngieDe lol ive never ever ever done summer reading in my life .
[38.635616900000002, -82.872748369999996] 1 2011-08-30 00:12:05 & my life starts back againnn tommrow . #softballll <3 .
[40.83909946, -73.858504710000005] 1 2011-08-30 00:12:57 Is there a target on my back? Am I being punked? WTF? If my life couldn't get any worse?
[29.905209540000001, -95.555352209999995] 1 2011-08-30 00:13:32 So tired. This is my life for the next 4 years.
[31.98948, -81.219750000000005] 1 2011-08-30 00:14:19 ATL this weekend, Miami next weekend, what's even better is that I'll be with my BFF, soulmate, love of my life!
[38.874268700000002, -76.925118800000007] 1 2011-08-30 00:15:37 Blowin My Life!
[41.922910999999999, -87.65361292] 1 2011-08-30 00:15:48 Longest week of my life while the Ray was closed. (@ Ray Meyer Fitness and Recreation Center: DePaul University) http:
[38.793359580000001, -89.938428329999994] 1 2011-08-30 00:16:53 I'm super excited that Roger Mayweather is back in my life. #boxing
[40.290286270000003, -76.657041129999996] 1 2011-08-30 00:17:02 Tis my life.
[40.895156380000003, -74.225150040000003] 1 2011-08-30 00:17:07 @MonicaKushner most important throw of my life ? get me outta here
[34.758681410000001, -89.643040650000003] 1 2011-08-30 00:22:01 My life isn't perfect, but i wouldn't trade it for anything!
[33.296969070000003, -87.652413019999997] 1 2011-08-30 00:23:17 Love My Life #LML
[48.381761470000001, -89.305654480000001] 1 2011-08-30 00:25:33 @maggs06 for 6 years now I have wanted to be an pediatrician/obstetrician. Plus I am a super planner I can tell u exactly what my life is
[42.93120965, -85.637531809999999] 1 2011-08-30 00:29:21 My life alright but it might not be tomo
[34.043899889999999, -118.20737403] 1 2011-08-30 00:29:32 See i need you in my life for me to stay<3
[38.746903590000002, -76.826689950000002] 1 2011-08-30 00:29:57 I love my life , just wish I could change some situations
[38.949959700000001, -76.749491000000006] 1 2011-08-30 00:31:10 I wasn't complete Till The day Yhu walked into My life
[38.453214000000003, -81.957588999999999] 1 2011-08-30 00:32:49 I love Zumba and the new world of music it has introduced me to!! I love my life!
[40.742054760000002, -73.989958759999993] 1 2011-08-30 00:33:39 Weaving between diners eating delicious food after 8 mile run trying to buy fish- worst idea of my life #iamveryhungry http:
[38.949959700000001, -76.749491000000006] 1 2011-08-30 00:35:10 Can I Juss spend My Life with you
[29.90325, -90.068579999999997] 1 2011-08-30 00:38:19 Mine too ?RT @Tweet_atJAZ: My life SUCKS now ?
[32.515100240000002, -92.642340660000002] 1 2011-08-30 00:39:56 @boss_man11 CUM THRU I NEED IT IM MY LIFE #HEEEELLLLPPPPPPP LOL
[35.149767449999999, -89.933517510000001] 1 2011-08-30 00:41:13 @me_gustARIa_ hahahah I was like "never noticed this NIGGA in my life, what is going on..."
[39.409009840000003, -76.494540420000007] 1 2011-08-30 00:42:24 *with my life.
[38.084876289999997, -85.68577569] 1 2011-08-30 00:42:28 @MrBojangles75 I need the low low in my life
[43.820828310000003, -91.220578189999998] 1 2011-08-30 00:43:39 Time needs to go faster. This is going to be the longest 10 months of my life.
[33.949873820000001, -83.381607849999995] 1 2011-08-30 00:44:41 Love having people in my life that I can complain to if need be. Because sometimes, life just be like that. I love my friends.
[30.21537433, -92.014020299999999] 1 2011-08-30 00:49:15 I love Louisiana, and its lack of restrictions and laws. Makes my life easier.
[36.882890000000003, -83.888822000000005] 1 2011-08-30 00:51:32 Going to go with wishing my Dad a Happy Birthday for my 400th tweet. Getting to be an old man but still a huge influence on my life. #Thanks
[42.949112409999998, -87.898230819999995] 1 2011-08-30 00:52:35 a guy @frontier milwuakee saved my life 2x: licence and shades. the world is still a good place. #kudos
[35.065007850000001, -106.62159604999999] 1 2011-08-30 00:53:21 This is my life right now. I'm so excited for this pizza. http:
[41.709531050000002, -72.909220390000002] 1 2011-08-30 00:54:11 OMG! YAAAAY cable and Internet back happiest day in my life
[38.417416510000002, -82.42320436] 1 2011-08-30 00:54:33 @CarliHol
ook @rachnicole12 "turn around,
ight eyes!" story of my life!!
[38.75877964, -76.855185800000001] 1 2011-08-30 00:55:24 Music is truly my life .
[40.005255699999999, -75.162764550000006] 1 2011-08-30 00:56:17 My life ain't worth living if I can't be with u
[32.786517000000003, -96.900430999999998] 1 2011-08-30 00:57:35 Looking back on the years of my life... Wow I came along way... My GOD is good to me
[29.504029890000002, -98.537643299999999] 1 2011-08-30 00:59:11 With the love of my life??
[40.634875569999998, -75.403590949999995] 1 2011-08-30 01:01:14 I'm talking to the best guy I've probably ever talked to in my life. #loveit
[32.906748649999997, -96.716598840000003] 1 2011-08-30 01:01:58 @joelle_esq: @Kdu
2021 @nenegotsoul in december i will be in cali for the rest of my life LOL YOU FINISH LAW SCHOOL IN DECEMBER??
[33.582070260000002, -111.85298012] 1 2011-08-30 01:03:15 I would like to sleep please. Oh yeah, and figure my life's been the number one task on my daily list for a while now, but alas...
[41.279791729999999, -72.797078909999996] 1 2011-08-30 01:03:50 Buddy's back! My life is complete?
[47.137281199999997, -122.41877357] 1 2011-08-30 01:04:06 My life is weird
[38.963113960000001, -76.106501350000002] 1 2011-08-30 01:06:27 My life .
[28.37026706, -81.520065360000004] 1 2011-08-30 01:06:36 I love my life. :) realtalk. Hard Work, Pays Off.
[38.450479250000001, -78.001901459999999] 1 2011-08-30 01:07:22 @Jasijuana I HATE YOU. DANNY AND THE DINGO IS NOT ON FUEL RIGHT NOW. #FUCK MY LIFE UP THE ASS
[43.163644130000002, -77.579229769999998] 1 2011-08-30 01:09:17 That awkward moment when you're me. My life is an episode of 30 Rock. Also, sandwiches > people. #seriously #iamlizlemon
[47.451362609999997, -122.27457428] 1 2011-08-30 01:09:55 LORD my life is in your hands!!!!
[29.776197580000002, -95.250765259999994] 1 2011-08-30 01:12:54 STACEY Q IS ON RUPAULS DRAG U.!!!! My life is complete!
[31.5134516, -82.838315050000006] 1 2011-08-30 01:16:13 The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect, it just means I appreciate what I have.
[30.675174590000001, -88.228121999999999] 1 2011-08-30 01:20:56 Share my life baby!
[28.493752409999999, -81.403709680000006] 1 2011-08-30 01:23:37 RT @ThiqNJuciee: I can HONESTLY say I LOVE my life i may not b where I need to b or have all my wants but none the less Im #BLESSED EVERYDAY
[33.849807140000003, -84.349940380000007] 1 2011-08-30 01:24:20 Just had the best pizza of my life... #antico
[38.930451900000001, -77.034145260000003] 1 2011-08-30 01:25:53 WTF so my math hw is that I hav to put 4 fact bout my life on a poster...
[40.816543690000003, -81.355105359999996] 1 2011-08-30 01:28:49 @RealBradWard must I spend my life alone
[41.888932130000001, -87.839572630000006] 1 2011-08-30 01:30:45 @TheeSmushMartin I feel you
o, I'm just trying to get back in my feet man & live my life
[39.933526800000003, -75.167570499999997] 1 2011-08-30 01:31:43 Live my life high yu can catch me chain smokin.
[33.476722969999997, -84.643742239999995] 1 2011-08-30 01:33:58 @hannah11838 cone back into my life?
[33.710744699999999, -116.23563319] 1 2011-08-30 01:34:36 I'm so
y I don't cater to your daughter and put her #1 in my life like you do.You claim your a man of God, actions speak louder than words.
[43.6489707, -84.218287900000007] 1 2011-08-30 01:35:21 I love my life...!
[41.313989999999997, -73.866320000000002] 1 2011-08-30 01:36:32 Dumbest movie of my life
[39.748080549999997, -75.570574449999995] 1 2011-08-30 01:38:48 Need a pair of Tom's in my life
[32.525287919999997, -92.713077839999997] 1 2011-08-30 01:41:18 #OnAnotherNote I need sum cheese sticks in my life...
[39.62996459, -75.646486780000004] 1 2011-08-30 01:42:31 Never been so happy in my life
[36.006386200000001, -84.244063400000002] 1 2011-08-30 01:43:47 worst day of my life.
[33.452165600000001, -112.07001750000001] 1 2011-08-30 01:45:19 @NicolleMonique cocoa puffs + sprinkles = my life.
[40.053581000000001, -75.155206100000001] 1 2011-08-30 01:47:28 I <3 my life #teamwinning
[43.078749999999999, -87.918194439999994] 1 2011-08-30 01:48:08 Wiz khalifa-No Sleep .. explains my life :
[40.868768299999999, -73.874603199999996] 1 2011-08-30 01:52:59 Super upset and wondering why i keep allowing this man back into my life only to be hurt time&time again
[40.731509500000001, -73.874048999999999] 1 2011-08-30 01:54:21 HAAAAHAHAAAA RT @jillizuncomfy: @MiaF_baybeh this is BY FARRRRRRR the worst day of my life!.... LOL!!
[34.069806700000001, -84.641722220000005] 1 2011-08-30 01:56:12 @OceanGang3: @O_oSkriba she hates my life I love @OceanGang3 !!!
[32.366665240000003, -86.177215810000007] 1 2011-08-30 01:56:47 @ROMEOandJULlET: Roses are red, violets are blue. It's going to be GREAT spending the rest of my life with you. @Wiggie18
[33.196931370000001, -87.512335429999993] 1 2011-08-30 01:57:39 @pkollar welcome to my life!
[34.825808530000003, -92.369663149999994] 1 2011-08-30 01:59:28 Getting certain people out my life.
[41.65819235, -71.482270029999995] 1 2011-08-30 02:00:18 Never heard so many blu
ed out words in my life #VMAS #lilwayne
[38.940696850000002, -92.32547993] 1 2011-08-30 02:03:24 Emotionally draining to say the least. And all in public. Ready for it to get better #ASAP. Thank God for the rocks in my life.
[33.711055930000001, -84.292556919999996] 1 2011-08-30 02:07:15 I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life && Simply talking to you, Completely changes my mood. =)
[41.955607950000001, -72.303000560000001] 1 2011-08-30 02:07:29 You are my sole mate, my best friend, the love if my life!!!! DON'T FORGET IT @chazhag1488. I love you
[41.709305999999998, 44.766189599999997] 1 2011-08-30 02:07:50 4 Years Me
ied - 6 Years Together .. Happy Anniversari Mr.Husband .. 2 Healthy Kids and 2 Funny Baby Dogs make my life PERFECT <3<3<3<3
[39.299843109999998, -77.832260700000006] 1 2011-08-30 02:11:58 I confess, you are the best thing in my life.
[33.412205350000001, -111.97006748] 1 2011-08-30 02:19:41 @sacha_is_good get in my life. Thanks.
[40.214138040000002, -77.171124129999995] 1 2011-08-30 02:20:14 had the worst day of my life and I have to do it all over again tomo
ow. #fml
[39.19784009, -96.590015890000004] 1 2011-08-30 02:22:05 My life is ruined, ever since I saw Easy A........
[41.631208119999997, -87.741889650000005] 1 2011-08-30 02:27:16 My life is Great.! :) lbs
[40.680093769999999, -73.964761920000001] 1 2011-08-30 02:30:28 Story of My Life : ) (@ Nova Bar & Outdoor garden) [pic]: http:
[38.941857339999999, -77.030867580000006] 1 2011-08-30 02:31:05 finally relaxing from one of the most TERRIBLE days of my life... Can't wait to do it all again tomo
[35.043302709999999, -85.300667700000005] 1 2011-08-30 02:33:20 @gretchenj8 haha hey atleast you don't get crazy ex's and their baggage... That's my life! Ha
[35.949662400000001, -83.896916899999994] 1 2011-08-30 02:33:26 I can always guarantee on one hater in my life @TheLifeOfSebon smdh lol
[25.973458399999998, -80.247396100000003] 1 2011-08-30 02:37:46 So happy too have him in my life :)
[44.065059150000003, -123.07705522000001] 1 2011-08-30 02:39:47 Birthday dinner for the greatest wife, best friend, and love of my life! (@ Pegasus Pizza) http:
[41.148899020000002, -81.338190740000002] 1 2011-08-30 02:41:40 My life is so crazy
[32.878621539999997, -111.71810833000001] 1 2011-08-30 02:41:42 I want to punch my life in the face
[32.754618370000003, -117.21902824] 1 2011-08-30 02:42:42 I'm so tired of life is like lame. Besides Ricardo he's the only light in my life right now
[34.755289009999998, -92.342348630000004] 1 2011-08-30 02:42:48 Hate my life right now!!!!
[33.355888569999998, -111.97784998] 1 2011-08-30 02:42:49 My son the light of my life http:
[40.42488539, -86.926553150000004] 1 2011-08-30 02:44:11 Seriously, the love of my life. http:
[39.174190099999997, -84.358925580000005] 1 2011-08-30 02:44:36 : New dreams... New problems... New solutions. At least you know my life has an evolution.
[42.354333199999999, -83.090443100000002] 1 2011-08-30 02:45:49 All my life I waited to see ur smile again... #justthinking
[39.001674649999998, -94.756159780000004] 1 2011-08-30 02:48:59 #Tayswift describes my life. <3
[39.584307299999999, -119.7234256] 1 2011-08-30 02:51:23 @Katiefmullins where are you in my life?!?! =[
[36.000765999999999, -80.057427000000004] 1 2011-08-30 02:56:45 Studying. Joy of my life. (@ The Jones's Bedroom) http:
[61.211816329999998, -149.76466790000001] 1 2011-08-30 02:59:50 I've had more people walk out of my life than walk in. I learned to deal and get over it.
[32.488063750000002, -84.884630290000004] 1 2011-08-30 02:59:56 is it okay I tweet my life away ... well here goes nothing
[33.983967149999998, -118.46923947000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:00:17 Such is the tragedy of my life, that I have tan lines on my feet.
[32.411659999999998, -81.780828200000002] 1 2011-08-30 03:00:24 I cant does anything but live my life and pray I donte leave this earth young rip to all ofyou loved ones
[33.9957329, -84.561951800000003] 1 2011-08-30 03:06:18 Life is so good! One day im gonna look back on this time in my life and laugh.
[39.919940799999999, -75.224742399999997] 1 2011-08-30 03:07:35 !!!!"@AlnikaLovello: I need positive ppl in my life and motivation"
[41.579189100000001, -87.167873599999993] 1 2011-08-30 03:09:42 I pray none of you ever have to know the way severe depression robs you of meaning. 4 years later & I'm still reclaiming my life.
[42.394816550000002, -83.190495799999994] 1 2011-08-30 03:10:06 Amber rose is the baddest bald head chick i ever seen in my life...#fact
[36.873511100000002, -76.423835199999999] 1 2011-08-30 03:10:06 I love my life.
[33.47092438, -94.041648859999995] 1 2011-08-30 03:10:19 My life is so rough right now!!! #fml
[38.891324070000003, -76.991641130000005] 1 2011-08-30 03:12:24 Take my life and let it be all for You and for Your glory.
[33.700227490000003, -117.87694638000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:13:19 About to embark on a new chapter of my life but it comes with conflict already. Moving forward but it looks like I'll be taking steps back.
[32.524880949999996, -92.071487300000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:16:02 S/o to @kmb_doinme for saving my life shes the best sleepover......
[36.20056245, -94.530204990000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:16:28 @ItsTheSituation so it would pretty much make my life if you retweeted this.
[41.180657799999999, -73.160164399999999] 1 2011-08-30 03:17:04 @mspierce82 I'm a solider of love! Everyday of my life!!!
[33.616147400000003, -83.991428600000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:17:09 @Superhumanquick what make u think I dont want it u are a great part of my life and memory
[33.744587809999999, -111.97465407999999] 1 2011-08-30 03:17:38 I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life ^_^
[39.144570799999997, -86.568780750000002] 1 2011-08-30 03:17:55 I love my life^_^
[39.914315340000002, -75.240407899999994] 1 2011-08-30 03:18:14 #thuglife is my life. LOL
[32.6273245, -114.57300935000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:19:47 Pizza, every day for the rest of my life.
[40.599723570000002, -75.390575940000005] 1 2011-08-30 03:20:39 Here's to the worst summer of my life.
[42.2879194, -71.062421439999994] 1 2011-08-30 03:23:05 Time for me to do me, time for me to live my life!
[37.568523339999999, -77.437841950000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:24:10 let me live my life
[42.376030620000002, -83.181176600000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:25:37 - glad you came into my life . !
[36.124369999999999, -86.740750000000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:26:28 @ShadingLimelite haha - yes, the last two months of my life. Lol
[32.321998710000003, -86.164922360000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:32:18 @fbhudson story of my life
[32.901536700000001, -96.525902200000004] 1 2011-08-30 03:33:40 For the rest of my life my i promise myself I will love me 1st...genuinely
[40.113941920000002, -75.314399379999998] 1 2011-08-30 03:36:03 Being friends with all guys makes my life so much bette
[41.191252929999997, -73.180617999999996] 1 2011-08-30 03:36:08 #ThingsBetterThanTheCarterIV My life
[36.032849550000002, -115.13595164] 1 2011-08-30 03:38:40 Never again in my life will i eat vegan food
[37.568523339999999, -77.437841950000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:39:37 proceeding on w/ my life
[35.062032459999998, -89.860025100000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:39:44 My life is da best to ever walk in or be in
[30.387569500000001, -91.175197900000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:39:48 One of my best friends and his journey #november2 RT @wellecks 3 weeks in and having the time of my life. #mrpenn2011 #chickenandoats
[35.153267700000001, -79.002806500000005] 1 2011-08-30 03:40:45 Jus had the best time of my life wit him..
[40.736713479999999, -73.35580985] 1 2011-08-30 03:41:40 @MsTe
yMcMillan I need that kind of reality in my life...
[37.027507499999999, -76.446611500000003] 1 2011-08-30 03:43:45 Reevaluating my life
[34.143893839999997, -79.763890009999997] 1 2011-08-30 03:45:04 Taking God's word and work seriously is the best thing I could've done in my life! #BlessedAndHighlyFavored
[40.672286270000001, -73.906622999999996] 1 2011-08-30 03:46:16 Kisses? to my life !!!! I got my ?on you boo boo ...
[41.86958241, -87.630692479999993] 1 2011-08-30 03:46:20 My life is awesome :)
[44.568388149999997, -123.26844705000001] 1 2011-08-30 03:46:27 $12 jack and coke = worst purchase of my life #fail #clods
[40.791969160000001, -74.166205360000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:46:58 @WhyYouAreDumbTV I'd bet my life your fav girl went to la for a guy. Check her last tweet. Please rip her.
[41.351302439999998, -81.675233539999994] 1 2011-08-30 03:50:18 I kinda of want my life back to normal out with #fake and in with #real (;
[29.598343100000001, -95.363804099999996] 1 2011-08-30 03:50:52 @KaelinRosee i need you in my life!
[42.707660130000001, -71.154419419999996] 1 2011-08-30 03:52:29 My life is like a movie...
[40.264510199999997, -76.897155299999994] 1 2011-08-30 03:53:24 I just deactivated my fb account first step to recovery & getting my life back.too many bugs man. A moment of silence........
[30.45236195, -97.761000530000004] 1 2011-08-30 03:54:05 @rskerik10 no I never want to run more than 5 miles in my life
[33.450053109999999, -88.791939850000006] 1 2011-08-30 03:54:49 I need it in my life.. ???
[30.802575999999998, -88.092084] 1 2011-08-30 03:58:23 I'm glad I cut allot of people out my life. Drama is an option :)
[38.723968800000002, -121.38180665] 1 2011-08-30 04:00:23 My life a motion picture, pssh I ain't gotta act.
[44.481202359999997, -69.710366780000001] 1 2011-08-30 04:02:34 Tomo
ow is going to be the hardest day of my life
[31.527947000000001, -91.408400999999998] 1 2011-08-30 04:03:43 Mann at some points in my life i wish i had friends but im glad i dont !
[40.0429563, -75.119884900000002] 1 2011-08-30 04:04:54 Always n the gym its my life
[42.538252470000003, -83.208013769999994] 1 2011-08-30 04:05:20 @TeamLowso lol. I need you in my life matter a fact my bed :)
[34.87226819, -92.342986760000002] 1 2011-08-30 04:07:09 Love of my life @kschneb #precious http:
[44.811581189999998, -93.276862679999994] 1 2011-08-30 04:10:31 I truly hate my life.
[32.416002949999999, -93.777952909999996] 1 2011-08-30 04:11:13 @NormaConedera STORY OF MY LIFE
[36.590525339999999, -94.766966319999995] 1 2011-08-30 04:11:25 @DesertE
orist No problem! Acid Murderer official has my favorite lyrics of all time. It's my life story.
[43.650512999999997, -79.361655799999994] 1 2011-08-30 04:12:32 @bethkeary haha story of my life! I had no idea you lived there!!
[42.661024830000002, -71.310426949999993] 1 2011-08-30 04:12:36 Bored drawing cause I have nothing better to do with my life ..
[40.743890790000002, -73.972525149999996] 1 2011-08-30 04:16:37 @TriBeCaBART haha can you please do that? It would make my life.
[37.663768599999997, -122.47356259999999] 1 2011-08-30 04:17:14 Naunahan na naman ako ng tv sa time of my life. Haha
[49.292384890000001, -122.82358944000001] 1 2011-08-30 04:20:00 My life http:
[41.333449999999999, -87.203019999999995] 1 2011-08-30 04:20:10 SHUT UP MOM NEVER SHOUT NEVER SAVED MY LIFE CDREW WROTE A SONG ABOUT BROWNIES OK? HE IS LUV PEES LUV WEED YALL
[33.45860674, -82.095934049999997] 1 2011-08-30 04:21:33 I need new adventures new excitement and new people in my life.
[33.525174409999998, -84.237871260000006] 1 2011-08-30 04:22:18 Wish i was bak in co
county. Had the best times of my life #TeamNoSleep
[41.511712070000002, -87.790351869999995] 1 2011-08-30 04:22:58 My depressed tweets are hafly due to some of the music I listen to..... But it just describes my life so perfectly
[32.496174930000002, -92.177013990000006] 1 2011-08-30 04:24:08 So content... Loving my life! God fills every void!
[33.892504000000002, -84.454042099999995] 1 2011-08-30 04:30:04 At this point in my life, I just do it for da elevation, meaning I stay at da top
[42.01559615, -87.663486629999994] 1 2011-08-30 04:34:12 I wonder what my life would look like if I genuinely tried to follow Jesus's example, especially in the times that it inconveniences me
[38.149743549999997, -84.67432427] 1 2011-08-30 04:34:27 Worst day of my life. If you pray, please do so for my daddy.
[44.928502950000002, -74.87630772] 1 2011-08-30 04:35:42 Never been so quiet in my li fe....
[42.661422719999997, -71.337664599999997] 1 2011-08-30 04:38:54 wait i like my life
[32.49021458, -93.773784509999999] 1 2011-08-30 04:41:27 Tryna live my life...
[33.517583899999998, -112.41745512999999] 1 2011-08-30 04:46:26 I need vicodin in my life :( like asap. Go away headache go away! #WTF
[38.989792280000003, -76.814582639999998] 1 2011-08-30 04:46:29 Story of my life. You were just another page.
[38.178698390000001, -85.811496390000002] 1 2011-08-30 04:49:55 I feel like I'm always wishing my life way.
[30.424668220000001, -91.153079550000001] 1 2011-08-30 04:53:58 theres not a thing i wont give my life up for you...because you are my dream...
[32.77053952, -96.767753479999996] 1 2011-08-30 04:54:07 - my every day schedule might be crazy, but can't lie, I LOVE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW & the people in it.<3
[27.762987379999998, -97.469009409999998] 1 2011-08-30 04:54:26 @amandals81 it's cool. Other people's live are way more glamorous than mine too. But my life is pretty awesome.
[38.824099670000003, -77.292644699999997] 1 2011-08-30 04:59:09 #iLive My Life Day By Day So Dnt Ask Me Bout 2ma
[48.423247000000003, -101.32921260000001] 1 2011-08-30 05:01:38 Another pt test great just what I need in my life
[46.815795899999998, -92.058822629999995] 1 2011-08-30 05:01:41 One month ago from today was the day that changed my life. Love you Clayton, you will never be forgotten #rip
[30.70869879, -95.544512040000001] 1 2011-08-30 05:02:19 RT @VoteF0rPedro #DontFreeBoosie.>>i have never laughed so hard at a tweet in my life...lmfao
[32.904466499999998, -97.545147479999997] 1 2011-08-30 05:05:02 I'm glad to have some of the bestest friends in my life. @sillyluh and @hayli
i, I love you guys so much<3
[38.025641499999999, -84.489878469999994] 1 2011-08-30 05:07:29 lost one of the most amazing people in my life two years ago today. rip kaykay. Miss you so so much and love you always<3
[38.724022499999997, -121.3816765] 1 2011-08-30 05:12:16 Understandable pssh whenever I leave cali I swear I have the time of my life haha. RT @Tayla_Dane: (cont) http:
[33.235331709999997, -117.14237693] 1 2011-08-30 05:14:09 @whaddupBECKS mine is LITERALLY the love of my life.
[33.798563000000001, -117.22090900000001] 1 2011-08-30 05:16:42 God only is my life !!!!
[29.56670845, -95.041165719999995] 1 2011-08-30 05:16:58 ??:**:.? It's my life and I'll live it like I want too ?:**:.??"
[30.184301009999999, -92.009952479999995] 1 2011-08-30 05:20:21 Loving My Life Cause It's No Point To Be Miserable
[38.158652969999999, -85.844118230000007] 1 2011-08-30 05:23:11 @algreen_jr I think the first dance was spend my life with u but after so much wine I dont remember lol
[38.746734099999998, -76.881573799999998] 1 2011-08-30 05:23:57 -must have the pines in my life, especially when they at my finger tips
[35.076468050000003, -106.60439133] 1 2011-08-30 05:26:27 My life lacks excitement... I need a #FourLokko!
[33.013457469999999, -96.963834379999994] 1 2011-08-30 05:30:42 Finally my BIRTHDAY &amp;amp; YEAR anniversary with the love of my life @DatNIGGA_25 #blessed!
[35.725940440000002, -78.530377360000003] 1 2011-08-30 05:34:48 Every Week I Hear I'm In A New Relationship.. How I'm Date Somebody 56 Miles Away Let Alone Never Seen A Day In My Life.. #ikantdeal
[42.103871609999999, -72.614899370000003] 1 2011-08-30 05:35:53 My life I am tired
[36.143623499999997, -115.2713397] 1 2011-08-30 05:38:52 Well, this is my life... So
y God i expect too much n help me to face the reality http:
[30.489023920000001, -91.135808229999995] 1 2011-08-30 05:44:17 @Daddys_Gin trust an believe I will & I'm not gon let them bother me cuz they not worth it tee I'm tryin to change my life around...
[33.770582670000003, -118.16220504] 1 2011-08-30 05:45:02 @
ianaGKTA he really just wrote it based on my life haha
[34.077984120000004, -118.29387138] 1 2011-08-30 05:45:24 Can't flirt even if my life depended on it -..- #smh
[42.951983329999997, -88.062830090000006] 1 2011-08-30 05:51:08 Never been so salty in my life!!! Got to gamestop 5 mins late.......
[31.128655429999998, -97.737629639999994] 1 2011-08-30 05:51:44 My life isn't the ever since
[39.105425889999999, -76.724214369999999] 1 2011-08-30 05:59:16 I feel as if I'm missing a huge piece of my life right now.
[39.772716670000001, -86.267586170000001] 1 2011-08-30 06:01:14 New pics posted on Facebook of The Greatest Weekend of my life!
[37.459614899999998, -77.529000100000005] 1 2011-08-30 06:07:14 I want to sing for the rest of my life.
[32.703460329999999, -117.20077550000001] 1 2011-08-30 06:08:21 I'm bored with the way my life is now. I see room for an improvement...
[36.149831300000002, -115.0889899] 1 2011-08-30 06:11:54 "I'm not real.... I'm theater... You and I.... Baby we're just rehearsal" - Lady Gaga (this is my life!)
[35.279841400000002, -119.2412472] 1 2011-08-30 06:13:56 I trust @BabyKyl3 with my life. <3 and I vent to him all the time. He talks almost as much as me :)
[46.986031109999999, -122.71908885000001] 1 2011-08-30 06:16:30 :) my life. http:
[35.18648761, -101.85350394] 1 2011-08-30 06:20:32 The #1 question I ask myself(several times a day)...what the heck am I doing with my life?!And for the life of me,I cant answer #InYourHands
[39.689466469999999, -75.696705629999997] 1 2011-08-30 06:20:47 I Dedicate My Life To Reggy Right Now!
[30.27648597, -92.204760250000007] 1 2011-08-30 06:25:03 #FUCK MY LIFE!
[32.299464, -64.763850000000005] 1 2011-08-30 06:26:54 Lord I lift your name on high, lord I love to sing your praises and I'm so glad your in my life! You came (cont) http:
[42.428803100000003, -83.217396300000004] 1 2011-08-30 06:27:16 RT @EpicMar: My life, you could never understand
[41.126785390000002, -73.818538779999997] 1 2011-08-30 06:28:25 Done with RCRs! God bless my life! #raproblems
[33.198318829999998, -97.128157610000002] 1 2011-08-30 06:36:33 @DentonProblems: Lost my teasing comb. My life is officially over #DentonProblems @kateharman1
[38.523149099999998, -121.4789056] 1 2011-08-30 06:37:38 @Toneystark I know,what am I doing with my life?
[43.089863739999998, -87.962080779999994] 1 2011-08-30 06:38:02 All my life I prayed for someone like you, and I thank God that I finally found you
[35.130224499999997, -106.57847820000001] 1 2011-08-30 06:39:03 Pretty much sums up my life... http:
[42.379652780000001, -83.240763889999997] 1 2011-08-30 06:41:42 RT @TheNoteboook: I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life, and simply talking to you completely changes my mood.
[42.33893905, -87.845115250000006] 1 2011-08-30 06:45:01 @alottacash fine ... I miss and love you .. wish you would of stayed a good friend instead of slowly leaving out of my life!
[29.1975373, -81.017392090000001] 1 2011-08-30 06:45:23 My life is like a DICK, it gets HARD for NO reason.
[35.275948700000001, -80.814948999999999] 1 2011-08-30 06:46:54 Tired of being single. Need a bad chick in my life right now
[44.605653850000003, -88.077264349999993] 1 2011-08-30 06:55:07 God totally just answered our prayers I.consider that as a miracle I have seen in my life
[43.473025300000003, -110.76548133999999] 1 2011-08-30 07:00:32 My life is gonna be so freaking tired
[42.706164299999998, -71.155583320000005] 1 2011-08-30 07:03:11 My life is a mess right now
[35.808214300000003, -90.667307800000003] 1 2011-08-30 07:03:45 @MsShun31 great sistar loveing my life and people in it
[39.935918700000002, -75.24782605] 1 2011-08-30 07:07:57 Baby i love you, you are my life the happiest moments weren't complete if yu wasn't by my side <3
[41.467610000000001, -81.738839999999996] 1 2011-08-30 07:18:12 #ThingsBetterThanTheCarterIV: My life, food, water, and life. #bangbang!
[34.250900000000001, -118.43201999999999] 1 2011-08-30 07:20:32 Happy Anniversary to the love of my life and just know that after all this time YOU are still the one
[32.857910160000003, -96.635785100000007] 1 2011-08-30 07:32:42 Loving TF outta my life!
[26.316953120000001, -98.048588870000003] 1 2011-08-30 07:33:53 For the first time in my life, I'm thinking of not getting back up.
[26.179130000000001, -80.276030000000006] 1 2011-08-30 07:35:32 I've never wanted sumone so bad in my life.....
[34.770688290000002, -77.472344160000006] 1 2011-08-30 07:43:37 I really am ready to start the next chapter of my life.
[41.134823560000001, -73.429106829999995] 1 2011-08-30 07:43:43 This has been the best summer of my life. http: http: http: http:
[34.042578990000003, -118.27472329] 1 2011-08-30 08:20:32 @beela_luvhr3js: Im loving How this lil guy juss welcomed himself n2 my life Ummm huhhh
[34.042578990000003, -118.27472329] 1 2011-08-30 08:21:09 @beela_luvhr3js: Im loving How this lil guy juss welcomed himself n2 my life Ummm humm ...:)
[32.311056999999998, -64.749218900000002] 1 2011-08-30 08:41:59 I'm gone to sleep now! I've gave it over to Jesus my life is in his hands! Good Night/ Morning remember to (cont) http:
[38.482808970000001, -121.4632739] 1 2011-08-30 08:59:06 I take my life in my hand
[29.87819266, -90.430816050000004] 1 2011-08-30 09:00:28 Story of my life your just another page
[30.021980289999998, -89.998060229999993] 1 2011-08-30 09:24:27 "Yeah my life is a B*th but you know nothing bout her".......
[38.278834799999998, -121.9494073] 1 2011-08-30 09:27:43 @WeAreLeo AMAZING album, guys! I'm think my life just got better after listening to it. So incredibly inspiring & ear candy to the max!
[37.871638519999998, -122.28733993] 1 2011-08-30 09:49:13 #CaintSleep FUUUUUUUUUCK My life...
[46.185979719999999, -60.007337800000002] 1 2011-08-30 10:08:49 Omg worse dream of my life.. Never going back to sleep now
[26.063035800000002, -80.195460800000006] 1 2011-08-30 10:16:14 That was the worst experience of my life :x
[43.791445349999996, -79.237731120000007] 1 2011-08-30 10:17:04 @EddyLuo problems with my life getting to me ! Why are you up?!
[38.91574233, -77.278864600000006] 1 2011-08-30 10:27:24 Pills pills pills ugggghhh story of my life???????
[40.329295999999999, -78.397949999999994] 1 2011-08-30 10:56:10 Psalm 143:8 My life verse. Great expression of the long for and su
ender to God in the midst of lifes troubles.
[41.521729200000003, -88.132603399999994] 1 2011-08-30 10:58:40 "@_Heart
eak: I need ppl m my life!):"<< what's da matte
[45.111162999999998, -93.387803000000005] 1 2011-08-30 10:58:55 Starting the first day of the rest of my life :-) (@ Toyota Lift of Minnesota) http:
[37.351675030000003, -79.181225780000005] 1 2011-08-30 11:15:30 Time to close that chapter of my life.
[25.827656300000001, -80.204867399999998] 1 2011-08-30 11:24:58 RT @nikerules: Music makes my life that much better .
[30.527730999999999, -91.193957999999995] 1 2011-08-30 11:34:24 God thank you for a continues flow of blessings over my life
[39.963925500000002, -75.187941800000004] 1 2011-08-30 11:48:53 Every once in a while I realize I'm living my life.
[40.770269040000002, -73.986631000000003] 1 2011-08-30 11:57:16 First day of the next 6 years of my life. (@ John Jay College of Criminal Justice) http:
[41.860207099999997, -87.642836900000006] 1 2011-08-30 11:58:16 About to start what might be the longest day of my life.
[40.852637049999998, -73.410912569999994] 1 2011-08-30 11:59:23 First day of the rest of my life. day one at @MSGnyc.
[40.47130525, -79.927672000000001] 1 2011-08-30 12:01:12 Jus thinking bout sum things & sum of the people in my life & the ones I wanna make a part of my life to stay
[39.909327529999999, -86.127077299999996] 1 2011-08-30 12:07:09 My life is ah dxmn mess.
[33.958070030000002, -83.961488849999995] 1 2011-08-30 12:13:54 My life partner has GROUPIESS -_____-
[44.593240029999997, -75.162276050000003] 1 2011-08-30 12:14:26 What is going on in my life? #lostasusual
[40.089393800000003, -85.573829599999996] 1 2011-08-30 12:17:01 Dear @GLEEonFOX thanks for having songs that relate to my life. I love it! <3 Amanda
[40.796156940000003, -74.216139909999995] 1 2011-08-30 12:29:45 My life is Private , hate when people just tlk to me to be nosey & be in my business.. #JustSaying ..
[38.261968629999998, -84.534782030000002] 1 2011-08-30 12:35:52 With them and within a month I dnt even know that person anymore. How do things get the way they are. I've lost my life
[41.338162859999997, -86.44545608] 1 2011-08-30 12:38:06 Just heard the worst poem of my life but yet we're goin over it and reflecting on it #smh come on 9:45 !!!
[39.124783989999997, -84.852468130000005] 1 2011-08-30 12:51:36 @KCaroline7 amen, girl. Amen. Story of my life!
[34.780443099999999, -82.297599399999996] 1 2011-08-30 12:52:14 Bout to be the best weekend of my life
[35.976520000000001, -77.898099999999999] 1 2011-08-30 12:53:53 This is gonna be the longest 3 day week of my life.
[40.622055600000003, -80.570831900000002] 1 2011-08-30 13:12:09 I feel like my life is finally hitting a stage of normalcy
[39.404853899999999, -76.770166700000004] 1 2011-08-30 13:13:14 I am leaving for college today. Where did my life go? I still remember being in kindergarten just playing with blocks at stations. #solong
[29.846814800000001, -95.403448100000006] 1 2011-08-30 13:16:19 I have to much goin on n my life to start another wit u...
[32.627762099999998, -96.855097200000003] 6 2011-08-28 22:34:49 When I dance, I dance like its the last niqht of my life!
[41.807602160000002, -87.613519089999997] 6 2011-08-28 22:38:14 I be wishing my life was different sometimes
[30.916749469999999, -83.359310089999994] 6 2011-08-28 22:38:25 She's new...

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